Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (7 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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“And did they keep their promise to you?” Mikhail wanted to know.

“Yes they did and so did I.” Nikki replied.

“Do you think that you could
get papa to make a deal like that with us?” Valerik asked with sad eyes.

“I tell you what I promise to work on it but first
I need both of you to make me a promise. I need for you to stop causing trouble and I’ll make sure that things get better around here for both of you. Now do we have a deal?” She asked as she waited for them to answer her.

The boys exchanged glances before giving their reply. “Yes we have a deal Miss Nikki.” Mikhail said answering for the both of them.

“Good, now I need to get the two of you to bed so who wants to be first?” She asked as she stood taking them both by the hand.



Chapter Six


Dmitry had been standing quietly outside the playroom door listening to the conversation that Nicolette was having with his sons. She was an amazing woman she’d figured out in one day something no one else in the entire estate had. His sons were causing all that trouble because they felt ignored and neglected, and mostly by him.

What did that say about his fathering skills Nicolette was young and single but she was more of a parent than anyone could imagine. To be honest she was the only person he’d actually heard having a calm conversation with his two boys other than his mother when she was
n’t busy helping him run the company.

He had no idea that Mikhail and Valerik were feeling alone and neglected by him and everyone else at the estate. Fortunately thanks the Nicolette they would no longer feel that way. He could see now that she had his
sons’ best interest at heart and he would stay out of her way and let her do what she did best.

When he realized that they were about move out into the hall he left so that he wouldn’t be discovered. However as he left he made a vow to himself that there was no way that he would let such an amazing woman disappear from his life or his sons’ lives.

So Nicolette Dubois didn’t know it just yet but she was here to stay he’d make sure of that and Dmitry didn’t care what he’d have to do to accomplish his goal.


Nikki headed straight to her room after putting the boys to bed. She knew that Dmitry had listened in on her conversation with the boys because she’d sensed his presences. It seemed that although the man frustrates her to no end her connection to him was growing stronger. At this point she wasn’t sure which of those things was frustrating her more.

Dmitry was a very sexy but complicated man not to mention that he was tempting as hell. But she’d be damned if she’d let him suck her into his corrupt little world. Nikki knew that he could be a good and kind hearted man however she also knew that a man like him had his own way of doing things most of which were probably unlawful and illegal.

The truth was she knew for a fact that her parents had done a few things that were questionable, but that was all part of the job for them. On the other hand Dmitry seemed like the kind of person that took great pleasure in causing someone pain to obtain whatever he was after.

Nikki entered her s
uite and went straight to the walk-in closet to change into her nightgown before going to the bathroom to remove her makeup and brush her teeth. Stepping out of the bathroom she realized that she was no longer alone. Dmitry was sitting at the foot of her bed wearing a pair of loose fitting sweatpants and a t-shirt and a pair of running shoes.

“You certainly are making yourself comfortable aren’t you, shouldn’t you be bothering someone else or better yet in your own bed?” She asked as she came to stand in front of him.

“Actually, I was about to go for a run and stopped by to see if you wanted to go with me?” He asked with a smile as he waited for her to answer.

“Thanks but as you can see I was just about to climb into bed, now if you’ll excuse me
, I believe you know the way out. And in case you forgot it’s the reverse of how you came in.” She said as she placed a hand on one of her curvy hips and waited for him to leave.

“Nope, I’m not leaving I wan
t to talk to you and the only way I can focus is if we’re nowhere near a bed. So come on go for a run with me please I promise to behave.” He said with a grin.

“If I agree
will you please let me get some rest when we get back?” She asked and when he nodded yes she agreed. “Fine I’ll go but I’m warning you this better not take forever and a day, because I am really tired.”

It won’t I promise I’ll wait while you get changed.” Dmitry said as he watched her go into the closet only to return less than five minutes later wearing running gear. “Are you ready to go?”

“As ready as I can be this time of night.” She replied sarcastically
as they headed out the door.


Once they were on the trail behind the mansion and running at a comfortable pace Dmitry started the conversation. “I wanted to thank you for everything that you said to my sons. I admit that I heard most of the conversation that you had with them. I also apologize for my behavior earlier and I promise that from now on you have my complete cooperation.”

Nicolette smiled as she glanced over at Dmitry while running along beside him. “Thank you
chéri, I appreciate it and that is going to make my job a lot easier.”

“That’s a reli
ef because I thought that I’d never hear you call me chéri again. You got so upset with me earlier that you just kept calling me Dmitry and I got a little worried.” He said in tone the mirrored his relief.

Nikki started laughing so hard that she had to stop running. “What, you have got to be kiddin
g me, why would calling you by your name make you worried?”

“Let see because for some reason the way you say Dmitry when you’re mad is kind of scary besides I like much better when you call me darling in French
.” Dmitry said as he gazed down into her beautiful hazel eyes.

“Oh please there’s no way the great Dmitry Romanov is scared of little ole me.” She said teasingly as she gazed back at him.

“Aw, there you go again look siren to everyone else I’m Dmitry.” He said.

“I guess that means to me you’re
, Mon chéri.” She said in a seductive tone as she smiled at him.

“Damn siren you have no idea what that sexy French accent of yours does to me
.” Dmitry said as he moved closer never taking his eyes off of her.

I thought that you couldn’t speak French?” Nikki asked as she gazed up at him.

