Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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Russian Royalty Book 5

Royal Encounter

Dmitry and Nicolette


Chapter One

The Prequel:
How it all began in 1984


Dmitry Romanov was livid over the break-in at Russian Royalty corporate offices. He couldn’t understand how someone had breached their state of the art security system. He paused outside his bedroom door while yelling at his head of security through his cell phone.

“You incompetent, over-paid little moron I want to know how in the hell you allowed someone to breach our security system to steal confidential company information. I’m giving you and those idiots that work for you twenty minutes to figure it out and get back to me. And just know that if I don’t hear from you within that time frame all of you may want to say your final good-byes to your loved ones because that will be the end of everyone of you.” He bellowed loudly before ending the call.

Dmitry opened the door to enter his suite then switched on the light before moving further into the room. He threw the bulky cell phone onto his king size bed resisting the urge to hurl it against the wall. Closing the door behind him he paused just inside as he loosened his tie then shrugged his wide shoulders out of his jacket and tossed it onto the bed as well.

Hearing a
muffled noise coming from within his private office on the other side of his suite he turned and quietly walked over to the partially closed door. As Dmitry got closer he noticed a flash of light through the crack of the door causing him to reach for the gun that he carried in a holster at the small of his back.

He carefully eased the door open
wider then slowly slipped inside. The room was dark except for the moonlight shining through balcony window behind the desk. It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness.

Dmitry heard a slight movement from behind him and just as he turned to face whoever it wa
s they kicked his gun away. He saw a tall, slender silhouette and when he reached out to grab the figure it averted his grasp. Somehow the person had gotten behind him and mounted his back in order to apply a choke hold on him causing him to struggle pointlessly as he was unable to free himself of the persons hold.

chéri, you could hurt yourself.” The person whispered near his ear playfully.

Dmitry stopped struggling after hearing the soft
seductive tone of the person that had him in the choke hold and it sounded like a female. She was strong but nevertheless it was most undeniably a woman, one with a sultry voice and a sexy French accent.

Judging by the strength of h
er long muscular legs that were wrapped firmly around his waist as she gently tightened her well toned arm around his neck she appeared to be quite something.

Her light flowery scent
invaded his nostrils making him feel dizzy. Or maybe it was the choke/sleeper hold she had on him that was making him a little dizzy either way he was starting to fade fast. Lifting his hand he attempted to dislodge her arm which only seemed to make things worse.

chéri, this will be over very soon if you just stop fighting and go to sleep by the time that you wake up I’ll be gone.” She whispered softly in his ear causing him to pause for a moment.

When he began to struggle again t
he woman lowered one of her long legs and pressed the heel of her foot at the back of one of his knees forcing him to kneel on the floor. Unfortunately before she could lower her other leg Dmitry wrapped one hand around her ankle and the other he hooked behind her knee then tugged her none too gently.

While Dmitry roughly tugged on her leg he twisted his body to the side in order to bring her to the floor in front of him as he caught her off
guard. She reluctantly loosened her hold on his neck when her back hit the floor.

Dmitry adjusted
his hold on her leg as he unintentionally positioned his hips between her open thighs. The effect of being between her thighs was setting off sirens in his head and doing strange things to his senses no woman had ever made him feel this way not even his dearly departed wife. And the crazy thing was he couldn’t even see her face because it was too dark for all he knew she could be as butt ugly as a troll.

Sorry siren but you won’t be going anywhere.” He said with a triumphant grin while hovering over her.

The woman laughed softly from her position on the floor beneath him. “Really
chéri, is that what you think?”

“I’m not sure what you find to be so
damn funny but yeah I think I have you right where I want you.” He said teasingly with a proud tone in his voice.

chéri let’s test that theory, shall we?” She said as she made fast work of turning the table on him.

re Dmitry realized what was happening she quickly pulled her free leg up towards her body while fisting her hands at his collar then using her leg as leverage she flipped him over her head. However since he was still holding on to her other leg she went over with him landing on top of him. As she straddled his wide chest she grinned down at him in the dark.

“Now do you see what happens when you
try to think too much chéri, never underestimate the power of this woman?”

Dmitry tigh
tened his grip on her leg then rolling to the side he reclaimed his position of dominance before releasing her leg. “Yeah, and never underestimate the sheer will of this man siren.”

“You are clever
chéri, I give you that.” She said as she once again got the upper hand on him as she wrapped both her legs around the back of his thighs and looped an arm around his neck before swiftly rolling them over so the she was back on top. “Unfortunately you aren’t quite clever enough because now I seem to have you right where I want you.”

“You’re a very
flexible and quite agile little thief aren’t you siren?” Dmitry said in an amused tone as he secured both his hands at her slender waist.

“Agile yes,
flexible of course, but thief no honestly chéri things aren’t always as they appear you should know that.” She said as she leaned in close to whisper in his ear.

