Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (10 page)

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“I usually leave him with a neighbor while I’m working ma’am.” Brody said.

“And the apartment that the two of you are living in isn’t a very nice place so we’ll have to do something about that. I’ll need to clear things with Dmitry and Olga but you and your son will need to move onto the estate. By the way what is your son’s name?” She asked in a caring tone.

“His name is Viktor ma’am but how do you know so much about me and my son?” Brody asked curiously.

“Before I even accept a job I do very thorough background checks on everyone that is involved in any way with the company that I’ll be working with. And I’m so sorry about your wife but out of all the people that I checked into the two of you are the most trustworthy when it comes to protecting the boys that’s why I chose you both.” Nikki said with a smile.

Sasha looked away as if she was worried about something before she could say anything Nikki assured her that she knew what was bothering. “You passed both my background check and my security check so there’s no need for you to be worried.”

Sasha smiled the relief she felt visibly showing on her face. “Thank you Miss. Nikki I wasn’t sure if my father’s record would have a negative affect not?”

“You aren’t responsible for the things that your father did to you and your mother when you were just a child. I think you and your mother have both suffered enough thanks to him.” Nikki said hoping the woman’s concerns.

s later both the boys awakened with renewed energy ready to head back into the family fun park.

“Can we go back to having fun now?” Mikhail asked with excitement in his voice.

“Yes, we certainly can all of you go ahead I’ll catch up to you shortly I’m just going to clear this mess away and take the baskets back to the car.” Nikki said with a smile.

“I’ll help you Brody and Sasha can go ahead with the boys.” Dmitry said wanting to have a quick word alone with Nikki.

“Alright thanks chéri, that will be great and I expect for both of you boys to behave until your father and I join you shortly.” Nikki warned the boys.

“Yes ma’am we will we promise, can we go now?” Valerik asked shifting from one foot to the other as his excitement took over.

“Go ahead but the two of you stay close to both Mr. Brody and Miss. Sasha.” Nikki said giving a final warning before sending them off.

Dmitry waited until after they’d packed up the baskets
and was on their way to the parked car before speaking. “You must be an extremely thorough person to know all of that about them. I mean they work for me and I didn’t know any of that, like the fact that Brody’s wife had passed away or that his son was spending so much time without his father. I think having him and his son move on the estate is a great idea.”

“That’s a relief I figured it made more sense for them to live at the estate because he will be spending so much time with the boys and it will be good for your boys to get to know his son.” Nikki said with a smile as they reached the car thankfully she’d remembered to get the keys from Brody.

After placing both baskets in the trunk they headed back towards the fun park to join the other. Dmitry glanced over at her as he asked. “So what’s the deal with Sasha’s father what did he do to her and her mother?”

Well first of all I’m not sure if you know this but her mother used to work for your family years ago. Her mother was a good and loyal employee, her father on the other hand was a serious gambler and he owed some very bad people a lot of money. So when they found out that his wife worked for the Romanov family, they devised a plan to kidnap a member of your family. However, when Sasha’s mother refused to help her father beat her severely. He then attempted to sell Sasha to the people he owed money to in order to pay off the debt. But that still didn’t satisfy those evil people so they decided to continue with their original. Her mother overheard they’re plot and she was able to warn Olga about the plan.

Olga notified my parents but before they could get here those people had k
idnapped your mother. My parents rescued both Olga and Sasha but unfortunately they didn’t survive the aftermath of that rescue and thankfully neither did Sasha’s father.” Nikki refused to let the tears that welled up in her eyes fall.

“I’m sorry I never knew about any of this
. When did all of this happen, where was I was my father still alive?” Dmitry began firing questions at her that she wasn’t ready to answer or some she just couldn’t because she didn’t know the answer.

“Whoa slow down with the questions
chéri, I don’t have the answers to all of your questions anyway. But if you’d like we can talk to Olga about all of this, to be honest I have a few unanswered questions of my own that I’d like to have answered.” Nikki said as the located the others just a few feet away.

“We most certainly will I’d like to know exactly what happened.” Dmitry said.

“You and me both chéri.” Nikki whispered.


It was a few hours later when they all arrived back at the estate everyone was extremely exhausted. Nikki sent the boys up to take their baths and Dmitry promised he’d be up to check on the before dinner.

Nikki gave Sasha and Brody the rest of the night off
sending them both on their way but not before telling them she expected to see them both first thing in the morning. She also told Brody that she’d make sure that he had help moving both him and his son to the estate.

They both thanked Nikki and Dmitry as they excused themselves.

“Did you all have fun today?” Olga asked as she descended the stairs.

“Yes I think that we did.” Nikki replied with a smile.

“Mother after dinner Nikki and I would like to talk to you about a few things.” Dmitry said smilingly as he gazed at her.

“Of course dear is there something wrong?” Olga asked.

“I hope not but Nikki told about some things that happened and I’d like for you to tell me about it. If you’ll both excuse me I need to go check on the boys before dinner. I’ll be back with the boys in a little while siren.” Dmitry said as he kissed her on the forehead before going upstairs.

“I was wondering when the two of you would demand some answers and I promise to tell you everything that I can without breaking any promises that I made to your parents before they died.” Olga said in a sad but understanding tone.

“I know how much you cared about my parents Olga and I thank you for everything that you’ve done for me over the years. However, I really need some answers so whatever you can tell me is fine. I’m going to take a shower before dinner I’ll be down soon.” Nikki said as she turned for the stairs.

watched Nikki slowly climb the stairs as she felt guilt squeeze at her chest for what had happened to her parents. It was six years ago and the pain of losing her closest friend still hurt like a fresh wound.

