Sapphire (19 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Sapphire
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Jay walked over to her and put his arms round her waist and kissed her neck. ‘Glad you had a good night, babe; you deserve it after working so hard.’

Oops, his being nice levered up her sense of guilt. Sapphire leant against him. Sweet Jay, why couldn’t she just accept how lucky she was and forget all about Ryan and his sexy knowing eyes?

‘What’s this?’ he asked, his gaze falling on the wedding invitation Sapphire had just received from Georgia.
Frankly, she thought Georgia had a nerve, after everything that had happened but equally she supposed it could be useful if she went. ‘You’re not going are you? After what she did?’ Jay sounded shocked.

Sapphire shrugged, ‘Babe, I know she behaved atrociously and I can’t stand the woman, but there might be some useful contacts and the way business is at the moment, I can’t afford to be that choosy. Things are really, really tough.’

Jay abruptly let go of her. ‘I’d feel really insulted if you went, Sapphire. It would be like saying what they did to me didn’t matter, that
didn’t matter to you. I really don’t want you to go.’

Sapphire stared at him in disbelief. He looked seriously pissed off. He was usually so easy-going, so pliable. What the fuck was this about? ‘Of course it wouldn’t be saying that, Jay! You’re completely overreacting!’

Sapphire had actually been in two minds about going, but now she was convinced that she should – she hated being told what to do.

‘So you’re going to go? And arse-lick the woman who humiliated me in public and treated me like shit? Jesus Christ, Sapphire, I had no idea you were so unfeeling! You’re so single-minded, aren’t you?’

He was shouting now and Sapphire had lost her cool as well. ‘No, I’m not unfeeling!’ she shouted back, ‘I’m just being realistic! And not letting my feelings get in the way of good business! Just because you’ve got no idea how hard it is running a business right now – you’re all safe and cosy in your little world, where everyone is nice to each other. Well, wake up and smell the fucking coffee! The real world isn’t like that! I don’t like Georgia either, in fact I hate her for what she did to you, but it really could help my business if I went. I just don’t get why you can’t see that.’

They glared at each other. Sapphire had never felt so
angry with Jay before and it was clear he was just as furious as she was. ‘So that’s your final word on it is it? Jay shouted. ‘You’re going to the wedding, even though I’ve just told you how much it will piss me off?’

Sapphire nodded. She expected another tongue lashing from Jay but he just shrugged. ‘Okay, at least I know where I stand.’ And he started walking towards the door.

‘Hey!’ Sapphire called after him, ‘I thought we were supposed to be spending the night together!’

Jay turned round briefly and said, ‘I hope the wedding’s worth it for you.’

Jazz and Sam completely failed to see Sapphire’s point of view when she caught up with them later that night in their usual bar, full of outrage about Jay’s behaviour.

‘Come on, Sapphire, can’t you understand why he’s so pissed off?’ Jazz put in reasonably after Sapphire had ranted for at least ten minutes about how naive Jay was being.

‘No I can’t, I think he’s being totally precious,’ she snapped back.

Sam had been largely silent but now she spoke. ‘Sapphire, if you go to that wedding you will lose Jay. I don’t think he will ever forgive you and if I was him, I wouldn’t either. He’s the best thing that’s happened to you in such a long while, but if you want to throw him away, go to that wedding and it will be a done deal.’ Sam looked so serious and so disapproving that it just hardened Sapphire’s resolve.

‘Whatever. I got on perfectly fine before I met Jay and I’ll get on perfectly fine without him. I don’t need him in my life. I don’t need any man in my life.’

Somewhere a small voice said that she did want Jay, that she would miss him, but the arrogant side of her that
hated to be told what to do silenced it. ‘In fact,’ she continued, ‘fuck him!’

At this Sam abruptly stood up and grabbed her bag. ‘I’m going. I’ve got an early start tomorrow. See you, Jazz.’ She paused and with some effort added, ‘See you, Sapphire.’

Sapphire waited until she was out of earshot then exclaimed, ‘What’s her problem, Jazz?’

‘She just cares about you,’ Jazz replied. ‘We both do.’

Sapphire gave a false little laugh, ‘I’m a big girl, Jazz, I can look after myself.’

They were brave words and she wasn’t feeling so confident two days later when she still hadn’t heard anything from Jay, despite texting him several times.

