Read Redeeming Justice Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Justice Brothers, Book 3

Redeeming Justice (32 page)

BOOK: Redeeming Justice
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Meghan’s reverie of the past month was interrupted by the shrill intrusion of her
phone buzzing. Wearing a rueful expression at having her happy thoughts so rudely
cut off, she glanced at the screen and saw it was Lacey texting about some pictures
Meghan had taken.

Ah yes. The pictures. She smiled thinking of the day she’d spent with the pregnant
sisters-in-law. They’d cajoled and prodded her into agreeing to shoot some intimate
photos depicting their gloriously ripe bodies in various states of undress. The photos
were sweet and romantic showing the women at their best. Others were semi or completely
nude, not too unlike some well publicized celebrity pregnancy photos.

Meghan had been cropping and photo shopping the hundreds of images, which was why
Lacey had contacted her. She’d promised to bring her laptop down to the cabin after
lunch so they could view the photos together while the men were off doing whatever
it was they did when clients were in the compound.

Tori fell in love with a stunning shot showing her reclining on an antique chaise
that had been draped with a beautiful deep red throw highlighting her coloring and
gorgeous glow. Her beautiful naked belly was on display with one arm behind her head
and the other covering her bare breasts. With a leg crooked just so to protect her
modesty, she looked like a sexy vamp, only one with a baby growing inside her.

Lacey had chosen an equally provocative pose in black & white, showing her wrapped
or rather partially unwrapped in a swirl of see-through silk that pooled about her
feet. With her long blond hair tumbling over her shoulders and covering a breast made
heavy by pregnancy, she looked naughty but angelic.

It was there that Alex found her many hours later – hanging out with her new friends,
laughing as girlfriends do, and full of female mischief.



“I have something for you,” he whispered.

Alex was playing with Meghan in a room full of people, hard with wanting, but really,
when wasn’t he? It had been quite the revelation over the past couple of weeks to
realize that with each passing day, his voracious appetite for devouring this woman
at every opportunity was only getting stronger. And more intense. Sometimes it seemed
as though he had a constant hard-on. Not even fucking the shit out of her was enough
to get his greedy cock to back down even for a little while. It would be amusing if
it weren’t so bloody frustrating.

This was something they did well – the sexy love play that started almost as soon
as their most recent climax had ended. It was as provocative and naughty as it was
sensual and alluring. The looks. Touches. Even a well-placed sigh became part of what
they did to each other. He particularly enjoyed saying suggestive things that only
she could hear when others were around. She had this way of looking totally innocent
no matter what lewd comment he threw her way. This playtime was one of the things
that excited him about their time together.

She smiled, running her tongue over her lips with a naughty wink. They were gathered
at Cam’s house for a movie night, cuddled up on a wide love seat that left no space
between them. He watched her glance at his lap and smirked at her when she looked
back at him with a wry grin.

“Not that,” he growled low and deep next to her ear.

When she returned his smirk with a raised brow he chuckled. “Okay. That too. But first,
something in a pretty box for you to unwrap.”

He enjoyed watching her green eyes sparkle as she made an exaggerated pout. “I suppose
this means I have to wait till later.” Sighing heavily she burrowed into his body
as he slung an arm about her shoulders in the darkened theater room. “You’re an awful
tease,” she purred.

The movie had just started when he took her hand and pushed it onto the hard bulge
in his jeans and held it there. “Hold that thought,” he told her with a wicked leer.
She rolled her eyes but grabbed on with a forceful grip.

Alex was a demanding and creative lover. His need to master her, to be in absolute
control, reduced her to a quivering mess. And damn if he didn’t do it extremely well
He totally owns that master and control thing
, she thought. It was easy to understand why people looked to him as a leader. The
guy in charge. It was in his fucking DNA.

Meghan sighed, contentment and excitement dancing inside her. She looked forward to
their private play. Snuggling together in the dark with others close by was shockingly
exciting and terribly challenging because continuing to watch the movie lost its appeal
when all she could concentrate on was the blinding need to straddle her burly lover
and grind them into a tumultuous orgasm. But he’d taught her that dragging out the
arousal, waiting, denying the gratification only heightened the senses.

One of the ways he drew out the anticipation was by showering her with gifts, big
and small – some specifically for those times when they indulged in sensual games
that never failed to leave her breathless. Just the other day he’d given her a magnificent
rope of pearls that he demanded she wear – with nothing else – as she rode him while
he controlled her with the long strand wrapped several times around her neck like
a collar. Wearing them, the pearls had made her feel elegant and sexy but when he
used them as a reminder of his mastery over her she’d been turned on by the symbolism
and would never look at pearls the same ever again.

She knew before they even arrived at Cam’s for movie night that he had something planned.
He’d texted her earlier when she’d been in the barn brushing down the pony she’d ridden,
and there was something titillating about casually glancing at her phone and seeing
the words
Prepare yourself to be fucked hard tonight. Till you cry and beg for more.
Her pussy clenched every time he did that – sent her a message or whispered something
seductive while others were present.

