The Road to Berlin (137 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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Pushkash, A.I.,
Vengriya v gody vtoroi mirovoi voiny
(Moscow: Nauka 1966), ch. 7, ‘Razgrom Vengerskoi armii na Donu’, pp. 299–337. (Hungary in WWII, extensive use of archives, ample bibliography; Soviet and Hungarian archives.)
Rokossovskii, Marshal SU K.K. (ed.),
Velikaya pobeda na Volge
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1965), pt 2, pp. 261–310, Soviet offensive/encirclement. An authoritative operational narrative/analysis.
Samsonov, A.M.,
Stalingradskaya bitva
(Moscow: Nauka, 2nd edn 1968), pp. 339–415, offensive and encirclement. This is the most authoritative Soviet historical work; see also appendix on Soviet Front/Army commands, pp. 525–66.
Two Hundred Days of Fire
(Moscow: Progress Pub. 1970). Participants’ accounts, Stalingrad; this is a Soviet translation of
Dvesti ognennykh dnei
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1968). See under Marshals Vasilevskii, Voronov, Yeremenko, Air Marshal Rudenko, General Batov.
Gurkin, Col. V., ‘Kontrnastuplenie pod Stalingradom v tsifrakh (operatsiya “Uran”)’,
Voenno–istoricheskii Zhurnal
, 1968 (3), pp. 64–76. Soviet strengths, deployments, Front compositions, armour/artillery densities. (Cited henceforth as
‘Artilleriiskoe nastuplenie (Tsifry i fakty)’,
, 1972 (11), pp. 37–9. (Data on Soviet artillery, Nov. 42-Feb. 43.)

East European publications and materials

Horvath, Miklos (ed.),
A 2. magyar hadsereg megsemmisülése a Donnál
(Budapest, 1959). Documents, operations and destruction, Hungarian 2nd Army: April 1942–March 1943.
Kljakić, Dragan,
Ustaško–Domobranska Legija pod Stalingradom
(Zagreb: August Cesarec 1979). Croat Legion at Stalingrad.
Ránki, György,
A második világháború története
(Budapest: Gondolat 1976), ‘Sztalingrad’, pp. 208–24. Hungary, Hungarian troops and Stalingrad. See also under A.I. Pushkash, above.

‘Iskra’ (planning), ‘Saturn’,

‘Small Saturn’, ‘Koltso’ (first phase) pp.


, 3 (Voenizdat 1961), pp. 42–54.
planning, defensive operations 2nd Guards and 51st Army Kotelnikovo axis, destruction Italian 8th Army, 2nd Guards Army counter–blow end December 1942, transition to general Soviet offensive. Note also pp. 124–33, planning for
(Leningrad), does not mention Zhukov’s role.
, 6 (Voenizdat 1976), pp. 61–73. Operations on Kotelnikovo axis,
planning, objective Rostov and SW Front offensive, 2nd Guards Army operations, opening SW Front offensive, Soviet Kotelnikovo counter–blow, destruction Italian 8th Army, also Group Hollidt, remnants Rumanian 3rd Army, achievements of Stalingrad Front. Note also planning for
(Leningrad), request for postponement to 10–12 January 1943, Zhukov’s role, pp. 117–22.
Operatsiya ‘Malyi Saturn’
(Rostov–on-Don: Rostizdat 1973). Collected memoirs up to liberation of Rostov.
Rokossovski, K.K. (ed.),
Velikaya pobeda na Volge
, pp. 368–423. Destruction of ‘Group Hoth’, Kotelnikovo operations, 2nd Guards, 51st Army (12–23 December), commitment main force 2nd Guards Kotelnikovo axis, operations (24–31 December).
Samsonov, A.M. (ed.),
Stalingradskaya epopeya
(Moscow: Nauka 1968). Major collection of material by senior commanders; see separate citations below.
Samsonov, A.M.,
Stalingradskaya bitva
, pp. 435–85. Planning for
, repulse of German deblocking attempts, evolution of
Small Saturn

