MatingCall (2 page)

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Authors: BA Tortuga

BOOK: MatingCall
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Chapter Three





Steph tried to take a breath, to swallow past the sudden icy
ball of pain in her throat. Nothing like being told you were being replaced to
murder the afterglow. “I need up, boys.”

She pushed back against Shaw, the move letting Jordan’s cock
slip out of her body.

Shaw grunted, but Jordan helped her up, letting her go when
she flailed a little. His expression was sympathetic, which she just couldn’t

“I’m going to hit the head, get cleaned up. You two grab a
drink and put yourselves together and I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t look at either one of them, why would she? She
locked the door of her bedroom and yanked her clothes off, threw her sundress
in the garbage. It was covered in Shaw’s seed. She didn’t want to wear it

Asking her to work? Really? While Jordan was still inside

Fuck that.

Fuck this.

It only took seconds before she was in a blisteringly hot
shower, her nails scrubbing at her skin, making sure that she only smelled like
her. They were supposed to be friends, damn it. Good friends. Best friends.
Friends would never do what those boys had just done to her.

A little voice in the back of her head whispered,
friends, Steph. They’re wolves. They want to mate, you knew that.

“I know, but…”

That part of her—lots of her peers called it her spirit
guide, she chose to believe it was her family’s renowned good sense—sighed.
No buts. You wanted a good time. You got it. It’s over now.



She could give up one evening of hot sex and good fun a
month. No worries.

She could. Even if it felt as if she was losing a lot more.

The knock on the door made her realize she was crying, made
her jump near out of her skin. “Steph? Honey?”

Shaw. It was always Shaw.

“I’m in the shower. I’ll be out in a minute. Get the steaks
Go away.

She needed to put on her work clothes, some essence of
sandalwood and rose to keep her strong and her amber necklace for

“Sure. Okay.”

She could hear them, Jordan’s voice a low growl. That
usually made her shivery. Not today. Not anymore. They were looking for another
wolf, not her. She was just convenient.

Damn it.

She got another five minutes before Jordan was banging on
the door, his knock much more urgent. “Come on, lady. Come talk to us.”

“Are the steaks out?” She turned the water off, grabbed a
towel then opened her medicine cabinet to find her protective oils.


Which meant theirs were out and hers was still on for a few
more minutes. She didn’t like it as rare.

“I’ll be right there. Let me throw some clothes on.” She
needed panties, a bra. Jeans. A big sweatshirt.

“Well, come on.” He stomped off. She heard the floorboards

“Yeah, yeah.” She slipped out of the bathroom and found her
oldest jeans and her Jeep Naked t-shirt, then she tied her hair back, slipped
on the chakra necklace that Wendy had given her for Samhain last year and her
favorite, most comfy pair of Birks. Okay. Time for business.

She headed out into the kitchen and grabbed the salad out of
the fridge. “You boys get the steaks to the table. I’ll get my laptop to take
notes while we eat.”

They both turned to stare at her—Shaw looking hurt, Jordan
just looking resigned. He was the practical one, the one who always kept Shaw
anchored to the earth.

“You want beer?” She was drinking iced tea. She had the
feeling there’d be more than beer in her future, after she did her thing and
sent their asses home.

“Sure.” Shaw tried a grin. It fell flat.

“Good deal.” She grabbed two beers, took them and the salad
bowl to her tiny kitchen table. Then she went and grabbed her laptop, steak
knives, the ranch dressing and a glass of tea. “Thanks for cooking the steaks.
They smell great.”

She was never going to be able to eat a bite.

“They’re nice steaks.” Jordan sat, hands flat on the table.
“Shaw’s sorry he sprang that on you when he did, honey.”

“Yeah. It was awkward. So, you want to do this tonight?” She
popped her laptop open. How the hell did a girl research love spells for weres?
Diana would be a good goddess; she was the moon…wait, maybe Hekate…or Lupa.

“We don’t want to do it at all,” Jordan grumbled. “Alpha’s
talking banishment. Says we have to get settled or move on. Too many males in
the pack.”

“Well, do you have a girl in mind? Or do you just want to
ask that she show up, that you find her? Because I’m not magicking some poor
unsuspecting wolfy chick.” Her sympathy level was low.

“No, no, nothing that complicated. We just need to know
which way to look.” Shaw munched his steak, talking around the mouthful.

