New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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They each take a turn talking to me. A huge smile spreads across my face. They are going to be strong like me and Zander. I look at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He gave me the best thing in life. I pull him close enough for our lips to touch.


“Thank you.”


I tighten my hold on him and show him exactly how thankful I am. I pour every ounce of feeling into the kiss.


Y’all are squishing us in here.


They all speak at once to us and we laugh.


Sorry my loves.


I hear Zander speaking to them.


“How can they talk to us through the link? Aren’t they too young for that?”


He move me to his side, as we walk towards the dinner in the truck stop.


“They are all hybrids like you. They will be able to do things no other baby can do. They are connected to us through their own special bond with us.”


I take a moment to process the information Zander has giving me.


“They are special. Which means everyone is going to want to get their hands on them. We will have to protect them with everything.”


He is staring at me like I said the wrong thing.


“What was the dream you had that caused our son to try soothing you?”


I explain the dream to him.


“That S.O.B.!”


My head snaps in his direction at his outburst.


“What is going on Zander?”


He puts his face in the crook of my neck, and inhales my scent.


“He wants to take you and the babies away from me for what my family did years ago. My great grandfather ordered his daughter to be killed for kidnapping and torturing humans. He has yet to get over it, even though he had my uncle killed for a similar crime.”


My anger rises at the thought of that jerk, or anyone for that matter, wanting to use my babies as payback. He is going to suffer.


Don’t be upset mommy. We will protect you and daddy, as y’all will us. Yeah!


I start to tear up listening to my babies. They are perfect angels, and I will see they stay that way for as long as I can. I decide to change the subject so I don’t stress and make the babies worry.


“I guess we need to start naming the babies. So that way we can put names with voices, and they can learn their names.”


I notice we made it into the dinner and Zander is pulling out a chair for me. Dustin, Rage, Alek, and Gabriel looking at us funny.


“The babies can talk with me and Elisabeth.”


They all display shocked expressions but say nothing. A waitress walks up and is eyeing all the guys. She looks like a plastic doll come to life. She is 5’6 with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She is well endowed and showing them off. She is a succubus and in heat.


Dustin’s body tenses, and he looks in the direction of the waitress. I witness the heated exchange between the two. He looks at Zander for something. Zander nods. I’m confused at the exchange. She takes our order before walking away. I don’t catch her name, but she returns a few moments later.


She places her hand on Dustin’s shoulder, and he leaves the table with her. I think about the scene, and realize Dustin and the waitress were going have bathroom or storage room sex. She is in heat and Dustin is going fill her with his seed. Yuck! I scrunch my face at the realization. Everyone at the table burst out laughing.


“It’s ok love. It’s what he was designed to do.”


About 20 minutes later, Dustin returns. The waitress walks to the counter and grabs our food before making her way back to us.


“I hope you washed your hands before you touched my food.”


I look at her and she blushes slightly.


“Yes ma’am. I did.”


I wait a moment before answering.


“Good. I’d hate to have to kill you if you didn’t.”


She scurries away at my threat.


“Sorry, but I don’t want any of Dustin’s baby juice on my food.”


Everyone burst out laughing as soon as the waitress is out of sight. We eat in silence. It is comfortable to not feel compelled to fill the silence. I notice Zander smiling out of the corner of my eye. I turn to him with a questioning look.


“The babies were just telling me that you are special to them and they don’t want me doing anything to hurt you.”




He is conversing with our babies. I’m thinking he found a stray thought in my head and was laughing at that. I’m glad the babies can talk with Zander and I. It is comforting to know they can let me know if something is wrong. At the thought, I feel 4 body parts rub against the inside of my stomach.




Yes baby?


Can you talk to us until we fall asleep? We are tired and it helps when we can hear your voice.


I feel tears in my eyes at the request.


Yes my babies. Anything for y’all.


I decide to sing through the mind link. I sing every nursery rhyme I can think of. When I’m finished I don’t hear anything and figure they fell asleep. I go back to eating. Zander looks at me and smiles.


“You were singing to them. They let me hear until they fell asleep. You were looking at your stomach and rubbing it the whole time.”


I blush at the thought of Zander hearing me sing my babies to sleep. I feel a hand under my chin, causing me to look to my right. Zander pulls me close and kisses me lightly a few times. I look at him questioningly.


“That was for being so perfect.”