Documentary–memoir materials

Badanov, Lt.-Gen. V.M., ‘Glubokii tankovyi reid’ in Samsonov (ed.),
Stalingradskaya epopeya
, pp. 625–40; see also Vasilev, Col. N., ‘Glubokii reid tankistov’,
, 1972 (11), pp. 40–46.
Biryuzov, Marshal SU S.S.,
Surovye gody
(Moscow: Nauka 1966), pp. 96–132. Chief of Staff 2nd Guards Army, Kotelnikovo operations. (Earlier version,
Kogda gremeli pushki
, Moskow: Voenizdat (VM) 1962.)
Domnikov, Lt.-Gen. V.M. (ed.),
V nastuplenii Gvardiya
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1971). History of 2nd Guards Army: see pp. 29–46, first operational commitment; pp. 47–60, Kotelnikovo operations.
Filatov, G., ‘Razgrom ital’yanskoi ekspeditsionnoi armii na sovetskogo–germanskom fronte’,
, 1968 (4), pp. 44–54. Destruction of Italian 8th Army.
Gurkin, V., ‘Razgrom nemetsko–fashistskikh voisk na srednem Donu (Operatsiya “Malyi Saturn”)’,
, 1972 (5), pp. 21–7. Statistical data, comparative strengths,
Small Saturn
Golikov, Marshal SU F., ‘Ostrogozhsko–Rossoshanskaya operatsiya’,
, 1973 (1), pp. 62–7.
Kazakov, General M.I., ‘Operatsiya “Saturn”; in Samsonov (ed.)
Stalingradskaya epopeya
, pp. 501–16.
Kazakov, M.I.,
Nad kartoi bylykh srazhenii
(Moscow: Voenizdat (VM) 1965), pp. 148–58, from
Large Saturn
Small Saturn
Lelyushenko, General D.D.,
Moskva–Stalingrad-Berlin–Praga. Zapiski komandarma
(Moscow: Nauka 1970), ch. 3, ‘Operation “Small Saturn”; pp. 134–48.
Popov, General M.M., ‘Yuzhnee Stalingrada’ in Samsonov (ed.),
Stalingradskaya epopeya
, pp. 659–68; see also his article (same title)
, 1961 (2), pp. 67–98 (operations, 5th Shock Army).
Samsonov, A.M.,
Ot Volgi do Baltiki
(Moscow: Akad. Nauk, 1st edn 1963—here 2nd edn, Nauka 1973), history of 4th/3rd Guards Mechanized Corps. Kotelnikovo operations, pp. 64–93 (text, Zakharov signal to Volskii, p. 92).
Vasilevskii, Marshal SU A.M. For narrative/memoirs on
and Kotelnikovo, see
Delo vsei zhizni
(Moscow: Politizdat, 1st edn 1974—here 2nd edn 1975), pp. 249–87. Contains some documentation, also refutation of Yeremenko’s version of Kotelnikovo operations and (p. 269) openly rejects Khrushchev’s criticism of Stalin as a military leader.
operational reports, Stavka directives
, Stalin–Vasilevskii conversations/signals, see Vasilevskii, ‘Nezabyvaemye dni’,
, 1966 (1), pp. 14–25 and
, 1966 (3), pp. 24–44. Indispensable primary materials.
Voronov, Chief Artillery Marshal N.N.,
Na sluzhbe voennoi
(Moscow: Voenizdat (VM) 1963), on
, pp. 308–38. For further detail and documentation (directives, signals, orders, Stalin’s instructions), see Voronov, ‘Operatsiya “Koltso”;
, 1962 (5), pp. 71–84 (continued in (6), pp. 67–76). See also ‘Koltso in figures’, V. Gurkin in
,, 1973 (2), pp. 34–42; and Vorob’ev, Col. F., ‘Ob operatsii “Koltso”’,
, 1962 (11), pp. 52–8 (important critique of Voronov’s own memoir on
, with further documents from military archives).
Yeremenko, Marshal SU A.I.,
Stalingrad. Zapiski komanduyushchevo frontom
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1961), pt 2, pp. 387–426, destruction of the ‘Hoth-Manstein grouping’. Heavily slanted to inflate role of Yeremenko and Khrushchev, criticized by Vasilevskii.
Zheltov, Col.-Gen. A., ‘Yugo–Zapadnyi front v kontrnastuplenii pod Stalingradom’,
, 1967 (11), pp. 57–69. Vatutin’s SW Front operations.
Zhukov, Marshal SU G.K.,
Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya
(Moscow: Novosti 1969, 1970 and 1971); also
The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov
(Novosti translation) (London: Jonathan Cape; New York: Delacorte Press 1971). See here 2nd Soviet edition,
Vospominaniya i razmyshleniya
(Novosti 1975), in two volumes: see vol. 2, pp. 116–29, for documents, directives, signals on
Saturn/Small Saturn
. (See
, pp. 410–22 for translations.) Note: Zhukov’s involvement with
(Leningrad) is detailed in a further memoir contribution in
Operatsiya ‘Iskra’
(Leningrad: Lenizdat 1973), pp. 28–36.

