The Road to Berlin (141 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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(IId). Folder: Soviet aircraft production, losses, Lend-Lease deliveries, monthly output aircraft factories. T-78/R479, 6462305–311. Gun production: tables for 1941/42/43,
., 6462447–450.
(IId). Composite folder: on Soviet logistics, food supply, clothing, tank maintenance, captured equipment, PW reports on supply/rations, 1941/2, 1943/4. T-78/R481, 6465470–6023.
(IId). File: on Soviet tanks, photographs, engineering drawings, evaluations. A very important collection, materials running through 1942–3 and to 1944. T-78/R478, 6461818–2116.
Also File
copied to Chef der Heeresrüstung on Soviet armour, assault guns, weapons. T-78/R478, 6461092–1518.
Heeresgruppe Süd (Army Group South), Folder: data on Soviet tanks, assault guns, artillery (152mm), production rates, photographs, evaluations. T -78/R477, 6460740–1092 (compilations for 1943/4).
Obkdo. der Heeresgruppe Mitte (Army Group Centre), Mech. Verbände der Roten Armee (29.1.43), also
Pz A0K3:
Entwicklung und Gliederung der russischen Panzerwaffe. (On development of Soviet armoured/mechanized forces.) T-78/R486, 6470843–47/804–808.
Paper. ‘Wehrkraft, Rüstungsumfang und Wehrmacht der Sowjetunion im Frühjahr 1943.’ (Text of lecture by General Gehlen 16 April 1943 on Soviet war economy, potential and performance.) T-78/R478, 6462126–164.

Soviet materials, war economy, ‘Rear Services’, organization/structure field forces

Ananev, Col. I., ‘Sozdanie tankovykh armii i sovershenstvovanie ikh organizatsionnoi struktury’,
, 1972 (10), pp. 38–47. (Important article on tank armies: GKO Order No. 2791 28.1.43 on ‘homogeneous’ tank armies.)
Bakhirev, V.V. and Kirillov, I.I.,
Konstruktor V.A. Degtyarev, Za strokami biografii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1979). See ‘Dyla fronta, dlya pobedy’, AT weapons and weapon development, pp. 149–71.
Bokov, Lt.-Gen. F., ‘Soveshchanie v Stavke or reorganizatsii tankovykh armii’,
, 1979 (3), pp. 38–41. (Stalin’s conference January 1943 on reorganizing tank armies.)
Komkov, G.D.
et al., Akademiya Nauk SSSR
, Kratkii istoricheskii ocherk. (Moscow: Nauka 1974), pp. 341–88, Soviet scientists and the war effort.
Kurkotkin, General S.K.,
Tyl Sovetskikh vooruzhennykh sil v VOV 1941–1945 gg
. (Moscow: Voenizdat 1977), pp. 105–28, ‘Rear Services’/logistics 1942–3.
Latukhin, Col. A.N. (ed.),
Bog voiny
(Moscow: Mol. Gvard. 1979), pp. 71–158. Popular but illuminating account of Soviet artillery developments.
Levshin, B.V.,
Akademiya Nauk SSSR v gody VOV
(Moscow: Nauka 1966). Soviet scientists and the Soviet war effort.
Losik, Marshal Tank Troops O.A. (ed.),
Stroitel’stvo i boevoe primenenie sovetskikh tankovykh voisk v VOV
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1979). See pp. 59–78 on structure/organization tank forces 1943–5. (Essential, detailed study.)
Malinin, Col. K., ‘Razvitie organizatsionnykh form Sukhoputnykh voisk v VOV,
, 1967 (8), pp. 28–39 (wartime changes in organization of Red Army).
Obraztsov, I.F. (Editor-in–Chief),
Razvitie aviatsionnoi nauki i tekhniki v SSSR
(Moscow: Nauka 1980). Wartime aircraft production, pp. 52–60; aero-engines, pp. 180–84; aircraft armament, pp. 437–49. (Authoritative technical study.)
Petrov, Yu. P.,
Partiinoe stroitel’stvo v Sovetskoi Armii i Flote (1918–1961 gg.)
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1964), pt III, note to p. 377, V.N. Gordov’s letter to Stalin and Zhukov on military soviets, also proposing political sections be converted into sections within the staff. (On military Soviets, functions and organization, some detail supplied in interrogation report on Lt.-Gen. Mazanov, captured July 1943.)
Pospelov, N.P. (ed.),
Sovetskii tyl v VOV
(Moscow: Mysl 1974), vols 1–2. Collected studies on industrial war effort, also ‘rear services’/logistics; on tank/weapons production, see for example vol. 2, pp. 107–27.
Smirnov, E.I.,
Voina i voennaya meditsina 1939–1945 gody
(Moscow: Meditsina, 2nd edn 1979), pt III, pp. 267ff, on Red Army medical services.
Sukhomlin, Col. I.M. On Soviet tank armies, ‘mixed’ and ‘homogeneous’ establishments, also table of tank army operations,
, 1973 (9), pp. 121–7. (Indispensable information.)

