Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (9 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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When he returned he’d removed the old condom and he was carrying a damp cloth for her. He stopped beside the bed and gazed down at her with a smile.

“Open your legs for me baby, this will help with the soreness a little.” He said as he applied the warm cloth to the area between her legs.

“Oh that does feel better thank you
chéri.” Nikki said as she smiled up at him.

“Good because I
think I’ll let you make love to me this time but first…” He said as he reached in to nightstand for a new condom before climbing onto the bed next to her.

Dmitry place
d his hands on both her hips lifting her onto his lap so that she straddled his hips as he leaned his back on the pillows that were propped against the headboard. He kept his hands firmly on her hips as he positioned her over the tip of his hardened shaft.

Nikki slowly lowered herself down his thick member as Dmitry gently thrust his hips upward.  She moaned loudly sounding more like a cat meowing as she began to grind against him causing him to growl.

“Am I doing this right?” She asked as she rocked back and forth and from side to side.

“You’re doing just fine my sexy little siren.” He said through tightly clenched teeth caused by the sensations that were coursing through his aroused body.

When Nikki saw the intense look of enjoyment on Dmitry’s face she doubled her efforts to bring him pleasure. She rotated her hips faster and the friction against her clitoris hurled her over edge into orgasmic bliss making it hard for her to stay upright.

Dmitry instantly realized her dilemma and slipped his arm around her waist before quickly reversing their positions as he eased her to the bed. He settled between her thighs so that he could continue to stroke into her lush tunnel. A short time later his body began to convulse in several uncontrollable spasms as he
released the most powerful orgasm he’d ever experienced.

“Are you alright siren?” He asked in concern as he shifted his weight off of her and onto the bed.

“Mmm…hum!” Was Nikki’s only responsible as she snuggled close to him and fall fast asleep as if she’d been drugged. Dmitry smiled down at her as he realized that this sexy little siren had completely stolen his heart.



Chapter Eight


Nikki awakened
the next morning with Dmitry’s arms wrapped firmly around her he’d even locked one of his hands at his wrist to keep her from getting away. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to get away even she used a crow-bar. Deciding that she would attempt to free herself quietly and carefully Nikki slowly pried his finger loose one at a time.

Just when she thought that she was home free and would be able to slide out of his arms, Dmitry threw one of his heavy legs over hers and used one of his arms to pull her snugly against him.

“Where do you think that you’re going?” Dmitry asked without bothering to open his eyes.

“Well I was planning to go back to my room before it’s time for the boys to get up.” Nikki said
as she began wiggling and squirming in his arms.

“If you keep rubbing that fine ass of yours against my cock then I seriously doubt you’ll be seeing the boys at all today.” He warned as he pressed his slowly growing erection against her bottom.

Nikki gasped surprised to realize that he was aroused yet again. “Are all Russian men as insatiable as you?”

“Well siren I can’t speak for all Russian men just this one and it’s your fault that I’m insatiable
.” He replied kissing her on the neck.

“This is going to have to wait until tonight because I promised Mikhail and Valerik
that I would spend most of the day with them so I need to go take a shower and get dressed.” Nikki said as she glanced over her shoulder at him.

Dmitry laughed softly he guessed that she hadn’t realized how sore she was but she figure it out real quick when she got out this bed and tried to walk. “Alright siren I tell you what if you can walk then you can go.”

“What do you mean if I can walk of course I can walk it’s not like making love has paralyzed me?” She said as he released his hold on her and she stood.

Nikki realized the moment she attempted to take a step that she was sore as hell. “What in the hell did you do to me
last night?”

“You know damn well what I did to you last night, as a matter of fact the second time I did exactly what you asked me to, so don’t act like you have amnesia now siren.” Dmitry said getting out of bed to go over to Nikki, bending slightly he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on her feet beside the large tub as he ran her a warm bath.

“A warm bath should help and while you’re soaking I’ll go spend time with the boys. Once you’re feeling better you can join us.” He said kissing her on the forehead before turning to for the door.

“Thank you
chéri I’ll join you and the boys shortly.” She said with a smile as she watched him move over to the door.

Dmitry paused before leaving. “That’s fine siren but you just remember that after we put the boys in their beds tonight I want you back in my bed.”

“I think that I might be able to arrange that.” She replied teasingly before bending over to turn off the water.

Dmitry could take his eyes off of her ass as
she bent to turn off the water he licked his lips recalling her sweet flavor. “What did I tell you about thinking so damn much, don’t think about it just do it siren.”

“And if I don’t then what do you plan to do
chéri?” She asked almost afraid of his answer.

“Then I’ll have to come find you and if that happens I’ll carry you through this entire mansion for everyone to see.” He said with smirk as he left the room not giving her a chance to respond.


Nikki was still a bit dumbstruck as she lowered herself into the warm water. That man was going to be the death of her because he was driving her slowly insane. She was losing herself to him little by little and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

Nikki knew that what this was between them couldn’t last because she had to get back to living her own life. However after only one night with him she didn’t see how she’d be able to walk away from him. The man had turned her world upside down, inside out and rocked her to the very essences of who she thought that she was.

At this point she could hardly remember who she was the strong, ass-kicking, independent woman that had arrived a short time ago was hanging on by a very thin thread.

“Damn you Dmitry Romanov.” She whispered to the empty room.


