The Awakening (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "Raina not now. You need to sleep...I need you to sleep."

              She smiled sadly. "Why is now different? You're always telling me to wake up," she accused softly. She tipped her head and studied him. He shook his head in amusement.

              "Let me help you get settled," he soothed. He gently reached for her ankle and slid her sandal off, then reached for the other and did the same. "Lay down," he ordered gently. She obeyed, and he chastely straightened her dress over her legs. He reached for the afghan on the back of her sofa and covered her.

              She followed his every move. Her eyes full of questions...and concern for him.

              "Don't worry over me, baby," he growled low in his throat. He smoothed back her hair and grinned.

              “I’m sorry about trying to seduce you.”

              His gaze warmed. "Two centuries and I've never been more tempted," he crooned.

              She'd tried to seduce an immortal tonight! Her heart leapt, and she felt a shiver pass through her. She blushed, as she watched him head to the door.

              "Tomorrow," he whispered.

              She swallowed and gave a nod.

              She heard the door click softly behind him, and that was all. Her tired brain shut off and she fell asleep, still surrounded by the scent of him captured in his leather jacket.


































Chapter 7 Boundaries



Raina yawned and stretched, shocked when her feet came in contact with an obstruction. She jumped up, knocking Turk to the floor. She blinked against the sunlight filtering through the front window. Was she on the couch? Her mind took a moment to put it together, and then she groaned. Not because her head hurt or her stomach, both felt just fine, amazingly. It was the memory of her actions from the night before.

              She closed her eyes against the memories. Oh she deserved a migraine...a nauseated stomach...she had drank so much! And she had not been her usual collected self, that’s for sure.

              Turk rested his head in her lap, looking up at her with his expectant puppy face. Percy meowed from the arm rest. "Morning boys," she sighed. Both remained still, just looking at her.

              Raina pushed back her afghan, and then groaned again. She was in her dress, and Nolan’s jacket.

              "Ughh, Nolan," she groaned. She had attacked him....he'd responded for a moment. Albeit, a lovely short lived moment. She felt the rejection again, as she recalled him tossing her from his lap. "His lap," she moaned. Oh, she had no pride. "I crawled into his lap!" She ran her fingers through her hair.              "Two hundred years, and I've never been so tempted," he had said. She smiled at maybe he hadn't quite regretted it as much as she thought. Her heart lifted just a smidge.

              "Two hundred years, “she whispered. It was then that she remembered his confession. She sat up straight. “Nolan is two hundred years old.” Her mind wanted to reject the idea but her heart knew it was true. She had seen how his admission cost him. This was for real.

He had supernatural strengths that she could not even begin to imagine. She should be in shock, but somehow...on him, it made sense. Hadn't she always figured he was different...that Thanatos was different too? Was she really that sensitive, or was it obvious? No, not obvious... no one around her noticed...Emily never alluded to it. But she, Raina, had known.

She sat, deep in thought for a few moment and then shook herself. As much as she'd like to lose herself in imagination, she had to get Turk outside, and then feed the two hungry beasts. She got stiffly to her feet, and led him to the back door.

              She filled the bowls, and then turned to start her own coffee. Its scent made her mouth water!

              She needed to wake up. What had Nolan said? We were going to help with the clean up? He would call her? Yes, that sounded about right. She again marveled that she could remember anything at all. And why wasn’t she sick?

              She pulled her phone out of her pocket of her dress, and was thankful she hadn't crushed it in her was dead. No, wait, she had turned it off at Nolan's demand. She turned it on quickly, and decided it needed a charge anyway.

              Turk was at the door by the time she poured her cup of coffee. She let him in, and then went to latch the gate. Her eyes wandered warily to the woods. No one was out there, not this early. She doubted either would believe she had awakened without a hangover. She was shocked herself. Just in case though, she didn't linger ...especially in her wrinkled dress...and, yes, she still wore Nolan's jacket.

              She stepped inside, and reluctantly took off the wonderfully scented jacket. She wondered if he'd notice if she kept it. She smiled impishly, smoothing it gently on the back of a dining room chair.

              She drank down her coffee, careful not to burn her tongue. It revived her slightly. She popped some bread in the toaster; it was a good idea to get something on her stomach. She enjoyed the simple breakfast, washing it down with the rest of her coffee.

              She still needed to shower and dress. Nolan had promised to call...he was a prompt one. She checked her phone, almost willing it to ring right now.

              Her tummy fluttered at the idea. She liked thinking of his deep gentle voice over the phone. With that in mind, she hurried to go get ready.

              She made good time, and was back in her kitchen, sipping a second cup of coffee in under forty five minutes. She peaked at her phone, no missed calls or texts. She pouted. But it was only seven thirty in the morning...surely they would not need to be there that early. She decided it was just her anticipation to see him again. She had so many questions for him.

              In the meantime...she glanced about her living room and made a face at the dust on the shelves and entertainment system. You could see the places where her many pictures had been. She could stand to clean up a bit.