Soviet wartime nuclear research programme

On Kurchatov (and Flërov), see P.T. Astashenkov,
Akademik I.V. Kurchatov
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1971) and I.N. Golovin,
I.V. Kurchatov
(Moscow: 3rd edn 1978). Also
International Herald Tribune
report, 27 July 1980, on David Holloway’s study of the Soviet decision to build an atomic bomb.


Kursk: the prelude pp.


Ainsztein, Reuben,
Jewish Resistance in Nazi–Occupied Eastern Europe
(London: Elek Books 1974). See pt 5, ‘Jewish Partisans’, pp. 279–388. (Very important study on Jewish role in partisan movement/operations.)
Armstrong, John A. (ed.),
Soviet Partisans in World War II
(Madison: Univ. Wisconsin Press 1964). See pt I/III on organization (pp. 89–139), also IV on psychological warfare and popular attitudes, pp. 197–337. (A massively documented and indispensable work; see also pt II, ‘Case Studies’, and Appendix on Soviet sources.)
Churchill, Winston S.,
The Second World War
, Vol. IV, ‘The Hinge of Fate’, bk II, ch. XVIII, ‘Russia and the Western Allies’ (including the Soviet–Polish rupture).
Dallin, Alexander,
German Rule in Russia 1941–1945
(London: Macmillan 1957, revised reprint, London: Macmillan, Boulder: Westview,
1981), passim
. (A brilliant pioneer research study which retains its fundamental importance and from which I have derived countless insights.)
Fischer, Alexander,
Sowjetische Deutschlandpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1941–45
(Stuttgart: DVA 1975). See under II, ‘Alternativen zur Anti-Hitler Koalition 42/43,’ —peace feelers, Soviet–German ‘separate peace’ explorations, pp. 39–45; also ‘Die Bewegung “Freies Deutschland”’, pp. 53–9. (Detailed scholarly investigation of Soviet–German wartime contacts, evolution of Soviet ‘German policy’.)
Fischer George,
Soviet Opposition to Stalin. A case study in World War II
(Cambridge: Harvard UP 1952), pp. 58–63 on the ‘Smolensk Proclamation’.
Hesse, Erich,
Der sowjetrussische Partisanenkrieg 1941 bis 1944
(Göttingen: Musterschmidt–Verlag 1969),
Howard, Michael,
Grand Strategy
(vol. IV, History of the Second World War) (London: HMSO 1972). See bk IV, ch. XVII, ‘The Russian Ally January–April 1943’, pp. 325–34.
Howell, Edgar, M.,
The Soviet Partisan Movement 1941–1944
(US Department Army, Pamphlet No. 20–244, 1956), ‘Partisans and Zitadelle’, p. 157.
Kleist, Peter,
Zwischen Hitler und Stalin
(Bonn: Athenäum–Verlag 1950). Documentary appendices (IV), Wlassow-Bewegung: offener Brief Lt.-Gen. Vlasov, 3 March 1943 (pp. 318–23), ‘erste antibolschewistische Tagung … Smolensk’, 12 April 1943, pp. 323–6.
Lochner, L.P. (ed.),
The Goebbels Diaries
(London: Hamish Hamilton 1948). See p. 276, entry for 8 May 1943.
Schofield, Admiral B.B.,
The Russian Convoys
(London: Batsford 1964).
Sherwood, Robert E.,
Roosevelt and Hopkins. An Intimate History
(New York: Grosset & Dunlop 1950), pt IV, ‘1943—the Second Front’, ch. XXVIII, ‘The Political Sector’, Davies mission to Moscow, pp. 733–4.
Steenberg, Sven,
(New York: Knopf 1970) (German original,
Wlassow, Verräter oder Patriot?
1968), pp. 68–91, Smolensk visit (also Pskov 1943).
Strik-Strikfeldt, W.,
Against Stalin and Hitler
(London: Macmillan 1970). See ch. 7, ‘The Smolensk Proclamation’, pp. 103–11.
Werth, Alexander,
Russia at War 1941–1945
(London: Barrie & Rockliff 1964). See pt 6, ch. VI, ‘Building a New Poland’ and ch. VII, ‘Dissolution of the Comintern and Other Curious Events … ’, pp. 635–78.

