Read New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) Online
Authors: Katie Breaux
The men stop to strip me with their eyes, and the women stop to ogle Zander. A growl vibrates up my chest. I don’t appreciate other women staring at what is mine. I look to my right and see Zander staring daggers at the men. I laugh to myself. At least I’m not the only jealous one.
We walk into the office and got a cab to bring us the rest of the way. Zander doesn’t want me walking the rest of the way. I’m not tired, but I understand why. We are about another hour, by car, from his house. I feel weary as soon as I sit down in the cab. Zander gets in and I lean over and fall asleep with my head in his lap.
I wake up to Zander talking.
“We are almost there love.”
I just nod, not wanting to snap at him for waking me up. I slowly sit up and look around. There is a couple of cafe’s, bars, and stores but nothing I recognize. It is probably the packs personal town inside the city. It is normal for the area a pack lived in.
I watch as a Victorian style mansion with a huge yard comes into view. There are several small houses spread throughout the yard. They appear to be smaller versions of the mansion. Not sure who those are for but they are nice and appear to be lived in. It looks like a gated community. There is even a guard shack at the front gate.
As we pull up at the gate a huge black male exits the guard shack. He is a were and doesn’t appear to be a very nice person. Zander leans over and the guard recognizes him. The guard opens the gate and waves us through. There is a gathering in front of the mansion. They seem excited for their alpha to be home.
It has been almost 2 weeks since they last seen him. I guess his beta has run things while he was gone. I hope nothing happened while he was gone.
“Zack is my beta and he will show you to your room. I have to make sure everything went smoothly while I was gone.”
The thought of him leaving me has my emotions on edge. I see plenty of beautiful females in the crowd. I have to fight to suppress my growl. They are basically looking like groupies just waiting for rock star Zander to step out so they can catch a glimpse of him to drool over later.
Wait! Aren’t we sharing a room? I’m going to ask but we stop and a large were with blonde hair and icy eyes opens the door. He talks to Zander for a brief moment before he exits the cab. Zander blocks the door after he leaves the cab.
I slid across the seat to his side and look up at him. He is scanning the area before he will let me out. It is actually sweet. He steps away from the door. As I put my legs out the door and place my feet on the ground, he squats down in front of me.
“The guy behind me is Zack. He is going to be your personal body guard until further notice. He is going to bring you to your room to shower and change. After, he is going to bring you to the pack doctor to check on you and the pups. I should be finished by the time you get back. There is clothes in your closet. I’ll see you when you're done.”
He kisses my forehead, gets up, and leaves without allowing me to say anything. Zack stuck his hand out and helps me out of the cab. His expression is blank, but disgust flashes in his eyes. We walk through the crowd and into the mansion. It is huge. Zack has my bag and is rushing me to my room. We stop in front of a set of double doors on the second floor.
“You have 20 minutes to get ready.”
The doors open and Zack shoves me in the room. He closes the door before I can turn around and say anything.
I hear a husky giggle outside the doors. I walk to the right, into the closet. I throw my bag into the back of the closet. I grab a pair of black and white board shorts and a black tank top.
I walk across the bedroom to the bathroom. I’m in too much of a rush to take in more than a rough layout of my surroundings. I hit the light switch and my eyes are assaulted by the bright light.
I rush to the shower and turn on the water. It takes me 2 minutes to get undressed. The water is warm when I step into the shower. I let the warm water run over my weary body. Just as I start to relax, there is a banging on my bedroom door.
“5 minutes!”
I growl at Zack.
He is getting on my last nerve. His rudeness is not going to cut it. I’m going to have to set him straight. I turn off the water and dry off. I slip on my flip flops and walk out the bathroom.
I throw open the bedroom door with almost enough force to pull it off the hinges. Zack is standing by the door laughing. Oh yeah! Definitely going to get payback.
We walk out the mansion and I notice the crowd is gone. The walk to the pack doctor takes about 10 minutes. People wave to me during the whole trip. I use the walk to plan my payback.
We walk into a white building that smells like bleach and cleaners. The smell is strong and burns my nose. A bell sounds as we walk through the door.
A female about 5’2, thin, white blonde hair, and green eyes approaches. She is wearing a blue dress, white lab coat, and black flats. She has a smile on her face that makes me feel warm and welcome.
