The Awakening (33 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Nolan’s brow furrowed, and his arms crossed. His jealousy magnified by the second. "Fine," he growled.

              Raina searched her contacts and pressed send. She felt a pull in her tummy, knowing Nolan’s frowny face was due to jealousy.

              "Hey, beautiful," Thanatos silken voice purred into the phone.

              "Hello," her voice cracked a bit. "Hey...I was just wondering. Could I ask you a favor?"

              "Anything," he agreed.

              Nolan rolled his eyes and got a scowl from Raina.

              "Could you drive me to get my license renewed?"

              There was a pause on the other end. "That’s a big step. You sure you're ready?"

              Raina swallowed. "Of course I am!"

              A chuckle came from the other end. "Sure! When do I pick you up?"

              She drew in a breath of relief. "Around four? Then...well, then maybe we can grab a bite to eat?"

              Again a pause, then a low chuckle. "Little Raina, are you asking me out on a date?"             

              Nolan’s muscles in his neck bunched.

              Raina gave him a warning with her eyes. Crazy immortal hearing!

              "Just some dinner, Thanatos."

              "Four then," he chuckled. "Looking forward to it. Rain, gotta go, call coming in. Can't wait to see you."

              "Thank you." she said nonchalantly. She hit end, just as Nolan was answering his phone.

              He frowned, opening the passenger door and getting out.

              Raina frowned too. Was Thanatos getting a call a coincidence? She got out and followed him. He glanced back at her with apology, as they moved up the stairs.

              She was shocked when he reached behind him and took her hand. His fingers squeezed hers possessively.

              "Yes, I understand," he spoke. "Elenora, you have no reason to worry. I...I haven’t seen her in...Well, I'm sure Thanatos can tell you that...can't you Thanny?" His voice was dark. He released her hand to unlock the door, then stepped back to allow her through.

              Raina was a conference call. She stepped in ahead of Nolan into his apartment. It was a simple apartment...this was only her second time inside. But it was much like Nolan. It had big furniture...too big for such a small place...but a big man needed big stuff. She thought of Elenoras five foot ten stature, and her own five foot three height. Maybe big guys could do with little things some of the time.

              She blocked out the conversation, and went to curl up on the couch and wait. He'd fill her in. He went down the hallway to his room and closed the door. Raina took a moment to look about more closely without him watching her.

              He had a book lying open on the table. It was hard bound, but the paper cover had been removed to probably protect it. She flipped it over, and then laughed when she saw the title.

She had to cover her mouth to mute her laugh. So, Nolan had decided Twilight was worth a peak? Oh, he'd never live this one down! She smiled her pleasure. She did have a little effect on him too...that was nice to know.

              She leaned back on the couch, careful not to lose his spot, and read the a few lines with pleasure. She laid the book across her chest and just waited.

              "Well," he started, as he came down the hall. "Thanatos was going to be at the meeting tonight. You got him out of the deal..." He paused when he entered the living room. His mouth lifted slightly at her casual stance on the couch, and then he saw the book and rolled his eyes.

              "It’s an awful book!"

              Raina frowned. "No it is not! Do you have no romance in you?"

              Nolan pursed his lips then shook his head. "Not an ounce. Not like that Edmond...”

              "It’s Edward and you know it!"

              He grinned, stealing the book back. "It’s okay…a little farfetched, but not bad."

              "Hmm, yes oh wise
she mocked.

              He chuckled and sat down beside her. His face went serious. "We have to get you home to get ready for your date."

              She frowned at him. "It’s not a date."

              "You'll be alone with him."

              "Been alone with him before," she reminded him.

              "Hmm," he growled, crossing his beautifully sculpted arms over his equally sculpted chest. She liked the pull of the fabric on him. It certainly showed off his hard efforts in the gym.

              She frowned. “Don’t wear that shirt tonight," she murmured, giving him a once over.

              "You don't like it?" His greys looked down on the well fitted shirt, simple collar. He'd worn it for her. He well knew how it flattered his physique. He just wanted to hear it from her lips.

              "It’s a perfectly lovely shirt," she said with a shrug. "I just...I don't think she needs the benefit...that is...the view...I mean..." she blushed.

