Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (5 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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I wanted to apologize for the way the boys behaved earlier they can be a handful at times but they really are good kids. You really don’t need to try to do your job and be their nanny. I’m sure I’ll find someone to take the nanny position soon.” Dmitry said.

chéri who are you kidding you know damn well that you’re not going to be able to find someone stupid enough to be those boys nanny. And do you know why that is?” Nicolette asked in a serious tone as she crossed her arms over her middle.

“No but I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” Dmitry said sarcastically.

“Well honestly, those two sons of yours are what I call ‘
troublemaking peu intimid’
that’s why.” Nicolette said partly in French.

Really, and what may I ask did you just call my sons?” Dmitry asked in a frustrated tone.

“I called them
troublemaking little bullies, these two boys have way too much freedom and not enough discipline. What they need is a nanny that they can’t bully or scare away so easily.” She said in a serious tone.

“And you believe that you’re that person, if none of their other nannies could handle them what makes you think that you can?” Dmitry asked in a doubtfully tone.

“For one reason because I don’t scare easily and because I’ll be damned if I’ll let two little Dmitry wannabes intimidate me. So to answer your question not only do I believe that I’m the only one that can handle those boys, I’m the only one willing to take the job.” Nicolette said in a tone that signed that this conversation was over.

“Now was there anything else that you wanted to discuss with me?” She asked while placing her hand on the door knob.

“As a matter of fact I thought we could discuss our relationship.” He said softly.

chéri, we don’t have a relationship other than a work related one now if there was nothing else I need to get dressed for dinner.” Nicolette said as she turned the knob to open the door.

Dmitry slowly walked towards her never taking his eyes from her when he was standing in front of her he lifted his hand and placed it against the back of the door closing
as he stared down at her.

“I think that this relationship is much more than a working one whether you want to admit it or not. We’re both attracted to each other so don’t pretend as if you can’t feel it
, Siren.”

Nicolette glanced up at him
as she arched one of her perfect eyebrows. “Look chéri, the only thing I’m feeling at the moment is hunger so I’d like to go have dinner if you don’t mind.”

When Nicolette turned to walk away from Dmitry he
reached out and gently grabbed hold of her arm pulling her closer. “Are sure that’s all that you’re feeling, my sexy little siren?”

As she gazed into his gorgeous grey eyes she found it very hard to tell the lie she was about to tell but somehow she did. “
I…Uh…well…um…of course that’s all…”

Before she could even finish the lie she was telling he lowered his head and covered her lips with his kissing her with extreme passion.
He swiftly wrapped his arms around her trim waist trapping her luscious body against his. Her arms involuntarily snaked up around his neck as she melted into the kiss.

Dmitry let his hands slip a bit lower to cup her curvaceous ass giving a slight squeeze as he continued to kiss her passionately. He had only imagined what kissing her would like but he
hadn’t imagined that she would taste so sweet beneath his lips. Never had he experienced such a flavorful set of lips.

Nicolette had never been kissed with
such stirring desire he lit a fire deep within her soul and she was torn between wanting to end the kiss and hoping that it would last forever. She was not looking for a serious relationship especially one with a man as complicated as this one in her arms. She had enough complications in her life with her security work and now volunteering to be the nanny for his two bad ass sons.

Well hell that sure throw a bucket of cold water on this little scene
she thought as she reluctantly put an end to the best kiss she’d ever experienced in her entire life.

Dmitry may have allowed her to end the kiss but he’d be damned if he was ready to let her out of his arms.

“Uh, you can let go now
chéri.” Nicolette said glancing up at him.

“Yeah, I guess I could but I’m not quite ready to do that just yet.” Dmitry replied as he gazed down at her.

“I think that it would be best if you leave, things got a little heated but now that it’s cool again let’s try to keep it that way. You should leave and I should finish getting dressed, so good-bye Dmitry.” She said softly to keep her voice from trembling with the desire to beg him to stay and make love to her.

“Fine I’ll go but just so that you know that wasn’t heated it was lukewarm the next time we kiss you find out just how hot it can get my little siren, good-bye for now I’ll see you at dinner.” He said kissing her on the forehead before heading out the door.

Nicolette released the breath she’d been holding as she tried desperately to compose herself after Dmitry’s arousing visit. That man was a temptation she wasn’t prepared for and one that she certainly didn’t need. If she wasn’t careful he’d have her falling not only into bed with him but he’d have her falling in love with him as well and she wasn’t about to let that happen.


A short time later Nicolette entered the dining wearing a navy blue form-fitting knee-length pencil skirt and a cream colored lower-cut scoop neck almost sheer top. She was wearing a pair navy blue stilettos and silver jewelry to accessorize the sexy outfit.

She greeted Olga, and Yuri before final greeting
Dmitry and his desire filled hungry grey eyes. She could feel his heat from several feet away she knew that sooner or later she was going to find herself in deep trouble where this man was concerned.

Dmitry greeted her by wrapping both of his warm hands around her upper arm before leaning in close to kiss her on each cheek.

“Do you know just how sexy you look in that outfit, siren?” He whispered near her ear before stepping back.

Nicolette smiled at him as her heart pounded wildly in her chest. “Thank you,

was about to take her seat when she asked about the boys. “Where are the boys are they not joining us for dinner?” As she noticed one of the staff members about to leave the dining room carrying a dinner tray.

The young masters decided to have dinner in the suite tonight ma’am I was just about to take them their dinner.” The staff member said.

