Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) (30 page)

Read Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF) Online

Authors: Jess C Scott

Tags: #family, #literary, #family relations, #anthology, #literature, #erotic romance, #erotic literature, #contemporary fiction, #taboo, #taboo sex, #contemporary romance, #fiction, #sex, #contemporary, #stories, #cougar, #adult romance, #romance, #erotic fiction, #literary erotic fiction, #short stories

BOOK: Primal Scream (Box Set #1, Taboo Sex + AFF)
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Nir is on leave for two days,” the blue eye-shadowed Zivah employee said to Drea.

Drea almost felt a crack splitting across the surface of her heart, which seemed to have frozen over. She was a day too late!

Is there a message you’d like me to pass along?”

The employee was a poised local Singaporean in her mid-thirties—not Israeli—but she seemed to have a knowing glint in her eye. The Zivah employee looked at Drea, who was standing in her criss-cross tank top, daisy dukes showing off her toned gams. Drea wanted Nir—it was so obvious. She was like a little animal in heat. The employee wasn’t surprised—she was well aware of Nir’s personal charm, even though he was quite private with regards to the details of his personal life.

In fact,” the employee added, “you
missed him—I just took over his shift. I can give him a quick call, and let him know you’re looking for him.”

Oh, it’s okay,” Drea quickly said. No way was she handing over her chocolate and card note to the employee. No way was she going to have another one to two people privy to the conversation she had with Nir, if he did in fact re-appear, by some miracle. Drea rambled off about how she wanted to let Nir know that the products were working just fine, before turning on her heel to leave abruptly.

Drea was going to have a migraine if she didn’t start to relax. The tension was in and around all of her—just a general sense of ill-fatedness, that nothing was going to happen—she’d be nothing, always—like Jack.

Drea’s inner spirit swirled in desperation. She had to contact Nir herself.

She sent a quick text message to Nir:


Hi Nir. Tks for showing me the products the other day (Friday). Not sure if you remember me. I was wearing pink shorts and you pinched my ass before I left. Are you free tonight? – Drea.


She was half-expecting that she wouldn’t get a reply. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to recall her. She was satisfied enough, knowing that she’d at least tried.

But he called her back, almost immediately. Drea continued walking around the ground floor of VivaCity, heading towards the East side of the building, where it was slightly quieter, with less human traffic than the main section of the mall.

Drea was puzzled for the first couple of seconds, to hear Nir’s voice mentioning something about the weather (influencing him with all his smooth moves on her, she gathered, from the bits and pieces she heard from his strained voice).

And when I do that, I’m not being serious…”

Drea was just as quick, and replied, “I’m not looking for anything serious…”

There was a very slight pause. Nir’s tone shifted from semi-annoyed at first, to a more strained and constricted kind of tone, almost like he was in a bit of pain. “I’ve done, many,
things in the past—”

I’ve not done anything with anyone before—”

it’s something I really don’t recommend—what did you just say?”

I’ve not done anything with anyone before,” Drea repeated, at lightning speed, but Nir heard all of it.

There was a pause for an excruciating couple of seconds. Drea grimaced. She didn’t know if what she said was a good or bad thing. She didn’t lie. That was the best she could do for now. It was true. No oral, no anal, no vaginal. Nothing with anyone else.

She heard Nir take a breath.

You might not think it matters now…” Nir continued, confuddling her with an unexpected degree of level-headedness, “…but later when you look back, you’ll think differently.”

How would he know?
Drea thought. She still needed to explain what she wanted—right now, he’d deduced that she wanted a quick bang, for horny reasons. But it was a bit more complex and sophisticated than that. But how in the world was she going to put it across?

Was she getting rejected again? Was there something defective about her?

I’m quite surprised—because you looked so sweet—”

Epic fail,
Drea thought of her slut appeal.

and you seem like a nice girl…so I won’t lead you down that route.”

Thanks for letting me know,” Drea said softly, and pressed her ear a little close to the phone when he cursed something Jewish, which she was not able to make out or understand.

She’d ended the conversation, because she’d walked out of the main VivaCity shopping complex, and had been sauntering alongside the row of outdoor cafés and stores outside, when she spotted Nir himself. He was speaking to her on his phone—he was sitting at a quaint café a short distance away. He was in jeans and a black button-down shirt, looking very put-together and effortlessly glamorous.

Drea was looking at him for a while, from the outside of the café, without him noticing. She was wondering why he was being so serious—what he said had turned out to be more interesting than she thought! He was the same age as her, younger, in fact. He’d spoken passionately and personally, with some level of emotional pain.

Now, she really had to have him. She had to use all her powers of persuasion to get him to hear her out, relent, and “bring her to life,” sexually. She’d survived the horrific constant roller-coasters and unhealthy ties and emotional blackmailing, with Jack. Maybe it would all be worth it, if this man could give her what she sought.

She knew from Nir’s birthdate that he had a Virgo Moon. Maybe that’s why he was criticizing her, to an extent. All Virgos were good at critical analysis, with their own selves, especially.

Nir looked up, and saw Drea standing outside the café, looking in. A waiter had gone up to her, and if Nir read her correctly, she told the waiter she was just going in to look for someone.

For a moment, he wanted to get up and leave.

Was she pissed at him? Was she going to cry? He didn’t want any drama.

