Legacy of Secrecy (186 page)

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Authors: Lamar Waldron

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“Spring Hoffa” fund, 466, 469–470,

SCLC financial official, 550, 574, 579,

649–650; Jews and, 656; Jordan

502, 516, 623, 673

580, 605

and, 665; LAPD and, 679; LAPD

Stein, Charles, 540, 541, 561, 611

Scotland Yard, 592, 645

Ramparts station, 635; as lone

Stephens, Charles, 589, 596

Scott, Peter Dale, 106, 166, 238, 246,

assassin, 666, 686; Mafia-linked

St. Francis Hotel in Los Angeles,

385, 531, 706, 709

attorneys and, 665–666; Manley


Scott, Win, 87, 137, 214, 216, 217, 218,

Palmer Hall and, 661; meeting

Stockton, Bayard, 206–207

234, 451–452

with Crow, 662; money and, 656;

Stokes, Carl, 492, 509

Seach, George, 675

notebook of, 626, 652, 655, 656;

Stokes, Louis, 577–578, 585, 595–596,

Seagoville Prison, 755

Owen and, 661, 669; in Pantry of


Secret Service, 21, 33, 53, 618, 642,

Ambassador hotel, 631; in

Stone, Oliver,
(film), 598, 760, 765

770–771; black agents in the, 508;

Pasadena, 650, 659; portrayal as

Stoner, J. B., 491, 497, 500, 501, 503,

destruction of files and, 766, 770;

a communist, 662; portrayal as

510, 522, 529, 604, 617, 617–618,

the FBI and, 251; files of, 771;

Middle-Eastern terrorist, 649; pre-

690, 696, 697, 743

Intelligence Division, 507; JFK

assassination information and

Stover, John, 184, 186

assassination and, 72–79, 111–117,

surveillance, 650; purchase of gun, Stringer, John, 186

123, 148, 153, 157, 163, 168, 197,

652–653; racetracks and, 651–652,

Stroll, Erwin, 632

200, 228–229, 240, 244, 251, 253–

654; RFK assassination and, 626,

Student Nonviolent Coordinating

255, 259, 296, 309; Milteer and, 508,

652, 655, 657, 659, 660, 666, 686;

Committee, 488, 550

617; MLK assassination and, 500,

Shah of Iran and, 650, 660;

Sullivan, William, 278, 278–279, 621,

509; racial attitudes in, 508;

surveillance of, 650, 651; trial of,


reaction to JFK’s assassination, 199

638–639, 649, 666, 669, 680, 682–684 Summers, Anthony, 4–5, 32, 56, 83,

Seigenthaler, John, 285, 293

Sirica, John, 725, 737

110, 112, 116, 117, 119, 123, 156–157,

“Senstudy,” 736

Six-Day War, 447, 523

191, 221, 243, 256, 270–271, 273,

Serrano, Sandra, 633, 634, 642, 643,

Smith, Joe, 116

304, 616, 703, 705–706, 719, 723,

678, 679

Smith, Liz, 768

756, 757

“Service Club Scandal,” 703

Smith, Wayne, 99

Summers, Malcolm, 117, 118

Sforza, Anthony, 143, 207–210, 212,

SNFE (Second National Front of

Sutherland, John, 501, 502, 503, 510,

268, 452

Escambray), 28, 297

535, 538

Shackley, Ted, 37, 137–139, 143, 146–

Somersett, William, 77–78, 178, 230,

Swift, Wesley, 544–545, 546, 595

147, 205–212, 215, 268, 303, 326,

237, 240, 256–257, 389–391, 534,

Szulc, Tad, 19, 40, 158, 299, 318, 319,

523, 676, 692, 703, 720, 736, 738,

545, 729

322, 325, 358–359, 725, 726, 739

741, 745

Sorensen, Ted, 237, 555, 557, 558, 576

Shah of Iran, 650, 660

Sorrels, Forrest, 115


Sharaga, Paul, 634

Souetre, Jean, 33, 69–72, 108, 230–

Talbot, David, 152, 159, 208, 210, 296,

Shaw, Clay, 163, 373, 404–405, 428,

231, 257, 300.
See also
Mertz, Michel

399–400, 463, 745

461, 466, 516, 524, 616, 681, 687,


Talmadge, Eugene, 495

697, 698

Southern Christian Leadership

Talmadge, Herman, 495

Shaw, Gary, 70, 231, 737

Conference (SCLC), 508

Tampa, Florida, 5, 15, 57, 58, 60–61,

Shenker, Morris, 476, 502

Sovereignty Commission, 521

62, 68, 166, 226; assassination

Sheridan, Walter, 46, 150, 249, 250,

Soviet Union, the, 8, 25, 32, 42, 55,

attempts against JFK in, 38, 58, 62,

294, 400, 460–465, 469–470, 620

76–77, 83, 88–91, 95, 115, 119, 137,

73–81, 94–95, 100–101, 152, 163,

Shoffler, Carl, 716, 721

142, 145, 164, 166, 170, 196, 226,

180, 187, 193–195, 197–200, 209–



211, 229, 237, 249, 251, 256, 272,

324, 702, 703; Hoffa and, 406; Hong

James Earl Ray and, 646; secret war

618, 766; Cuban exile population

Kong and, 702; HSCA and, 744;