“Okay.” So, apples, honey, cinnamon. She’d use one of the
éclairs too, to represent creamy goodness. She could do this. She could. “Well,
it shouldn’t take too long. I’ll go clean up my space and get ready.”

Jordan grabbed her arm before she could escape. “You don’t
have to, Steph. I know it ain’t fair.”

“It’s what I do. It’s my job.” She shrugged, refusing to
look at the disappointment she felt about losing her boys. “Finish eating. I’ll
need you two to get it on. You probably should have not wasted good orgasms on

Their magic wasn’t hers, after all.

“Never a waste.” Shaw smiled at her, this time looking more
sad than hopeful.

She was so not letting him make her feel bad for him, no
matter how good his puppy-dog eyes were. Could green eyes be puppy-dog eyes?

“Finish your food. I need to get my space cleared, gather
supplies.” She left them her steak, grabbed an apple, honey, spices and one of
the éclairs for the offering.

Maybe she should put in a Milk-Bone.

Pyewacket snarled as she walked into the workroom and she
met those bright green eyes. “Yeah, I know. You told me. I should have
listened.” She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. It’s over now.”

It was funny, how you never knew that the last time was
really the last time so that you could focus and remember every second.

Maybe sad was a better word than funny.

She picked up her broom and started sweeping.

* * * * *

that went well.” Jordan glared at Shaw, who was such a fucking puppy. “You
couldn’t wait until after supper?”

“I’m sorry. It just popped out. I didn’t want to lie to
her.” Shaw’s eyes were huge, sad. Sorry.

“I know, baby. I’m not mad at you. I’m pissed at the whole

“Yeah.” Shaw sighed. “It’ll be cool, after, right? I mean,
she only has us here once a month, and she’ll find someone else and we’ll all
be happier?”

“Sure.” It came out as an unhappy growl and Jordan cleared
his throat. “Free her up to find a mate of her own.”

“Humans don’t do that. They just…get married.” Shaw’s nose
wrinkled. “They can get out of that.”

“We get out of long-term hook-ups with friends too. We’re
creepy that way. Are you two finished eating?” Steph’s whole body was covered
in a ceremonial red robe, hiding her, but Jordan could still smell her skin.

“Yeah.” The steak would keep. She wanted this over with and
he couldn’t blame her. They’d been royal assholes.

“Okay.” She looked out the window. “The sun’s going down.
Strip down and come in when you’re ready. There will be pillows in the middle
of the circle, just settle in. I’ll be waiting for you.”

They watched her go and Jordan turned to Shaw. “Can you do
this, baby?”

“I guess I have to.” Shaw took his fingers and Jordan was so
fucking proud of his boy and so fucking pissed at the pack. This was wrong, and
he hated more than anything that they’d hurt Steph. “As long as we’re together,
yeah? It has to be our mate that comes?”

“That’s the way it’s supposed to work, yeah?” They went in,
both of them settling on the big cushion.

The room made his nose twitch with the scent of incense and
Steph and something old. There was a plate with a bowl of honey, an apple, one
of the éclairs they’d brought her. A sharp, wicked-looking knife.

“I’m going to cast a circle. I want you to think about what
you want in a mate, okay? Focus on each other.”

Jordan nodded, but that was silly. He had Shaw. Always.
Forever. They needed a female. Someone like Steph, really. Someone strong, who
loved to fuck. Who could growl back and who loved the mountains and laughing
and had an amazing ass. Someone who could whack Shaw in the ass without getting
her head bitten off. She had to have long hair…

Shaw looked at him, smiled.

She needed to love babies and dogs and steak.


Shaw stared at him, nostrils flaring.

He heard Steph talking, her voice soft, sweet. “Hail to the
Watchtowers of the North…”

Mmm. Chocolate. Yeah. She had to like two guys together too.
He and Shaw were not going to not touch. It was a tough situation for a lot of
women, but Steph had always loved them together.

Shaw moved toward him as Steph called the East, the South.
The sun was gone, the room dark except the candles, the flash of light on
Steph’s blade.

He pulled Shaw up against his chest, kissing that well-loved
mouth. They had to do this. They would find someone to love, someone who wanted
them all the time, not just once a month. Someone who didn’t want their “own
space”, whatever the hell that meant.

