So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door (20 page)

BOOK: So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door
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I leap from my chair and splash down next to Clarissa,
grabbing the strap on her swimsuit. Adrenaline spikes through me as I haul her
above water level.

She sputters and coughs, her face turning red.

Well, better than blue.

Gina rushes to the side of the pool.

“Oh, Lord.” She reaches for Clarissa. “Are you okay, Baby?”

“She just jumped in.” Maddie pipes up.

Gina thumps Clarissa on her back. “Kelsey’s going to shoot me
for taking my eyes off of her.”

I climb up, sitting on the edge of the pool, feet still in
the water. I will my heart to slow.

Seeing Clarissa under the water like that. Struggling.
Helpless. My ribs tighten at the thought of her being gone. What that would do
to Kelsey. What that would do to

After a few more seconds of back pounding from her Granna,
Clarissa takes a good, deep breath. She pulls away from Gina and throws herself
against my back, her arms around my neck, squeezing for all she’s worth.

I reach behind me and pat her shoulder. “You sank like a
rock, Pipsqueak. Don’t do that again. You scared the hel—um—heck outta me.”

She lets go of my neck. Little hands find my face, turning
me toward her. She presses a kiss to my cheek.

And that’s all it takes for a grown-ass man to know what
love is—a three-year-old’s kiss and silent gratitude.

I brush the water from my eyes, blinking away the sting.

Those aren’t tears. It’s the chlorine.

I grab Clarissa and cradle her tight until she wriggles
loose to get into the pool—all of about thirty seconds.

Gina smiles down on me. “She likes you.”

“I kinda lo—” I cover the crack in my voice with a cough. “I
like her too.”

For the next hour, I stay in the water. Tucker and Ryan swim
over to join in a game of toss a kid. When it’s the girls’ turns, we double
check that their floaties are good and secure.

Jen eventually gathers her crew and herds them to the car.
Gina and Clarissa follow us out of the pool area to say goodbye.

Maddie gives Clarissa three hugs before she climbs into her
booster seat. “You’re my bestest friend now.”

“It was so nice to meet you, Clarissa.” Jen tweaks
Clarissa’s nose. “Okay, Maddiekins, let’s get going.”

Clarissa’s bottom lip pokes out, and her doe eyes glass with

I swing her up into my arms. “It’s all right, Pipsqueak. You’ll
see Maddie again.”

Gina hikes their towels onto her shoulder and waves goodbye
to Jen. “I guess I need to get my girl to her momma, so she can have a nap.”

“I’m headed that direction myself.” I turn toward home,
patting Clarissa’s back as she rests her wet head on my shoulder.

As we approach Kelsey’s front walk, Spike bounds around the
corner of my house.

Fuck. He’s loose again.

He dance-bounces his way across the yard toward Gina.

“Oh my. What a happy pup.” She tries to block his attempts
to jump high enough to lick her face.

I deepen my voice, while trying not to wake Clarissa.
“Spike. No. Get down.”

His doggie smile seems to grow, as though he thinks I’m
encouraging him to maul Kelsey’s mother.

I stick out my foot, trying to slow his jumping. He leaps
over my leg and takes off to make a lap around the front yard.

“We should get on inside.” I try to move her along a bit
faster. But damn, the woman moves in slow motion.

As Spike approaches from the side, I holler. “Spike, no!
Gina, wat—”

But it’s too late.

He makes a flying leap for her. His clod-hopping feet hit
her square in the back. She flies forward, landing in a heap of towels with a
. Her hat flips off and lands in the grass next to her.

Spike must take my momentary, shocked silence as consent. He
grabs the back of Gina’s thigh between his paws and straddles her calf. She
tries to roll over, but he must be too heavy.

Hell, he probably doesn’t even realize she’s not enjoying
even one moment of his undivided attention. I should’ve gotten him neutered
months ago, but after my own injuries, I just didn’t have the heart.

If ever there was a decision I’ll regret.

Kelsey’s front door opens.

Shit. My dog all but attacked her mom. Now I’ll never make her
see that she loves me.


Mom lies prone on my front lawn while Spike humps away on
her leg. His half-lidded eyes make him look like he’s smoked a joint and had
his fill from the snack bar.

I rush outside, waving my hands, trying to save my poor mother.
“Bad dog! Shoo!”

Adam has his arms full of Clarissa. He juggles his pool gear
and manages to set her down on the edge of the porch. “Stay here, Pip.”

I grab Spike’s collar, also throwing my arm around his neck,
not trusting the piece of leather to hold. I learned my lesson on that one
already. I roll away, dragging the dog with me.

Adam comes toward me, but I shake my head.

“Get Mom up, would you?” I grit through my teeth.

I wrap the dog’s torso with my legs. His hips are still pumping,
and I suddenly feel weirdly dirty.