Air operations

Collective authorship,
17-ya Vozdushnaya armiya v boyakh ot Stalingrad do Veny
(Moscow: Voenizdat
, pp. 5–31, 17th Air Army operations, Stalingrad.
Collective authorship,
16-ya vozdushnaya
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1973), pp. 42–57, 16th Air Army operations, Stalingrad, ‘aerial blockade’.

Caucasus, South and South-West Fronts, Upper Don,
‘Koltso’ (final phase) pp.


, 3 (Voenizdat 1961). N. Caucasus operations, pp. 81–91; Soviet offensive, Upper Don, pp. 99–106.
, 6 (Voenizdat 1976). Final stage
, pp. 73–80; Southern and Trans–Caucasus Front operations, pp. 95–101; Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh operations, pp. 110–17.
Morozov, Col. V.P.,
Zapadnee Voronezha
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1956), pp. 23–89, Ostrogozh-Rosossh operations; pp. 93–111, Voronezh-Kastornoe operations. (A highly detailed and important military monograph; see also appendices.)

Documentary-memoir materials

Bitva za Kavkaz
(Moscow: Voenizdat, 1st edn 1967—here 2nd edn 1971), pt 2, pp. 253–302, operations
. See Soviet translation and publication (Moscow: Progress 1971),
Battle for the Caucasus
, ch. 4, ‘Turning Point’, pp. 199–238, offensive aimed at Krasnodar-Tikhoretsk, Black Sea and Northern Group assignments, Stalin rebuke to Maslennikov (p. 208), Krasnodar axis, Tyulenev–Petrov (p. 219);
and Grechko’s 56th Army,
directive to Black Sea Group, 23 January 1943 (pp. 234–5), 46th Army operations.
Gody voiny 1941–1943
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1976), pt 2, pp. 404–19, Operations
More, Stavka
plans, Black Sea/Northern Group operations, difficulties with 56th Army offensive, German plans to fall back on Taman peninsula.
Kazakov, M.I.,
Nad kartoi bylykh srazhenii
, pp. 159–70, Ostrogozhsk–Rossosh operation, planning Voronezh–Kastornoe operation.
Kirin, I.D.,
Chernomorskii flot v bitve za Kavkaz
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1958), pp. 151–65, naval support for Black Sea Group, January–February 1943.
Moskalenko, Marshal SU K.S.,
Na Yugo–zapadnom napravlenii
. Vospominaniya komandarm (Moscow: Nauka 1969). See here the fully revised and expanded edition,
Na Yugo–zapadnom napravlenii 1941–43
, Book 1 (Nauka 1973), pp. 372–95, 40th Army and Ostrogozhsk–Rossosh operation. This edition contains much important documentary/archival material. Also useful summary in Moskalenko, ‘Ot Voronezha do Khar’kova,
, 1963 (4), pp. 25–9 (and to p. 32).

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