Neptune's Ring (21 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“Amazing isn’t it?” she whispered in Levi’s

“Incredible,” Levi said. “I can’t believe no
one has purchased this place yet.”

“According to what Cat was telling Cass, it
has not been on the international market for very long, so we may
have a good chance at the purchase,” Vanessa said.

“Do you think this would be a good move for
us?” Levi asked.

“If we can afford it, yes, I do,” Vanessa

There was a small picnic table surrounded by
a wooden bench inside the widow’s peak and this was where Liz and
Cass set up lunch. Nat was still walking through the house taking
photographs with Carlos and had to be summoned to eat by Liz.

Nat had a smile plastered on her face when
she entered the widow’s peak. “So you think you can keep us under a
half million, Carlos?” she asked.

“I will guarantee it,” he said.

“Cat do you think you can get us a deal for
one and a half million,” Nat asked.

“That is pretty low ball, but all we can do
is make an offer,” Cat said. “Is that the tops you will go?” she

“For now yes, but Liz will call you tomorrow
after we have a chance to talk some things over as a group,” Nat
said as she sat down to eat.

“When we get done here, will you give us a
ride around the island before we go back to the mainland, Carlos?”
Liz asked.

“I would love to,” he said with a smile.
Carlos was anxious to get back to work on the resort and he hoped
that Cat could arrange the deal.

Levi climbed back down the stairs and was
walking from room to room taking pictures. When she reached the
master bedroom on the first floor she paused in the doorway. In the
far back corner Levi saw what appeared to be a light mist hanging
in the air. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood at
attention. Then she felt a cool breeze on her skin, as if someone
had just walked close to her, then suddenly, it was gone. She was
about to step back out of the bed room when she heard footsteps
behind her.

“Hey baby,” Vanessa said, as she hugged her
from behind.

Vanessa noticed the raised goose flesh on the
skin of Levi’s arms. “Are you glad to see me or just cold?” she

Levi welcomed the warmth of Vanessa’s body
pressed into hers.

“I think I just got a chill,” Levi said. “It
is always good to see you though,” she said, as she turned in
Vanessa’s arms for a kiss.

Levi thought momentarily about mentioning the
mist and the feeling she had just experienced to Vanessa, but
decided it was probably just her imagination and a draft in a long
closed up house. Standing there in Vanessa’s embrace she felt the
chill and apprehension leave her body and become a memory.

“I think we are just about done on the
island,” Vanessa said, as she took Levi’s hand and led her out to
the front porch.

They looked out across the porch and admired
the view while they waited on the rest of the group to make their
way down stairs.

Cat turned off all the lights and locked the
front door behind them. “Ready ladies?” she asked.

Carlos led them back down the small path and
they climbed on board the boat. They circled the island slowly,
taking pictures and remarking at how bright and sparkling the water
was. The reef system was amazing and Vanessa could not wait to have
an opportunity to dive them. Her arm tightened around Levi’s

“It is so beautiful here,” she said to Levi,
who was staring back up at the house as they passed slowly by. “Are
you ok baby?” Vanessa asked.

“Yes, I am fine Vanessa,” Levi answered. “I
am just getting another view of the house.”

Levi felt the chill return as she gazed at
the house. Vanessa held her close, chasing away the chill and
replacing it with the comfort of her embrace.

When they returned to the mainland, Carlos
and Cat gave them a tour of the small town. There were several
grocery stores and a large open air market where farmers brought
their crops in for sale. There was also a small motel and a bank
amongst the other businesses in the area. Several of the sidewalks
leading to the market were graced with hand made goods, blankets,
shawls and other local items of interest that tourists would enjoy

Satisfied that they had a good feel for the
town and its surrounding infrastructure, they made their way back
to the airport. Cat walked them back inside the terminal and handed
them each a business card.

“I look forward to hearing from you,” she
said. After a smile to Cass, Cat turned and walked out into the
fading sunlight.

Cass watched Cat walk away as the rest of the
group watched her with smiles. When she turned back toward them she
blushed when she saw they were watching her.

