The Awakening (61 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "You signed," Jonathan chuckled. "This contract is binding. You will make your call to our father as agreed."

              "Or else what?"

              "Or else higher authorities hear about you breaking contract," Joseph spoke calmly.

              Elenora paled at that response. "Fine, but Nolan must still stay away from Raina! He promised. He took an oath right in front of a changer!"

              Nolan nodded. "I did. I will honor that."

              "Daddy signed nothing! My promise to keep him away only goes so far. I do not control him! But if you stay away from her, I will promise to try to keep him away."

              "That’s all I ask," Nolan whispered. His eyes gentled on Raina. "I only want her safe. And staying far from her will insure that. I will never again threaten her life because of my physical desire."

              Raina blushed.

              Elenora gasped again. " mean you took her to your bed?"

              Nolan shook her head. "But it came too close for my peace of mind."

              She smirked. "So, the sweet little mortal has a seductive side?"

              Nolan laughed. "I have never found a woman more desirable."

              Elenora paled again. Her vanity was under attack. She smiled cruelly at him. "And now you've put her in Thanatos grasp. You know he likes his mortals...willing or not. You have sentenced her to death. But what a way to go!"

              Nolan shook his head. "My friend will not hurt her."

              Thanatos smiled. "Raina is safe with me. And I have signed a contract with Jonathan...under Josephs watch. If I try anything with her. I forfeit my own immortality."

              Elenora blinked in surprise. "That is possible?"

              Joseph nodded. “I’ve spoken to those above me. Your father is not the only immortal with that gift…though he is the only one I know who would use it to hurt another. The others I know use it purely to enforce our laws…our contracts.” He sighed. “If Thanatos hurts Raina…yes, he forfeits his immortality.”

              Thanatos nodded. "I wouldn't even get the pleasure of enjoying it."

              Nolan grinned, and then quickly hid it, when Elenora glared at him.

              "Well, you just thought of everything. Didn't you?" she shouted.

              "At a great price," he growled.

              "Hmm, yes, your little mortal. Best say your goodbyes! You are mine now! And I plan on keeping you busy. If I can't have you in my will be in my office. You won’t even have a minute to think about her."

              "You cannot keep him from his job," Jonathan spoke up. "He will not solely work for you. This is also in the contract."

              She furrowed her brow. "What the hell did I agree to?"

              "I have told you more than once to read before you sign," Jonathan grinned.

              "You have the same rights that I had when Nolan was bestowed to me," Joseph sighed. "He helped me with my finances...he made me a rich man. But he lived his life."

              She tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Fine...he will be my financier but he will not as much as look at that woman." Her eyes turned on Raina.

              Raina prepared to feel the riot of emotions she had felt the day she first attacked her. Nolan reached over and touched her though, and the calm swept over her.

              "Last time that will save you," Elenora growled. "I meant what I said...say your goodbyes. He is no longer yours." She glared at the room, and stomped out.

              Jonathan frowned. "What a bitch!"

              Thanatos smiled in agreement.

              "Well, now that she’s final contract," Jonathan spoke up.

              Raina shook her head in confusion.

              Nolan cleared his throat. "I cannot be with you always, Raina...but I never want to lose my connection. As long as you are breathing...I will be your protector in one way or another."

              "What do you mean?"

              Thanatos groaned, and then smiled at her. "I am being bestowed to Nolan."

              Raina's mouth fell open. "Why?"

              "He will have a connection to you through me. He can summon me, to check on you. He can, if he chooses, control me for your good. I am your protector, but he is my, err, master. If he commands me to do something, on your behalf...I have to do it. Though, I would probably do it anyway...this makes it official. Elenora cannot get angry with him for associating with me...and in essence, you."

              Joseph nodded. "It completes the circle and gives Nolan peace of mind. No one wants to be around a cranky immortal."

              "He's still going to be cranky without Raina," Jonathan laughed.

              Nolan growled.

              "He can be part of your life, but not in the way he has been," Jonathan said softly. "Not with my father around."

              "And if he wasn't around?" Raina asked softly

              "I still couldn't," Nolan whispered. "Raina...that night, when we almost..." he drew in a breath. “I cannot be around you...I will hurt you."

              "Because you desire me?"

              He shook his head. "Not because I desire you, but because I now know I cannot control those desires. I can't," he groaned. "I love you...I want you, but I will not have you."

              She stared down at her hands, her shoulder shook gently. She was crying again.

              "Let’s get this over with," Thanatos sighed. "Before I break down too." He rubbed Raina's back gently.

              Nolan frowned.

              "Frown all you want Nolan," he chuckled. "I will comfort her when she needs comforted. My job as a protector."

              Nolan rolled his eyes. "Knee jerk."

              Raina could not lift her face. She was too weary.

              She listened as Thanatos was bestowed to Nolan. It was a gift to Thanatos. Nolan would be a good master. He would be kind and fair. Thanatos would have a chance to live for a chance...without fear, without control.

              Raina, on the other hand, she knew she would never be the same. Her life would go back to empty misery. She would have her memories...but they would never be enough. What she and Nolan had...their connection…that would not easily be broken. It wasn't as if he was dead and gone...he was living, existing, and she had to live with the fact that she could not have him. She would ache for him, but have no way of fulfilling that ache for his presence...his voice...his touch. She buried her face in her hands.