“I’m Sonny, the pack doctor. You must be Elisabeth. I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
Her excitement is genuine, and she is trying hard to tone it down. I appreciate it.
“Yes, but call me Lizzy.”
I stick my hand out for her to shake it, but she surprises me when she pulls me into a hug. It is actually a very comforting feeling. I think we are going to be very good friends. I smile at her when she pulls away.
“Follow me please.”
We walk down a narrow hallway, and pass 2 doors on the right. Sonny walks through the first door on the left. There is machines, screens, and a table in the room.
Zack is right behind me. Sonny stands by the door, as I walk past her. She pins Zack at the door with a glare.
“No men allowed, unless you’re the father.”
She shut the door in his face. I laugh as I hear him grumble outside the door.
“I’m liking you more and more. I think we are going to be great friends.”
She turns around and beams at me.
“Lay on the table with your shirt up. We are going to do your ultrasound before your blood work and I check you. You’re about 6 month’s right?”
I look at her and blush. I do what she asks while I answer.
“Actually, I’m about a week.”
She looks shocked at what I say.
“You have got to be kidding me right?”
I shake my head.
“I’m the first true hybrid. I have a little of everything mixed in me. So, my babies and I grow different than normal.”
She just looks shocked. After a few minutes she shakes herself out of her daze. She mumbles to herself about not being prepared for anything like this.
“The gel might be cold.”
She squirts some gel on my stomach before putting the wand like item on it.
“OK. There is 3 babies. 2 boys and 1 girl.”
I start to have a panic attack. Where is my other baby?
“Sorry. There is 4 babies. 2 boys and 2 girls. They all appear healthy.”
I breathe a sigh of relief at the news. I thought something might have happened to one of my babies.
“Ok. Here’s your pictures. Pick an arm.”
I look at her in confusion.
“I need you to pick and arm for me to draw the blood from.”
I laugh off my nervousness. She walks out of the room. I look at the pictures of my babies and start crying. As Sonny walks back into the room, I look up with my tear streaked face.
“It’s ok.”
She wraps her arms around me. I feel better instantly.
I smile at her as she pulls away.
“You’re welcome. Now give me your arm.”
I give her my left arm. She ties a band around my bicep and sticks a needle with a big syringe on the back to suck the blood out.
After she removes the needle from my arm, she places wrapped gauze and tape over the hole before she removes the band from my arm. She sticks the needle into several tubes and fills them with my blood.
“Ok. We should have your results back in 24 hours.”
She is using a soothing voice to try and calm me down, and it is actually working. I realize why the fates made her a pack doctor. She was given the ability because she is a warm, gently person.
I take off my shorts and cover up with a small blanket. She pulls the stirrups out of the bottom of the table.
“Place your feet in these. We are almost finished.”
She smiles trying to comfort me. I do as she asks and lay back. She sits on a stool at the bottom of the table between the stirrups. It is uncomfortable. After a few minutes we are finished.
“Ok. All done. Get dressed and come out when you're finished.”
I nod at her. I get dressed quickly after she leaves the room. I open the door and see Zack and Sonny standing on both sides of my door, staring at each other. I feel like I have interrupted a private conversation. I see something pass between them. I can’t believe I didn’t catch it earlier. They are bonds.
I study both of them. They haven’t completed their bond yet. It strikes me as odd since they are from the same pack.
“I know y’all are bonds, but why haven’t y’all completed the bond yet?”
The hallway falls silence. Zack looks away and Sonny finds her shoes very interesting while blushing. Guess they aren’t going to tell me. This is uncomfortable.
Turning around, I walk out the building. Zack runs to catch up with me. I remember the way back, so I’m not going to wait for him. We stay silent, and he finds everything around us more interesting.
When I walk into the mansion, I decide to take a tour. The foyer is a warm brown with cream colored marble floors. There is paintings and a small table for keys. The living room is through a doorway on the right.
It is huge and full of couches and electronics. The floors are covered with a black carpet and the walls are a dark red. The couches are black leather and there are quite a few of them. I look to the left and see the biggest TV I’ve ever.
I walk out and directly across the foyer. It’s a dining room with enough room from 20 + people. The carpet is red and the walls are a cream color. The table and chairs are solid wood. I walk out of the dining room and go down the hallway next to it.