with Fidel Castro, 748; Soviet Union

in, 199; JFK motorcade in, 26, 159;

indictment in Miami, 749;

and, 270; undercover war with

JFK speech at the International

insurance swindle with

Cuba, 748; Vietnam War and, 554

Inn, 107; Mafia in, 266–267; police

Kleindeinst and Hauser, 730; JFK-

Unruh, Jesse, 634

department, 199, 574; race riots

Almeida coup plan and, 713; JFK

Urso, Lisa, 637, 640

and, 488

assassination and, 41–44, 49, 53–69, US Army, 28, 204.
See also

Tampa Tribune
, 197–198, 199, 237, 757

73, 75–76, 79–80, 88, 92, 98, 100,


Tarrants, Thomas, 545, 546

102, 107, 121, 137, 143–144, 154,

US Congress, 523–524, 555, 737–738,

TASS news agency (Soviet Union),

155, 158, 161–162, 168, 171, 175,

760, 766, 770.
See also
House Select


179–181, 188, 191, 198, 212–213,

Committee on Assassinations

Taylor, Maxwell, 8, 20, 22, 23, 24, 94,

216, 231, 234, 238, 239, 242–246,

(HSCA); 1959 Senate crime

151, 157, 165–166, 183, 242, 274–

249, 259, 265, 266–267, 267, 269,

hearings, 5; 1963 Senate hearings

275, 565

274, 295, 304, 310, 447–449, 451–

on narcotics, 71; Congressional

Teague, James, 114

452, 457–458, 461, 465, 467, 744,

investigations into (

Teamster Pension Fund, 458, 467, 702

746, 756–757, 770; Kennedys and,

assassination); the FBI and, 261;

Teamsters, 4, 6, 46, 59, 66, 93, 294,

756; killing of congressional

Hoover and, 261; investigation of

295, 458, 466–467, 623, 664, 668,

witnesses, 731; Mafia in Florida,

John Rosselli’s murder, 740;

702, 744

485; Marcello and, 267, 362–364,

investigations of the CIA and, 739;

Termine, Sam, 702

366–367, 374; Martino and, 260;

JFK assassinations Records Act of

Tet Offensive, 554, 555, 565

mentioned in HSCA final report,

1992, 515; October 15, 1963, Senate

Texarkana Federal Prison, 47, 50

746; MLK assassination and, 516,

hearings, 60, 61; Senate Church

Texas, 42–43, 44, 69, 77, 91.
See also

519–520, 530–531, 546, 574; Nixon,

Committee, 300, 550, 618; Senate

specific cities

Richard, 725; Oswald and, 91; Prio

crime hearings, 42; Senate

Texas oil men, 760

and, 742; Ragano and, 267; RFK

Intelligence Committee, 738;

Texas School Book Depository, 64,

assassination and, 625, 668, 687,

Senate Judiciary committee, 702;

78, 88–90, 103–122, 128, 192, 227,

697, 756–757; RICO racketeering

Senate Select Committee on

243–244, 278

charges, 749; role in 1960s

Intelligence, 732; Senate Watergate

Texas State Prison at Huntsville, 507

assassinations and, 701; Rosselli

Committee, 725; Special Unit

Texas Theater, 90, 121, 126–127

and, 728, 739; Ruby and, 104, 242–

Senator (SUS) program, 642, 643,

Thomas, Don, 121

243, 252; Singapore and, 702; South

645, 681

Thomas, Evan, 9, 27, 203, 284, 291,

Vietnam and, 702

US Customs, 258, 259, 448

292, 293–294, 375, 379, 447, 554,

Trafficante, Santos, Sr., 58

US Justice Department, 6, 7, 21, 52,

557, 600, 624, 627, 721

Tremblay, Jean Paul, 72

93, 101, 156, 250, 276, 476, 513, 515,

Thompson, Fred, 720

Trento, Joseph, 162, 448, 702, 703

531, 535, 568, 570–571, 575, 580–

Thompson, Josiah, 118, 123, 308, 353; Tripodi, Tom, 257, 258, 298, 448, 523,

581, 583, 585, 594, 596, 615, 691,

Six Seconds in Dallas
, 353


706, 735, 738, 746–748, 752; anti-

newspaper, 497, 501, 617

Tropicana hotel and casino, 49

Mafia team, 675; drug traffickers

Till, Emmett, 689

magazine, 717

and, 259; files of, 771; Justice

Tilson, Tom, 116

Trujillo, Rafael, 40

Department Task Force Review of

magaizine, 145, 164, 196, 278,

Truly, Roy, 120

1977, 476, 544, 578, 582, 590, 592;

