Read The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 Online
Authors: Saul Friedländer
Tags: #History
SS guidelines for, 134–35 of tuberculosis test subject children, 655–56
Dutch certificates, xiv forced labor, 42–43
Warsaw deportations, 428
expropriation campaign.
See also
Aryanization campaign; Göring, Hermann; Rosenberg, Alfred
announcement about, 462
anti-Semitism, vested interests, and, xx–xxi
archives and libraries, 590–91
art, 164–66
in Austria, 34–35, 139
corruption and, 544
at extermination sites, 431–32, 497–501, 581–82
in France, 115–16, 256, 374
in Germany, 49, 53–54, 65–66, 94, 289–91, 369
in Italy, 560 in Kielce, 321 in Holland, 179–80, 375–76, 550
Nazi economic goals and, xvi–xvii
in Poland, 28–29, 41–43, 389
registration of property, 41, 65–66, 180, 289–91, 375–76
Rosenberg’s reports on, 481–82
in Slovakia, 231
extermination campaign.
See also
measures; Jews;
executions; expropriation
campaign; mass
executions; propaganda
campaign; starvation
acceleration and expansion of, 330–31, 345–51, 405–10
administration of, 339–45, 478–79
anti-Semitism as mobilizing myth for, xix–xx, 19, 288, 478 (
see also
Christian churches and (
Christian churches)
deportations and, 30–32 (
see also
development of gassing, 233–37 (
see also
European Jewry before, 4–10
evolution of, 187–92, 208, 237–40, 602–3
as Final Solution to Jewish Question, xvi, xix, 92–93, 187, 339–40 (
see also
Jewish Question) history of, xiv–xviii, xxiii–xxv
Himmler and (
Himmler, Heinrich)
Hitler and, xviii–xix, 11–16, 282–88 (
see also
Hitler, Adolf)
progress report on, 479–83
public awareness of, and reaction to, xxi–xxiii, 454–63 (
also awareness, public; individuals; populations)
slave labor vs., 345–47 (
see also
slave labor, Jewish) suicides (
vested interests and, xx–xxi
extermination camps, 234, 283–84, 346, 356–65, 405.
See also
concentration camp;
Auschwitz II–Birkenau
extermination camp;
Belzec extermination
site; Chelmno
extermination camp;
gassings; Jasenovac
extermination camp;
Majdanek extermination
site; Sobibor
extermination camp;
special commandos,
Jewish; Treblinka
extermination site
extortion, 145, 534–37, 559–60, 647.
See also
Fabre-Luce, Alfred, 90
Falkenhausen, Alexander von, 259
family camp, Auschwitz, 502, 577–82, 636
Faral, Edmond, 118
fascism, European, xvii–xviii, 5, 68, 70, 74, 232, 612
Faulhaber, Michael, 299, 302
Favez, Jean-Claude, 461
Fédération des Sociétés Juives
de France, 176
Fegelein, Hermann, 527
Feiner, Hertha, 97, 143–44, 320, 370, 426, 662
Feiner, Leon, 392
Ferenc, 603
Ferenzy, Oscar de, 113
Ferida, Luisa, 612
Ferrière, Susanne, 461
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 109
Fiehler, Karl, 369
Filderman, Wilhelm, 226
films, anti-Jewish, 19–24, 96, 98–102, 355, 394, 593, 637
Final Solution, xvi, 92–93, 187, 339–40.
See also
extermination campaign;
Jewish Question
Finbert, Elian J., 379
Finland, 11, 66, 449
Fischboek, Hans, 179
Fischer, Ludwig, 105, 147
Flandin, Pierre-Étienne, 170
Fleischmann, Gisi, 374
Fleming, Gerald, 482
Fliethmann, Elfriede, 296–98
Flinker, Moshe, 64, 183, 397, 442–44, 473–74, 610, 662
Foà, Ugo, 559–60
food supply, 50, 145–46, 201–2, 208, 312–14, 629–31.
See also
starvation campaign
forced labor.
slave labor, Jewish
foreign Jews
Belgian, 122, 174–78
Bulgarian, 452
Dutch, 375, 609–10
French, 108–9, 112, 122, 174–78, 285–86, 380, 413–15
Hungarian, 232
Fossoli assembly camp, 561 FPO (United Partisans Organization), 325–26, 531–33
See also
Vichy France
anti-Jewish measures in, 108–21, 169–78, 256–59, 378–80, 413–21
anti-Semitism in, 610–12
awareness in, about exterminations, 318
concentration camps in, 415–16
deportations from, 374–78, 413–23, 469–70, 550–57, 610–12
diarists in, 318–20
entry into war of, 18