The Awakening (60 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "The only way my father will leave you be is for all ties to be broken between you and Nolan," Elenora growled. "The only way to break them is for Nolan to be bestowed to me."

              Raina paled. "You already have one bestowed to you," she whispered. Her heart tugged with compassion for Thanatos.

              "Hmmm, and he's served me well. Haven't you, Thanny?" She reached toward him, but Thanatos flinched away.

              "Enough," Nolan growled at her.

              Raina was beyond distraught now, her lip trembled. "Please, tell me what she means, Nolan." Her voice caressed his name.

              Nolan’s silver eyes held hers. "I want two things, Raina. I want your protection, and I want Thanatos freedom. I can make both happen today. I need you to trust me in this, and I need you to cooperate."

              "How can you ask this of me? Do you not know me at all? I can't be happy without you!"

              "I can make it so that you never knew I existed," he whispered.

              "No!" she cried. "I don't want that!"

              He smiled sadly. "Then it has to be this way."

              Her blues beseeched him. "Don't you love me anymore?" She didn't care how big of a fool she looked right now. This was her life...her Nolan and she did not want to give him up.

              "Of course I love you," Nolan sighed, shaking his head. "My sacrifice should speak for itself."

              She pushed down a sob.

              "If you love me, you will trust me."

              "Nolan..." she shook her head.

              He got to his feet.

              Her eyes followed him, drank him in. Her vision was clouded by tears, and when she blinked them away, Nolan was kneeling before her. Her heart slammed into her ribs.

              He pulled her gently to the edge of the seat. The muscles in his jaw clenched at the feel of her soft hands in his. The warmth, and tingling that her contact cause had his mind racing for a moment. The agony in her blues had him swallowing back a groan. This was costing him greatly.

              Raina saw his vulnerability. He needed this from her. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him. She felt the fight going out of her. Was it his healing touch...was it his open soul before her? She drew in a breath and with it, his scent.

              "Will you trust me?" His voice was deep with emotion.

              "With my life Nolan," she whispered. "But not with your own."

              He squeezed her hands. "Would you like Thanatos to be free?"

              "Yes," she cried. She wanted to look to the green eyed devil, but couldn't tear her gaze away from Nolan.

              "Then you will trust me, and do as I say." He closed his eyes for a fraction of a second, and then opened them slowly. "You have to renounce my protection. You have to free me from the spoken contract I made with David."

              Raina shook her head. "I need you."

              He smiled sadly. "And I need you."

              More tears danced down her cheeks. “Then why?”

              "I will be the death of you, Raina." His voice was strained.

She cupped his face tenderly, and leaned down, kissing his soft lips. She felt his response, his mouth tenderly moving with hers. They had forgotten their audience.

              Nolan pulled gently away and a sad smile crossed his face.

              "I trust you Nolan," she whispered. "I will do this for you. I will free you from your obligation."

              He gave her a nod.

              Elenora sighed loudly. "Can we just get this show on the road?"

              Nolan got to his feet, disengaging himself from Raina, and feeling the loss instantly.

              He steeled himself. His emotions were haywire, but he was a master of control.

              Jonathan suddenly spoke up. "We don't have to do this. I hate what it’s costing you...what it’s doing to Raina...all because of that selfish bitch!"

              Raina looked to him. "Jonathan..."

              He growled, and shoved to his feet. "This whole thing is unfair! I don't care.I'll kill her...let my father return the favor to me! I've read all of your thoughts...all but Raina's, and each one of you agrees...this World would be a better place without Elenora."

              Elenora frowned. "Watch your words brother. I may not be able to use your thoughts in return...but I do have father’s favor."

              Joseph cleared his throat. "Enough...the both of you! We will not cause a war, Jonathan. I will not have you in danger as well. Nolan has thought this through. We will respect him, and his wishes." He tugged at Jonathan’s hand to make him sit.

              Nolan gave Joseph a nod. He turned to the dark haired beauty, who stared him down seductively. “We start with you, Elenora."

              Raina wanted to wipe the smirk from the woman’s face.

              Nolan crossed his arms. "I will not let go of the strength over Raina, until I know that there is someone she can give that power trustingly to." He reached behind him and brought forth the folder Jonathan had brought, along with a pen. He sat back on the desk, pulled one page from the folder. "Joseph?"

              Joseph stood, and made his way over to Elenora. He stood behind her.

              Nolan looked to Raina, knowing she’d be lost in the action. "Joseph is a changer. Only he can honor what we are doing today, make it right. The contract between immortal and mortal is one thing. You and I could deal with that on our own. The contract between two immortals must be witnessed by and blessed by a changer.

              She gave a nod.

              "Joseph and I have already gone through the steps to where...I now am no longer bestowed to him."

              Raina’s eyes were wide and wary. He was really going to allow himself to be bestowed to Elenora for her safety? The thought tore her.....broke her. But she gave her word to trust him. The thought of Elenora having power over her Nolan sickened her.

              "Elenora, you must verbally release Thanatos of your rights over him. Then you will sign."

              Raina gasped, looking to Thanatos. His shoulders shrugged in relief, and there was a hope in his green eyes. She took his hand, and felt his fingers contract tightly over hers. For him to be free of Elenora…that was something Raina had wished for him from the beginning!

