Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (6 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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That may be however believe me anyone that can get those boys to behave has got to be amazing.” Sasha said in tone that mirrored her sense of awe.

Oh those two will be treading lightly until they come up with a plan but the secret to handling children like those two is that you have to set boundaries and as long as they know that there’re consequences for going over those boundaries, then usually they’ll stay with their bounds as not to suffer those consequences. However if you make empty threats then they have absolutely nothing to lose by doing whatever they please.” Nikki said to Sasha as they slowly followed the boys down the staircase to the dining room.

Everyone seemed to be shocked and amazed as Nicolette entered the dining room with both Mikhail and Valerik.


Chapter Five


The two boys entered the dining room ahead of both Nikki and Sasha stopping just inside the door. Nikki paused behind the boys and placed a hand on each of their shoulders
when they glanced up at her she smiled before addressing the others.

“Sorry for the delay however Mikhail and Valerik have decided to join us for dinner, go have a seat you two.” She said as turned to Sasha with a smile. “Thank you for all your help Sasha I appreciate it.”

“I’m the one that should be thanking you Miss. Nikki but please let me know if I can do anything else for you.” Sasha said with a warm smile before politely turning to leave the room.

Nikki went to the table and took her seat, after unfolding her cloth napkin and placing it on her lap she looked up to see that Olga, Yuri and Dmitry were all watching her intently.

“I think it’s time to eat now because I am beyond famished.” She said as she took a sip of her wine which one of the servers had just poured in her glass.

“Of course dear I’m sure that we are all a bit famished at this point.” Olga said as she signaled for the st
aff to begin serving dinner.

“The two of you boys must be quite hungry.” Dmitry said as glanced at them both although neither boy replied as they continued to stare at the plate in front of them.

Nikki looked across the table at both the boys. “Excuse me but I believe that your father was speaking to the two of you and I didn’t hear either of you respond.”

“Sorry Miss. Nikki, yes papa we are very hungry.” Mikhail said softly.

“I must admit that I’m very pleased that both of you decided to have dinner with all of us tonight.” Dmitry said in disbelief at both his sons’ polite behavior.

“Good because from now until I say differently they will both be having dinner with us as well as any other meal that we take here at the estate
right boys?” Nikki said as she waited for them to respond.

“Yes, ma’am Miss. Nikki we will.” They both said
to her before exchanging glances with each other.

Nicolette didn’t miss the look the boys gave each other
after all she wasn’t stupid. She knew that they were up to no good of course she merely smiled to herself because those two may not know it just yet but she would always be five steps ahead of them. So unfortunately for them no matter how much they plotted and schemed they’d never be able to fool her.

Nicolette had
a theory as to why both Mikhail and Valerik behaved the way they did and she could empathize with them. She remembered what it was like when she was a kid and her parents were always working. Nikki would acted up just to get their attention she didn’t care about the fact that she’d get punished at least she’d gotten them to spend some time with her.

Even if that time was spent with her parents lecturing her for more than an hour. When her mother had finally figured out what was going on
, she and her father decided that it was good time for Nikki to start learning a few skills like self-defense, computers, and effective planning.

They’d also taught her the value of hard work, Nikki would forever be grateful for the things her parents had taught her as she grew up.
She’d watched as her both of them had built a successful company from the ground up and although they were both gone now she would continue to grow the company that they’d built.

Nikki planned to not only do her job but she was also going to give those boys the attention they so desperately needed and wanted.
With any luck they would both come to trust her and figure out that she was on their side.


As they all ate their dinner no one commented on the way that Nicolette seemed to be able to handle both of the boys without a bit of trouble. The boys didn’t look happy nevertheless they also weren’t misbehaving in the manner in which everyone had become accustom to.

When they were over halfway through the meal Dmitry asked Nicolette a question about work
. “So siren, what time are you planning to go into the office tomorrow?”

, I won’t be going into the office I’ll be working from here tomorrow. Oh and by the way chéri, that was the one and only question I plan to answer about work. From this moment on there will be no discussions about work at the dinner table.” Nicolette said.

Dmitry arched one of his thick eyebrows as he glanced over at her. “
Is that so and just what gives you the right to come in here making changes and setting up all kinds of rules?”

Nicolette placed the fork she’d been using down beside her plate before shifting her gaze to his. “The four of us will discuss this after dinner once I put the boys to bed.” She said calmly.

“Why can’t we discuss it now since we’re already here?” Dmitry asked challenging Nikki as to whom was really in charge it was a challenge that he was about to lost sorely.

Nikki glared at Dmitry with a deadly stare before responding. “I guess
it’s because I said so, now we are not going to have this discussion in front of the boys and I suggest that you leave it at that until later.” She said in a tone that left no room for any further comment.

Well, if my opinion counts for anything I think that is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a long time.” Yuri said with a smile.

“I agree Yuri for some reason I’ve
always felt that dinner should be for family time not business. You have our support Nicolette and we’ll be happy to discuss the issue after dinner.” Olga said happily.

“Thank you Olga.” She said before turning to both the boys
. “Are the two of you finished with your dinner?”

“Yes ma’am Miss. Nikki, we’re ready to go up to our rooms now.” Mikhail said.