              "What should I wear Aelan?" his voice was low and husky.

              She laughed, pushing at his chest

              He grinned. "You want to pick something out for me?"

              Her eyes lit in surprise. "You'd let me?"

              He nodded.

              Raina smiled shyly.

              His greys danced.

              Raina smiled. She got up, and looked at him with uncertainty.

              "No funny business," he warned, then chuckled.

              "Not with Nolan Gregor.” She started down the hall, felt him close behind.

              Raina pushed his door opened and felt butterflies. His bedroom was much like the rest of the place. Oversized dresser and bed. No pictures on the walls, and that she did not like.

She opened his closet door, surprised by the amount of clothes. Where did she start?

              Her eyes came upon a blue grey knit shirt which would bring out his eyes. That she didn't like, but he had given her a chore, and she wanted to do a good job.

              "I can't believe I'm making you pretty for her," she growled. Her fingers trailed a length of dress coats.

              "I think she'd suspect something if I showed up in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts," he chuckled. He leaned his head against the door frame and watched her closely. He liked her hands all over his clothing...that he would not say aloud.

              Raina flush rose to find him watching her with that look in his eyes. "You are quite the snazzy dresser," she agreed. "Not as snazzy as Thanatos, but..."

              "Hey," he growled.

              She lifted a shoulder. "Sorry." She tossed him the shirt, and then went looking for a pair of slacks. She got her hands on a pair of grey that would complete it perfectly. She turned about, and gasped, as he flipped his shirt off his head, holding the shirt in the other. The sinful view silenced her for a second.


              He looked up at her in shock. "What?"

              He didn't quite know what to do. He glanced from her, to the clothing in his hand, and then down at his bare torso. "This bothers you? I'm sorry. I...I wasn't thinking." He shoved his arms into the sleeves, and ducked into the clothing.

              She forced her glance to his face.

              Nolan was blushing. "I'll wait to try those on," he nodded toward the grey slacks.

              "Thanks." Raina smiled. She suddenly felt shy. "That shirt is perfect." She handed him the slacks and brushed past.

              He shook his head…she made it too easy for him not to think straight. He was glad she decided to remove herself from temptation.

              Raina looked over her shoulder, as they moved down the hall. Yep, gorgeous frowny face was in place, but this time it wasn’t aimed at her.

A knock sounded. It would be Emily. Raina headed to the door, opening it.

              "Hey," Emily greeted. She smiled at Nolan. "Great shirt," she complimented.

              Nolan grinned, pink touching his cheeks.

              "Have fun tonight," Raina said teasingly.

              Nolan frowned. "Behave yourself, Aelan."

              Raina laughed, and followed her best friend out. "Call me after."

              Emily of course gave Raina an interrogation on her way home. Raina didn't listen to or respond too much of it. She was too busy worrying over the rest of her day...and Nolan’s.

              She prepared for Thanatos arrival...dressing prettily, but not too fancy, She didn't want him thinking he had an invitation. She knew, in Thanatos mind, everything was an invite, but she was determined to keep it on the friend level.

              He was promptly on time. And he was dressed to the nines. He naturally looked dashing, and Raina could only roll her eyes.

              "We are going to the DMV for goodness sake!" She looked down on her simple dress and sandals.

              His green eyes crinkled in a smile. "Hello to you too. Are you ready for our date?"

              She blushed. "Thank you for doing this." She closed her door behind her, and took his offered arm. "But this is not a date."

              He grinned. "What is it then?"

              She shrugged. "It’s dinner between friends of course."

              "Hmmm," he growled.

              "If you had other plans..."

              "I did as a matter of fact. Gave them up for you." He opened the passenger door on his truck, and assisted her in.

              Raina smiled sweetly when he got in. "Then why didn't you just go and meet her then?" As fast as they were out, Raina wanted to pull the words back in.

              His green eyes narrowed. "How did you know...?”

              Raina shrugged. She could play her mistake off. "I assume you had another girl in line..." She wanted to smile. Nolan would be proud.

