The Awakening (17 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He raised his brows, still chewing.

              "Enjoying that burger?" She giggled again, as he unsuccessfully wiped at his mouth. He even blushed.

              Raina took up her napkin, grasped his jaw and wiped the corner of his mouth. "You're allowed to, I was only teasing you." She held her breath...holding his face like this gave him no chance to turn away, and his full attention was on her.

              Nolan swallowed and looked at her with smoky eyes. "Thanks," he came out all throaty.

              She bumped her shoulder against his. His was much more substantial. She laughed when he didn't even seem to feel the impact.

              "I like the sound of that Aelan, I want to hear more of it," he whispered

              She blushed. "I haven't felt like this in a long while." She bit her lip. "Not since...David," she tripped over the name.

              Nolan leaned close to her ear. "That’s why we have to be friends," he whispered.

              "David?" Her blue eyes were full of questions.

              He smiled sadly. "We will talk...for now, just try to relax...have fun. Soon Raina."

              She knew she had to accept that. She frowned and turned her attention to her food. Her phone indicated another text, she glanced, and yes he did illicit another chuckle from her, the green eyed devil. He had upgraded from demon to devil.

Buzz kill...isn't he?

She gave a slight shrug of her shoulder. She got a grin from Thantos and a frown from ever alert Nolan.

              "Deal breaker," he whispered. "Turn the phone off for tonight."

              "What if I need saved again tonight?" she teased.

              He growled. "I won't be leaving your side, so no worries."

              She felt warmth all the way to her toes. "Strike, buzz kill," she laughed.

              He chuckled too, a nice throaty chuckle.

              "I like the sound of that," she said softly. "I want to hear more of it!"

              They shared a long glance and then he sighed. He literally tore his eyes from her. "Maybe I should make myself a little less available...might make everything easier."

              She shook her head. "But I like this," she indicated the space between them. "I like your friendship...I like your...time."

              "And I you...but sometimes you sacrifice for what is right. I don't want to be distracted...don't want to distract you. That’s when you allow danger."

              Raina took a bite of the pasta salad and rolled her eyes.

              "Raina," he said softly.

              "Just promise you won't up and disappear on me," she mumbled.

              "I won't. But I might have to distance..." he raised his eyebrows as she vehemently shook her head. "Raina."

              "Fine," she sighed.

              "It’s your time to start making new” he hesitated saying that. “I...I can't be in the way."

              "Men? Oh like Captain Nose hair or Mr. Shoulder to cry on?"

              Nolan squinted in bewilderment.

              Raina glanced toward Thanatos. She couldn't help her smile...the green eyes danced with humor. How did he know what she was talking about?

              "Private joke?" Nolan’s voice was like gravel.

              She bit her lip.

              He rolled his shoulders as though shrugging off tension, or trying to shake off physical anger. He glared at Thantos. They lapsed into silence as they finished their meal.

              The warm afternoon turned into a cooler evening. A lot of the group had left, but a few stragglers remained. Bradley decided a bonfire would be a good idea.

              Raina settled by her best friend, who had a chilled bottle of wine, and one in a bucket of ice not far away.

              Emily poured a glass of wine for herself and Raina and then planted the bottle in between them. They toasted each other in the light of the fire.

              "So," Emily whispered. "What’s going on? It was all lovey in the beginning of this you're on opposite sides of the fire?"

              Raina blushed. "It was all going to fast Em. I just meet him..."

              "He’s a good guy Rain...Bradley just loves him. You trust Bradley, don't you?"

              Raina smiled. "Yes, I do...but I’ve barely made my come back...I still need time." She rubbed her arms against the chill that not even the fire could help. She sipped her wine and suffered a glance toward Nolan. He sat between two very pretty girls who giggled and cooed over him.

              She rolled her eyes. She wondered if he asked them to be friends as well. She rubbed her bare arms again...hating that she was in this beautiful sundress, freezing...and she had worn it for

              She pulled her gaze away, and looked to Thanatos...he too had female company, but it didn't bother her...much. He was evil...he was not to be trusted, and he was beautiful in the firelight. "Stupid gorgeous green eyed devil," she mumbled into her wine glass. She almost choked when he grinned at her and he seemed to know exactly what she'd said.

              He reached into his coat, pulled out his cell and waived it subtly.

              She frowned at him, and was about to ignore his request. Nolan had said to turn hers off. He had also promised to stay by her side tonight. She slid her hand in her pocket and pulled it out and laid it in her lap as it powered up. She hugged herself and turned to Emily.

              Emily smiled back. She saw the little interchange.

              Bradley appeared behind his wife, grasping her shoulders. He leaned over and kissed her. “Great party," he complimented.

              Emily tugged him down to sit on the arm rest of her chair. She leaned into his warmth. "Why don't you just stay put,” she whispered.

              He grinned. "Wine tonight Mrs. McRay?"

              Emily blushed.

              Raina turned her eyes away and shivered. As she did, her phone buzzed. She glanced down at the text.
Did he give up on you?

              Raina frowned.
She glanced over and shrugged.