“Did they now
? Well you can put that tray on the table because the young masters will be having dinner down here tonight or they won’t be eating.” Nicolette said as she stood up from the table.

The woman looked around the room nervously unsure of what she should do.

“Go on set the tray down and take me to the young masters’ rooms.” Nicolette said sarcastically.

When Dmitry stood up from the table she stopped him. “You stay right there
, chéri I’m going to get the boys I’ll be back shortly, if you’ll excuse me for a moment.” She said to everyone at the table before she followed the woman out of the dining room.

“Does she realize that those boys don’t
do well with orders?” Yuri asked in a slightly worried tone.

“I believe the better question is do those boys realize that she’s not one to be disobeyed.” Olga said with a slight smile.

“Mama, do you really think that she can handle those two boys?” Dmitry asked.

“To be honest I think that she could handle all three of you boys.” Olga replied sweetly.

“Yeah, we’ll just see about that
, she just might be in for a rude awakening dealing with those two. I on the other hand would love to be handled by her anytime.” Dmitry said in a tone that was a mix of uncertainty and hope.


Nicolette continued to follow the woman up the stairs and down a long hallway that was in the opposite direction from where her room was located.

“Ma’am, I know it’s not place to say but are you sure you want to do this those boys can be very mean. They get great enjoyment from torturing the staff not to mention some of the things they’ve done to the nannies they’ve had in the past.” The woman said in a shaky voice

“Thank you for the concern but don’t worry about me I can handle those two little terrors. Believe me I am quite aware of the trouble they cause and I intend to put a stop to it. By the way what is your name?” Nicolette asked politely.

“My name is Sasha ma’am.” The woman said.

“Enough with the ma’am stuff my name is Nicolette but you can call me Nikki.” She told the woman.

“No ma’am I couldn’t do that.” Sasha said nervously.

“Of course you can.” Nikki said with a smile.

“Is it alright if I call you Miss. Nikki anything less would just seems too disrespectful.” Sasha said.

“That will be just fine, Sasha.” She replied.

“These are the boys, the one on the left belongs to Mikhail and the one on the right belongs to Valerik. But since they’re waiting for their dinner they’re probably in the playroom that’s the room at the end of the hall.” Sasha said as she nervously fidgeted with her apron.

“I’ll need you to stay as a witness just in case they don’t grasp the seriousness of the situation right off the bat.” Nikki said as she slowly opened the door to the playroom.


“It’s about time you brought our food what the hell took you so long?” Mikhail demanded before he realized who was entering the room.

“Excuse me, what did you just say?” Nikki asked as she walked into the room.

“What in the hell are you doing in here?” Valerik demanded loudly.

Nikki let her gaze volley between the two boys several times before she moved further into the room. She placed both her hands on her curvy hips and narrowed her gaze at each of them.

“I don’t think either of you realize just how close the two of you are to experiencing complete helplessness?” Nikki asked with a smirk.

“Lady what are you talking about?” Mikhail said in an angry tone.

“If you open your mouth one more time you’re going to find out exactly what I’m talking a
bout. Now be quiet and listen while I still have an ounce of patience left. Stay from tonight and until I say otherwise you will be taking your meals with the rest of the family, do you understand?” Nikki said in a serious tone.

“Lady, you can’t order us around we don’t have to listen to you.” Valerik yelled.

Nikki calmly walked over to the boys who were standing side-by-side she reached out to place a hand on each of their shoulders. Before they could shrug her off she applied a slight amount of pressure to a few pressure points making it impossible for either of them to move. She then pulled one of the empty chairs over and took a seat in front of them both.

“If either of you open your mouth to say one word I will paralyze your voice cords
making it impossible for either of you to speak, nod if you understand me.” Nikki said watching as both boys nodded slowly.

“Very good, now
I’m not going to have any more trouble out of you two tonight am I?” Nikki asked as she patiently waited for their answer then watched as they both shook their heads no.

“Good, now would the two of you like to join us downstairs for dinner
or would both of you like to stay here like this until dinner is over?” She asked waiting for their answer.

When they both nodded their heads
again replying yes she used the thumb and forefinger on each hand to squeeze and slightly roll the pressure point releasing the blocked nerve ending allowing them to move freely once again.

“This next question you
may both answer vocally. Do the two of you intend to behave tonight?” She asked.

“Yes ma’am Miss. Nikki.” They replied in unison.

“Very good now apologize to Miss. Sasha for being so rude earlier.” Nikki demanded.

“We’re sorry,
Miss. Sasha.” Both boys said again in unison and Sasha nodded in acceptance of their apology.

Alright then why don’t we head down to the dining room and I’ll talk to both of you after dinner.” Nikki said.

“Yes ma’am.” They said heading out the door.

When Sasha was sure that the boys were out of ear shot she asked Nikki. “Pardon me for asking Miss. Nikki but is there a way to paralyze their vocal cords?”

Nikki glanced at Sasha with a smile. “Not without putting them in danger and I would never do that to those boys, but that will be our little secret they don’t need to know that.” Nikki said with a wink causing Sasha to smile.

“Miss. Nikki, would I be out of line to say that you are amazing and I’m really going to like having you here.”  Sasha said happily.

“I don’t know if I’m all that amazing but I have been known to have fun on occasion.” Nikki said in a playfully tone.
“One thing is for sure neither of those boys aren’t happy with me right now but what can they do at the moment. Don’t get me wrong those two little nightmares are going to be racking the brains trying to plot something sinister to get rid of me.”

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