“Take the apple and cut it, Jordan. Shaw, pour the honey
over the apple.” Her voice was soft, but somehow still ringing out, echoing in
his head.

He cut the apple and the sharpness, the sweetness, hit his
nose in a rush. When Shaw dribbled the honey over the fruit, his entire body
tightened, his muscles shaking. Fuck.

“Keep thinking now, about your mate. Call to her.” Steph
walked around them, her bare legs exposed when the bottom of the robe opened.
She had the prettiest calves. They were a little muscular for a girl, but
Jordan liked that. She could kick ass.

Shaw’s eyes were on her too, gaze sliding up as if he could
see more.

Horn dog. Jordan chuffed. They so needed someone who could
challenge them. Who could make macaroni and cheese.

Shaw nodded, moaned into his lips.

Someone who tasted like tangerines. Someone with sensitive
nipples and sure fingers that was hungry enough for two.

Shaw clung to him, kissing him, and Jordan reached down,
finding Shaw’s cock. He stroked the tip, feeling a few early drops of need there.

Steph was dancing around them, sort of, singing softly. He
could feel her magick, like a deep itch, the best sort of ache. She was so much
stronger than she thought. So much more talented. He loved the way she moved.

“Focus on what you want, boys. Call to her.”

Jordan tried, but all he could see was her and all he could
feel was Shaw. This was what he wanted. What he had right here and now. He
wanted Steph, his girl, with them. Making them laugh, making them both whole.
Happy. Damn it.

Shaw moaned softly, nodded. “Please, yes.” The words were
whispered against his lips.

He knew what Shaw meant. He knew exactly. God. The thought
of them keeping Steph for their own made him grunt, his balls going tight, his
cock almost aching.

Shaw crawled into his lap, wet-tipped cock rubbing his
stomach. “Yes.”

His cock slipped under Shaw’s balls, knowing exactly what it
wanted. Jordan lifted up, his hips rocking, his prick pressing against Shaw’s

Jordan heard Steph’s soft moan and smiled. He wanted her to
want them, need them.

He needed Shaw to take his cock. Shaw was open, ready.
Little slut, always ready for him. Jordan slid home in a single thrust, his
whole body shuddering.

“Mate!” Shaw’s happy cry filled the air, and Jordan fought
his howl with everything he was. He channeled the sound into making magic
instead, just like Steph had taught them. Then he moved faster. Stephanie
helped, he could feel her in every single second, in every ounce of the magick
surrounding them. She was building power, the air around them shimmering.

Jordan grunted, grabbing Shaw’s hips to slam his mate down
against him. They couldn’t make magick without her. She was their girl.

“Ours.” Shaw nodded, teeth on his jaw, his jaw, the sweet
submissive act making his gut tight. “Mate. Please.”

“What do you want, baby?” He knew what Shaw wanted. He could
feel it in the pulse of Shaw’s body around him, in the heavy heartbeat that
filled his palm where it held Shaw’s cock. Jordan wanted the same damn thing.

“For both of us to be yours,” Shaw said, and Jordan didn’t
have to ask who both of us were.

“Yeah. Fuck, yeah.” He could picture it so fucking clearly.
It was so good that his ass clenched, his balls full to bursting.

“Yes.” Shaw sounded so happy. “Mate! Touch me!”

“Oh fuck, baby.” He pulled on Shaw’s cock, slamming up into
that amazing, tight hole.

Steph’s fingers touched his lips—coating them with honey and
cinnamon—then touched Shaw’s. “Wish for her. Call to her.”

Jordan could scent her need. He wanted to reach for her, but
she was so far apart from them. Jordan wished as hard as he could.

Shaw howled softly, calling to her, to Steph. To him.

He bit down on Shaw’s skin, sucking hard, needing his mark
to show. He could see it—him and Shaw and Steph, together, tails tangled in
bed, their pups growing inside her. The thought made him buck, made his balls
draw up. He squeezed Shaw’s cock. All he needed was for Shaw to come.

Shaw’s sharp bark proved that he had it, that Shaw needed
too, so much.

“Come on, baby. We can call her.” He flicked the tip of Shaw’s
cock with his thumb. He knew it now, as he knew the moon would be full again.
Shaw met his gaze and howled as seed sprayed, splashed on his wrist.

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