Adam manages to get Mom upright. But her girls have sprung
free of their confines. By her dazed expression, I assume she doesn’t even
realize that she’s giving the neighborhood a show.

Well, better her than me this time. Serves her right for
tempting Murphy by squeezing into that suit.

Adam smartly nabs her oversized hat from the ground and
holds it over her—womanly assets. “Let’s get you inside, Gina. Hold your hat.”

Mom moves to put her hat on her head, but Adam grabs it,
thrusting it against her chest. “No. Let’s hold it
right here

Once Adam has deposited Mom and Clarissa inside, he comes
back out and takes a slightly calmer Spike off my hands. “I’m so sorry. I don’t
know what got into him. He never does that.”

I get to my feet and brush the grass from my behind. “I just
hope she’s all right.”

Mom calls from the front porch. “Oh, I’m fine. That’s the
most action I’ve had since the last time your father and I went at it—you know,
before he up and left.”

I close my eyes and shake my head, but there is no getting
rid of that mental image now that it’s lodged in my brain.

I let out a sigh and mumble, “At least she covered herself
with a towel.”

Adam nods and grins. “Okay. I’m going to take Don Juan here
to his kennel. He’s grounded—again.”

“I’m going to shower and wash off the—grit.” I move toward
the house.

Adam gets a glint in his eyes. “Think of me.”

He has no idea how much I’ve thought of him lately,
especially today.

All I can think of is the baby nestled in my womb and Adam.

No. I don’t think I want to think of him. Not any time
soon—but I have to.

How do I tell him? Will he bolt? Will he be happy?

Will I end up with another Matt situation?

Wiser choices?

Yeah. That worked out great, didn’t it?

I have to tell him. But when?

I can’t just spring it on him, not with Clarissa right here
to witness whatever fallout erupts.

I turn to him. “So, Adam…”

His gaze meets mine, his hazel eyes bright. “Yeah?”

“I—I was thinking of throwing a couple of steaks on the
grill later. Want to come over and help me eat them?”

His eyebrows rise. “Steak? Sure. I’m always up for a good
steak. Throw in some time with you, and there’s no way I’d turn that down.”

“Okay. Seven?”

“Seven will work.” He lifts his hand in a half-wave as he
drags Spike to his punishment—time-out in his kennel, I’m sure.

I have no idea how to I’m going to handle breaking this news
to him. I’m so far out of my depth.

Inside, Mom tugs and pulls on the wretched swimsuit. “You
know, this might be a little on the small side for me and my girls.”

“Ya think?” I rub my temples. “I’m sorry, Mom. Are you okay?
The dog didn’t hurt you?”

“No, I’m all right. I’m old, but not completely breakable. Not
just yet, anyway.”

“Hey, would you like to take Clarissa home with you? I have
some things I need to take care of this evening. It’d really help me not to
have her underfoot.”

Mom’s eyes light up. “Oh, that would be wonderful. We can
bake some cookies. And I’ll take her to see that new kids’ movie.”

I grin.

One less thing to fret about. Now, all I have to do is get
through the rest of the evening.

I pack an overnight bag for Clarissa and set it by the front

Mom changes clothes and putters around in the living room. “Adam’s
lady friend, Jen…”


She leaves the name hanging in the air as though it has some
special significance.

Then she continues with a smile. “She’s really lovely.”

I swallow hard. “Of course, she is.”

“And her children are precious. That Maddie was so sweet
with Clarissa.”

“Oh? That’s nice.” Nice that Adam’s daughter is sweet to
mine. They can be BFFs, and it will just be a party at the holidays.

“And he’s so handsome.”

I plop onto the sofa. “I guess.”

“Just sayin’. That’s all.”

Just don’t want to hear it—that’s all.

I clasp my hands together. “Well, I guess you two should hit
the road and beat that traffic. Eh?”

“Yes, I suppose so.” She taps her face. “Give your Momma a

I give her a peck on her cheek. “I love you, Mom. You know
that, right?”

“Yes, I know. I love you too, Baby Girl.”

* * *

At five minutes to seven, the bell rings.

I pull open the door with a big smile, one of those that
hurts the face because it’s so forced.

My gut quivers, and my hands shake. I shove them into the
front pockets of my Capri jeans before he notices. “Come on in.”

I nudge the door closed with my foot. “Dinner will be ready

“I could smell the steaks grilling from next door.” He looks
me up and down. “Mouthwatering.”

No matter where I go or what I do, his gaze doesn’t leave
me, even as I remove the baked potatoes from the oven and the steaks off the
grill. By the time we sit to eat, I’m a jumble of nerve endings, a mass of
sparking and jumping live wires.

Finally, everything is on the table and we settle in to eat.
Trying to come up with small talk sucks, especially when there’s such a huge
thing lurking in the recesses of my mind.

About halfway through the meal, Adam places his fork and
knife on the edge of his plate. He leans across the table. “You’re awfully

Damn. He noticed.

