Sapphire (20 page)

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Authors: Katie Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Sapphire
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He was right but Sapphire still wasn’t in a place where she could even begin to forgive Alfie so instead she
replied, ‘Yes, our wedding was more stylish but turned out to be a sham because of what you did. Maybe, whatever we think, Georgia’s will better stand the test of time.’

She quickly moved her hand away from Alfie’s and unfortunately caught Simone’s eye. She gave a knowing smile. ‘Must be weird for you two being at a wedding together.’

Sapphire shrugged; no way was she going to give the slightest hint that she felt anything. She would not allow Simone that satisfaction. ‘Not really. So have you ever been married, Simone?’

Simone’s face clouded over. Ha! Sapphire had touched a nerve, then. No doubt Simone would have given anything to marry Cal Bailey. Ryan spoke up, ‘I think Simone’s like me, she’s a free spirit, doesn’t want to be tied down, do you?’

Simone managed a smile but Sapphire reckoned Simone would have liked nothing better to be married to someone wealthy. She was over thirty now and looked it. Clearly she put a lot of effort into her appearance but there were all those twenty-somethings snapping at her Louboutins, landing the sexy roles in soaps and all the tastiest premiership footballers. Simone had been a WAG for a while but now she was on the WAG scrap heap, too old to catch a top player. Sapphire might even have felt a tiny bit of sympathy for Simone, if she hadn’t despised her for trading off her looks and being such a bitch.

Suddenly Sapphire wished she hadn’t come to the wedding. She hadn’t made any useful contacts and she’d upset Jay for nothing. She looked at her watch – another three hours to go before she could realistically slip away to her hotel room and watch TV. The speeches were next. Georgia’s dad was so drunk he could barely speak – it must run in the family then – the best man’s speech was crude and full of references to Tyler’s past sexual
exploits, which might have had most brides blushing but Georgia laughed uproariously. Then it was the dancing. Georgia and Tyler took to the floor first. They were both the worse for wear and could hardly stand up as they shuffled round the dance floor to ‘Three Times a Lady’, an ironic choice as Tyler groped Georgia’s bum.

‘Now that’s what I call classy,’ Ryan whispered sarcastically to Sapphire. He was temporarily free of Simone who was caught up with chatting to some friends.

Sapphire smiled.

‘That’s practically the first time I’ve seen you smile all day,’ Ryan went on. ‘Sorry about the other night by the way, I had absolutely no idea she was going to turn up.’ He gazed at her with those dangerously gorgeous green eyes, ‘I’ve finished with her you know, I’m only here because she practically begged me to come with her, and because I wanted to see you.’ Ryan stepped closer; Sapphire’s stomach lurched treacherously.

‘You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, Sapphire. After that kiss I know we could be so good together.’

They were such corny lines and if anyone else had said them Sapphire would have laughed in disbelief. But she really didn’t feel like laughing. She was flattered, intrigued and she wanted Ryan to find her sexy, wanted it very much. Ryan shifted his gaze away from Sapphire to take in the crowded marquee. ‘Look, it’s so busy in here, why don’t we go outside and look at the stars.’

Without even waiting for her answer he lifted two glasses and a bottle of champagne from the table and began weaving his way through the guests. Sapphire looked behind her cautiously, and when she’d satisfied herself that neither Alfie or Simone had seen her, she followed Ryan. The temperature was hovering just above freezing outside and Sapphire’s breath formed clouds in front of her face. Stars glittered and the half moon looked dramatic in the clear night sky. Heaters had been erected
around the marquee and Ryan sought out the one furthest away, which was half in shadow. But even with the benefit of the heater Sapphire was shivering in her silk dress. Ryan took off his dinner jacket and slipped it round her shoulders. It was warm from contact with his body, and the warmth caressed her skin. It felt very intimate. Sapphire got goosebumps again but that wasn’t down to the cold.

‘Alone at last,’ Ryan said softly, running his hand lightly along Sapphire’s cheek, another corny line yet still she wasn’t complaining. ‘I thought I’d never be able to prize Alfie away from you. He still wants you bad doesn’t he?’

Sapphire shrugged. ‘He can want all he likes; he’s never going to have me.’

‘Poor Alfie, I almost feel sorry for him.’ Ryan smiled showing off his perfect, even white teeth.

‘Don’t feel that sorry for him, he put me through hell,’ Sapphire said darkly.

