The Awakening (29 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Raina stiffened a bit, but found his hand warm, soothing.

              "Nolan is a stupid man if he's choosing her over you," he purred. "It’s best for him though...that you stay away," he continued. “Not only do your choices affect you. She could be very unkind to him as well." He squeezed her fingers. “You wouldn’t want to be responsible for that.”

              She shook her head, suddenly startled. Was he trying to scare her? "You really and truly believe it’s best for me to stay away?"

              "In every way." He smiled sincerely, but there was an edge to the comment.

              Raina straightened and looked him in the eye. She took her hand back. “You’re being strange.”

He tilted his head. “How so?”

“Nolan and I know our part in this. You delivered the message…so that should be the end of it. Right? What is your job now, Thanatos?”

              He paled a bit.

              She suddenly realized how trusting she was being with him. He seemed far too eager for her to obey Elenora.

              Nolan had told her Thanatos did what benefitted Thanatos.

              Thanatos sighed, and ran his hand over his face. "I can't tell you the details."

              "She’s manipulating you and she's trying to control him," she whispered softly. She wanted to add, "The bitch" to the end of that...but who knew what Thanatos would carry back to her about this conversation. Maybe she should play dumb. "I don't want him doing anything that will bring him harm. No matter how pissed I am right now."

              Humor glinted in his eyes. "You know what lengths he'll go to see you are not harmed?"

              “Like pretending he isn’t happy to see me?”

              He gave a nod. "You know, you would do well to learn from his example. It would make things safe for you." He shrugged. “He has complied. Now he won’t suffer any consequences.” He grinned naughtily. “As much as I would love to see him in trouble, it took a lot of control for him to turn you out back there.”

              It dawned on her suddenly. That had just been a test! Thanatos had sent her in as a pawn! She had failed, but Nolan had passed with flying colors! Her heart beat faster. She tried to calm it, drawing in a deep breath.

              His greens held concern. “You okay?” 

              She shook her head. "I...I need lunch, I'm feeling light headed. Can we skip the tour?"

              He nodded and led her back to the meeting room, where Emily and Bradley now joined a few of the employees.

              Emily’s brows rose when Raina walked in with Thanatos. Raina shook her head...meaning, don't ask! She hurriedly sat down, wanting very much to get this over and to go home so she could think things through.

              Nolan did pop in to give a quick greeting. He would always be matter what that cost him. He said hello to Emily, offering that winning smile, which had Emily smiling back goofily.

              "Nolan...I brought Raina too. You remember Raina?"

              "Of course." He barely glanced toward Raina. "We had a chat in my office." His voice was clipped, but he warmed his statement with another grin. "It was nice seeing you all." He turned to leave...quickly.

              "Sit," Bradley ordered. "I know you're busy, but...look, Clay has found a few moments...quite a few, to visit, and he should be just as busy as you.”

Nolan did as he was told, and sat at the far end of the table. He looked alone...and very unsure. He folded his arms and studied the table.

              Emily again lifted her eyebrows to Raina.

              Raina covertly pulled out her phone.

Emily glanced down when her phone buzzed, then returned her gaze, offering a smile. She gave her a nod, and then looked down to fiddle with her phone.

              Thanatos saw, and rolled his eyes. "You women and your texts," he teased. “It’s as bad as whispering.”

              Raina blushed. She felt her phone buzz, heard it, and this cause laughter around the table. She smiled and glanced down, expecting a comment from Emily about how rude he nosey.

I need to talk to you. PRIVATELY.

It was Nolan! Her heart leapt.

              Thanatos gave her a look, gaging her reaction.

              "My Mom," Raina sighed..."Always worried over me."  She texted back.
where? when?

She gave Thanatos another shrug. "Okay...its rude...I'll put it away. She glanced quickly at the screen.
Just be prepared.
She tossed her phone in her purse. Distractedly, she reached for her coffee, the ice had all melted, but she pretended it was still delicious. She didn't want to give anything away. Not even a smidge of anxiety.

              They finished lunch, without Raina once looking Nolan’s way. This seemed to relax Thanatos. As fate would have it, Bradley gave him an assignment almost instantly after. Grudgingly, he bid them all a goodbye, smiling at Raina, and leaving.

              Bradley and Emily got up too.

              Raina then gave in and peaked at Nolan. The silver grey eyes were gentle on her, so unlike earlier. He stood to his feet, and stretched. It was a beautiful stretch.

              "It’s been a lovely lunch," he muttered. He gave them a wave and headed out the door. Raina tore her eyes from him, not wanting to allow herself to watch him leave, but failing. She saw Nolan nod to his partner, as the green eyed devil swept by.

              "Later," Thanatos threw at him, as he headed for the elevator.

              Bradley leaned toward Raina. "Raina, I have to tell you something .Clay will know nothing of this. I have learned that for some reason it’s very important to you that he not know. Nolan said you would be upset otherwise."

              Raina’s brows lifted.

              "I've sent Thanatos to the third floor on assignment. It should only take him a half hour, but he'll make it an hour socializing." His blue eyes danced. "Nolan is taking off early...he asked permission to steal you from Emily. I approved."

              Raina blushed. "What? How long was I gone and when did this all go down?"

