The Awakening (32 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He groaned.

              Raina frowned. "You've never read?"

              He shook his head, his beautiful eyes rolled.

              "Then you have no reason to judge! You must first read it...then you can roll your eyes at me!"

              He gave her his gorgeous frowny face.

              "And before you ask about movies...."

              Again he groaned, placing his head in his hands.

              Raina slapped his arm. It had no effect on him.

              He peaked at her between his fingers, mimicking her earlier action. "Yeh, maybe we shouldn't be friends."

              She stuck her tongue at him.


      She smiled. "I like Adele...Muse...really eclectic..."

              "Pussy Cat Dolls..."

              She blushed. "Of course you would remember. Is there anything that escapes your notice?"

              He shook his head. "There’s one particular thing that catches my notice at each of our meetings. It really bothers me."

              Her blue eyes were steady on his. "What?" Her voice was soft and pitiful.

              He cleared his throat. "So Emily drove you here?"

              She shrugged. "Yes."

              "And other times it’s Bradley?"

              She nodded.

              "You couldn't drive yourself?"

              She looked at him stupidly.

              "I thought it was getting better...your fears?"

              She meet his gaze and knew exactly where he was going with this. She had more growing to do, and he was going to push her again...gently, which was Nolan’s way. "I am," she answered timidly.

              "So why is there a perfectly good car setting in your garage?"

              She bit her lip. "I'm not even sure it works," she mumbled. "It’s been sitting there a few years...and my license is expired," she admitted.

              He made a tisking sound with his tongue. "Well, we'll have to remedy that, won't we?" He straightened his shoulders. "I would check the car, but I'm not allowed around your house at the moment. I'll send someone."

              Raina blinked at him. "Why is it so important?"

              He shrugged. "You need independence Raina. A car provides that. Plus...Emily and Bradley taking you here and there opens doors for revealing things we don't want revealed. It would be so much more convenient if our secret meetings were just between you and me."

              She saw his logic and nodded. "I'm afraid I'll be rusty with the driving part," she whispered.

              "So I'll give you lessons." His eyes lit. "Next time we meet here, I will bring my car...we'll practice."

              Raina’s eyes ran over him. "Don't tell me you walked or ran here."

              He snorted a laugh. "You doubt I could? I'd have no problem...but no, I did not."

              She furrowed her brow. "Why isn't your car here today then?"

              A slow sexy grin spread his face. "I brought the bike."

              She glanced at Turk, then back at him. Raina groaned. "And I wore pants today! It’s so unfair!"

              His teeth gleamed, and those laugh lines she talked about showed up. "Patience Aelan...I will get you back on the bike one day."

              Turk barked to be let up, and Raina watched in awe, as Nolan easily leaned down and hefted the dog up. Turk was far from light, but he had no problem with the task.

              "Crazy immortal strength," she said with envy.

              Nolan smiled proudly. "Hard work too...never forget that! I should get you to the gym...pump some iron."

              She blushed.

              "You know, you keep blushing I may have to change my favorite color from blue to pink." He touched her cheek briefly, and then turned to Turk to distract himself.

              Raina took a moment to click a picture of the two so close and so adorable together. She got the camera snatched from her then.

              "Let me get some of you." He jumped down, took a second to fix the cuffs of his jeans, and then aimed the camera at her.

              Raina felt self-conscious, and pulled the furry pup closer. She didn't want to be the only one in the picture. Turk lapped her cheek, and then went back to posing for Nolan.

              Nolan smiled up at her. "I'd like a copy of these, if you don't mind."

              Raina agreed quickly, and then gasped surprise when he jumped back up with the two of them, put his arm around her, moved Turk, and set a hand to the side of her hip, sliding her neatly into his side.

              Raina was shocked by the contact. He was warmth, and his scent was a little heady. She leaned closer, so she was also in the view of the camera, and smiled as he took a picture. He was then gone from her, falling easily to the ground. He didn't look back at her or make comment of his action...just started taking pictures of the view around him.

              Raina stilled her heart, placing a hand to her chest, and taking a deep breath. She watched him for a moment, unhindered, before he turned back and smiled at her.

              "Does Turk like ice cream?"

              Raina laughed. "Loves it!"

              "Wanna hit the drive thru again?"

              The boyish side of him peaked through again. He came to stand below her and lifted up his arms to assist her down.

              "But you've only got the bike."

              He stopped for a second and frowned, “That’s right." He looked embarrassed to have forgotten. Suddenly he smiled, and fished his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed a number, and he waited, hoping he got reception out here.

              Raina watched him curiously, trying to figure out what he was up to.

              His eye brows lifted when he obviously got an answer. “Emily?"

              Raina smiled ruefully. No he didn't!

              “Could I trouble you?"

              Raina knew Emily...she'd do anything for Nolan.

              "Would you mind meeting us back here, where you dropped Raina off? Turkey needs a babysitter...and Raina wants a spin on the bike."

              Raina's heart leapt with excitement.

