The Awakening (20 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He looked down on himself to see if something was out of place. "What?"

              She giggled. "No Chaps Mr. Gregor?"

              He shook his head.


              "For you."

              "Not yourself?"

              "Immortal," he whispered.

              She blinked up at him. She had forgotten that for a moment. She glanced again toward the bike. It really was a pretty bike! "What do I wear?"

              He eyed her with a smile. "What you have can use my jacket."

              Raina glanced toward the dining room. She had hoped he had forgotten.

              Nolan gave her that gorgeous frowny face. "We'll take just a short ride...if you want to go further, we will, but I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

              "I want to," she argued. There was nothing she wanted more and to insure he believed her, she went for her boots.

              Minutes later, Nolan was throwing his leg over the Harley. He looked so sexy just sitting there, regarding her. He held his hand out, taking her hand and drawing her to the bike. Her blue eyes were wide with uncertainty.

              "Put your hand on my shoulder. Use me to balance...I promise I won't topple over." He grinned, trying to put her at ease. He held her helmet in the other hand, waiting.

              Raina held to his shoulders and threw her own leg over. He stood solid as a rock as she used his weight to right herself. Her fingers shook, itched to touch the back of the dark head. She held back...not sure what to do with her hands now. He helped her decide, by handing her the helmet. She pushed it on, adjusting the visor.

              He slipped on a pair of sunglasses, and her mouth went dry when he glanced back at her.

              "Put your arms around me.”

              "Hmm, that’s touching," she teased.

              "It’s allowable," he teased back. He flipped a switch and the machine rumbled to life.

              Raina thrilled at the purring bike. She bit her lip, and wrapped her arms around his torso.              "Ready?" he shouted.

              She nodded, swallowing.

              "Just squeeze me if you need something."

              She tightened her hold...tempted to screw her eyes closed.

              And they were moving.

              Moments passed before she allowed herself to relax her death grip on Nolan. She sat up a little straighter, and her breath caught at the excitement the scene before her caused. The houses of her town flew by, and soon the wood lined sidelines also whizzed by all green and brown. It was a great temptation to throw her helmet off and feel the wind whip blonde locks from her face...but Nolan would be opposed to that. After her actions last night, she did not want to displease him further.

              "It’s great, isn't it?" he shouted over his shoulder.

              Her answer was a tight squeeze rather than shouting over the wind and the growl of the engine. She loved it! Absolutely loved it! No fear, no worry, no inhibitions...she was happy. She knew it was because of the man...the immortal…in front of her.

              They drove for miles in speeding silence. Nolan was in perfect control of the machine. He actually seemed more relaxed than ever as they moved with break neck speed.

              Raina realized she could maintain her own balance, and reluctantly loosed her hold on him further. She had been enjoying the excuse to keep her arms around him. It was much easier though, to sit back and watch all that was around her.

              The signs for a park forest came up, and Nolan slowed his speed. He turned into one entrance, and they were soon canopied under the shelter and shade of the monstrous trees.

              "Its beautiful back here," she spoke for the first time since they'd left.

              "I come here to think," he answered her. "And to get a break from Thanatos," he chuckled. He shoved his sunglasses up on his head, and pulled the bike over.

              Raina sat up and felt a bit of disappointment when the engine died.

              He put the kickstand down and glanced over his shoulder. "Want to take a walk?"

              She nodded, gripped his shoulders for balance, and threw her leg over. He quickly reached back to keep her from toppling over, then smoothly got off the bike himself.

              "Thank you," she smiled. "That was fantastic!" She tossed him her helmet. He caught it easily and hung it on the bike.

              He grinned. "I know."

              She laughed at his boyish delight.

              They started for a path in silence. The birds above chirped and sang, fluttering about...looking for food...for nest material...for mates. Every spring it was the same.

              "There’s a river a ways up this path...nice rocks...we could go there and sit, talk," he spoke up. "I know you have a lot of questions for me."

              Raina nodded. That was an understatement.

              She heard the rippling water, before she saw it. It was nothing like the stream that ran through her wood. It was wide and deep, and untamed...and breathe taking. "Oh, I should have brought my camera," she whispered.

              "I have a digital in the saddle bag on the bike."

              She shook her head, "No! You need a thirty-five."

              He grinned at her. "Really?"

              "Digital is just not the same!"

              "And you have one?"

              She frowned "Mine broke. I've yet to get a new one."

              "Well, when you do, we could come back again," he promised softly.

              Her heart faltered. His words meant that he intended to spend more time with her. She hadn't completely messed up last night! "I'd like that."

              He surveyed the river, and the shoreline, then gave Raina a grin. "Give me the jacket." He was shrugging out of his, and she reluctantly followed suit.

              Her eyes hungrily went to the water...rough and swift in the middle, but lapping gently at the shore line.

              “You want to test it?"

