The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (147 page)

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expropriation campaign in, 164–66
extermination of children from, 601–2
extermination plan for, 340–41
foreign Jews in, 7–8, 416–18
French Resistance, 418–19, 610–11
Hitler’s phony peace offer and, 12
illegal emigration from, 90–91
Italian resistance in southern, 552–54
Jewish leadership in, 118–21, 416–18
Jewish powerlessness in, 9, 440–43
Jewish star in, 378–80 liberation of, 612
Nazi occupation of, 67, 69, 75, 78
passivity in, 125–26 public reaction in, xxii, 418–19
rescue operations in, 84

Franciscan monks, 229

Franco, Francisco, 447

Frank, Anne, 64, 183–84, 438–39, 550, 608–10, 662

Frank, August, 498

Frank, Hans, 35–40, 46, 76, 82, 104–5, 136, 138–39, 146–47, 215, 347

Frank, Hermann, 76

Frank, Margot, Otto, and

Edith, 183, 408, 610

Frank, Walter, 162, 164

Franz, Günther, 589–90

Fredericks, K. J., 123

Freier, Recha, 60

Freisler, Roland, 339

French Reformed (Calvinist)

Church, 115

Frenkel, Pawel, 524

Freud, Sigmund, 5–6

Freudiger, Fülöp, 615

Freund, Elisabeth, 253

Frick, Wilhelm, 142, 170, 426

Friedman, Philip, 62, 436, 588–89

Friedmann, Berkus, 222–23

Friedmann, Richard, 352

Friling, Tuvia, 457–58

Frisch, Karl Ritter von, 141–42

Fritz, Stephen G., 634

Fromm, Friedrich, 418

Fry, Varian, 84, 193

Fürle, Günther, 300–301

furniture, 499, 550

Galen, Clemens von, 202, 303

Galewski, Marceli, 558

Galicia, 12, 36, 212–15, 297–98, 321–22, 399–400, 427

Gall, Franz Joseph, 166

Gallimard, Gaston, 381–82

Ganzenmüller, Theodor, 491–92

Ganzweich, Abraham, 157

Garsden, 219


awareness of, by diarists, 438–47
awareness of, by public, 510–17
carbon monoxide, 16, 234, 357
of Dutch Jews, 404–13
expansion of, 356–65
expropriation and, 497–501 extermination sites for, 234, 283–84, 346, 356–65,

405 (
see also
extermination sites)

gas chambers, 235–36, 356–59, 503–4
gas vans, 234, 286, 358, 363–64
German informants about, 458–61
skeleton collection and, 592
of Slovakian Jews, 372–74
of Warsaw Jews, 426–33, 491

Gellately, Robert, 653–54

Gemmeker, Albert, 549

General Government, 12, 30–37, 83, 104–7, 136, 138–39, 144, 215, 266, 342, 347, 350, 426–27, 491–92, 496–97.
See also

Galicia; ghettos;
Kraków; Lodz ghetto;
Lublin ghetto; Warsaw

Gens, Jacob, 241, 246, 436–38, 446, 530–33

Gerlier, Jules-Marie, 176, 420

German Evangelical

Churches, 300–301

German Protectorate of

Bohemia and Moravia.
Bohemia; Moravia

German Red Cross, 579.
See also
Red Cross

Nazi Germany Gerron, Kurt, 637

Gerstein, Kurt, 458–59, 539–40

Gestapo, 345, 601.
See also

RSHA (Reich Security Main Office)

See also
Kovno ghetto; Lodz ghetto; Lublin ghetto; Vilna ghetto; Warsaw ghetto

bribery in, 42, 374
creation of Polish, 38–39, 104–6
Dutch opposition to, 123
execution of Jews in Riga, 261–63
Hungarian, 614, 641–42
Jewish Councils in, 37–43, 153–57
Jewish culture in, 150–53, 382–84
Jewish persecution in, 144–60
mass executions and, 208–12
Romanian, 226 slave labor and, 154–55, 347–48
in Soviet territories, 215
starvation and disease in, 144–50, 157–58

Ghigi, Pellegrino, 489

Gienanth, Kurt von, 495

Gies, Miep and Jan, 408, 610

Gigurta, Ion, 80

Gillette, Guy, 596

Gilloix, André, 611

Giraudoux, Jean, 8

Glasberg, Alexandre, 420

Globke, Hans, 303

Globocnik, Odilo, 35, 37, 283, 346, 432, 458

Glücks, Richard, 343–44, 346, 648

Godesberg Declaration, 56–57 Goebbels, Joseph.
See also

propaganda campaign academic research and, 160–64
anti-Jewish films of, 19–22, 98–102, 593, 637
anti-Jewish speeches of, 76, 276, 472–79, 645–46
authority of, 472 diary of, xxii, 17, 21, 462–63, 538
feud of, with Rosenberg, 22–23, 102–3
on Himmler, 543 on Hitler, 129–30, 204, 238–39, 267, 269, 279–82, 334–37, 348–49, 403, 475–76, 604, 654–55
Jewish star and, 143, 251–52
on Lindbergh, 272
on Pope Pius XII, 466, 565, 567–68
on protests, 30, 462

Hitler’s suicide and, 659–60

on Warsaw uprising, 525

Goerdeler, Carl, 55, 634–35

Goeth, Amon, 529

Goga, Octavian, 168

gold, 498, 560

Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, xx

Goldman, Nahum, 66

Goldstein, Israel, 596

Göring, Hermann, 41, 55, 76, 136, 237–38, 336, 403–4, 538, 660–61.
See also
expropriation campaign

Gottong, Heinrich, 164

Gottschalk, Joachim, 308

government-in-exile, Dutch, 410

government-in-exile, Polish, 47–48, 250–51, 454–58, 461–62, 598–99

Grabe, Elisabeth, 510–11

Grabner, Maximilian, 544

Gradowski, Zalman, 580–82, 663

Granaat, D., xiii

Grasset, Bernard, 117

Grau, Wilhelm, 162–64

Great Britain, 7–8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 20, 67, 89–90, 129–30, 201, 304, 329–30, 392, 461, 540–41, 594

Greece, 6, 131, 487–90, 613

Greek noses, 586–87

Greifelt, Ulrich, 496

Greilsheimer, Joseph, 371

Greiser, Arthur, 76, 82, 144–45, 263, 284, 585

Groag, Willy, 639

Gröber, Conrad, 94, 302, 515, 576

Groscurth, Helmuth, 216–19

Gross, Jan T., 45, 535

Gross, Karl, 338–39

Gross, Walter, 163, 291–92

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