              "I know it’s a lot to ask, will? Thank you Emily, you're the sweetest!" He ended the call and grinned at Raina. "Happy? Ice cream and a bike ride." He held his arms up for her again.

              "Sounds wonderful to me." She dropped easily into his arms. He caught her without flinching; the impact was easily cushioned by him. Raina couldn't help her thoughts racing back to the memory of what was underneath the fabric that separated them. She blushed, and he let her slide to the ground. Even with her feet firmly in place, she wasn't sure she'd be able to stand steady. She set her hand against the rock to prop herself up, as he let her go.

              Nolan reached up for Turk, snapped the leash in place, and then grinned at her. He watched her take in a breath. "You steady there Aelan?"

              Raina rolled her eyes and pushed from the rock. She led the way toward the trail. "Follow me," she sighed. "I'll show you how steady I am."

              Nolan chuckled behind her. "It will be my pleasure to follow you. Makes the view...more... enjoyable."

              She spun around in surprise, and blushed.

              Nolan passed her, as he took the lead. "Yeah, definitely leaning toward pink."

              That day they did enjoy a leisurely ride, but the very next, began Raina’s training. She got to do it in the beautiful Charger...which made her all the more nervous. She could tell by Nolan’s white knuckles on the door frame, it made him nervous too.

              "You are more worries about me killing you," she had teased.

              "Me?" he'd barked. "I'm thinking about my car!"

              Despite both fears, she did eventually get her driving pants back on. Nolan was right...though she had yet to drive on her own, she felt her independence growing.

              Several days of training passed on the short trails of the park. Until one day, when he indicated she should take the road.

              Raina blanched.

              Nolan took his phone out and began dialing. "Take a right."

              "Where are we going?"

              "My apartment," he said gently, holding the phone to his ear.

              Her fingers shook, as she flipped the turn signal.

              She felt his big warm hand on her knee, and nearly jumped. "You'll be fine, sweetheart," he whispered. "You're ready." He put the phone to his ear, as she turned onto the road. "Emily?" He waited for a response.

              Raina smiled. Emily loved Nolan’s calls, no matter what request he was ready to make. She was overjoyed to do his bidding.

              "I'm going to give you my address...can you pick Emily up in about forty minutes? place," he chuckled.

              Raina could only imagine what Emily was thinking. "Remind her it’s too short of time for funny business, so she can settle down!"

              Nolan grinned. "She heard you," he chuckled. "Yeah, thanks Em." He pushed the phone back in his pocket, but his hand had not left her knee.

              She was sure it was to calm her, but had the opposite effect. Of course, she would be the last to tell him. Any contact from Nolan was a gift.

              She was smoothly pulling into Nolan’s parking space at the apartment, when he turned to her. He did remove his hand, which was good for the butterflies in Raina's tummy.

              "You know I can't drive you to get the license," he said softly. The chance of them getting caught together was too great.

              She frowned. "And I wanted it to be a surprise for Em and Bradley!"

              He nodded.

              She bit her lip. "Don't get mad at me..."

              He frowned.

              "I was thinking...Thanatos has been calling nearly every day, and I have to sneak, and lie..."

              Nolan’s greys darkened. "And?"

              "And...I thought... if I ask him to take me...and offer him dinner...maybe he'll let up on the pressure. He'll think I'm softening. He still asks me about he's fishing for information." She looked at him with pitiful eyes. "You are sure he doesn't know about us?"

              Nolan smiled. "Trust me...he has no clue. I would have heard from Elenora."

              "She-devil," Raina growled.

              "She-devil," he agreed with a chuckle. "Plus, Thanatos would never have allowed me so much time with you. He's so jealous over you. He just trusts that you're telling him the truth when you give him your plans. You must be getting better at fibbing."

              Raina groaned. "See, I hate lying....I know it’s just Thanatos, but I hate betraying people."

              Nolan growled, hating her compassion for that thing. "You are betraying a green eyed demon!"

              "Devil," she corrected in a soft voice.

              Nolan’s lips thinned. "Do what you think is best...I can't tell you what to do."

              Raina giggled. "Since when?"

              He tucked a finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to his. "Now you know better."

              She touched the hand under her chin and smiled.

              He squeezed her fingers. His gaze softened. "Now it’s your turn. You can't get mad at me."

              She cocked an eyebrow at him. "What?"

              He swallowed. "I have to meet with her tonight."

              Raina frowned. "No!"


              "No," she whispered. "I don't want you near her."

              His finger brushed down her cheek and along her jaw. "Just like I don't want you anywhere near him...but you feel it’s necessary."

              She sighed. "So you feel this meeting is necessary?"

              He gave a nod, capturing a golden curl between his fingers. He tugged gently.

              Raina gave a nod, and reached for her phone. "Well, my meeting would be necessary too." She shook her head when he started to protest. "And giving me your gorgeous frowny face will do no good!"

              His eyebrows lifted in surprise.

              "You'll be here when I talk to him then...I need some support."

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