Nothing about what they did or said surprised her. Not really. Yeah, it was terribly
erotic and flat-out dirty most of the time, but he’d been honest about his need for
rough and wild, and Meghan had happily submitted to his powerful sexuality. For him,
she played the lady with a wanton side to perfection. It was liberating, actually.
She even loved when he called her his fuck goddess.

It was mid-August and Meghan had been living a sensual fantasy starring her sexy Major
for the last six weeks. If anything really bothered her it was that in all that time
they never spoke of what came next – never touched on the fact that she was a visitor
and not a permanent resident in the Villa
his bed. Enjoying their powerfully seductive dream meant she didn’t exactly want
to ruin things with anything that resembled reality. Somehow she’d become a modern
day version of Scarlett O’Hara, another feisty Irishwoman, who was famous for saying
she’d think about this or that tomorrow.

He was the devil though. Getting through a two hour movie with his hard cock pressing
against her palm and the promise of making her cry till she begged for more hanging
in the air, she would be wet and aching for him by the time she got to unwrap her
gift. The man knew how to play her so well.

Meghan got him back for teasing her about halfway through the screening when she’d
quietly undone the button on his jeans and slid the zipper down far enough for her
to slide her fingers against his naked skin. In the darkened room no one was the wiser,
plus she didn’t doubt for a second that the other two couples were probably engaging
in their own private teasing games. All three of the Justice men were seriously oversexed,
much to the delight of the women at their sides.

Even Lacey, who was heavily pregnant and counting down the final weeks before the
birth of her child, displayed an insatiable desire for her gorgeous husband. Meghan
suspected all those things she heard about pregnant women and their crazy hormones
were true, since at times Cam looked liked he’d been thoroughly ravished by a she-beast.
Everyone laughed about it, making ribald comments when he turned up with love bites
all over his neck or some pretty interesting scratches on his back.

As if to make the point, when the movie was finally over and the lights came back
up, the distinctive sound of zippers being pulled up was heard with all three men
sporting hilariously sheepish grins on their faces.

By the time she and Alex had said their good-byes and hurried back to the main house,
Meghan’s panties were soaked. He didn’t even have to touch her to get her wet. Just
the anticipation of what was to come was enough.

They lingered downstairs long enough to haggle over whether it would be Jameson’s
or Glenfiddich with Alex getting his way of course. Grabbing two large tumblers of
whiskey they headed to the privacy of Alex’s enormous bedroom where Meghan immediately
spied two beautifully wrapped boxes on her pillow. She grinned at him and moistened
her lips. He leered at her, but she made no move to pick up either box. Waiting was
part of their playtime. Until he gave permission, she’d have to be satisfied with
looking but not touching. He played his part of dominant lover with exquisite precision,
never failing to reward her compliance of his wishes.

Somewhere deep in her heart Meghan knew this game they indulged in had wrecked her
for any other man. She was his—totally and without reservation. The thought should
probably scare the shit out of her but it didn’t. He definitely understood and respected
that it was she who allowed him to exercise such complete control over her. Nothing
was forced or taken for granted. She gave willingly every time.

Clinking their glasses together, Alex drank heavily of the fragrant alcohol, watching
as she did the same. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes that made her heart

Pushing her into the en suite with the attached dressing room he playfully swatted
her ass and told her, “Put on something naughty, lover. And don’t forget the heels
and stockings.”

Ah, yes. As if their playtimes weren’t off the chart hot enough, he’d gifted her an
endless supply of sexy lingerie that never failed to take things to an eleven.

Meghan set her glass down on a table and molded her body to his with her hands upon
his chest. He liked when she acquiesced with a little show of sensual docility. Moving
against him with a flirtatious wiggle, she asked breathlessly, “Tell me your pleasure,
baby. Naughty comes in many forms.”

He shot her a lecherous look that made her skin tingle.

“White and virginal?” When he didn’t react she pouted and said, “No?”

“Hmmm.” Meghan stared at his mouth with the sensual lips curled in playful delight
and sighed as she pretended to think.

“Sheer black lace?” Still nothing. She liked this game.

Even though her portion of his big closet was overflowing with sexy finery he’d personally
selected, she’d also acquired a thing or two intended to knock his socks off which
he knew nothing about.

Palming the bulge in his pants she whispered in his ear, “I have just the thing,”
before swiftly turning away from him. The moment she went to leave his side though
he pulled her back and swatted her butt playfully then grabbed a handful of ass and

“Let me check something first,” he growled, quickly slipping his hand under her wrap
around dress and reaching into her dampened panties before she could react. She knew
what he would find. Her body always gave her away, no matter how calm or relaxed she

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned. Thrusting a finger inside her, she gasped at the
intrusion and forced herself to stay still so she wouldn’t grind her aching pussy
against his hand.

When he removed his hand, he slowly and deliberately inserted the finger covered in
her fluid into his mouth while his eyes never left hers. “Hurry,” he ground out as
she stared with longing at his lips.

Meghan almost ran into the dressing room as Alex started moving around the bedroom
readying their private sanctuary for the love play to come. The last thing she saw
when she peeked, he was lighting several candles in deep glass hurricane holders that
illuminated the bedroom with low gleaming light.

BOOK: Redeeming Justice
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