She moved into the den and went straight over to the bar. Olga was just about to make herself a drink when Yuri joined her.

“Uh oh, what happened you’re fixing yourself a drink so it must be something serious?” Yuri said as he walked over and took over making the drink for her.

“Nikki and Dmitry are both demanding answers about the things that happened six years ago.” She said as she took a seat on one of the sofas.

“Well, Duchess you knew that this day would come at some point you’ve had six years to prepare for this.” Yuri replied as he walked over to give her the drink he’d fixed for her while sipping on his own drink.

“Yes I know however that still doesn’t make it any easier.” She said in a guilty tone.

“Everything will be fine they’ll both understand so stop worrying about things that you can’t change.” Yuri said soothingly.


Nikki and Dmitry both went up to put the boys to bed after dinner, Mikhail and Valerik were both still excited about the day they’d had.

“This was the best day ever
thank you Miss. Nikki.” Valerik said happily as he put his arms around her neck to hug her.

“You are so welcome and thank you for being on your best behavior today.” She as she kissed him on the forehead.

“What about me don’t I get a hug?” Dmitry asked teasingly.

“Thanks for spending the day with us papa.” Valerik said as he hugged his father.

“Anytime son, now go to sleep.” Dmitry said as he pulled the cover up for him then joined Nikki at the door before going across the hall to Mikhail’s room.

Mikhail was sitting up in
his bed waiting for them he smiled when they entered his room. “Thank you for today Miss Nikki and for keeping your promise I want you to know that we will keep our promise too so we’ll stop causing trouble.” Mikhail said.

“Well first of all you are welcome and thank you for keeping your promise to me you know I have a feeling that you are going to grow up to be a wonderful business man
one day. ‘ Nikki said with a smile.

“Well of course he’s going to be a wonderful business man he is my son you know.” Dmitry said teasingly with a grin.

“Uh, he just promised me that he was going to stay out of trouble and I have news for you becoming mini version of Dmitry Romanov isn’t my idea of staying out of trouble.” Nikki said playfully as she laughed.

Mikhail laughed too. “The two of you are funny
I wish that I could marry you Miss, Nikki because I really like you.”

“Hey kid, watch it I’ve already staked my claim on Miss. Nikki besides don’t you think that you’re a little too young to be talking about marriage?” Dmitry teased.

“Maybe but if I can’t marry her then you’re going to have to because I want to keep her so that she’ll be me and Valerik’s mama. The instead of calling her Miss. Nikki we can call her mama Nikki.” Mikhail said with a smile as has glanced at them both.

“It sound
s like you’ve got everything all planned out little man?” Dmitry said to his son before glancing at Nikki.

Yep, because Valerik and I want her to be part of our family so please papa can we keep her?” Mikhail pleaded.

“Well son she’s not a pet she’s a grown woman only she can decide to stay, however I will do my best to talk her into staying.” Dmitry said hoping that he’d be able to convince not to leave him and his boys.

“I think it’s time for you to go to sleep young man.” Nikki said as she leaned over to kiss him on the forehead just as she’d done with Valerik.

“Yes ma’am good night Miss. Nikki good night papa.” He said as he scooted down under the covers.


Dmitry waited until they were out in the hall to respond to his son’s plea. “So will you think about staying here with us?”

“Chéri, I have a company to run and a life to live I can’t stay here and play house with you and your sons.” Nikki said as she turned to go downstairs.

“You can run your business from here or better yet you don’t have to work at all if you don’t want to.” Dmitry suggested.

“Do I look like the kind of woman that would sit back and let a man take care of me? Beside this is my company I can’t just throw it away I won’t throw it away.” She said in a frustrated tone.

“I know how independent you are but you work so hard I think that you deserve to have someone take care of you for a change.” He said hoping that she knew how much he cared about her.

“Do you mind if we talk about this later we’re supposed to be meeting with your mother right now.” She said hoping that he’d let it go for now.

Fine but we will finish this discussion later.” He warned




Chapter Nine


Olga and Yuri were both seated on one of the sofas in the den where they’d been sitting earlier as they had drinks. Nikki and Dmitry entered and took a seat beside each other on the opposite sofa.

“Would either of you like for me to get you drink?” Yuri asked.

“No thank you I want to keep a clear head for this, I’ve waited for so long to hear the truth.” Nikki said politely.

“I understand, how about you Dmitry would you like a drink?” Yuri asked once again.

“No thanks Yuri.” He replied in a kind tone.

Olga took a deep
cleansing breath before she began explaining. “Well let’s see it was about six years ago when one of my trusted employee alerted me to a plot that involved kidnapping a member of my family. She explained to me how her husband was involved and that he’d sold her daughter to these people after beating her badly. Dmitry it was right after your father had taken ill and he was no longer able to run the company. You and Yuri had just left for the states on a business trip. I didn’t know what to do. So I called the only people that I know that I could trust the Dubois.”

She paused for a brief moment to take a sip of her drink. “Nikki you’d just left to attend Uni
versity so they came right away but by the time they arrived I’d already been taken. The people that took me were attempting to ransom me. However they were planning to use Sasha for some very bad things and I wasn’t going to let that happen. At the time she was only fourteen years old for heaven sakes. I offered them whatever they wanted trying to keep her safe.”

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