The Awakening (27 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "Oh, I know you! You can spout all these words you green eyed devil, but actions speak louder!"

              He felt the slap of her words and at the moment was at a loss for his own. He almost sputtered in anger.

              Raina felt fear then, and started away, not paying attention to her steps.

              Thanatos had every intention of letting her go on alone, but her scream changed his mind for him. It stirred something in him...a need to protect. He had never felt it this strongly.

              She was shrieking, ready to crumple to the ground. His arms were about her, her head into his chest, her fingers grasping the front of his shirt. His heart was pounding in his ears, as he glanced around for the danger.

              Turk was racing back.

              Thanatos was comforted when he saw there was no near and present danger. He squeezed her gently when her sobbing continued. "Raina, what is it?" He moved back a bit to look down into her face. "Why did you scream?"

              Raina looked miserable, as she turned her eyes up to his. She shook her head. "I'm so stupid." She then began giggling hysterically.

              Thanatos shook her hard enough to rattle her teeth. "Why did you scream?" he growled.

              Raina pushed closer to his chest, which he liked, and fearfully peaked over her shoulder. "There was a snake...right...over ...there!"

              Thanatos scowled. "A what?"

              "A snake," she lamented. She gripped his shirt a little tighter at the word.

              He shook his head, and then began to laugh. He brushed a strand of hair, newly escaped behind her ear. "A snake?"

              "I hate snakes." She trembled.

              "Out of the path of one snake, only to run into another," he teased.

              Raina blushed, and pushed away from him. "Ha-ha," she growled.

              He pulled her back close, forcing her chin up. "I would protect you," he said softly. "If you would only trust me."

              Raina swallowed hard, feeling her pulse pick up. He was too close for comfort. His scent, his touch, his voice, nothing like Nolan’s, but it stirred her still. She pushed away again. "I might trust you if you proved you were trust worthy. Trust is earned," she whispered.

              He nodded. "Maybe I'll earn it yet."

              Raina frowned. "You have your work cut out for you."

              He frowned back. "You doubt me?"

              She drew in a breath. "You even doubt yourself, Thanatos."

              His eyes darkened. "You should call me something else. Death from your lips does not sound right."

              She was shocked at his words.

              "But that is my name," he sighed.

              "You should try changing it," she couldn't help her little snipped comment.

              He looked at her in surprise. "It’s the name I was given!"

              Raina gave him a sad smile. "It was given in a moment of weakness. Your dad lost his wife..."

              He sneered. "Raina, if that were true, he would have changed it for me. My father never let me forget why he gave me that name. Not one day in his presence did he fail to tell me. He hated me. I was the reason he lost his wife..." He shook his head. "My mother wanted me, he did not! I was death to him. Every time he had to look at me it’s all he saw."

              Raina felt a tug at her heart. "No wonder you question your worth," she whispered. She reached out to touch his arm, but he stepped back.

              The green eyes blazed. He did not like the meaning in her words. "Don't cry over me little Raina," he growled. "I don't need your pity!" He pushed past her. His feet took him surely and swiftly from her.

              Raina frowned deeply. "Well you have it! My pity! You're a miserable sad little man, Thanatos Clay," she shouted after him.

              His growl was the only answer.

              She set her hands on her hips and glared after him. So much for kindness kills. Thanatos wouldn't know real love or kindness if it bit him in the ass!









































Chapter 10 The Awkwardness




Raina was happy when Monday made its appearance, and she knew she would be going to coffee with friends. She took care in her appearance, wearing a new pair of capris, and a flirty shirt Emily had insisted she needed. She curled her long hair...straying away from throwing it into a pony tail as she usually did. She worked on it until it fell in lovely curly waves down her back.

              Emily smiled approval, when she arrived at the Bitter Sweet.

              They jumped in the car and meet Donna at a little coffee shop down town.

              It felt good sipping lattes, and chatting. There was so much catching up to do in Donnas respect. She showered them with questions...especially Raina. She and Emily had kept slightly better touch.

              Donna spilled out her story...she was married now. Raina remembered the invite, but hadn't gone. It had only been months after David's death. She never would have made it through the ceremony. She still felt guilty over it.

Donna’s Charlie was in the military, and currently overseas. Raina had only met him once, when they were first dating. She regretted that now…from what her friend was telling her, she had missed out by being so distant. Charlie was pretty amazing.

              Donna lamented over the lonely days and nights without him.

              Emily empathized, telling her how little she saw Bradley sometimes because of work, but she was thankful to have him in her bed every night. Her eyes twinkled at this.

              Raina rolled her eyes. "Rub it in Em," she growled. "Not all of us get a man in our bed every night."

              Donna laughed at this and high fived Raina. She then lifted her brows to Raina. "Well Miss single," she teased. "What about that tall drink of water from the party? The one you were texting...and calling?"

              Raina blushed. "It’s complicated with Nolan."