‘I don’t. Anyway I don’t want to talk about him.’ He moved closer towards her. ‘I don’t want to talk at all.’

Closer still, his lips were on hers. And this time it was a hungry, searching, passionate kiss that left Sapphire in no doubt what he wanted. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the kiss, forgot about Jay, forgot about Alfie, just enjoyed the delicious moment. And then Ryan’s hands were caressing her body, her breasts, turning her on almost unbearably. She loved his sexual confidence, loved the feeling of someone else taking charge for a change. She pressed her body against his. But suddenly Ryan was pulling away. ‘Shit, that woman has a habit of turning up when she’s not wanted,’ he muttered and Sapphire saw Simone marching towards them, or rather attempting to march but her high heels kept getting stuck in the grass. It would have been comical but for the look of sheer venom on Simone’s face. ‘I might have
guessed I’d find you two together. Thanks a lot for the humiliation, you bastard. I won’t forget it.’

Ryan was about to speak but Simone threw the contents of the glass she was carrying in his face. While Ryan attempted to wipe his eyes, Simone turned her furious gaze to Sapphire. ‘So, does your boy toy know what you get up to behind his back? I tell you one thing, you and Ryan are made for each other, neither of you seems to give a shit about anyone else. Well, fuck you both.’

Her voice caught with a sob and she turned to go. But as she attempted to storm away, her shoe came off. Ryan went to try and help her as she flailed around trying to put it back on her foot. ‘Leave me alone, you fucker! I was so stupid, I thought you liked me, but you were just using me weren’t you, until you’d lined up the next one.’

Tears were streaming down her face but Simone seemed oblivious to the havoc being wrought to her make-up – mascara streaked her cheeks and one set of false eyelashes were coming off. Sapphire was in the uneasy situation of actually feeling sorry for Simone, the display of hurt and humiliation was so raw. She and Ryan watched in silence as Simone stomped back into the marquee. Then Ryan put his arm round Sapphire but she moved away and handed back his jacket. For her the spell had been broken, guilt washed through her.

‘I’m going to head back to the hotel,’ she said quietly, feeling thoroughly ashamed of her behaviour.

‘I suppose it would be pointless for me to ask if I could come with you?’ Ryan asked.

Sapphire nodded and looked away.

‘Okay, I understand.’ He ducked down and gave her final kiss on the lips. ‘You’re definitely worth waiting for,’ he said softly, sending shivers of longing running down her spine, even as she reflected that he thought a lot of himself.

As soon as she got back to her hotel room she reached for her mobile. At last a text from Jay. It took a few seconds for the message to sink in. Oh my God! She was being dumped. ‘I can’t see you any more, Sapphire. We want such different things. I can’t be with someone who won’t commit to a relationship. Take care. Jx.’ Jay had finished with her! Sapphire couldn’t believe it! If ever anyone was going to finish this relationship she thought it would be her. She was seriously pissed off. How fucking dare he! She angrily paced round her hotel room, raided the mini-bar and drained two miniatures of vodka before she calmed down. Then she reached for her phone. Ryan was going to get lucky after all.

He wasted no time in coming over and then it was all about sex, hot, raw sex, no tenderness, just two people out to get what they wanted. Ryan was a very practised lover, skilful, attentive, but Sapphire didn’t feel treasured, or adored like she did with Jay. Instead she felt like she was something being ticked off a list – Ryan wanted her, now he’d got her. She was a trophy. Another notch to his bed post. And as he thrust inside her all she could think for a moment was that she wished she was with Jay . . .

‘That was even better than I imagined,’ Ryan panted as he flopped down next to her on the bed. ‘You’re fucking gorgeous, Sapphire.’

‘You’re not bad yourself,’ Sapphire resorted to banter to hide her feelings. All she wanted to do now was to have a shower then go to sleep, to shut out the images of Jay that were crowding into her mind.

Chapter 10

Sapphire woke up with an evil hangover and a sense of loss. For a second she couldn’t remember why, then realisation hit her like a punch in the guts. Jay had finished with her. Well, fuck him! She didn’t need a boy like that in her life, who didn’t understand the realities of business.