Dmitry had pulled on a pair of slacks and a dress shirt before going to the playroom where the boys were. When they both glanced up and saw their father entering the room they couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Good morning boys.” Dmitry said noticing the shocked expressions on their faces were they that surprised to see him. If that was the case what did that say about his parenting skills.

“Papa, did something happen?” Mikhail asked.

“Yeah did Miss. Nikki run off already?” Valerik asked in a disappointed tone.

“No Miss. Nikki did not run off she…uh…well she had a late night so she’s just running a bit behind this morning but she’ll be here soon.” He said.

“Okay we’ll just wait for her thanks for letting us know papa.” Mikhail said as he went back to what he was doing before his father had interrupted.

“What so that’s it the two of you don’t want to spend time with your papa?” Dmitry asked as he waited for them to respond.

“Really, you mean that you’re not too busy today?” Valerik asked in a hopeful tone.

“Nope, I’m all your for the next few hours that is if you don’t mind.” He teased.

“This is great!” Both boys yelled happily.

“So what would the two of you like to do first?” Dmitry asked.

“Breakfast we’re hungry.” Valerik said as the three of them laughed.


They were almost finished with breakfast when Nikki finally joined them. She’d slipped on a sleeveless pantsuit and a pair of loafers. She smiled as she entered the dining room.

“Good morning, you three sure do seem happy today.” She said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Good morning Miss. Nikki.” Both boys said excitedly.

“Well it sounds like you guys are ready for the long day ahead of us.” Nikki said as she moved over to the table just as Sasha entered the room.

“Good morning everyone, it’s time for the boys to be tutored.” Sasha said.

“Thank you Sasha, but the boys won’t be doing that today we have other plans. So you might want to go get changed and meet us out front oh and wear something comfortable.” Nikki said with a smile.

“Yes ma’am, I won’t be long.” She said as she left the room.

“Boys, will the two of you go get your jackets and meet us by the front door.” Nikki said watching the boys as they nodded before leaving to do as she‘d asked.

“Are you going to spend the day with us?” She asked Dmitry with a seductive smile.

“Yes siren I am but if you don’t mind me asking what are, we going to be doing today?” He asked curiously.

“If told you it would ruin the surprise you’ll just have to wait and see.” She said as she finished her coffee before standing and turning for the door.

“Should we tell mother that we’re taking the boys today?” He asked.

“I already talked to Olga and Yuri Now are you coming or not.” She asked as she wait
ed by door for him.

When they stepped out of the front door Nikki had already asked someone to bring the car around she’d also had the kitc
hen staff fix a couple of baskets of food and drink. Sasha arrived a few moments later and she ordered everyone into the car as the driver headed down the long driveway and onto the main road.

Forty minutes later they were at their destination and she ordered everyone out of the car. Dmitry glanced around before returning his gaze to hers.

“Uh siren where are we?” He asked in confusion.

“You’re kidding right?” She said as she stared at him in disbelief.

No really what is this place?” He asked seriously.

“It the family fun park, seriously none of you has ever been here?” Nikki asked as she glanced around at each of them.

Everyone stared at her as the shook their heads.

“Well, you have now so come on everyone let’s get going.” Nikki said as she ushered them towards the entrance.

Nikki stopped when she realized that the driver was still standing beside the car. “Hello, what are you waiting for? Didn’t I say everyone? Oh and you might want to take off that hat and leave the weapon you won’t need it.”

“Yes ma’am just let me lock up the car.”
The driver whose name she’d learn was Brody replied as he did as she asked.


It was well over three hours later around lunchtime when they took a break from having fun. Nikki suggested that they use the picnic area outside the park to have lunch. Sasha and Brody went to the car to get the baskets of food while Nikki and Dmitry got the boys settled down enough to eat.

“So are the two of you having fun?” Nikki asked the boys.

“Yes ma’am we’ve never had so much fun in our lives.” Valerik said excitedly.

“Do you have to be so dramatic?” Mikhail asked his brother.

“It’s alright I want him to express how he feels.” Nikki said with a smile.

“In that case I love this place.” Mikhail said.

“Siren I don’t think that they like it here maybe we should go.” Dmitry said teasingly.

“Papa!” Both boys yelled in unison.

Brody and Sasha returned with the baskets and they spread out two picnic blankets to eat their lunch as they enjoyed their surroundings. When they were finished with their meal the boys got a bit sleepy they tried to fight it but they couldn’t Nikki told them lay down on the blanket side her and Dmitry and take a short nap before they returned to the fun park.

she had a few things she wanted to discuss with Brody and Sasha. Nikki smiled before starting the discussion.

“I know that the two of you are probably wondering why I invited you to join us on this family outing today.” Nikki said watching as the two nodded but neither of them interrupted her.

“Sasha, can you drive and do you have a driver’s license?” She asked. 

“Yes ma’am I can drive and I have a driver license, but may I ask why?” Sasha said.

“I’ll get to that in just a minute, Brody you carry a weapon but can you fight if necessary?” Nikki asked as she waited for his answer.

“A little yes ma’am
.” He replied.

“From now on the two of you will share the driving duty of the boys. Starting tomorrow both of you will be taking self defense lessons with me and Dmitry you will be protecting the boys when we are not around. Also Brody you have a son around their age what do you do with him when you’re working?” Brody seemed surprised that she knew about his situation.

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