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Authors: Jr. Seymour Morris

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MacArthur autograph letter
: Author's collection.

: Harries, xxviii.

extreme leaders:
For this concept of extreme leaders and how they will take high risks offering exceptionally high rewards, see Mukunda, 14.

“so prone to exaggerate”
: Diary entry of December 27, 1944, Stimson Papers, Yale University.

“The people”
: Tracy, 33.

“I don't care”
: Sheldon, 26.

“Listen, Jeannie”
: Weintraub, 7.

“Whatever else”
: Beech, 58.

“Bob, those were”
: Eichelberger,
Dear Miss Em
, 65.

“Do you realize”
: Ibid.

“MacArthur stands out”
: Diary entry of March 30, 1945, Stimson Papers, Yale University.

“the Knights of MacArthur's Round Table”
: S. J. Morris, 430.

Eisenhower and Eichelberger on MacArthur
: Diary entries of July 1 and 30, Aug. 2, Sept. 18, 19, and 20, 1948, and multiple entries, Feb.–March 1949, Eichelberger Papers, Duke University.

Macmahon Ball
: Wildes, 28.

Bradley teasing Eichelberger
: Schaller, 155.

“Once you've got Baghdad”
: George Will, “Inoculated for Exuberance?,”
Washington Post
, November 10, 2006, A31.

“the greatest reformation”
: Gunther, xiii.

“In my own view”
: Ball, 179.

“no need of adopting”
: Brines, 241.

“The minute I left Japan”
: MacArthur,
, 147.

red light turned to green
: Daws, 347.

“The overpowering need”
: Rovere and Schlesinger, 95.

“neither a soft peace”
, January 1946.

“MacArthur Tenets”
: Ganoe, 170–71.

“Bob, if you get”
: Eichelberger, 223.

“To take up”
: Ganoe, 48.

“a commanding officer”
: Considine, 45.

“knew his authority”
: Sheldon, 57.

“Rules are mostly made”
: Rumsfeld, xiv.

“Most organizations”
: John Kotter, “What Leaders Really Do,”
Harvard Business Review,
vol. 68, no. 3 (May–June 1990),103.

Dulles “I never had greater admiration”
: Rep. Walter H. Judd oral interview, 95, Harry S. Truman Library,

“that calm courage”
: Wavell, 18.

“He was most impressive”
: Wolfe, 115, 127.

“I just give 'em”
: Bowers, 93.

awarding the Distinguished Service Cross to a young major
: Taylor and Rosenbach, 144–45.

“This is the best officer”
: Frank,
, 21.

“the gift of command”
: Choate, 35.

“General MacArthur's headquarters”
: Yoshida, 143.

“was indeed”
: Weintraub, 191.

“I believed every word”
: Ibid.

“He died unquestioning”
: Considine, 98.

“Kill Japs”
: Nye, 83; Harries, 280.

“One reason”
: Kawai, 446; Williams and Wallace, 118.


“surrounded by his enemies”
: Perry, 69.

Japan's Education Ministry
: Ginn, 244–45.

“In August

: Harries, 267.

“stunned . . . enormously impressed”
: O'Donnell and Powers, 15, in Schlesinger, 339.

John Foster Dulles
: Ghani and Lockhart, 227.

“The best way”
: Redford, 33.

298  1990
country economy statistics
: Harvey, 455.

world's largest creditor
Economist Pocket World
, 13, 24, 30, 76, 91.

Works Cited

The sources quoted in this book are voluminous. For readers who wish to pursue further, in boldface are those books and articles I found particularly insightful and stimulating.


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The Life of Herbert Hoover: Keeper of the Torch,
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The Other Nuremberg: The Untold Story of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials
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Bradley, Omar N., and Clay Blair.
A General's Life
. Simon & Schuster, 1983.

Braw, Monica.
The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in Occupied Japan
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Breuer, William B.
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Brines, Russell.
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Buell, Thomas B.
The Quiet Warrior: A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance
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Buhite, Russell D.
Douglas MacArthur: Statecraft and Stagecraft in East Asian Policy
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The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan
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Choate, Joseph.
Douglas MacArthur as I Knew Him
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Christian Deputation to Japan.
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Cohen, Theodore.
Remaking Japan: The American Occupation as New Deal
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MacArthur the Magnificent
. David McKay, 1942.

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Costello, William.
Democracy vs. Feudalism in Postwar Japan
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Cousins, Norman.
The Pathology of Power
. W. W. Norton, 1987.

Craig, William.
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Creemers, Wilhelmus H. M.
Shrine Shinto After World War II
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Dahlberg, William N.
A Tool for Diplomacy: Baseball in Occupied Japan
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Dawidoff, Nicholas.
The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg
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Daws, Gavan.
Prisoners of the Japanese: POWs of World War II in the Pacific
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Deverall, Richard L.-G.
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Dower, John W.
Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
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Ways of Forgetting, Ways of Remembering: Japan in the Modern World
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Drape, Joe.
Soldiers First: Duty, Honor, Country, and Football at West Point
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Douglas MacArthur
Warrior as Wordsmith
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