“Are we ready to head home?” Liz asked.

“I think we have gotten enough information
here,” Nat said, as she led them through the terminal out to the
private charter area, where their pilot was waiting for them.

“Welcome back ladies,” he said. “I trust you
had a fruitful trip.”

“Yes, we have, thank you,” Liz said, as he
lowered the steps and they climbed aboard the jet.

Levi watched the island disappear from view
and then rested her head on Vanessa’s shoulder. She hadn’t realized
that she had fallen asleep until the landing gear made contact at
Venus Rising and she startled awake.

“I fell asleep on you didn’t I?” she asked

“Yes, you did, but that is fine,” she
answered. “I think we are planning to regroup in the office to talk
about a deal and then we can have the remainder of the evening to

“How about room service and a nice hot bath
together,” Levi suggested.

“Sounds like a perfect way to end a great
day,” Vanessa said.


It took them only an hour and a half to come
to terms on an offer. They agreed that Liz would call Cat the next
day and make an offer of one point five million dollars to Van
Buren’s widow. They had agreed that they would go as high as one
and three quarters if need be, Cass pitching in another quarter of
a million to allow the remaining five hundred thousand for
construction costs. The group agreed to meet again the following
afternoon before Levi returned to work for lunch and to make some
tentative plans if the offer was accepted. Once this was arranged,
Levi, Vanessa and Cass left for their rooms.

When they reached the bungalow, Vanessa took
out her cell phone and said, “I need to call Killian to let her
know we have returned and to make sure everything went as planned

“Do you know what you would like for dinner?”
Levi asked.

“Something meaty,” Vanessa said with a

“Alright then, while you talk to Killian I
will order us some dinner,” Levi said.

Levi ordered the dinner to be served in the
room and went to the bathroom in search of bubble bath. She opened
a small drawer underneath the sink and found what she was searching
for, a bottle of mulberry bubbles. She took the bottle out and
placed it on the edge of the large garden tub along with several
candles from the bedroom, while Vanessa talked with Killian.

All set in the bathroom, Levi joined Vanessa
on the love seat where they relaxed until their dinner arrived.
They feasted on steaks, salads and baked potatoes while they shared
a bottle of wine. When the dinner was complete, Levi placed the
food cart outside the door for pick up. She then poured each of
them a glass of the wine and took Vanessa’s hand, leading her into
the bathroom.

Levi started the bath and poured in the
bubbles as Vanessa placed their wine glasses near the edge of the
tub and they undressed. Levi carefully removed her brace and then
stepped into the warm water, sitting across from Vanessa.

Vanessa handed her a wine glass and said,
“Here’s to a great day and to the beginning of an amazing new
adventure. Cheers.”

“Cheers,” Levi said and took a sip of the
wine. “So my dear Captain,” Levi said. “How do you feel about me
living out on the island alone for a couple of months?”

“The bigger question is do you feel
comfortable with it?” Vanessa said.

“It may get rather lonely at night, but it
seems to be a necessary sacrifice to insure the project remains on
schedule,” Levi said.

“Well if the offer goes through you better
plan on seeing me every other week when we return to Venus,”
Vanessa said. “I will leave Killian in charge and fly over to be
with you, as soon as I can.”

“That will make the offer much more
appealing,” Levi said with a smile.

“Who knows, I may even take a week’s

Levi’s face really lit up when Vanessa
suggested a vacation. “I would really love that idea.”

“I think we have an open week coming up in
the next few months, so we will make it happen,” Vanessa

Levi’s hands stroked up Vanessa’s long legs
as they talked, “I would love to make love to you overlooking the
ocean on that front porch.”

“Oh really now,” Vanessa said. “Tell me

“Uh hmmm,” Levi said. “Make us a soft pallet
on the deck and feel the cool ocean breeze on your hot naked skin
as my tongue leaves a trail of desire burning down your body.”

“Oh yes, please continue,” Vanessa

“Listen to your moans as they are carried
across the waves on the breeze, as my fingers dance across your

“May I have a preview tonight?” Vanessa
purred, her eyes dark with desire.

