Read New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) Online
Authors: Katie Breaux
Pretending to want to know more about me. Boy oh boy. The male species ceases to amaze me…NOT.
"The U.S."
Is my reply. Simple answer is better than no answer.
"I'm Rane by the way."
I reply as he reaches across the bar to shake my hand. As I grab his hand I see exactly what he is thinking. He is thinking of me naked and underneath him, both of us sweating.
Very naughty Fae. Maybe this will be the chance for me to lose my v-card. See what all the rage is about. My head jerks at the sound of a high pitched noise.
I hear a female scream out in excitement. The in heat she-wolf and I are the only females present at the moment. Zander is giving the she-wolf all of his attention and trying to make me jealous at the same time.
He keeps glancing at me sideways while he uses the poor she-wolf. So I lay on the charm to the best of my ability. I put on my best seductive act. Poor boy has no idea the trouble he’s in for.
“Are you from here?”
Not really caring about his reply.
“No. I was born in the U.S.”
This needs to end. Not beating around the bush anymore. I just wanna do it and get it over with. No feelings please.
"So, your place or mine?”
Cool it or you’re gonna make him cause a scene.
I guess Zander hears me because I hear a very distinct male growl. I laugh to myself, knowing I got to him. I ask wanting to rile Zander up like he was trying to do with me. Guess I’m better at playing his game than he is. Killing two birds with one stone.
He replies as he grabs my hand and pulls me to the edge of the bar. I hear Zander growl again, but he never moves to stop us. I expected Zander to stop this before it got to this point.
I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.
I start to get nervous since I've never had sex. I did not expect Rane to be the owner and live upstairs. I start thinking I don’t want my first time to be a one night stand with a random stranger.
We walk down the hall where the bathroom is, and he throws open the door at the end marked private. Rane is still holding my hand as we walk up the stairs. I see two more doors at the top of the stairs. We go through the door to the left. I guess the bouncer lives in the one on the right or he rents it out.
Dull light welcomes us as the door opens. There is an ugly sectional to the left of us. On the far left wall is a door and kitchen. None of the appliances match. A small table towards the right corner of the left wall has a cheap blue table cloth.
I notice the apartment does not have a TV or stereo. That’s probably because he entertains for one reason only. The carpet is an ugly green/brown color.
The walls look like they had decades of smoke stuck to them. There is also the smell of blood and sex in the air. Guess he likes it rough.
Rougher than you’ll like it.
I know I need to get out of here before I add to the blood and sex smell. He stops walking in front of the ugly brown sectional and turns around. He pulls me close and starts to kiss me. The kiss is rough and hard. It is rushed and does not feel right.
Rane starts to lay me down on the couch. I know I’m going to need a bleach bath after this. I wonder how many females have been in this exact situation with Rane, but I don’t have time to wonder for too long.
About the time my back hits the couch something, or should I say someone, comes crashing through the downstairs door, growling before running up the stairs.
"Oh no!"
Is all I can say as I smell who is running up the stairs. Rane freezes, then proceeds to move out of the way. He puts himself near the far wall. A very angry Zander enters the apartment and pins Rane to the wall with just a glare.
I feel compelled to move closer, to go to Zander and show him I am okay. My independent mind shuts the feeling off immediately. I am not bonded to him. So I do not owe him a damn thing. If he is expecting something like that from me he better think again. He better go ask the she-wolf for that kind of attention.
You’re sounding like the jealous girlfriend Lizzy.
I look at Rane. He is pleading with his eyes for me to get Zander to back off. I am not sure I can control myself a second time being so close. I sigh in defeat as I walk up behind Zander, truly not wanting to be too close to him after the bathroom incident.
You lose!
And with those words my conscience disappears. I don’t like it. I feel completely alone now. Not a good feeling while facing down a mad Alpha.
Zander never takes his eyes off Rane as I walked up. I reach out and touch his arm. He tenses in preparation for a fight, until he realizes it is me.
Ignoring the jolt of electricity I feel shoot up my arm and through my body at our contact. I rub up and down his arm slowly in a soothing attempt. Zander spins around to face me. Before I can get my heart to slow from the jolt of electricity, strong arms are wrapping around my waist.
Zander says with such possessiveness, such conviction that it scares me. He buries his face against my neck and takes a deep breath. After a few moments Zander stops shaking as his anger subsides. His arm tightens around my waist as I am picked up bridal style. He walks us out of the apartment, down the stairs, and out into the cool evening air.
Everything goes by in a blur. I gain normal brain function as soon as he walks outside. I’m able to gain some brain function in the crisp air. The street is empty except for the cars lining it. Zander walks straight to the driver’s side of the truck and gets in, placing me on his lap. I turn my head to face Zander.
"Where are we going?"
He briefly looks in my eyes. I watch as many emotions cross his haunted eyes. They shine like a shadow in the dark. Before I can decipher his eyes they land on one that scares me. Lust.
"My place."
I’m not sure how much I like the way he said that. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I don’t do warm and fuzzy.
I don’t know what to say. It takes about 15 minutes to reach Zander's hotel. After he shuts the truck off, he places his hands on my cheeks and pulls me in. My lips touch his and immediately my body is set on fire.
Zander licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. Not giving in to him right away makes him growl at me and start nibbling on my bottom lip.
I debate denying him access. That might be an interesting turn out. I’ll take the easy way, this time.