The first door on the right is a bathroom. I close the door and go further down the hall. I open the door on the left and discover it is an office. I leave the room right away knowing Zander won’t appreciate me snooping around in his office.
Further down the hall I find a game room on the right and a library on the left. I turn around and go down the hallway next to the living room. As I pass through the foyer I notice the kitchen to my left.
There is one door down the hallway. I open the door to reveal a private theater with extremely comfortable looking chairs. The carpet and walls are a black color. I’m tempted to sit down and watch a movie, but I want to finish my tour before Zander gets back.
I leave the room and go back to the stairs in the foyer. The first room on my left is my room. I decide against going in there, and go to the door across from mine. I open the door to reveal another bedroom.
Actually, every room I go into on this floor is a bedroom. I take the steps to the third floor and notice 3 doors on this floor. Walking to the right of the stairs I find a single door leading to Zander’s room. It is huge.
There is a couch and a double chaise lounge in black leather. The bed is a high king size covered in midnight blue and light blue. The walls are the same midnight blue that’s on the bed and the carpet is black.
I close the door feeling hurt at remembering we aren’t going to be sleeping together. I’m good enough to bond with but I’m not good enough to sleep with. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Not!
I walk around the staircase to the other 2 doors. The door on the left is another library. The door on the right is another office. My stomach growls as I close the office door. I decide to go back down stairs to the kitchen and cook something.
The kitchen is white and everything is spotless. I decide on shrimp pasta and garlic bread. I find everything I will need to prepare the meal. I almost don’t make enough for Zander with the way I’m feeling.
I’m in the middle of cooking when I feel strong arms wrap around my midsection. My body heats and I know it is Zander.
“Something smells good.”
I blush at his husky tone.
“I’m making shrimp pasta and garlic bread. It’s almost finished.”
Zander grabs 2 plates out the cabinet and 2 forks out the drawer. He sits on a barstool at the counter. I can feel him watching my every movement, like a predator watching its prey before the pounce.
The pasta and bread finish about 30 minutes later.
I take the plates Zander pulled out earlier and put pasta and bread on both. I hand Zander his plate on my way to the dining room. I put my plate down in front of the chair closest to me and turn around to go back to the kitchen to grab me something to drink.
I open the icebox and grab a bottle of water. When I turn around Zander is gone. I shrug it off and go back to the dining room to eat. When I walk into the dining room Zander is sitting at the head of the table next to my plate.
I sit down and we eat in silence. I glance at Zander out of the corner of my eye several times. I want to say something to break the silence, but think better of it.
I hear Zander mm several times in appreciation of my cooking. Once I finish eating I grab our plates and walk back to the kitchen. I fix hot water and soap to wash the dishes. I pick up the rest of the food, set up the coffee pot, and go back to the sink to wash the dishes.
After putting the dishes in the rack to dry, I grab a coffee cup out of the cabinet along with the cream and sugar. I fix my coffee with lots of cream and sugar. I sit at the counter with my cup of coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet.
I notice it is getting dark as Zander walks in and fixes himself a cup. Guess his alpha duties are over for the moment. He sits down in the bar stool next to me.
I feel his strong arm snake around my back and pull me close. He kisses my forehead and thanks me. I smile and remember the pictures.
“I have something to show you.”
I reach in my pocket and pull out the ultrasound pictures. I hand them to Zander while he is removing his arm from my back. I watch his expression soften and a twinkle enter his eyes.
“I would have waited to do everything else if I’d have known she was going to do an ultrasound. I’m sorry I missed this.”
I smile thinking Zack missed it too.
“It’s ok. You wouldn’t have wanted to witness the other stuff. Be glad you missed it.”
He gives me a weird expression. I laugh because he looks so funny.
"What do you mean?"
I explain how she ''checked'' me. Zander looks horrified at the explanation. It is funny. Did he think the baby would just fall out and nothing else?
"You think you can lose the horrified expression?"
He shakes his head and a blank expression covers his face. I start giggling at him.
"What's so funny?"
I take a breath to subside the giggling.
"The look on your face when I told you about the doctor’s visit. You looked like you was ready to run out the door and never look back."
Is he blushing? I think so. He turns his head away from me. Did I embarrass him? Yes. I think I did. It sure isn't the reaction I was expecting. I get up from the counter to go to my room. I'm tired and I need a shower.