              Emily giggled. "He came to ask after the office issue." She shook her head. "Throwing papers Raina...really?"

              Raina’s mouth fell open. "What?"

              Bradley tilted his head. "He just wants to talk...without Thanatos intruding.”

              "I see," she said calmly and her brow furrowed. "Well apparently, the two of you are my parents with every right to ship me off to anyone who asks." She stood to her feet, marched to the door, then spun around. "Thank you!" A smile lit her face.

              Emily gave her a nod, barely containing herself.

              Raina didn't know where she was going when she got out of the room. She peaked back at Bradley.

              "The elevator?" he suggested with amusement.


              Raina turned to the elevator, and smiled when she sensed
walking at her side.

              "Going down?" he asked politely.

              Raina gave a nod not offering any conversation. No need to cause office gossip that the green eyed one would hear. When the door opened, she stepped in ahead of him, and went to the back of the wall. It wasn't until the doors closed that she turned to him. "What is going on?"

              He held his finger to his lips.

              His voice was softer than usual when he spoke. His eyes did not even turn to her. "When we get to the lobby, go to the parking lot on the left side of the building. No windows...just in case. I'll meet you there."

              Raina smiled. She liked the secrecy...the faux spy. Nolan would make an excellent covert spy. He seemed so cool, so collected, and her heart was beating out of her chest.

              She drew in a breath, as she exited.

              "Good afternoon Mrs. Foster," he spoke crisply. He then nodded to the girl at the front desk. The girl about melted.

              "Mr. Gregor," she said in farewell.

              Raina went one way, he went the other. Anyone watching would have no idea the two were planning to meet up again. This caused Raina's heart to skip a beat. She prayed Emily left before Thanatos showed back up. It would be obvious since Raina had not driven herself, and with Nolan leaving work early.

              Quickly she texted her friend her concern.

I'm heading out now.
Emily texted back.

              This caused Raina to breathe a little easier. She walked swiftly to the side of the building where another parking lot sat. She held close to the side of the building, anxiously watching for him, and then saw the red Charger rounding the back. Her heart thrummed happily.

              It pulled right up to her, and Raina quickly jumped in, thankful it had tinted windows. Not that the candy cherry red didn't stand out! They were heading to the exit to the street, when Raina saw Emily getting into her own car. Emily knew better than to wave, but Raina saw her smile.

              When they were on the road, Raina turned to him. "What is going on?" her voice trembled now, all the adrenaline and anxiety had caught up with her.

              Nolan grinned, not taking his eyes off the road. "We're tricking Thanatos."

              She couldn't help smiling...a reaction to the grin on his face. " were playing a game?"

              "You were easy to fool," he chuckled.

              She frowned. "How so?"

              "I knew if I didn't contact you...if Thanatos told you about the meeting I was in with might think I was being truthful about you and I needing to part ways." His silvers clouded. “Your reactions would be pure.”

              Raina gasped at this. “You played me?" Her lip trembled.

“Raina, don’t see it that way,” he said softly.

“You lied to me!”

“I was acting a part…none of it was real.” He gripped the steering wheel now, not happy with her reaction.

She shook her head. "Do you know how hurt I was? You couldn't trust me to tell me it up front and know that I'd play my part? You had to hurt my feelings instead?"

              "You wear your heart on your sleeve, Raina, and you are usually a horrible liar. I needed you to be truly upset with me! Don't you see? Now he'll report to her that we are fighting. I had to lie, Aelan!"

              "Don't Aelan me! You had to lie? Had to?"

“Yes,” he sighed.

Raina could hardly breathe now. She felt so used. "I can't believe you! Pull over, now!"

              He gave her a strange look. "What?"

              "Pull over, I need let out!" Her blue eyes blazed.

              He pulled the car over and turned to her, sensing how upset she was. “Raina it was for your benefit! Can't you see?"

              "You went on a date hoping to make me jealous, just so you could use me to trick the both of them?"

              "Yes," he answered with confusion. "For that I'm sorry, but I had to!" He got out of his side of the car, as she crashed out of hers. He rounded the car and met her half way.

              "What about the third meeting with her? Just the other day? Thanatos told me."

              "I had to convince her Raina!"

              Her blues filled. "I have cried for days over this," she shouted. “I have been wondering what I did wrong...and she gets three visits with you?"


              "Do not call me that right now!" She was so upset he wasn't getting it!

“Raina, please, understand I only did this for you. I will make it up to you.” His hand was at his neck, rubbing furiously.

"You said you could still feel just heal quickly, right?"

              His eyes looked completely confused, but he nodded.

              Raina scowled. "Good!" And she slapped his face as hard as she could. She felt the rewarding sting of her hand, and the sight of the red print on his face.

              Nolan, in shock, put his hand to his cheek. The impact had barely made his head move, but he felt the sting. He growled and grabbed both of her hands, as she came at him again, before she could pummel him.

              "Don't you ever do that to me again," Raina shouted at him. Tears washed down her face. "Don't leave me out of the plan! Don't say it’s for my benefit!" She fought against his iron grip to no avail. "It hurt me more thinking I lost you...and for it all to have been a game?" She was lost in a sob. "Am I just a game to you?"

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