              Her eyes brightened. "The water? Sure...don't like the idea of numb fingers, but I will."  She moved toward the short bank. She intended to do her usual hand in the stream test, remembering the last time she was around water and Nolan.

              "Ah, ah," he chastised. "Using your hand is cheating!"

              She laughed at this. "So tell me do I test it if I don't touch it?"

              Promptly, he pulled his boots from his feet, followed by his socks.


              He grinned playfully. "It’s shallow right here on the banks. There are a few sharp rocks, but it’s perfectly safe....Come on," he tempted. "Haven't you ever done this?"

              She blushed, as he began to roll the cuffs of his jeans up, revealing heavily muscled calves. She couldn't help but admire.

              He stood straight, noting she hadn't moved. "Are you going to let me do this myself?"

              She laughed at his incredulous face.

              "Let your inner kid out," he encouraged.

              Raina shifted her weight from one foot to another...considering it. She yelped, as he went for her foot. She had to lay her hands on his back for balance, as he tugged her boot off. His muscles under the shirt moved with precision, and she liked the warmth they created against her hands. He made quick work of her socks too. Then, Raina was blushing; he rolled her jeans to just below the knee. His fingers skimmed down her calves when he was through, and he looked up at her with those silver eyes. He pulled his hands back quickly, and set them onto his thighs, as if he realized what he'd just done

              Her breath caught in her throat. She looked down on him, drinking in the sight of his impish grin. "No touching," she breathed out, trying to sound offended. But she wasn't...not one bit.

He shrugged guiltily.

              He got up quickly, and carefully moved over the grass, and down the bank. He turned to help her down too. And together, they stepped into the shallow cold water...both hissed against the cool, but it felt so wonderful at the same time.

              Raina noticed he held his arm out, prepared...just in case she decided to repeat their last experience with water. She liked his concern...his protection.

              They waded in companionable silence. He skipped a few rocks successfully against the running current. Raina failed miserably, so just started lobbing them to hear the “kerplunk” as they hit the water.

              She wondered if he was taking his time...not wanting to delve into the conversation...or if he really truly had a kid side and wanted to play in the water. She gave him a sideways glance, and decided the later, He looked like a pleased little boy.

              When they had their fill, he helped her up the bank.

              "We'll sit up on the rocks...dry a bit before we put our shoes back on," he spoke, scanning the rock banks...checking for critters.             

              Raina watched him...her eyes lowering to the calves, water droplets made their way down the defined muscles to his perfect...yes, perfect.. feet. Raina had never seen perfect feet, but Nolan Gregor had them. Life could not be more unfair! She stared down at her own petite feet...her toes were too short!

              He patted a higher rock with a flatter service. "How about this one?"

              She smiled. "Remember, I'm vertically challenged...maybe one lower to the ground?"

              He shook his head, gripped her hips and propelled her up and onto the rock. It was effortless for was unnerving to Raina. He was so strong...too strong.

              She watched as he hefted himself up without losing a beat.

              "Are all immortals strong?"

              He glanced over at her and smiled. "And so it starts."

              "We came here to talk, right? I assumed it would be about the sprung your immortality on me last night!"

              "Hmm, partly," he agreed. "And partly to talk about what happened last night."

              She bit her lip. Oh yeah, that.

              "We have to set boundaries Raina. We can't have a repeat of last night."

              She couldn't look him in the eye, she felt the embarrassment...but mostly the excitement the memory provoked. "I was drunk...I was was my fault."

              He shook his head. "I wanted it too Raina. I've wanted that to happen from the moment I laid eyes on you. I let it happen...and I liked it."

              She blushed.

              "We just...can't."

              "Why? Is it because of your...your situation? It doesn't bother me," she admitted. And she really meant it.

              "No, not because of that," he sighed. He tipped her chin so that she would look at him.

              Her stomach did a free-fall. His beauty again rendered her speechless.

              His eyes darkened "David."

              Raina blinked at the name. She bit her lip. "David? Nolan...David is gone."

              He closed his eyes for a second.

              "Why is this about David?" The name caused his face to come into view, and Raina had to push back the spring of tears.

              "I made a promise to him."

              Raina drew in a breath. "To David?"

              He nodded. "Your husband and I...we were friends for a short time."

              She shook her head. "I don't understand. David never mentioned you...other than supposedly meeting you at my own wedding...I never knew you existed."

              "He....well, I suppose he kept me secret."

              Raina frowned.

              "David knew about me Raina. He knew my gift...he accepted me as such...but he never wanted to scare you with my existence. Maybe he thought you wouldn't believe him. Not until after...." he paused, and Raina saw a flash of pain mar his appearance. “Long story short...I promised him I would watch over you in his absence." He didn't want to go over the memory of watching David pass...

watching over me," she whispered.

              He stared out over the water and nodded. "But I feel like...I'm taking advantage....stealing what is not mine. When I make a promise...I take it serious. I put all my heart into it. I just...I feel distracted with you. I can't really fulfill my promise if I allow myself certain liberties with you."

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