              Suddenly, her ears perked. There was no more speaking going on, no more shifting about the room. All was quiet, as though the room had cleared out. She lifted her face. Thanatos was gone, Joseph and Jonathan too. Nolan was there though. He stood there silently, watching her. Like a statue...a beautifully sculpted statue. He had removed his jacket, his tie. The top two buttons of his shirt were loosened. He was a wonderful sight.

              She wiped her face free of tears. "Where did they go?" She peaked over her shoulder at the closed study door.

              "They are allowing us our goodbye," he whispered.

              Raina shook her head. "I don't want to say goodbye."

              His brow lifted. "Then let’s pretend it’s not goodbye. But we will both still have to say it."

              She smiled sadly.

              "Come here, Aelan." His warm voice made goose bumps rise all over.

              She stood and moved to where he leaned against his desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her face into his shoulder.

              His arms surrounded her, and he buried his face against her neck, inhaling the scent of her skin. "Do you know how much I love you?" His lips touched her soft skin as he spoke. "This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, you have to know that!"

              "I do," she said softly.

              "You will not be able to be with me...but I will be watching you always, as before. Words are just words, Raina. My protection over you was never just merely a was an oath. As long as you live, you are mine, I am yours."

              She tightened her hold on him. "I don't want to let you go."

              He chuckled, and his fingers trembled, as they ran the length of her golden hair. "I don't want to let you go," he echoed back.

              "How am I supposed to be without you Nolan? I don't want anyone else...anything else. My life will be empty."

              "That will change," he sighed. "The longer I'm away...”

              "The more miserable I will be."

              He pulled back to look into her face. "Don't say that."

              She shook her head. Her hand lifted to his face. That beautiful face...she would ache everyday it was kept from her. Her fingers traced his brow, his cheek his jaw. She brushed her thumb across his lower lip. "This isn't goodbye," she whispered. She brushed her mouth against his. He gasped softly, and he went to kiss her back, but she pulled away, looking him in the eye. "I promise you, it isn't. I will find a way to be with you."

              He trembled. "Don't make this harder, Aelan," he groaned. "Just let me kiss you.” He pulled her closer to him.

              Raina held back a little, still looking him in the eyes. "You already said I was always going to be yours. You are going to be mine." She smiled. "I don't much like having what’s mine kept away from me."

              His arms flexed around her. "For will promise me you will stay far from me. It’s too dangerous." His fingers tugged at the blonde curls.

              "For now," she promised. "But I can't promise for long." Her blue eyes were smoky with desire, and she leaned into him, craving the contact. "You can give me my kiss now."

              His chuckle came out strained and husky. "I have your permission?"

              She nodded her eyes now on his mouth.

              He pulled in a steadying breath, gripped her neck and drew her mouth gently to his. He softly drank from her lips.... he felt her tremble. Heck he was trembling as well and it was only a kiss! Just a kiss... and he was wrecked. Her fingers sifting through his hair made his heart hammer against his ribs. He growled, when she nipped his lower lip. "Easy, Aelan," he choked out.

              Raina felt like she was melting from the inside out. She held to him weakly, but his strong arm around her was enough to keep her from pooling to the ground. Letting this go would be rough. This was what it was meant to feel like to belong to someone. What it meant to be his completely.

              He felt her breathe a sigh against his lips, and her mouth open to his in invitation. He took the invitation happily, his tongue gently dueling with hers, and drawing a groan up from his chest. The sound made him come to his senses, and he pulled back, breathing hard.

              She sighed in disappointment.

              "Aelan,” he whispered.

              "If you want me to leave this room...ever…You will have to stop calling me that!”

              He smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear tenderly. "Ah, Aelan, I will miss you." His eyes softened. "We have to say goodbye now. You have to say it."

              "No," she whispered. "Don't make me leave you just yet."

              "If not now...when?"

              She sagged against him in defeat. Her head lie on his chest. She listened to the sporadic beating of his heart. Time could stop now...and leave her just as she was, and she'd be happy. She knew it couldn't though, and they had to put an end to this torture. She drew in a breath, tasting his scent in that breath then lifted her face to his. It was too much, and her eyes closed, as she whispered, "Goodbye, Nolan."

              His breath caught on what may have been a sob, and his mouth pressed tenderly to hers. Feather light kisses he whispered against her lips, her cheeks, her eyelids. His hands touched her face softly, urging her to open her eyes to him.

              "Be good my love...let Thanatos watch over you. Be obedient. He will be hearing from me, so you don't have to be afraid of his intentions."

              She nodded. "I love you." Her lip trembled.

              His thumb brushed the lip. "I love you." He drew in a breath. "Now go."

              Raina’s legs were wobbly, but she made it to the door. Her heart was heavy, and she twisted the knob. She glanced over her shoulder at him. He was sagging against his desk, and he looked as broken as she felt. He was fighting tears, she could tell. "You made me say it," she whispered to him. “You have to say it too.”

              Nolan swallowed, staring down at his hands. He was trying to control the emotions that would betray him in his voice. He swallowed hard again, and sucked in a deep breath. "Goodbye, Raina," he choked out.

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