She turned over and looked at Ryan who was lying on his stomach, one arm dangling over the side of the bed, out for the count and snoring quietly. He had thrown off the covers in his sleep and stank of booze. Sapphire supposed she must do as well. She didn’t feel remotely turned on as she took in his naked form – his richly tanned skin, powerful muscular body and cute bum – though they’d certainly gone for it last night. She felt totally disconnected from him and everything else. It must be the hangover making her so depressed, she thought, as she hauled herself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

When she returned Ryan was sitting up in bed, just ending a phone call. He grinned broadly when he saw Sapphire and whipped off the sheet to reveal his early morning erection. ‘Come here baby, your services are needed urgently.’

Sapphire was really not in the mood, but she didn’t see how she would get out of it. She walked towards the bed
and shrugged off her robe. This was what she’d always wanted wasn’t it? No-strings-attached sex?

‘And now I’ve got something for you which is almost as good as what I’ve just given you,’ Ryan murmured afterwards. Clearly Ryan did not do modesty.

‘Oh yeah, what’s that?’ Sapphire asked, propping herself up on her elbows and looking at him.

‘Vegas, baby.’

She shrugged, ‘What about it?’

‘You and me are going tonight, I’ve just booked the tickets. Five days staying at The Palms hotel – the one with the kinky suite. I can’t wait to watch myself fucking you in the ceiling mirror.’

Sapphire abruptly sat up. ‘There’s no way I can go away so close to Christmas! It’s such short notice.’ And, she wanted to add, how dare he assume that she would want to go away with him?

‘Shush babe – I knew you’d have all these objections, but really, you need a break. And we can discuss business when we’re out there. Plus you’ve got your iPhone, you can still work. You’re a great businesswoman but sometimes I think you need to chill more. Life isn’t a rehearsal you know.’

Suddenly the fight went out of her. Why not go to Vegas? Why not do something impulsive for once? She’d been working like a dog lately, wouldn’t it be good to have some downtime for a change? And a small voice said, wouldn’t it be good to have something to take her mind off losing Jay?

There followed a week of complete hedonism. Practically all the staff seemed to know Ryan and welcomed him back like an old friend. Sapphire hoped that she wasn’t one in a long line of girls getting the same treatment but in the end decided not to stress about it – she hardly
wanted Ryan to declare his undying love for her. So every day the couple would get up late, lie in the jacuzzi drinking champagne, make love all afternoon or rather, have sex, and hit the casinos and clubs all night. Sapphire checked in regularly with work and Jazz assured her that everything was fine – though she couldn’t hide the surprise from her voice when Sapphire revealed that Jay had finished with her or that Sapphire had plunged headlong into an affair with Ryan.

‘Don’t give me a hard time, Jazz,’ Sapphire said after she’d told her friend the news. ‘Jay finished with me, don’t forget that.’

‘I won’t, Sapphire, I just hope you know what you’re doing.’

‘I’m just having fun, Jazz, that’s all.’

But in spite of Ryan telling Sapphire that she needed to chill, in fact he was the one who was on edge. He hardly slept and spent a lot of time making calls back home which seemed to agitate him. After such calls, he would insist that he and Sapphire head to the casino, where he would inevitably end up losing. Sapphire didn’t really feel that she was getting to know him. There was plenty of banter, flirtation and sex but nothing beyond that. Whenever she asked Ryan any personal questions he deflected them. ‘I’m an open book, baby, what you see is what you get,’ he would tell her.

The day before they were due to fly home Ryan said he had some work calls to make and Sapphire decided to take advantage of the hotel spa. She was halfway to the lift when she realised she’d forgotten her purse. She made her way back to their suite where she discovered Ryan in the middle of a furious phone call. So far she had only ever seen Ryan as a flirtatious, sexy, smooth operator. The Ryan on the phone seriously freaked her out – he was shouting, out of control, ‘No I can’t get you any more
fucking money, Markov! I told you it’s tied up in the business! You’re destroying me, man!’

Sapphire knew that she should just grab her purse and go but she was irresistibly drawn to hearing more. She hovered outside the living-room door.

‘No more girls, either! I can’t deal with any more right now, and you need to tell your heavies to lay off them. That last girl you brought me had a broken jaw, what the fuck are they doing to them? This isn’t what I signed up for.’

Sapphire’s mind was racing – what murky deals was Ryan tied up with? Suddenly she didn’t want to hear any more. She tiptoed out of the suite although any thoughts she had about relaxing in the spa had been blown out of her mind. She needed a stiff drink but first she had a phone call of her own to make.

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