Wartime press: SWN

No. 544, 21 April 1943, ‘Saga of Northern Convoys’ (Maiskii awards Soviet decorations to Royal Navy/Merchant Navy officers).
No. 547, 28 April 1943, ‘The USSR’s reply to Hitler’s Polish Accomplices’ (on Katyn).
No. 548, 29 April 1943, ‘Treachery of Polish Imperialists’ (diplomatic break with London Polish Government).

Diplomatic exchanges, documents, studies

… (2nd edn), vol. 1, No. 163 (Churchill–Stalin 19 June), pp. 160–63; No. 165 (Stalin–Churchill 24 June), pp. 164–7; No. 166 (Stalin–Churchill 26 June), pp. 167–8; No. 167 (Churchill–Stalin 27 June), pp. 168–9; No. 174 (Stalin–Churchill 22 August), pp. 178–9 (on Italian surrender). Vol. 2, No. 83 (Roosevelt–Stalin 5 May), pp. 62–3; No. 88 (Stalin–Roosevelt 26 May), pp. 65–6.
Documents on Soviet–Polish Relations 1939–1945
, ed. General Sikorski, Historical Institute vol. II (London: Heinemann 1967). See No. 1, Eden on ‘unfortunate difficulties (re Katyn) in Soviet–Polish relations, p. 1; No. 2, Stalin–Churchill exchange, May 4, pp. 2–3; No. 7, Vyshinskii on Soviet–Polish relations, May 6, pp. 7–10; No. 12, Polish Government on Union of Polish Patriots, May 12, pp. 14–17; No. 20, Ciechanowski on dissolution of Comintern, May 27, pp. 23–4.
Sovetsko–frantsuzskie otnosheniya v vremya VOV 1941–1945 gg
. (Moscow: Politizdat 1959). Documents/materials, Soviet-French wartime relations.
Israelyan, V.L.,
Antigitlerovskaya koalitsiya
(Moscow: Mezh. Otnosh. 1964), pt 2, ch. XI, ‘Vtorovo fronta ne budet i v 1943 godu’ (Second Front controversy), pp. 222–51.
Kundyuba, I.D.,
Sovetsko–polskie otnosheniya (1939–1945 gg.)
(Kiev: Kiev Univ. 1963), pp. 35–80, Soviet–Polish partisan operations.
Rozek, Edward J.,
Allied Wartime Diplomacy. A Pattern in Poland
(New York: John Wiley 1958), pp. 115–31, under ‘Increased Pressure and Katyn … ’, General Kukiel’s statement on Katyn, Soviet severance of relations with Polish Government in London.
Woodward, Sir Llewellyn,
British Foreign Policy in the Second World War
(vol. 2, History of the Second World War) (London: HMSO 1971). See ch. XXXIV, Anglo-Russian relations in 1943 (Russian demands for second front in France, north Russian convoys …), pp. 546–64, also pp. 564–70.

GMD, German documentary materials

Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete
. Reports on population, ‘Agrarordnung … ’, partisans 1942–3. T-454/R98, 48–380.
Gen. Stab (Fremde Heere West).
reports on Pacific war, German pressure on Japan for ‘second front’ against USSR, estimates of Japanese forces available (7.43). T-82/R93, 0250062–90. (For Hitler’s own
1943, see also T-82/R90, 246898–7214.)
Gen Std H. Bandenlage im Osten. Anlagen. (Reports, maps, tables, statistics: partisan movement, May–June 1943.) T-78/R489, 6475171–229.

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