475, 514, 583, 732, 734

Turner, Stansfield, 741, 742, 745

Marcello’s JFK confession and, 758;

Tippit, J. D., 105, 124, 125–126, 126–

Turner, William, 39, 68, 83, 95, 105,

memo and, 647; memo of 1968,

127, 128, 190, 585

124, 448, 463–464, 466, 469, 618,

513, 514, 515, 518, 519, 539;

Tolson, Clyde, 171, 218, 245, 356, 621

638–639, 644, 649–651, 661, 665,

Organized Crime Strike Force, 625;

Tomlinson, Darrell, 123

678–679, 698, 709, 727, 748

reports of, 693; secret Marcello

“Top Secret . . . briefing for Mr.

tapes, 759, 762

Robert Kennedy,” 9


US Marines, 140, 332, 464.
See also

Town and Country Motel, 51, 177,

Uecker, Karl, 631, 632, 634, 637, 638

Marine Intelligence (G-2)

469–470, 542, 749

Ultimate Sacrifice
, 13, 179, 215–216,

US Medical Center for Federal

Trafficante, Santo, 5–6, 11, 29–31, 34,

242, 281, 706, 741, 763, 766, 767–768

Prisoners (Springfield, MO), 750

485, 509, 702, 702–706, 713, 716,

unions, 494.
See also
specific unions

US Military, 195, 523, 746, 766, 770.

718, 727, 729, 733–735, 739, 742,

Union Station, Washington, DC., 647

See also
Cuban American US Army

757, 762–763, 766; amusement

United Auto Workers (UAW), 494,

specific branches

companies and, 593; assassination

495, 631

US Navy.
Naval Intelligence

of JFK and, 748; casino interests

United Nations (UN), 9, 10, 565, 745

U.S. News & World Report
, 161, 166

in the Bahamas, 703; Castro-

United States, the, 665, 765.
See also

US State Department, 161, 245, 282,

McGovern document and, 717;

specific branches of government and


charges brought against, 730; CIA-

specific departments and

US Supreme Court, 488, 489, 495

Mafia plots, 714, 734; confession of,

specific states
; covert

US Treasury Department, 31, 104,

65; death of, 757; drug trade and,

operations in Central America,


328; drug trafficking by, 702;

749; Cuba and, 3–11, 18–19, 22–24,

electronic surveillance of, 736;

64–65, 104, 175, 217, 219, 233, 238–


Ferrie and, 387–388, 391–392; fifth

239, 253, 260, 261, 268, 270,

Valachi, Joe, 42, 60, 70, 92

amendment and, 744; Fiorini and,

276–277, 765, 769, 770 (
see also
JFK- Vallee, Thomas, 74–75, 168, 199,

261–262; heroin trafficking and,

Almeida coup plan); manhunt for




Vance, Cyrus, 8, 9, 19–20, 22–23, 25,

241, 310, 314; Ruby and, 299;

Whitten, John, 140, 204–206, 208, 217,

94, 187–188, 286–287, 296–297, 565,

Souetre and, 300; suspicions about


624, 727, 743–746

Soviet involvement in JFK’s

Wiedrich, Robert, 639

Vanity Fair
magazine, 14, 39, 51, 95,

murder, 313; Szulc article about the Williams, Bonnie Rae, 111

107–108, 125, 156, 163, 167, 172,

Cuba Contingency Plans, 739;

Williams, Edward Bennett, 664, 720,

173, 195, 214, 278, 278–279, 304,

testimony to the, 119, 120


313, 709, 756

Warren Report, 73, 76, 90, 200, 313–

Williams, Harry, 11–28, 34, 39, 41,

Vanocur, Sander, 647

316, 321, 353–360, 369, 452, 455,

55–56, 59, 64, 80, 87, 93–96, 135, 147,

Varadero Beach, Cuba, 17, 35, 36

464–465, 470, 524, 533, 566, 567.

151, 153–165, 224, 227, 234–235,

Varona, Tony, 27–29, 34, 55, 63, 75,

Warren Commission

285–286, 298, 303, 325, 329, 361, 449,

94–96, 98, 102–103, 145, 147, 161,

Warren Report
(television special),

454–455, 487, 564, 621, 698, 709, 727,

204, 211, 246, 266, 267, 285, 298,


735, 766; the CIA and, 771; contact

451, 454, 717, 718, 735, 745, 766

Washington Post
, 16, 145, 153, 158,

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