“Alright, then you’re both excused go on up and get ready for bed I’ll be up to talk to both of you shortly.” Nikki said giving them permission to leave the table. She watched as the jumped out of their seats and made a mad dashed for the door. “Whoa, freeze both of you!”

Both boys paused in the doorway as they slowly turned to look at Nikki with those innocent grey eyes of theirs. “Yes, Miss Nikki did we forget something?” Mikhail asked softly.

“Yes, you most certainly have, I don’t believe that I heard either of you say good-night.” She replied.

“Sorry, good-night ever body.” They both said in unison before turning to run out the door.

“No running boys.” She yelled after them as they disappeared through the door.


Nikki waited until the staff had cleared the table and after they’d brought out coffee and dessert before saying anything. When it was just the four of them and all of the staff had exited the room and closed the door. She turned her angry gaze on Dmitry.

Just what in the hell did you think that you were doing? You listen to me Dmitry Romanov, because I’m only going to say this once. If you ever challenge me in front of those boys again I will torture you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine.” She said through tightly clenched teeth.

Dmitry gazed at her angry expression Nicolette was even
sexier when she was mad and right now she was mad as hell at him. Her hazel eyes were like laser-beams ready to burn a hole through him at any moment. He couldn’t stop staring as her chest heaved up and down because of her anger.

The mound of her voluptuous breasts played peek-a-boo with him as they strained the top edge of her scoop neck almost sheer cream colored shirt.
Dmitry’s mouth watered as he eyed the delicious looking pecan tan skin that was enticing him to do wick things to her. He wanted desperately to lock her in his bedroom and strip her butt naked before kissing and licking every tempting inch of her.

“First of all I
do apologize for challenging you in front of the boys however you come in here and act as if you’re running this entire estate with all of your rules. And frankly it’s quite frustrating. And as for you torturing me well you’ve been doing that since the moment we met in more ways then one.” His said letting his eyes darken with unsatisfied desire as he visibly allowed his gaze to shift to her breasts.

“I’m not even going to respond to that last comment but as for me running things around here did you even read my contract? Let me just summarize it for you it gives me
Carte Blanche
to do anything I deem necessary to get my job done. Now if you have a problem with that I suggest that you discuss it with Olga and Yuri.” Nicolette said in a tone that indicated her irritation as she pushed her chair away from the table and stood.

“Where are you going in the middle of our discussion?” Dmitry demanded as he stood as well.

“I’m going to put the boys to bed because this discussion is over, Dmitry. Have a wonderful night Olga and Yuri I’ll see the two of you in the morning.” She said smiling at them both before turning to leave.

“What about me
don’t I get a good-night see ya in the morning?” Dmitry asked in a playfully tone.

Nicolette paused to glance over her shoulder at him on the way to the door. “Honestly I could care less whether you have a good-night or not and most definitely don’t want to see you in the morning.”

Dmitry laughed as he watched the sway of her hips when she walked out of the dining room. “Damn that woman is one sexy ball of fire, hmm…hmm…hmm.” He said wearing the biggest smile Olga had witnessed on him in years.

“You certainly seem to be having more fun than you have in years.” Olga said with a smile.

Dmitry slowly walked over to his mother and kissed her on the cheek before smiling once again. “Well mother that’s because for the first time in years I am having fun, thanks to that sexy little siren that you’ve brought into my life. Have a good-night you two because I certainly plan to.” He turned and strolled out of the dining room whistling happily.

Yuri smiled at Olga seeing the pleased expression on her face.
“It looks as if your matchmaking attempt is working quite well.”

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see let’s just hope that Dmitry doesn’t do or say something to sabotage things before they even have a chance to get started.” Olga said with a slight bit of worry in her tone.

“I have a feeling that he’s not going to let that happen.” Yuri replied.  


Nicolette found both Mikhail and Valerik in the playroom dressed for bed and waiting for her. She moved into the room and took a seat at the table where they were both sitting.

“I’d like to thank you both for being on such good behavior at dinner tonight, I really appreciate that.” She said with a smile.

Both boys glanced at each other before returning their gaze to her. “You’re thanking us for being good at dinner?” Mikhail asked a bit confused.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I?” She asked as she watched them both intently.

“Because, grown-ups never say thank you to kids.” Valerik said.

“Well, they should
tell me something do you think that it would make the both of feel better if the grown-ups said thank you when you did something that’s good?” She asked curiously.

“Maybe it would but we’re pretty sure that they won’t.” Valerik said softly.

“Why do you say that?” She asked.

“The grown-ups around here
just ignore us, especially papa.” Mikhail said in a quiet tone.

“So is that the reason that you both misbehave all the time because you want the grown-ups to stop ignoring you?” Nikki asked although she already knew the answer to the question.

Both boys merely nodded their reply.

“Would the two of you like to know a secret?” She asked and waited them to respond.

Once again they both nodded.

“When I was younger I use to cause trouble just
like the two of you to get my mom and dad to pay attention to me.” She said with a smile when she saw the look of surprise on their faces.

“Really, did it work, what happened?” Valerik asked curiously.

“Let’s just say that after awhile my mother figured out what I was up to.” She said.

“Did she get mad with you?” Mikhail asked.

“A little but then she made a deal with me, if I promised to stop causing trouble she promised that she and dad would pay more attention to me.” She said smiling at both boys.

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