New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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Zander stays in the kitchen and doesn't try to follow. It hurts knowing I’m not going to be sharing a room or sleeping in the same bed as him. I keep my head high. I refuse to let anyone see I’m hurt. I bet the female I saw in my vision is going to be sleeping with him.


Ugh! I need to stop thinking like that. The babies might read my thoughts and get upset. Focusing on my bath and much needed sleep. I feel like I could sleep for the next 10 years and it won't be enough. Oh my Lotus! I run back into the kitchen. Zander is still sitting at the counter where I left him.


"Where's my car?"


He looks at me like I shook him from his thoughts.


"They are bringing it."




Turning around to go to my room, I hear Zander get up and follow me. I walk up the stairs and go to my room on the second floor. I open one of the double doors and walk into my room. I push the door closed as I walk further into the room. The door doesn't close so I turn around to see why. Zander is standing in the doorway with a questioning look.




"Why are you and your things in here? You’re supposed to be in our room. Sleeping in our bed."


He has got to be kidding me.


"This is where Zack brought me. You even said he was showing me to my room."


He walks into my closet and grabs some clothes and my bag. He walks out of the room and back to the stairs. I walk out and follow him up the stairs to his bedroom on the third floor. I don't think I'm going to sleep with him after everything else that has happened.


I think it's time to give him the cold shoulder. I will sleep on one of the chaise loungers. They look comfortable enough. Zander throws the clothes on the bottom of the bed as we walk through the door. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I walk into the bathroom for my shower.


Zander sits on the bed and turns on a TV. The TV is inside a hidden panel next to the chaise and couch. That must have just been Zander flaunting how much money he has. I turn on the water and get undressed.


I look at myself in the mirror for a few moments. My stomach is growing at an alarming rate and my skin has a glow to it. Rubbing my stomach, I study my reflection in the mirror. It brings a smile to my face. I turn away from the mirror and climb into the shower.


The water is hot and relaxing. I stay in the shower until my muscles are totally relaxed. I wash my body and hair in few minutes. I turn off the water and wrap myself in a fluffy black towel. I dry and brush my hair. I get dressed and throw my hair in a messy bun.


I walk out the bathroom and steam follows me out. Walking across the room, I realize the lights are off. I decide since he left the room I will sleep on the bed and he can sleep on one of the loungers.


I climb into bed under the covers and snuggle into Zander’s scent. Something is off. Zander’s smell is mixed with something else. I sit up in a rush, but I’m slammed back against the bed.


“You smell better than I remember.”


I recognize the voice as Alek-Xander. He is the Elder of the Hunters. He’s about 6’, Black hair, brown eyes, and muscular. He is wearing a black muscle shirt and jeans. I inhale to scream as he places his hand on my mouth.


“Don’t want you letting the werewolf know I’m here. I have a message for you. Samuel says you will be his soon. I got on the pack grounds without being detected. What’s to stop him?”


I’m scared but refuse to let him know it.


“He will kill your bond and take you and your babies.”


In the blink of an eye he is gone. I scream. I hear Zander running down the hall. The door burst open and I see a very angry Zander.


“He’s gone. Alek-Xander was here. He was sent to give me a message from Samuel. He said he’s going to be coming to get me and the babies soon. He also said he’s going to kill you.”


Zander walks across the room. He closes and locks the window, before he walks to me and wraps his arms around me. I’m engulfed in his smell. It relaxes me and calms my nerves. It doesn’t take me long to fall asleep in Zander’s arms.


The next month passes in a blur. There is several get together’s. Zander also announces me as alpha female, Luna, of Shadow pack. I want to wait but Zander has to have everything his way. No compromising with me. He is so selfish. He takes no one’s feeling into consideration, or maybe it’s just mine.


I think that’s what it is. I just think it’s the wrong time for him to announce me as Luna. I go to the doctor again. The babies haven’t grown a lot lately. Sonny thinks I will go into labor in the next month to month and a half.


The babies are so smart. They are always talking to me. I’m ready for them to be here so I can put names and faces together. I might be able to get some sleep then, somewhat.


They will talk to me, Zander, and each other until I sing them to sleep at night. Zander tends to wake them up when he comes in the room or leaves. The mood changes wake them up.


Oh! We found out that they can’t hear any sexual thoughts. Zander uses that to the fullest. I, on the other hand, am not as anxious. We haven’t heard anything from Samuel or Alek-Xander since the night of my visit.


Zander doubled patrols since that night. I think it’s a useless waste of assets. If they want in there is nothing the pack will be able to do to stop them. I think they are biding their time until the babies are close to being born or right after they are born.


I tell Zander about my assumptions but he refuses to listen to me. I tell Zack and Sonny about it and they are taking it very seriously. They are taking care to watch me closer when Zander isn’t around. Zack and Sonny are being forced to spend time together, since they are always with me.


