The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (144 page)

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converted Jews and, xxi (
see also
converted Jews)
protests by Dutch, 125, 410–12
protests by German, 185–86, 202
reaction of European, 574–77
reaction of German, 53, 55–58, 298–303, 539–40
role of, in Nazi Germany, 514–17
as vested interests, xxi

See also
Judaism de-Judaization of, 32–33, 161

Hitler on, 17, 203

Christianstadt labor camp, 651

Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto 1941–1944, The
, vii, 146, 632

See also
diarists, Jewish

Lodz ghetto, vii, 146, 245–46, 388–89, 433–35, 585–86, 632, 662
Warsaw ghetto (Oneg Shabat), 106, 146, 150, 394, 445, 528

Chuikov, Vasily, 401 churches, Christian.

Christian churches

Churchill, Winston, 67, 201, 447, 462, 623, 627, 657

Church of Zion, 24

Ciano, Galeazzo, 270, 274, 453–54

Cioran, E. M., 77 citizenship

French, 550–51
German, 289

civil servants, Dutch, 123–24

Clages, Gerhard, 647

Cleveringa, R. P., 124

clothing, 499

Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, 168

Cohen, David, 181–82, 408–9, 555, 556

Cohn, Willy, 96–97, 268, 307

Cointet, Michèle, 421

collaboration, 67–75, 76, 111, 117, 169, 175, 610–12

collective rights, Jewish, 7

colonization, 76, 133–34, 233–34.
See also

Comité de Coordination, 121

Comité de Défense des Juifs, 121

Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (CGQJ), 172, 377, 382, 551, 589


in Belgium, 423
European anti-Semitism and, xvii–xviii
Soviet (
Ukrainian anti-Semitism and, 537

Compiègne concentration camp, 110, 258, 376–77

compulsory sterilization.


concentration camps.
See also
labor camps

administration of, 346
evacuation of, 648–52
for exchange Jews, 582–84 extermination sites vs., 508–9 (
see also
extermination sites)
in France, 93, 109–10, 170, 257, 415–16
in Holland, 375–76
Kovno as, 584 in Poland, 14–15
as transit camps, 283, 351–56 (
see also
transit camps)

Confessing Church, German, 56, 57, 92, 299–302, 512, 516–17, 575

Consistoire Central, 118–21, 176, 416–17, 554

converted Jews burial of, 57

Catholic Church and, 58, 86, 94, 186, 229, 640
Christian churches and, xxi, 56–57, 298–303, 574–75
conversion motive for rescuing children, 577
Dutch, 125, 410–11
French, 172–73
Hungarian, 620 in Warsaw ghetto, 243–45
Conze, Werner, 32
Cornides, Wilhelm, 399–400 corpses, 237, 462, 503, 581–82 corruption, 42, 374, 407, 432, 497, 544

Cotnareanu, León, 171

Coty, François, 170–71

Coughlin, Charles, 271

Councils, Jewish.


Council to Aid Jews, Polish, 537–38

Crédit Lyonnais, 170

crematoriums, Auschwitz, 359, 502–4, 616.
See also

Auschwitz concentration camp

Croatia, 71, 227–30, 453, 487


cultural regulations, 97–98
expropriation of cultural assets, 76, 164–66
Jewish, 5, 24–25, 97–98, 255–56
Jewish ghetto and camp, 150–53, 382–83, 393, 438, 584–86, 637–38

Nazi policies and, xvii soldiers and Auschwitz, 509–10

Cuza, Alexander, 162, 167–68

Czapik, Gyula, 620

Czech, Danuta, 236

Czechoslovakia, 3, 6, 343, 349, 351–56, 581–82, 592–93, 649–50

Czerniaków, Adam, 4, 10, 37–39, 41, 61–64, 81–82, 105, 155, 157–58, 199, 243–44, 390, 392, 395, 427–29, 662

Dachau concentration camp, 14, 584, 646–47, 651

Daluege, Kurt, 13, 31, 138 Dannecker, Theodor, 121, 172–73, 178, 258,

376–78, 484, 560–61

Darlan, François, 112, 170, 256

Darnand, Joseph, 554, 610

Darré, Walther, 141

death marches.

Deelman, H. T., xiii

de Jong, Jan, 411, 412

de Jong, Louis, 407 de-Judaization, 32–33, 161

Delasem, 560

Delp, Alfred, 511–12 Denmark, 66, 69, 75, 545–47, 610

See also
extermination campaign

from Belgium, 374–75, 421–23, 443–44
from Bulgaria, 452, 484–85
from Croatia, 487
from Denmark, 545–47
expropriation campaign and, 289–91
from Finland, 449
from France, 374–78, 550–57
from Germany, 65–66, 93–94, 136, 138–39, 203, 262–67, 300, 306–14, 369–72, 424–26, 490–97, 652–53
from Greece, 487–90, 613
Himmler and, 30–37, 76
Hitler and beginning of, 263–67
from Holland, xiii–xv, xxvi, 124, 374–76, 405–13
from Hungary, 483–84, 615–19
from Italy, 559–64, 612
Jewish protests of, 103–4
Jewish Question and, 237–40
from Norway, 454
planned, to Madagascar, 81–82, 93, 103–4, 136, 203, 265
within Poland, 30–37, 46
from Romania, 450–51, 483
from Slovakia, 231, 372–74, 463, 485–86
Swedish response to, 449
Swiss response to, 447–49 to
Switzerland, 625, 638 train transports and, 490–97
transit camps and, 351–56 (
see also
transit camps)

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