I open to him and he deepens the kiss. The kiss is passionate and soft. Not like the one I received from Rane. I have never been kissed like this.
I may have never had sex, but I have been kissed. No other kiss could even compare to this one. A little moan escapes my throat. Zander must like it because he growls in response.
After a few moments he breaks away from the kiss. Too soon for my liking. I sigh, wanting him to continue. I turn around in his lap so I am straddling him and wrap my arms around his neck.
I start to go in for another kiss, but stop when I notice Zander is opening the door and stepping out still holding me. Once again the crisp air clears the lust fog from my mind.
"I can walk you know. I know I'm not light and bound to be getting heavy.”
"I know you can walk, but I love the feeling of how your body fits perfectly against mine and you weigh nothing.”
I hadn’t noticed before but he is right. My soft curves fit perfectly against his hard muscled body. Like silk and steel molding together.
"But someone might see us and think something is up."
I’m trying to get him to put me down so we are not touching. Maybe I’ll be able to start thinking straight again. He growls in reluctance but places me on my own feet tucking me in close to his body. I don’t realize until that moment how much taller he is. Zander is about 6'6. His chiseled features and strong jaw have me staring in wonderment.
I don’t notice we moved until I hear the elevator bell saying we reach his floor. We exit the elevator and walk to the first door to the right. The hall is empty except for an ice machine and the table next to it. He fishes the key card out of his pocket and opens the door.
Zander keeps me against his side until he closes the door and makes sure it is secure. He pulls me back against his chest. Using my hands, I try and push away.
"I can smell your arousal."
I wasn’t expecting him to say that. I freeze instantly. Not wanting this to go any further. Not wanting to look into his eyes and see the heated expression he is bound to be giving me. Steeling myself to stop this now.
"I know but nothing can happen between us."
I know he doesn’t want to hear it, but I have to stop any thoughts about us completing the bond before everything gets carried away.
"Why not? We are bonds, soul mates, and that is what we do."
That gets my attention. He brought me here to try and bond me to him. My anger spikes but I hide it well.
“Is that the only reason you brought me here? I have spent the past 10 years running and hiding from you. Why would you want to bond with me?"
I see anger in his eyes, but I don’t care. He is just trying to make it where I can never again leave his side. I am not going to let any man try and keep me like that.
"There are a lot of things you do not know about me, and I'm sure if you did you would not have brought me to your room. You would have left me with Rane at Blood Moon."
He looks at me questioningly but says nothing at first. He is trying to read me. It is not going to work. What I am is way beyond his knowledge. I'm Frankenstein’s creation. Genetically altered is just the nice way of putting it.
"I know who you are, Reaper."
The shocked expression on my face makes him smirk. I hate that name. It was given to me because I’m considered the bringer of death in the supernatural world. If I’m sent after you, you're more than likely going to die by my hands. I don’t like the name but over the past 10 years I have earned it.
"If you know what they call me then you must know what I am?"
"No, I do not know what you are. Some people say one thing and others say your Satan's daughter.”
“Then how could you possibly want to spend the rest of your life with me when you don’t know who or what I truly am?”
He looks at me like I have sprouted a second head. Like him wanting to spend the rest of his life with me is as obvious as the nose on my face. I push him away because I am angry and end up watching him stumble backwards, trying to catch himself.
After gaining his footing a shocked expression blossoms on his face. I try my best to contain my laughter. I was kinda hoping he fell. Damn it!
"How did you do that? I started to tighten up my hold on you and you still managed to shove me like that."
I watch his shocked expression as I keep a blank one on my face. I’m not like anyone else in anyway.
"It is a long story Zander."
He just looks at me expectantly. Sighing, I decide I will tell him but I’m not going to tell him everything. What I don’t share is none of his business. Nosey men.
I explain how my parents were werewolves and how while I was developing in my mother’s womb, she was approached by the Elders. They wanted to inject me with DNA from every species, saying I was special. I still haven’t figured out how they knew I was special.
My parents agreed when they threatened to kill me and use my mother as a sex slave. I explained how they strapped my mother to a table, used an ultrasound machine, and stuck several needles into my mother’s womb injecting me with every supernatural beings species DNA.
I explained how I started developing too fast for my mother’s body to handle and how I became stronger than I should have. I told him how my mother went into labor months before I was due. I explained that my mother died giving birth to me, and that it killed my father when his bond died.
The Elders raised me. Trained and conditioned me to be an enforcer from day 1. I also explained to him that even though I am all species mixed into one, due to my parents being werewolves that will be the species of my bond.
Zander let out the breath he was holding after I finished. He might have expected me to have a bond in every species by the look on his face.
"So you can do anything and everything any species can do?"
He’s looking at me with so many questions reflecting in his eyes. Preparing to answer the inevitable rapid fire of questions. Taking a deep breath and looking straight into his beautiful emerald green eyes I answer him.
"Yes. I'm stronger, faster, and smarter than most. I am the perfection of each species wrapped into one."
A smile spreads across my face remembering the few times he almost caught me in our game of cat and mouse.
"Wow! You were right. That is a lot to take in. I think you’re also right about us bonding. I feel better about us waiting on completely bonding now. At least I won’t have to chase off some male trying to take what was designed for me."
I let out the breath I did not know I was holding. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about hurting him because he’s trying to force the bond on me. I wonder what he means by me being designed for him.