              She shuffled through her cds and found a mix she had put together, some of her favorite guilty pleasures. She tried to remember what the first song would be. She popped it in and smiled. It was Britney. She gave a would was very upbeat. She turned it up and laughed at Turks reaction, his puppy head tilted.

              She went for a dust rag and the pledge. She'd open the windows too...the front door...let some air in. It was spring and the winter air inside seemed to choke her. She pulled back her hair into a pony tail, and got to work.

              She smiled at Percy, who had jumped up on the window sill to watch the birds. Turk took to the couch, not liking the appearance of cleaning supplies...that meant the vacuum would be making an appearance, and he hated that thing.

              Raina put herself into her work, enjoying her silly upbeat music…great motivational least to get you moving. She shook off her heavy thoughts and dove back into her work.

              She soon had all her wood surfaces glowing, and, much to Turks chagrin, the vacuum came out. Before she turned it on, one of her favorites came on.... Pussy Cat Dolls "Buttons" She laughed and turned it up so she'd hear it over the noise. She would never admit how much she loved the song....what would others think?

              In time to the music, she swept. She sang at the top of her lungs, really getting into the corners, pulling furniture out of the way. What was it about this song that got her going? She thought of Nolan, and grinned...she wouldn’t mind him loosening up a few "buttons". Her cheeks burned.

              With one final push, she completed her task. She switched off the vacuum, laughing. She turned down her music, turned about, and gasped.

              Mortification...this was the definition of her entire being at this very moment. She prayed that the floor would magically swallow her up. She swiped a strand of hair from her eyes and froze where she stood.

              Nolan...yes, beautiful Nolan stood at the screen door, grin on his face.

              She had no way of ever hearing his arrival. Not with her blaring music, and roaring vacuum...

              She just stood there, her mouth agape.

              Nolan, hid his grin, unsuccessfully, and ended up chuckling softly. "I take it from the loud music and the uninhibited dancing, you are hangover free?" His silver eyes twinkled merrily.

              Raina bit her lip, shoving her hands in her back pockets, and shrugging. Her face was tinted rose, and she still hadn't found her voice.

              "May I come in?"

              She nodded, not taking her eyes off him. Turk, who had no inhibitions, lunged at him in greeting. Nolan took the impact of the dog’s fronts paws on his chest and laughed at the puppy whines. She watched with jealousy....oh God mortification had stolen her tongue.

              "You okay?" His eyes did not leave hers. He roughed Turks fur, and set him down, and moved closer.

              "Speak idiot," she screamed at herself.

              "Did I scare you?"

              Raina closed her eyes and shook her head. "I um, I was just were going to call," she said softly.

              Nolan smiled. "I did Raina...three times. I was worried you were sick when you didn't answer!" His eyes quickly ran her over. "So imagine my surprise...seeing you..." he couldn't help his laugh.

              Raina set her face in her hands. "So embarrassing," she moaned. "I'm sorry!"

              He shook his head.

              Raina blushed again and went for her phone. Indeed there were three missed calls. "So, we're heading for clean up?" She didn't want to even look him in the eye.

              "I got us out of it."

              Raina looked up at this. He looked proud of himself, and worried at the same moment. "Out of it?" She tilted her head slightly. “So why are you here?"

              He shrugged. "We need to talk.”

              Raina swallowed. Her heart thrummed a happy beat. "We do need to talk," she agreed. She grimaced and lifted a shoulder. "Firstly, last night...I'm so sorry how I...."

              He held up his hands. "Let’s go take a ride," he offered.

              She bit her lip, liking the sound of that. "A ride?"

              "We need some new scenery," he offered. "Or if you'd rather, we could go help with the clean up?"

              She smiled and shook her head. "You really got us out of clean up duty?" She couldn't imagine her finicky friend allowing something like that. "How did you convince Emily to allow it?"

              He tilted his head. "Well... her agreement had terms," he admitted.

              Raina almost groaned. "Terms?"

              His silver eyes danced. "She said if I could convince you to take a ride, she'd let us out of it."

              Raina scoffed. "That’s it?"

              He tilted his dark head toward the front window. "Yeah, just a ride."

              She turned in the direction of his head tilt.

              "What do ya say?"

              Raina's mouth dropped open. Out on her drive sat a pretty impressive piece of machinery. It was all black and chrome. "A motorcycle?"

              "A motorcycle," he agreed.

              She blinked. "I...I don't know. Those things are dangerous!" Her tummy did a somersault. She knew now, Emily had never expected her to agree to this! She knew she'd fear it...beg him to go get his nice safe shiny red Charger to drive them over for the cleanup.

              Nolan crossed his arms; he had his gorgeous frowny face on. "Don't you trust me?"

              Raina looked at him incredulously. "Of course I trust you...undoubtedly." She felt her spine stiffen in defiance of her friend’s assumption. She'd like to prove her wrong!

              A slow sexy grin tugged at his lips. "Then take a ride on my bike, Aelan."

              The butterflies broke loose in her tummy. She studied him in his jeans, tee and leather jacket. Very tempting.

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