“I am sure we can arrange that,” Levi said,
as she lifted Vanessa’s foot and nibbled the tips of her toes.

Levi kissed her way up Vanessa’s body as her
eyes watched Vanessa’s for her reaction. Her eyes sparkled with
delight as Levi’s hands moved up her body to find hard nipples
aching for her touch. Levi scooted her body between Vanessa’s legs
as her hands caressed the soft bubbles into Vanessa’s skin. Vanessa
rested her head back against the edge of tub and closed her eyes as
her arousal grew with each new touch from Levi.

Levi’s right hand disappeared under the water
and moved down between Vanessa’s thighs. Her thumb moved up and
down Vanessa’s lips as her left hand teased Vanessa’s nipples. She
moaned softly each time Levi’s thumb made contact with her swollen
clit and though her body ached for more she patiently submitted to
Levi’s attentions.

Levi opened the drain of the tub and rinsed
their bodies of bubbles before she led Vanessa into the bedroom.
Her body was still flushed from the warm bath as Levi laid her onto
her back and gently covered her body with slow kisses and soft

Levi and Vanessa made love deep into the
evening and then fell asleep wrapped in one another’s arms.

Simone had awoken early and had untangled her
body from Del and Petra’s arms and legs. She had packed her bags
the previous night and just needed a shower before dressing to
leave for the airport. She looked back at Petra and Del still
tangled in the bed linens and she could not hold back a smile. They
had made a terrific pair of lover’s, but Simone still longed for
the comfort of Levi’s arms. With a soft sigh, she entered the
bathroom for a hot shower. She would leave the island this morning
and she hoped putting some distance between she and Levi would help
the aching desire fade away.

Simone showered and dressed without
disturbing the two women sleeping in her bed. She wrote a quick
note to them thanking them for a great time and quietly slipped out
of the penthouse. Simone thought briefly of stopping by to say
goodbye to Liz and Nat then decided against the idea. Better to
leave now versus chancing more harsh words being exchanged, she
thought. Maybe some time and distance would help heal the wounds
she had inflicted on Nat too, she hoped as she carried her bags
down to meet the taxi. Only time will tell, she thought as she
turned to look back at Levi’s bungalow as the driver stored her
bags. “I will be back,” she softly whispered but her words were
lost on the breeze.

Levi woke to the sound of a whisper, but she
could not make out the words or the identity of the speaker. She
looked at the clock and saw it was way too early to be awake on a
Sunday morning and slipped back into Vanessa’s arms and went back
to sleep. When she woke next, the morning the sun had already risen
and a beautiful Sunday morning had begun. Levi turned in Vanessa’s
arms and lightly kissed her.

“Good morning sweetheart.”

“Morning baby,” Vanessa answered. “What time
is it?”

“Almost nine,” Levi said.

Vanessa chuckled. “We slept late didn’t

“Yes, but wasn’t it nice for a change?”

“Very much so, but I have work to do today,”
Vanessa said as she stretched and left the bed.

“I guess we will all need to stay busy while
we await an answer from Cat on our offer,” Levi said. “I know Liz
will have her hands full with Nat until we hear something,” she
said with a chuckle.

“Would you like to join me for a shower and
some breakfast?” Vanessa asked.

“I was hoping you would ask,” Levi said with
a sly grin.

They showered, dressed and were nearly
finished breakfast when NeNe and Killian walked in to the dining

“Good morning ladies,” Killian said. “Mind if
we join you?”

“Please do,” Levi said.

“So how was the trip?” NeNe asked.

“The island is amazing,” Levi said with an
excited smile. “You would die for that sounds system set up.”

“Oh really,” NeNe said.

“Really,” Levi answered. “The place is going
to make one awesome club.”

“When do you think you will know something
about the deal?” NeNe asked.

“Who knows, Liz was going to call Cat to make
an official offer first thing this morning,” Vanessa said. “For
now, it is just a waiting game.”

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