              "He's gorgeous," Emily sighed. "And he's confused. Supposedly there is another female sniffing around."

              Donna frowned. "Someone more adorable then Raina?" she didn't look convinced.

              "Tell us about her," Emily pushed...causing Raina to frown. "The other woman… Elenora...what’s she like?"

              Raina grimaced. "I only saw her...and Nolan told me a little bit about her. She’s drop dead gorgeous...just think of a female Nolan...with a Thanatos attitude."

              Emily made a face.

              "Who's Thanatos?" Donna looked confused.

              "Another boy crushing on Rain," Emily informed her. "He's hot too...lucky girl! But he has the most loathsome attitude. He is arrogant and rude, and..."

              "Em, be kind. He's had issues." Raina couldn't stop the words before they spilled out. She was defending Thanatos? “I mean yeh...he's a scoundrel, but for good reason. He hasn't had an easy life."

              Emily's mouth fell open.

              "Wait! The yummy blonde with the green eyes? He's chasing after you too??" Donna’s face flushed with pleasure.

              Raina was involuntary...but the words gave her pleasure. With all the rejection she'd been facing lately, it felt good to hear such a thing out loud.

              She gave a shrug. "It’s complicated."

              "Rain doesn't want him anyway. Nolan...he's the catch. But I'm a little ticked at him right now for ignoring you," she hissed. "Has he tried to call?"

              Raina shook her head and studied her coffee. She really didn't want to go there.

              Donna frowned. "Well, then he’s not so perfect, is he? He must have ugly feet!"

              Raina laughed at this, her eyes lit. "What?"

              Donna grinned. "You a body builder. Arms tight, firm...because of the roids of course. Up top he looks marvelous...down below, not so much if you know what I mean!"

              The women fell into fits of giggles over this.

              Raina shook her head, and bit her lip, after the giggles settled. "His feet are perfect," she sighed. "And his calves....."

              Emily’s eyes widened. "And when did you have a chance to see his calves and feet? I thought it was just a kiss!!!” Her dark eyes were round and relentless. ”Spill it now…from boxers or briefs to his morning bed head!" She leaned forward.

              Raina went scarlet. "NO! Oh, no it was just a kiss, Emily McRay!"

              Emily groaned. "So nothing more than a kiss?"

              "It was a fantastic kiss though," Raina sighed. "It was...."

              "Arousing?" Emily chimed in.

              Raina slapped her friends arm. "Well duh, you silly woman." She shook her head, unwilling to go on with that story. "As for his calves and feet, I was blessed to see them when we went to the Park Forest that day...we went wading in the river."

              Donna cooed happily. "Now that’s romantic."

              Raina blushed. The memory was surprisingly painful. “Now, can we please change the subject? I really don't want to talk about Nolan today...not with things as they are. It’s not as fun for me as it is for you!"

              "Just living vicariously," Emily teased, but they did change the subject quickly.

              Two hours turned into four, and they giggled and shared. It was a shock to all to find it was already lunch! Donna fumbled with her purse, late for a Dr. appointment. She tossed her money on the table, hugged and kissed them both, and scurried off.

              "What do you want to do now?" Raina downed the remainder of her coffee.

              Emily smiled "You hungry?"

              "You fattening me up?"

              "Not at all," Emily laughed.

              "Then, I could eat."

              Emily bit her lip. "Don't hate me...but I sort of promised Bradley I'd grab him lunch, since I'd be in town. He's been texting me for the last hour starving! So we may...well, we will have to stop at McRay Inc."

              Raina shrugged. "I'll stay in the car."

              Emily again worried her lip. "He got tired of waiting. So he phoned an order in here, to the Bitter Sweet. They make great sandwiches and coffees."

              "Obviously," Raina laughed, glancing at her empty cup, and trying to remember how many times she had it refilled. "Em, what are you hem hawing around for?"

              Emily shrugged. "Well, he placed an order for quite a few at the office...drinks and all. I'm going to need your help carrying it all in." She winced as though she was going to be struck.

              Raina rolled her eyes. "I can handle that. How many are we delivering?"

              "Only eight or ten. He was in a meeting when he offered."

              Raina drew in a breath, wondering if one of the eight or ten included him... dark hair, silver eyes. She shook her head, and gave Emily a smile. "It'll be fun feeding the masses," she spoke sarcastically.

              "We'll order ours too, and eat with Bradley if that’s okay?"

              Raina nodded. What choice did she have? Emily was her ride.

              Maybe it was the coffee...or the idea she might see Nolan, but Raina was trembling by the time they reached the office.

              It wasn't huge, but it was an impressive building, all brick and glass. When they entered, Emily was instantly greeted by the girl at the desk, who called up to Bradley right away on the phone. They took a short ride in the elevator to the top floor, where Bradley’s office was. When the doors opened, there was a hub of activity, phones ringing, faxes keyboards, and mouse clicking.

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