He just looks really comfy             

Raina glanced away from the text because the words stung. She knew he was trying to get her riled up. And it was working....kinda She bit her lip, purposely not looking at either gentleman.
You look comfy yourself
, she texted back.

Not bad...better if you were here

She shook her head at him.
Not on your life

He put out his lip in a pout, and it made her laugh. Her teeth chattered too, and she inched closer to the fire.

So that’s a no?

Again, she laughed.
That’s a heck no Mr. Clay!

              She rubbed her arm with her free hand, and downed the remaining of her wine. She felt a little better. She also felt silver and green eyes on her, and she didn't care...she downed another sip.

    're causing buzz kill to make his frowny face

Raina fairly snorted at the text.
I don't give a damn!

Thantos chuckled, she heard it. She wouldn't look away from the fire.

              A cold hand on her shoulder startled her. She looked up at one of Nolan’s bimbettes. She blinked in surprise.

              The girl smiled nervously. "He asked me to bring this to you." She tilted her chin in Nolan’s direction.

              Raina’s mouth opened, but no thanks came out. She grasped the leather jacket with one hand, the wine with the other. The girl didn't wait long for one...she wanted to get back to her spot.

              Bradley was chuckling, seeing the altercation. He reached over and grabbed the glass of wine, so she could slip into the coats warmth.

              "Nolan’s such a sweetie." Emily sighed.

              Raina zipped the leather coat and smiled. It smelled divine inside Nolan’s coat, and it was warm still from his body. She snuggled in, and took back her wine. She lifted her eyes to his, and yes, he was watching her. Her phone buzzed in her lap.

Is that better?

              She smiled.
Much better thank you

She sank into the chair happily. She felt the phone vibrate again.

     turn the damn phone off like I said

Her mouth fell open. It was then that she realized, he only knew he could text her because he saw what was going on. The coat was him showing up Thanatos. She felt warmed at that. She powered down the phone again. He wasn't going to completely zone her out...she liked that.

Nolan’s eyes skimmed over the fire and caught her watching him with amusement. He liked how she looked all curled up in the his coat. He saw her inhale deeply, her nose to the collar, and he felt a pull of desire, and a swell in his chest. She liked his scent...he had caught onto that, and it gave his ego a huge boost.

              He had planned to "ignore" her all evening, but when he saw Thanatos tempting her...and her giving in...he had to do something. Then he'd watched her shivering, and knew he had to be the gentleman...the girl to his right had been more than willing.

              Now he watched her drinking her wine and wondered how long it would take for her to start feeling it. He'd keep an eye on her and Thanatos, who was watching her very closely.

              An hour later, he knew she had reached that limit. She was babbling with her best friend, and both of them giggled over nothing. It was amusing, it was cute, and it caused him great concern. He wanted to get her home safe and sound...but could he just outright walk up to her, collect her and take her there? No, that wouldn't be proper. He just didn't want her to hurt herself.

              He all but blocked out the rest of the group, focusing on her. She was too drunk and too close to the fire...and Thanatos was looking for any opportunity with the girl. He neglected the followers, or "groupies" as Thanatos often called them, who eventually announced they were heading out. He didn't feel any guilt. He only felt concern over the sleepy eyed girl across from him. She and Emily were giggling over more nonsense. He grinned at the tittering.

              They were whispering now, and Emily glanced over at him and laughed out right. Raina was blushing...and he listened harder.

              "Gregor...Clay!" Bradley called over to him and Thanatos.

              Emily grasped Raina's hand and smiled at her husband. "We are..." she giggled. “I think I'm a little tipsy," she slurred. "Raina and I made the it’s your turn to clean up. We are going inside for some more wine!"

              She hugged Bradley and lifted her face for a kiss.

              Bradley obliged, and then yelped when she gave his bottom a smack. His blue eyes were round in surprise.

              "Maybe you should make a pot of coffee," he teased.

              Emily frowned. "Maybe you should come take care of me."

              Bradley chuckled. "Raina, you're a bad influence on my wife!" He grinned and squeezed Emily. "Go on, we got this!"

              Raina giggled in response. The two girls leaned one on the other and headed toward the house. Their path was not straight, but they looked like they'd hold up.

              Bradley shook his head. "Hmmm, I was, happy wife...good night, but it doesn't look like that will be an option."

              Thanatos laughed at this. "You may have a small window of opportunity, if we can all get out of your hair." He headed toward the food tables.

              Nolan grinned, patting Bradley's shoulder. "Tough luck my friend, this clean up may take a while." He began stacking the chairs about the fire.

              Bradley cleared his throat. He looked to be deep in thought. A chorus of giggles from the house gave him pause.

              Nolan also looked toward the house and grinned.

              "Gregor....." he drew in a breath. "Could I ask you to come over tomorrow to help?"

              Nolan smiled. "Sure...I'll help wrap up the food right now."

              Bradley held up his hand to stop Nolan's progress." I wanted to know if you might...take Rain home for me." He blushed. "I picked her up, but she'll need a ride back. Clay and I can put the food in the freezers."

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