But she seemed to come towards him with a certain amount of passion and purpose, which piqued his interest. He looked away for a moment, pretending to be oblivious to her thighs and swaying hips which were getting him hypnotized, as he watched her coming over to him.

He liked what she was wearing—the outfit was pretty and sexy, just bordering on the edge of sluttiness, without being vulgar. His blood stirred—he wanted to reach out and smack her tight ass.

Half of Drea was trying so hard to be a bad girl, and feeling unsuccessful…but she stayed focused. The benefits Jack helped to bring out would be going to somebody else. That alone was reason enough to keep going.

There Drea was, offering herself 100% with no strings attached—she wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. Her mind and blood were fuelled by her desires, and nothing else:

I would worship you at your feet…

Suck your dick…

Ride you all night…

Spread my legs out for you…

Why do you care about me when you have no need to bother with anything about me, at all?

This is gonna be my CLEAN, PERMANENT, FIXED BREAK from Jack. HELP ME.

Drea made her approach towards Nir, who was sitting alone at one of the tables in the corner of tcc (the connoisseur concerto). It was a funky café, with an artistic and professional vibe. The people who ate and drank here indulged in their own time and appreciated the fine food and drink, just as an art enthusiast appreciated a great work of art.

She saw him as an Arabian prince, and she was the favorite of his harem, at his feet.

He watched Drea. She didn’t know that a contemporary painting of
The Birth of Venus
was hanging on the wall behind her. She didn’t know Nir had visually matched the sleek hourglass-shape of her body, to the similarly-shaped Venusian body Drea had her back towards.

He was seated on a bright red lounge seat, which was ideal for relaxing and chilling out on. Drea sat across him, on the soft, spotlessly white seat.

She went to Nir because he was the only one who dared to engage the silent, deafening pleas of the suppressed, inhibited desires in her. He might have said ‘no’ over the phone, but in doing so, she saw that he respected the sexual forces within, that Jack did such a good job with disregarding. Nir was not like Jack. He was the type of real man Drea’s blood was seeking out.

They both watched each other’s body language, which often said volumes more than the actual chatter that came out of people’s mouths.

He knew she was throwing herself down at his feet. He also sensed that she was doing so at him, only, and this exclusivity pleased him. She wasn’t approaching him because he was available. She was approaching him because she’d selected him.

She took a passive, gentle approach—she knew females often had all sorts of hidden ulterior motives, which they often attached to the sexual act. She did too, but she had no intention of holding him down over the long term. She just wanted the man in him to acknowledge, engage, and bring to life, the woman in her.

May I sit here?” she asked softly, exactly like he had when he’d first approached her, with the question about the brand of face wash she used.

He looked away into the distance for a moment, a mix of several different expressions showing on his face. He was aroused, curious, and baffled, at the same time. He thought he could almost pick out her clean, untouched, “virgin” scent—could she pick out his own scent too?

She already felt nude in front of him—exposed, heart and mind and soul. It was just the layer of clothes on her skin and body—he’d only have to remove that, and he’d have all of her.

She felt the cold air on her back, showcased by the navy-blue crisscross X-back thin strap tank top she had on.

Why do you want to do this?” Nir asked. He sat up, a little bit tense, feeling the pressure on him to perform and deliver. He gave his full attention to Drea, since she was giving the same to him. They both could relate to the ebb and waves of desire flowing back and forth, beneath the cool, composed surface.

Drea almost doubled over, as she leaned forward towards the table. She felt nauseous thinking about Jack, and what it had come to—the psychotic mess she’d become. She blamed herself for being dumb enough for allowing him to play with her mind and feelings for so long. Anyone in their right mind would stay away from a weak-willed, unstable person like her. Anyone!

Instead of answering, Drea rested her head on her arms in front of her, face-down. She was tired. She was tired of thinking, of explaining, of wondering what to do.

She felt Nir’s foot lightly nudging her own, under the table. He widened his eyes slightly, and shrugged a little, when she looked up at him.

I just have to,” she finally replied. She looked away, when a tall, tanned guy stepped into tcc. He was wearing a Sex Pistols shirt Jack owned. But it wasn’t Jack.

Did someone use you?” Nir asked with uncanny insight, and wisdom beyond his years.

He continued to read Drea. He thought she wasn’t like most of the girls he’d slept with, at first. Her kiss had been so light, so careful, so uncorrupted. When she called, he changed his mind, and inferred that she was indeed like all the rest. After hearing her out, he changed his mind again. He liked being kept guessing.

Drea looked back at Nir, the initially clear images of Jack in her mind, shifting to a more subdued kind of hue. “Yeah…” Drea nodded, before adding, “Not physically, just…”

In every way imaginable,
she thought. She felt raped and fucked around with and misused by Jack, to be honest, even though it was difficult to put into words.

And it went on for a long time…just this…” She sighed heavily, unaware that Nir felt the discontent and desperation and listlessness which her sigh successfully conveyed. It put across what she was trying to say to Nir, out loud. “Just this fake relationship based on nothing but lies. The person didn’t see…”

The woman in me?

My sexual needs?

My want and craving for a real sexual experience?

He…never…delivered…” Drea spat out. “He promised…but never

There, she’d summed it up.

She looked away, trying to blink away the tears welling up in her eyes, tears from pain, suffering and rejection.

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