Dmitry could barely form a coherent thought with her ample breasts pressed firmly against his chest. “While I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that I do know that you’re playing a dangerous game my agile little siren.”

She nipped at his earlobe teasingly. “I may be just a little too much for you to handle big boy.”

Before he had a chance to reply
he heard his cell phone ringing in the other room. He ignored it because he wasn’t ready to remove his hands from her slender waist.

“Aren’t you going to get that
chéri it could be important?” She whispered in his ear with a slight smile.

“I don’t think so the second I let you go I have a feeling that you’re going
to take off on me.” He said in a serious tone as the ringing finally stopped. “See, no more ringing I’m sure if it was important they’ll call back. Now where were we?”

“Well let’s see, you were about to go to sleep and I was just about to leave.” She said softly just as someone began banging on the door
. “That’s my cue night-night big boy.” Pressing her thumb and forefinger against a pressure point on the side on his neck and he was unconscious within seconds.

She swiftly untangled herself from his gasps and headed for the balcony doors to make her escape.
However she made a quick stop at his desk to jot something on a small piece of paper before tossing it into the open safe. She wondered if she had time to close the safe and replace the picture that went on the wall in front of it. Deciding against it she took one last glance at Dmitry as he lay on the floor unconscious, smiling slightly she climbed over the balcony and disappeared into the night.

When the security
team entered Dmitry’s room his out cold on the floor of his office it took several minutes for them to awaken him.

“Mr. Romanov, are you alright what happened?” The head
of his security asked once Dmitry regained consciousness.

“Where is she, did you caught her?” He demanded loudly as he got to his feet.

“Uh sir, there was no one here except you when we arrived.” The man said as he gave Dmitry a curious stare.

“You idiots are so incompetent how in the hell could
all of you miss a full grown woman leaving this room?” Dmitry said angrily.

“Uh but sir no one l
eft this room before we came in, if they had there’s no way we would have missed them.” He said in a nervous tone.

“If she didn’t leave through the door then how in the hell did she get out of here?” Dmitry mumbled to himself in confusion.

“I’m not sure sir unless she went out through the balcony but that would be impossible without a pair of wings.” The man said with a sarcastic grin.

Dmitry walked over to stand in front of the man
and grabbed him by the collar pulling him closer until he was just inches from his face. “I don’t think that you realize how close you are to deaths door right now, because I am two seconds from snapping your worthless neck and tossing you off that damn balcony.”

“Yes sir
sorry sir we’ll go have a look at the security footage and see if we can find anything.” The man replied in a frightened and shaky tone.

“Yeah why don’
t you go and do that before someone has to carry you out of here in a body bag.” Dmitry said sounding extremely irritated watching as the men scurried from the room.


Several hours later Dmitry lie awake in bed still hearing the voice of the woman with the seductive French accent playing over and over in his head. He still couldn’t figure out how in the hell she’d escape without being seen. His security team had reviewed the security footage and found nothing it was like she was a ghost, she was there one minute and gone the next.

How could she just vanish into thin air like that sure she was agile
and swift but she wasn’t invisible, yet she’d come and gone without a trace. Could it be possible that she was the one that had broken into his company’s building?

He’d searched his office here at the estate and the only thing he found missing was a very expensive pen that his parents had given him many years again when he’d graduated from the University.
It was one of the last gifts he’d received before his father had passed away several years ago which he kept in his safe.

A thought occurred to him and he leapt from the bed and ran to his office. Pressing a button located beneath the underside of his desk the picture on the
wall to the left swung open.

went over to check the safe hidden there he vaguely remembered that it had been open when he’d walked in on the woman earlier. He waited as the safe swung open reaching inside he removed the contents searching through the items once again. This time he found a note card that sported a lipstick kiss and a message that read
“Try not to miss me we’ll meet again soon

couldn’t believe that he hadn’t found this earlier, as he stood there he went through an array of emotions in just a few short seconds. First he was irritated that she’d broken into his safe, then he was amused because she was so clever, next he was slightly aroused because her body had felt so good against his and finally he was angry that she’d gotten away and he had no idea who she was.

Somehow he would find her he didn’t know when or how but he was definitely going to find her. That was Dmitry’s last thought as he went back to his bed and climbed in to try and get some sleep because come tomorrow he would be a man on a mission.


“Did everything go well my dear?”

“For the most part things went as expected, I ran in to a slight problem but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.” The woman said to the person at the other end of the phone line.

“Oh dear what happened and is it something that I should be worried about?”
The person asked.

“No there’s no need to worry but just so that you know I did have a very interesti
ng encounter with Dmitry.” The woman said in a somewhat amused tone.

“Are you saying that he’ll be able to recognize you when he sees you?” The person asked in a worried tone.

“Uh, not unless he has night vision that allows him to see in the dark.” The woman replied in a reassuring tone.

“That’s a relief so
I assume we’ll see you at the office first thing tomorrow morning? Try to have a good night and get some rest dear I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be long day.” The person said.

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