She threw herself into her work but it felt strange not talking to Jay. The truth was she missed him. Ryan was on her case though and called her several times. Although she got a jolt of excitement when she saw his name come up on her phone, Sapphire did not feel like speaking to him. She hadn’t liked the way he had so easily handled Simone appearing at the club. He seemed too smooth an operator. She also received a very unwelcome text from Markov asking if she could meet up with him. She thought about his cold shark eyes, no way! She simply texted back that she was too busy. However, a day later a package arrived for her containing a black Hervé Léger strapless dress that Sapphire knew cost over a thousand pounds. There was no note and when she texted Ryan to ask if it was from him he told her it wasn’t. That could only leave Markov. It seemed an extravagant gesture and one which made Sapphire feel uncomfortable. Beautiful as the dress was, Sapphire left it in her office and did not try it on. She promised herself she would send it back.

Right now she was too preoccupied with Jay. By Friday
she’d still heard nothing from him. The wedding was the following day. There was no question in Sapphire’s mind: she had to go. Something good had to come of the disastrous hen weekend – who knows, she might make some useful contacts. Her business head knew that she was doing the right thing – that the company had to come first – but she woke up on Saturday morning with a feeling of apprehension. She tried to shrug it off and quickly got ready. She just wanted the day to be over and done with.

Georgia’s wedding was the full works in a large country house just outside the M25. She had managed to hold on to her magazine deal, probably after drastically slashing her demands, but security was still tight and Sapphire and all the other guests had to leave their mobiles behind. She sent one last text to Jay asking if they could meet up on Sunday but by the time she left her hotel room, there was still no word. Hopefully by Sunday he would have it out of his system and Sapphire could talk him round again. Hopefully.

The marquee had been given a winter wonderland makeover, with ice sculptures all around of polar bears and swans, and occupying pride of place in the middle of the room was an ice sculpture of the couple embracing naked. Fortunately their bodies were pressed together so the guests didn’t get the full works. There were trees sprayed silver and decorated in twinkling fairy lights, crystals had been encrusted on just about everything, from the bar to the vases filled with white roses. Every now and then fake snow would fall down from the ceiling in a flurry.

Sapphire looked around. At the far side of the marquee she recognised six of the hens from Georgia’s hen night, who had all gone for revealing silver or white dresses. Shit, she didn’t want to have to make small talk
to those mingers. She quickly turned the other way. She took a glass of champagne from one of the waiters dressed as a naughty angel in a pair of tight white shorts and a set of white fluffy angel wings and nothing else, and walked around feeling self-conscious. If the whole wedding was going to be like this then she may as well not have come. Then she caught sight of Alfie. Oh God, she had very much hoped that Alfie wouldn’t turn up. Maybe he hadn’t noticed her and she could somehow avoid him. But he waved at her. She hesitated for a second then reluctantly made her way over to where he was standing. Somehow in this situation it seemed to be better to be with the devil you knew.

‘Looking gorgeous, babe, better not stand too close to the bride or you’ll upstage her,’ Alfie told her, his eyes doing their usual survey of her body in the shoulder-revealing, black silk halter-neck.

Sapphire laughed dismissively. ‘You don’t need to waste your compliments on me. I’m immune remember – why don’t you find someone else?’

Alfie shrugged. ‘You’ve got the hots for Ryan, haven’t you?’

Sapphire curled her lip. ‘We get on well, but isn’t that good for business? Besides, he’s seeing Simone.’

‘Just be careful, Sapphire. I wouldn’t want to see you get hurt,’ Alfie said seriously. ‘There are things about him I don’t think you would like.’

Sapphire burst out laughing. ‘Alfie, I had no idea you could be this jealous.’

‘Just be careful,’ Alfie repeated.

God! Why was it that everyone was so determined to tell her what to do? ‘Your concern is touching,’ she said. ‘What a pity that feeling wasn’t in your mind two years ago when you were shagging Brooke. I guess that’s why you can warn me about Ryan because you know he’s just like you. Well, I’m not the same person that I was back
then. And I know exactly how to handle Ryan.’

‘Don’t think I don’t regret what I did, Sapphire,’ Alfie said, staring into her eyes. ‘There isn’t a day that goes past where I don’t regret it.’