“I can’t, not really I know a few phrases but not many. Oh and by the way if you keep speaking to me in French then I’ll be whatever you want me to be. I’ll be your darling, your man
and your lover all you have to is say the word.” Dmitry said softly as he lowered his head even closer to hers.

“Really, so you’ll be
mon chéri, mon homme et mon amant
and all I have to is say the word? Ok what’s the word that I’m supposed to say?” She asked softly as he smiled up at him.

Dmitry grinned down at her before answering. “Let’s see how about saying something like,
chéri I’m all yours

“Uh, you do realize that’s four words not one word.” She said playfully.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t come up with just one word.” He said slightly laughing.

“Alright, what the hell let’s try it.” Nikki said as she leaned in to whisper in his ear as she placed her hands on his chest. Dmitry lowered his head once again so that she could get closer to his ear he wanted to be sure that he could hear her clearly. “C
héri, I’m all ready to go back to the house.” She said teasingly as she pushed way and started running back towards the mansion.

Dmitry was surprised and it took him a minute to recover before running after her at top speed he caught up to her just as she made to the backdoor.
He wrapped one of his arms around her waist from behind and lifted her against the front of his body.

He whispered into her ear. “You didn’t really think that I’d let you get away from me did you?”

“I wasn’t sure if you were fast enough to catch me? Of course now that you have what are you going to do with me?” Nikki whispered back.

“If I told you that you might try to run again so I’ll just show
you when I get you upstairs.” He said as he opened the door and without putting her down began climbing the back stairs.

“Wait, will you put me down
before I cause a scene.” She said through clenched teeth as she pushed at the strong muscular arm that was wrapped tightly around her waist.

“I would suggest that you not do that however if you must go right ahead, did you forget that I’m Dmitry Romanov. Who do you think will try to stop me from carrying you
to my bed?” He said in a serious tone.

“No we can’t I’m all sweaty from our run I need to take a shower.” She said trying to reason with him.

“So do I and luckily for you I have a very big shower although I really don’t see the point since we’ll both be sweaty again in about an hour or two.” Dmitry said with a smile.

“You are unbelievable, do you really expect for me to sleep with you?” Nikki asked nervously knowing that she already knew the answer to her stupid ass question.

“Actually siren I most certainly don’t because to be honest I seriously doubt that either of us will get one wink of sleep tonight.” He said laughing in her ear as he continued down the hall that would take them to his bedroom suite.

“You really are unbelievable do you know that?” She said as he opened the door to his room and carried her inside.

“Siren you have no idea but don’t worry I’m about to show you just how unbelievable I really am.” He warned as he kicked the door shut with his foot then reached back to lock it before sitting her on her feet beside his bed.

“Dmitry, I don’t think that this is such a good idea.” Nikki said in a frustrated tone.

“First of all you need to stop thinking so damn much and would you please stop saying my name in that tone.” He said as he gazed down at her.

“Well one of us needs to be thinking clearly and exactly what tone are you referring to?” She asked as she began to get really annoyed with him.

“Oh but I am thinking clearly siren you’ll see for yourself how clearly I’m thinking in just a few minutes. As for the tone I’m referring to the one you use when you get mad at me because that’s the only time you say me name like that.” He said as he stepped back to pull off his sweaty t-shirt before dropping it on the floor.

“Now what do you think that you’re doing?” Nikki asked as she stared at his thick bare chest.

“I’m getting ready to take a shower now are you coming or am I going to have to carry you?” He asked as he stared at her.

“Do I have a choice?” She asked as she glared up at him.

“Well of course you do, you can either walk into the bathroom on your own two feet or I’ll carry you in there after I throw you over my shoulder. See siren you do have choices now pick one.” He said sarcastically with a grin.

“Fine but I’m telling you right now that I’m not going to enjoy this not one bit.” Nikki said as she turned and stomped in the direction of the bathroom.

“That’s what you think my sexy little siren.” He whispered as he followed her into the bathroom.


Dmitry turned on the water in the huge glass shower while watching Nikki peel off her sweaty running clothes. She was too sexy for words her beautifully sculpted body was a masterpiece of well toned muscle over a long lean frame. Her voluptuous breasts were the perfect size for the rest of her body they weren’t too big but they were just right.

Nikki had a flat stomach, a tiny waist and shapely hips that flared slightly
and lord have mercy she had a really nice ass. Damn just looking at this woman was going to make him explode in his pants.

However she was young about twenty three or twenty four maybe and although she was quite smart and an expert at her job as well as when it came to life in general, he had a feeling that her sexual experiences were limited to a very small number.  He on the other hand was extremely experienced at the age of twenty nine.

Dmitry had married at a young age and although he’d grown to care deeply for his wife they hadn’t married for love, they’d married out of duty to their family. Her father had been a close friend to his father and had used that friendship to con his father into arranging this marriage.

Honestly his mother had been livid when she’d found out about it but due to the circumstances there was nothing that she could do. However what she did do was make sure that there was a prenuptial agreement as well as an iron-clad will. Of course no one could foresee that his first wife would die giving birth to his sons.

That was a fact that his father-in-law was not too happy about but it was also a fact that he could do nothing about.

Dmitry was pulled from his thoughts of the past and back to the present when he heard Nikki’s voice.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare or do you plan to join me in the shower like you said you would. If not I could always get dressed and go back to my room.” She said as she stood beside the shower door.

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