              He smirked. "Cute." He put the truck in reverse, and backed out of the drive.

              Raina straightened the skirt of her dress, and stared out the window.

              "You're a little dressed up for the DMV too," he pointed out gently.

              Raina shrugged. "I...I just thought with dinner..."

              "You wanted to look pretty for your date?" he finished for her.

              Raina frowned at him. "Just drive," she growled.

              He grinned. "Yes ma’am."

              Raina was happy it was not busy when they arrived, and her renewal went quickly. They were soon back in the truck.

              "Dinner," Raina blurted. "Let’s decide where to go."

              He shrugged. "I made reservations."

              She shook her head and leaned back. "I was thinking more like fast food, but if you insist!"

              He chuckled and started the truck up. "You didn't get all dolled up to just go for fast food." His eyes looked her over with admiration. "And...You’re not getting rid of me that quickly."

              The place he had chosen was quaint, small...too romantic...and from the look of the menu, too expensive.

              "How did you get reservations so easily? We made plans a few hours ago!"

              He sat across from her at the small intimate table.

              "I can be very persuasive."

              Raina lifted a brow, and took a sip from her water. Those green eyes in close proximity were not good for the butterflies in her tummy.

              "So, you have done a good job of ignoring me," he accused out of the blue.

              Raina nodded. "A lot of time with Bradley and Em," she admitted. Well, a lot of pick-ups and drop offs, she thought to herself.

              "You haven't asked me once about Nolan. I know you have to be missing him."

              Raina rolled her eyes. "You really want to talk about Nolan right now?"

              His greens flashed in surprise. "No I just thought..." he grinned, "No Nolan then?"

              Raina shook her head, hoping she was being convincing enough.

              "Have you seen your dear Elenora lately?" she bit.

              He shook his head, but not in answer, in warning. He was still bitter over their last talk about her. "No Elenora tonight either. They are perfectly content together."

              Raina gave him an odd look, and then shook her head. "We can’t leave her out of the conversation. I'm not done hearing your story yet sir! You seemed to cut me off anytime we get somewhere."

              He frowned. "You want to hear about me and Elenora?"

              She lifted her shoulders. "I've asked you about yourself. She seems to be a big portion of your past and present."

              They paused to order their drinks.

              He cleared his throat. "You want to hear about all the intimate little details?"

              She gave him a look of disgust. "I know what goes on between you...your little arrangement. No, I don't need those details...actually, I don't need to even know about most of the century, or centuries you've been together. I guess I'd like to know how you meet." Her blues lifted to his. "I'd like to know who Thanatos was before the change."

              "The old Thanatos?" He scowled. "He was just a simple...dirty rancher."

              Her eyes brightened. "You were a cowboy?"

              He chuckled at her childish exclamation. "You have fantasies about cowboys?"

              She blushed. "No, no...just, well, yes I like the stories of cowboys...horses, open ranges. Who doesn't? I...I just can't picture you a cowboy! Not with your fine clothing...perfectly groomed hair and face...”

              "Rancher," he interrupted. "I was the owner...cowboys worked for me."

              She smiled, liking that she had him talking now. "Once, just once, I'd love to see you in a cowboy hat."

              His lips parted over his perfect teeth. The smile was devastating, even causing a passing waitress to slow down and take interest. "For you, and only you, I would wear one."

              The butterflies took off, and a flush crept into her cheeks. " were a rancher. Did you have family?"

              He sat back, as they accepted their drinks, and then leaned toward her again. "Well, I was a young man when my father started ranching…..around 1836….you know, when Texas started “farming” beef?”

Raina’s eyes widened. “But I thought Nolan said the two of you have been around…two hundred years.”

He rolled his eyes…more like one hundred and seventy for me…one sixty for himself as an immortal. I think he adds on his human years too. I’ve been following him about far too long…so sometimes it seems like two hundred.”

Raina tilted her head, adding the years.

Thanatos sighed. “Enough of Nolan.”

Raina nodded, wanting him to continue.

“My mother...well, you know she died when I came along." He lifted his shoulder as though that did not bother him, but she could see that it did. "My father... he had a stroke. I took over his ranch. I only had a few years before I was changed, and believe me; I cared for it and his workers better than he ever could."