Sonny is around because we call her several times for me falling with my clumsy self. I tell Zander I’m alright, but he insist on calling her. Zack is still stuck with babysitting me. Zander doesn’t trust anyone else with me. It’s kind of sweet, but also a pain at the same time.


I don’t like how he expects someone to put their life on hold just to babysit me. It’s not Zack’s responsibility. It’s Zander’s. I think it’s time that I make Zander understand that. He reminds me of a child when it comes to anything dealing with me lately.


I understand he has alpha duties to tend to, but he also has to understand I never been a part of a pack and he expects me to just be thrown into it. He doesn’t realize he is forcing me to adapt to pack life alone. I wish I could get him to understand how I feel.


The only time he listens to me is when I can’t take anymore and blow up on him. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Zack standing in the doorway to the living room.


“Alpha is requesting you in his office.”


My blood starts to boil and my anger rises.


“You can tell the almighty Alpha to go fuck himself. If he needs to speak with me, then he can find me himself.”


I turn back to watching T.V. A pang of guilt goes through me at talking to Zack that way. He didn’t do anything wrong. After a few minutes of my internal debate, I decide to apologize to him.


Before I can get off the couch, I hear some very angry footsteps coming towards me. I know they belong to Zander. He is mad that I didn’t do as he wanted. Well he needs to learn that I’m not his pet, prisoner, or anything other than his bond. And if he wants me to stick around, he better start treating me like his equal.


“I requested you to come to my office. We have things to discuss.”


I can hear the aggression in his tone. It’s time to show him he’s not my boss.


“And I denied your request. You can be upset about it, but could you please do it somewhere else. You’re huffing, puffing, and growling behind my back is really starting to get on my last nerve.”


My anger is reaching an all-time high. I hear footsteps behind me, moving closer.


Before I stop him, Zander wraps his arms around me and lifts me over the back of the couch. He places me on my feet and spins me around to face him. His eyes are glowing, and normally this would have turned me on but it pisses me off even more instead. He has a tight grip on my upper arms.


“Now listen to me…”


That is all he gets out his mouth before I punch him hard enough in his stomach to knock him down. I jump on top of his chest, drawing my fist back to hit him again. I whisper in his ear.


“Now! What were you going to say? And here’s a warning for you before you say another word. Watch how you speak to me from now on.”


I take in the shocked expression on his face as I speak. It doesn’t take long before his face becomes blank and he tries getting out from under me. He is upset that not only did he get put on his back by a female, but by his very pregnant bond at that. He obviously doesn’t think I’m capable of doing it.




A very evil laugh leaves my parted lips at his outburst.


“Oh! Don’t like being bossed around and manhandled, huh? Well! Neither do I. Either you start treating me like your equal or so help me I will walk out that door. Leaving you to wonder.”


I have had enough. I have enough stress to deal with, without adding him to the equation. I hold him down a little while longer. He keeps thrashing and growling. When he doesn’t answer me, I know what I have to do.




I holler. He can’t disobey an order given by me or Zander. Nor can Zander’s order override mine.


“Yes Luna?”


I look up into his Icy eyes. I want to make sure he gets the full effect.


“Zander is to not follow me. He chooses power over his bond. You are to lock him into a cell until I have gone. Do you understand?”


The look on his face says it all.


“I understand.”


He isn’t use to me giving him orders. I mind link Sonny to let her know what’s going on.


I’m going with you.
I’m your doctor and this way I can keep a close eye on you and those pups.


We both know the real reason she is leaving with me, but there is no need to bring up the heartbreak I helped her through.


Meet me out front in 10 minutes.


I sever the link before she can reply. Zack has retrieved the special cuffs for Zander while I was conversing with Sonny. He starts walking towards us with the cuffs.


I roll Zander over and pull his arms behind his back before he can try getting up. Zack puts the cuffs on Zander and picks him up in one swift motion. Zander is trying to fight Zack off, but to no avail. Zack takes Zander to the cells in the basement as I run upstairs to grab my bag full of cash.


I run out the front door and to the gate. I knew this day would come sooner or later. So, I had a car full of clothes and supplies waiting in a storage unit not far away. No one knew about the unit except Sonny.


We meet up at the storage unit. She knows when I told her the front gate I meant here. That way Zander won't be able to mind link anyone to stop either of us if we are waiting on the other.


I open the unit and we get into the SUV in silence. I have a few homes throughout the states I had purchased under anonymous names over the years. Just in case I needed to hide.


The only question now is which one to hide in. No one knows about them. The SUV is loaded with everything we will need, except food. We have to purchase several items Sonny will need for the babies.


As soon as we back the SUV out of the storage unit, it starts to rain. Only in south Louisiana will it pour down raining while the sun is shining. I turn on the windshield wipers, take a left, and drive down the road furthest away from Zander and the pack.

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