I smile and finish my food. Zander pays and we walk outside with me tucked close to Zander and the others surrounding us. I get into the car with Zander’s help. He shuts the door and walks around to the driver side and gets in. He starts the car and grabs my hand, squeezing it slightly.


“I love you!”


I smile at him.


“I love you too.”


His face lights up as the words leave my mouth. He turns back to driving. We back out of the parking spot and are on our way again. The ride is peaceful.


“What do you think about Wrath?”


His face smiles.


“I like it. What do you think about Sonia?”


I smile back.


“That’s pretty. What about Donovan?”


He appears to think about it for a moment.


“It’s ok. How about Savana?”


It is a cute name but I do him like he did me.


“It’s ok.”


He smiles.


“Then it’s settled. Donovan, Sonia, Savana, and Wrath. I think they will like them. Now for middle names. How about Donovan Lysander?”


“I like that. What about Savana Bell?”


“It’s different. I think I like it. How about Wrath Dane?”


I think about it for a moment.


“It sounds like a strong name. What about Sonia Abigail?”


He thinks on the name.


“That’s a good one. We are going to have to start calling them by their names now. So who is who?”


“The first little boy I heard is going to be Wrath Dane. He had a strong commanding voice and seemed like a leader. The second is going to be Donovan Lysander. He sounded a little shyer and soft spoken but seemed to have a power with him. Savana Bell is going to be the little girl who is outspoken and feisty. And Sonia Abigail is going to be the other little girl. She gave off the appearance that she knows more than she lets on.”


He watches me while I name off the children.


“Your one amazing woman Elisabeth.”


I lean over the center and lay my head on Zander’s shoulder. He kisses the top of my head, which makes me relax. His smell is intoxicating. I’m becoming very aroused by him. I feel something stir inside me. Then it pops.


I feel my body completely change. The quizzical part is it has nothing to do with the pregnancy.


You’re becoming stronger mommy.


I think about what Wrath is telling me.


How do you know that baby?


You’re changing and so are we. We are all becoming stronger hybrids.


I think about what the Elders told me years ago. That I will not come into all my powers and abilities until I have my first heat. I think about everything that feels different about me. The pregnancy makes me tired and swollen everywhere. The change Zander is referring to is making me stronger, faster, and I feel as if I’m going to get every ability but it was going to be more powerful than everyone’s. Except my babies.


I close my eyes and relax as I breathe in Zanders smell.  It has a very nice and calming effect on me. I open my eyes and watch as we pass tree line after tree line. My eyes finally get heavy enough they start to close. I start to think about our future together. I think of happy things until I think of nothing. It takes a while but sleep finally claims me and I don’t dream.


I hear voices to my left. One belongs to Zander, and sounds close. The other is a female that sounds like Alek. She sounds far away. I open my eyes and turn my head to the left to see Zander talking on the phone, and he doesn’t sound happy. They are discussing a vehicle that has been following us for the past hour.


Mommy. Something is wrong with daddy. He’s upset. We can feel it.


They take turns talking and it has me worried they are all reading Zander’s mind. I look at him and decide to solve that issue. I hit Zander’s arm, which causes him to look at me.


“You need to learn to not project your feelings. The babies are worried something is wrong. You and Alek need to hang up right now and you need to apologize to them!”


I’m upset. They are stressing my babies out. They don’t deserve that. The same thing goes for everyone, not just them. When Zander doesn’t get off the phone I punch him in his arm.


“Ugh! What the hell was that for?”


When he turns his head towards me. I use my left hand to take the cell phone from him while I roll my window down with my right. I throw the phone out the window with enough force, it hits a tree and brakes into a million pieces.


“You did not listen! You are stressing our babies out! Which in turn is stressing me out! So, either you apologize or you can pull over and let me out right here! You’re so selfish! Even at the expense of our babies! You know what?! Screw this! Pull over!”


He does as I demand. I open the door and run as fast as my new found strength will take me. I don’t stop. Before I know it, I’m back in Louisiana.


Good thing I had my bag of money by my feet and was able to grab it on my way out the car. I hear something behind me. Someone is running towards me. I prepare for a fight. Then Zander appears.


“What do you think you’re doing?”


I look him straight in the eyes with a serious look on my face.


“Getting as far away from you as I can! I’m sick and tired of your act! You pretend to care but you showed your true colors back there!”


He keeps a blank expression.

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