              She smiled shyly. "Because he was mean, unfeeling. You weren't?"

              He frowned. "How would you know he was cruel?

              "I know he was cruel...Thanatos, you already admitted that to me." She lifted her shoulders. "A loving person does not name their child death."

              He took a sip of his drink, and cleared his throat. "I think you know enough about me...lets..."

              "I know barely anything," she laughed. "You and Nolan seem to know so much about me...but I know so little..."

              "I thought we said no Nolan."

              Raina stopped short at his words, and gave a nod of apology.

              He blew out a breath and again shrugged. "I liked my job...I did well at it, but I was missing something." His long fingers drummed on the table cloth, as though he were irritated saying such. "I...I wanted a wife, a child. I wanted to do that better than him." He chuckled darkly. "There’s your cruel streak...I was not a good boy gone bad when Elenora came into my life. I wanted to prove my father wrong him up."

              She shook her head. "You wanted a wife and child because you wanted to experience a real family."

              His eyes rolled back. "Yes, Raina, always sunshine and butterflies with you, isn't it?" His greens meet her gaze. His eyes dipped lower to her lips.

              The butterflies responded, and she reached for her own drink.

              "So, I meet Elly at a dance. She was, sweet...and the rest is history."

              Raina shook her head. "You can't yada yada yada your way through that!"

              He frowned deeply. "What do you want me to say? I was seduced? I was drawn into the dark side? Tricked by the woman I loved, and have been betrayed ever since?" His nostrils flared. "You want to fix me Raina? Try to help me remember who I was..."

              Her hand on his stopped his tirade. "I just want you to admit you have the ability to be a kind person again. I think you've had enough hurt in your life."

              He sobered at this.

              "You're not all bad, Thanatos."

              He ducked his head. "We really should find something else for you to call me."

              She laughed softly. "You think I like calling you death?"

              He chuckled. "Sometimes."

              She shook her head. "Sometimes it fits...sometimes it doesn't."

              He liked that answer, but before he could respond, the waiter reappeared.

              The rest of the meal was simple, easy, after getting the tough stuff out of the way. The conversation was casual, and on the present, which put him at ease.

              Raina was surprised to find she actually did not abhor being around him. She knew Nolan would not like that. He had warned her many times about Thanatos’ persuasive abilities. Still, this evening had not been unpleasant.

              They arrived home in the dark. Raina had yet to feel the buzz of her phone. She knew Nolan was still with the she-devil, and it bothered her.

              "We could...I mean, may I...might we sit back on the deck?"

              Raina glanced up at Thanatos, who was opening her door for her. She saw the hopefulness there and simply nodded.

              They started toward the back yard. Raina opened the gate to the back, and allowed him in. She heard Turk barking inside.

              "I...I should let Turk out..."

              "No," he growled. "That dog hates me."

              Raina giggled, latching the gate behind them. "Well, he loves Nolan." She turned about, and then was up against the gate. Green eyes bored down on her. His strong arms encased her on both sides...his breath was hot and angry on her face.

              "I thought we agreed..."

              "What did I say?" she blinked up at him.

              "I thought we agreed..."

              "No Nolan," she whispered, suddenly realizing what he was reacting to. She tried to calm herself, not allow the anxiety that threatened to overcome her. She knew somehow that would alert Nolan, and he did not need distractions. Thanatos wasn't about to hurt her. She had no idea such a statement would anger him so much!

              Thanatos drew in a breath, but did not leave her. He cleared his throat. "I hate him Raina. I hate him for having you...owning you, even when you've been denied him. That he has you when he's not even here!"

              Raina shook her head.

              "You have been thinking of him all night," he accused. "I think Elly’s plan to separate you and quell the obsession may have backfired."

              Oh if he only knew how correct that statement was. She drew in a breath, and with that breath, his scent. He was entirely too close for comfort.

              “You wish it was him here, don't you? You want his arms around you, his lips at your throat." He allowed his head to dip, kissing the side of her neck. His chest pressed closer, his arms tightened.

              Raina trembled.

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