A declaration of love from her ex-husband! That was all she needed. She was about to tell him not to be so stupid when Ryan and Simone sauntered over. Simone looked stunning in a silver sequinned dress and Sapphire was going to tell her how good she looked when Simone shot her a glacial stare – if the ice sculptures started to melt she could be stationed next to them and they’d freeze in seconds.

Ryan’s look was altogether warmer. Sapphire forgot her reservations about his behaviour in the club as he looked at her with his stunning green eyes. In fact certain regions were definitely getting warmer. Things were certainly starting to look up. Sapphire felt herself relax, everything would be okay – she’d get through today and then make things up with Jay – she’d use her infatuation with Ryan to give their lovemaking an extra edge. She did love make-up sex, it was always hotter. She smiled to herself as she sipped her champagne.

Simone caught the smile. ‘So where’s your boyfriend? Georgia did ask him didn’t she? I know she wanted to apologise for the night of the hen party.’

‘He had to work, I’m afraid, otherwise of course he’d have come,’ Sapphire replied.

Simone laughed, ‘Of course, he’s your boy toy isn’t he? I expect he does everything you say.’ She turned and ran her hand possessively along Ryan’s arm. ‘I’m more into men myself.’

Sapphire noticed that Ryan looked uneasy.

The four stayed chatting throughout the champagne and canapés – not that Simone ate anything. Sapphire could see Georgia and her husband-to-be circulating round their guests. Georgia certainly hadn’t gone for a
virginal bride look in a slashed-to-the-navel slinky white silk number that looked like it was staying on by sheer willpower alone. Her make-up would not have been out of place on a drag queen. She had a huge diamond tiara on her head, and a white fur wrap draped round her shoulders, that Sapphire hoped was fake. Eventually she made her way over and introduced her groom, Tyler. He was boyishly good-looking with a slightly hunted look in his eye. Sapphire couldn’t help feeling sorry for him; he surely couldn’t know what he was letting himself in for. But then again, maybe he was really stupid and deserved Georgia.

‘Darling Sapphire! I’m so glad you could make it. I really did want to apologise for what happened.’ She looked around. ‘That gorgeous boy not with you? I expect he was worried that I might ask for an encore.’ She burst into her trademark raucous cackle, then whispered in Sapphire’s ear, ‘Fabulous cock. I’d hang on to him if I were you.’

Sapphire backed away and gave a stiff little smile. ‘You look amazing, Georgia.’ That was a safe comment and it was always essential to compliment the bride, even if she did look like a hooker.

When it was time for the ceremony the guests were directed into the house and into a large hall. Here the theme was still white but it was a little more tasteful than the marquee – maybe the owners had put their foot down about having nude ice sculptures and fake snow. Sapphire sat next to Alfie, and Ryan and Simone sat on the chairs the other side of the aisle, which was lined with storm lanterns, each filled with white rose petals and a large scented candle, and which led up to a huge fireplace decorated with hundreds of white flowers.

Sapphire did her very best not to look across at Ryan but every now and then she glanced over at him and their
eyes would meet. Sapphire would always look away first. A string ensemble were playing something that Sapphire was pretty sure was Vivaldi, then they switched to playing the Hot Chocolate number ‘You Sexy Thing’ as first Tyler walked up the aisle and then Georgia sashayed behind him, clearly relishing the attention.

‘You couldn’t make it up,’ Alfie whispered to Sapphire and she had to agree.

The ceremony was mercifully brief, though during the vows Georgia did an outrageous stage wink when she promised to be faithful which had many of the guests barely able to contain their laughter.

‘I give it six months,’ Alfie whispered again to Sapphire.

She shook her head and held up three fingers.

Sapphire found herself sharing a table with Alfie, Ryan and Simone for the wedding breakfast. In spite of her earlier tough-girl act she couldn’t deny how unsettling it was to be at a wedding with her ex-husband. She kept remembering their own. Neither had much money and so their wedding had been a small registry office job at Brighton Town Hall with a meal for close family and friends at Sapphire’s favourite Italian restaurant afterwards. It had been a glorious late September day, the sunshine gave everything a golden glow and after the meal they’d all gone down to the beach and drunk champagne until the sun set. Sapphire had thought it was the happiest day of her life.

Alfie must have been thinking about their wedding day too because at one point during the meal he put his hand over hers and said quietly, ‘This must have cost a thousand times more than our wedding and yet it’s nowhere near as stylish is it?’

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