              Elenora rolled her eyes. "How do I not know this is a trick? I release him...and have no more power? The two of you join forces to protect her and I have no say?"

              Nolan frowned. "Is that the person you have come to know in me? Have I not been honest? A man of my word?"

              Her brown eyes danced. "Yes, except when you snuck around with the pretty blue eyed mortal."

              Nolan shook his head. "You have my word, in the witness of the changer, I will not go back on my word."

              She smiled, raking her eyes over him. "Fine, then I will release him," she sighed. She took up the pen Nolan gave her, and signed her contract.

              Raina blinked, thinking to herself, "Simple as that?"

              "Simple as that," Joseph answered her fervent thought. He smiled warmly at her. "And I give my blessing over it." He squeezed Elenora’s shoulders, and then came around to sign the contract as well.

              Thanatos eyes were closed now, and he was breathing deeply.

              "What is it?" Raina whispered with concern.

              "I...I feel, free," Thanatos whispered back.

              Raina didn't know where all her tears were coming from, but they fell for him now. She leaned over, hugging him. She tenderly kissed his cheek. He squeezed her back.

              Nolan touched Thanatos shoulder. Thanatos covered his hand with his own. "Thank you," he said with fervency.

              The silver eyes didn't waver. "You're welcome my friend."

              "I don't have leprosy!" Elenora growled. "This is not means for celebration!"

              "Oh, but it is," Thanatos choked out.

              Before Elenora could screech further, Joseph held up his hands. "Children, behave."

              "Raina, come here." Nolan reached for her hand, and brought her to stand before him. "This will be simple. We will exchange verbally our intentions, and our agreement will be broken."

              "Simple?" Her blues stared up at him. "This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

              "They are just words," he said softly.

              Her lips trembled. "W...what do I say?"

              "You say, Nolan, I release you from me. I renounce your power over me as my protector."

              "You will never lose your power over me," she spoke, with a touch of humor.

              He grinned, then sobered. "Raina," he chastised.

              She drew in a deep breath, her fingers entwined with his. "I release you from the contract you and my husband made," she whispered. "You are no longer my protector." She blinked away tears. She ducked her head to hide those embarrassing tears.

              He frowned, drawing in a breath. His hand lifted and he ran his fingers down her jaw, and tilted her face up. "Now you will give that right to Thanatos."

              She drew in a shocked breath. "I do not need a protector!"

              "Yes, you do," he growled. "You promised to trust me."

              She sagged in defeat.

              "Mortals are so weak," Elenora scoffed. "Yes, you promised to trust him...not obey him!"

              Raina had never, and would never trust Elenora. She was trying to bait her. The last thing she wanted was Raina protected. Nolan knew what he was doing. Her blue eyes looked up with love and trust into the silver. "I will obey him though, because I love him."

              Nolan grinned. "That’s my Aelan."

              She smiled back.

              Nolan drew in a breath. "Go ahead then," he said huskily.

              She turned to Thanatos. The green eyes were sad and hopeful all at once. She reached for his hand. "Thanatos Clay, I will bestow myself to you in exchange for your protection."

              Thanatos smiled. "I accept."

              "Go sit down with him," Nolan said gently.

              Now came the hard part.

              Raina wanted to leave, did not want to witness this.

              Jonathan, who had been quietly watching, got up, and went to the desk. He pulled out another contract from the folder. "Nolan, are you sure?"

              Nolan nodded once. "It’s the only way to protect Raina."

              Elenora positively gloated. She rose to her feet, and swayed her way to Nolan.

              "First, sister, you will sign stating you will call father off once Nolan is bestowed to you. You will acknowledge the price Nolan is paying to you. There are also conditions to this."

              "Yes brother," she growled, grabbing the pen from him and signing.

              Jonathan grinned. "Stupid woman, you never sign what you have not read." It was the lawyer in him making argument.

              She rolled her eyes. "Grandpa...can we just get on with this?"

              Joseph stepped forward. "Nolan Gregor, as your changer, I bestow you to Elenora Rivers, under the terms of the signed contract."

              Raina thought it sad that Nolan did not have to sign. He had no choice. He had now been given to that woman! She could not look at him...her heart was racing though.

              "Mine," Elenora laughed. "Finally!" Her dark eyes ran over him lustfully. "Your first order will be to my bed," she laughed. "Oh what I could do to you! You can finally rid yourself of your pesky virginity."

              Raina's head snapped up at this. Shock registered in her eyes, then grief.

              "No," Nolan whispered.

              Elenora raised her brows. "You were just bestowed to me, so, yes."

              Jonathan chuckled. "Nolan has been bestowed to you for financial means sister...not physical. It was not tit for tat. You lost Thanatos as a physical bestowing...and gained Nolan as financial. Read the contract!"

              Elenora gasped, and grabbed the contract. "He still belongs to me!"

              "In essence, have a certain power. He must obey you when it comes to financial demands. He does not have to obey your physical demands." Joseph spoke gently. "The point of this was not to punish Nolan."

              Elenora shook her head. "I was tricked!"

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