“Not really.”

His eyebrows rise. “Aw, c’mon now, Beautiful Girl. Why don’t
we talk about the elephant in the room and get it out of the way?”

I swallow hard. “Elephant?”

Oh, dear Lord. Does he know about the baby?

“You and me. This not seeing each other thing.”

I slump. “Oh.

At least he wasn’t referring to the
in the
room—I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about that.

Even still, I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about

I jump from my seat. “Can I get you something more to

“Kelsey.” He follows me to the fridge.

I grab a pitcher of tea. But Adam takes it from me, setting
it aside.

“What are you doing?”

He walks toward me.

I step back, but he keeps coming until I’m against the
cabinetry. I wet my suddenly dry lips.

Hazel eyes follow the movement of my tongue, and then they
return to my eyes, as though he’s searching for some sort of answer there.

I go stock still.

Adam traps me with one strong arm around my waist, pulling
me tightly against his chest.

I try to say something but, like so many times before, my
words play hide-and-go-seek with my tongue, and it can’t find them. So, I bite
the corner of my bottom lip.

His mouth is only a breath away. “You don’t
think we’ll never end up back in bed together, do you?”

My knees weaken, so I grab the edge of the countertop behind
me. I suck in a great breath, holding it as I give the slightest of nods.

Adam comes even closer to my ear, whispering, “You don’t
really think we won’t ever
make love
again, do you? Really?”

My heart flutters in my chest, and heat flows to my pussy.

All the reasons I should stay away from him are in my mind,
somewhere—lost, right along with my words.

I find three syllables wandering around. I grab them and
push them out. “We shouldn’t.”

He nibbles at my neck, sending sweet shivers to my core.
“Why? Give me a really good reason. Not some shit about how you need someone
who wants the same things as you. That’s crap and we both know it. You’re
running scared, Beautiful Girl.”

I close my eyes and dig deep for the strength I’ve been
promising myself I’d have when the time came. It has to be here somewhere.

“Who’s Jen?”

He stills.

My heart shrivels.

Oh, God. I knew it!

I pull away from him. “Jen? And Maddie?
are they
to you?”

His brow wrinkles. “What do they have to do with anything?”

I throw my head back, glaring at the ceiling.

I suck in a frustrated breath. “I don’t know. That’s why I’m

He slides his hand around to the nape of my neck, gently
forcing me to look at him. “Jen is—
—my best friend’s wife. He died at
the same time I was injured. Maddie’s their daughter.”

I close my eyes as my taut muscles relax. The air in my
lungs rushes out with my relief.

Thank God. He didn’t lie.

I nod. “Okay.”

His thumbs brush my cheeks, and his fingers thread into the
hair behind my ears. “Yeah? So we’re good?”

The flecks of brown in his eyes mesmerize me.

He’s not married. He doesn’t have kids.

He’s here, holding me close, and he wants me.

And, good Lord, do I ever want him.

I nod and smile. Somewhere, in the back of my mind,
something niggles at me. I’m forgetting something important. But with him so
close, staring at me like he only ever wants to look at me for the rest of our
lives, I can’t think of what it might be.

Oh well, it’ll come to me.

If it’s important, I’ll remember it eventually.

His lips graze mine as he pulls me even tighter against his
chest. His bulging erection presses my belly. Heat permeates, filling me with
want and need unlike anything I’ve felt.

Adam grabs my ass and lifts me as he turns us toward the
bedroom. His mouth skims across mine, gently, then harder. His tongue slips in
and out as he maneuvers us through the house.

A high-pitched ring sounds from the kitchen. Adam pauses in
the hallway, stopping and setting me on my feet.

“You need to get that?” I ask.

“I’ll call them back later.”

I grab his hand, pulling him to the bedroom. As I close the
door, his phone trills again.

He shakes his head. “It can wait.”

We fall to the bed together, our hands working furiously to
get each other out of the confines of these clothes that are in the way of our
every pleasure.

It’s been too long since Adam’s been inside me. Too long
since he’s wrapped me in his loving embrace and made me feel like the only
woman in the world—the only one he wants to touch. The one he can’t touch

A little voice in the back of my mind pitches a fit, trying
to remind me of something, but I don’t have time for that. All I have time for
is Adam. His hands on my body. His mouth on mine. His tongue setting me aflame
with every lick, lap, and tickle.

As his fingers find my folds, grazing them with a gentleness
that brings tears, I run my hands over his chest, his pecs flexing under my
touch. I tilt my hips, giving him easier access to my entrance.

He smiles against my mouth. “You like that, do you?”

I nod, heat washing up my neck and over my face. Though he’s
seen every part of me, and I him, somehow, he still makes me blush.

He sucks my pulse point, moving toward my bared breasts. He
circles the tight pebble of my nipple with the tip of his tongue. Shooting
sensations make a direct path to my pussy. Warmth gathers in anticipation.

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