The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (153 page)

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passivity, xv, xxi–xxiii, 9–10, 103–4, 479, 555–57, 631
in Poland, 4, 24–26, 46–48, 53–54, 525, 533–37
resistance (
protests; rescue operations; resistance)
transfers of Jewish (
deportations) in Ukraine, 534–37

Porat, Dina, 597

Portugal, 71, 86, 90

Portuguese Jews in Holland, 547

power, anti-Semitic, xx–xxi powerlessness, Jewish, xxiv, 8–10

precious metals, 499

press, Dutch, 125

press, German, 22–23

Presser, Jacob, 375, 408–9

Preysing, Konrad Count, 58, 185–86, 302, 459, 515–16, 570–72

prisoners of war, execution of, 207, 236–37

private institutes, 193

productionist policy, 145–47, 246

professional associations, xxi

profiteers, Jewish, 42, 149

progress reports, 479–83

propaganda campaign.
See also
Goebbels, Joseph academic research and, 160–64

anti-Bolshevik, 204–6
anti-Jewish films and publications, 19–24, 98–104, 355, 394, 593, 637
anti-Jewish speeches (
speeches, anti-Jewish)
continuing, as Nazi Germany disintegrated, 472–79, 644–48
about extermination of Jews, 337–38, 472–78
Goebbels vs. Rosenberg on, 102–3
Himmler and, 542–43
Jewishness and, xiv–xv
reinforcement of existing anti-Semitism, 189–91

Propaganda Ministry, 22–23, 98.
See also
Goebbels, Joseph; propaganda campaign

property, registration of, 41, 65–66, 180, 289–91, 375–76.
See also
expropriation campaign

prophecy, Hitler’s, 132, 239, 265, 273–74, 279–80, 287, 331–39, 402–4

Protestant churches.
See also
Christian churches

antiliberalism and, 68
French, 115, 193
German, 55–57, 202, 215–19, 299–302, 515–17, 539–40
Hungarian, 619–20
Slovak, 373

See also

British Catholic, 461
Dutch, 124–25, 410–13
Finnish, 449
French, 116, 257–58, 417
French Catholic, 74–75, 113, 420–21
German Catholic, 94, 185–86, 202, 302–3, 516–17, 576–77
German Christian, 57
German Jewish, 103–4
German military, 27, 30, 215–19
German Protestant, 299
in Greece, 489
in Hungary, 484–85
lack of European, xxi–xxiii
lack of German military, 210
Polish, 455
Polish Catholic, 25–26, 537–38
Slovak Christian, 485–86
Slovak Lutheran, 373
in Soviet territories, 224
Vatican, 74

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
, 19

Provisional Church, 301 Prüfer, Kurt, 503–4

Prützmann, Hans Adolf, 138, 200, 360

publications, anti-Jewish, 22–24

public reaction.

populations publishers, French, 117, 379–82

Pugliese, Stanislao G., 560

purity, racial.

purity Pütz, Karl, 361–62

Pyrenees escape route, 90–91

Quisling, Vidkun, 80, 162

race defilement, 50–51, 365–67

racial purity, xx, 11–16

Raczkiewicz, Wladislaw, 598

Raczynski, Edward, 462

Rademacher, Franz, 81, 265

radio program, Himmler and, 542

Radnoti, Miklós, 642–43

Radom, 12, 36, 427

Radzilow, 223–24

Rahm, Karl, 592–93, 637–38

railway line bombing plan, 625–28.
See also
trains Rangell, Johan, 449

ransom money, 323, 559–60, 582–84, 594.
See also
bribery; exchange Jews; extortion

Rasch, Otto, 14

Rauca, Helmut, 323–24

Rauter, Fritz, 356, 406

Rauter, Hanns Albin, 122, 179

Ravensbrück concentration camp, 296, 299

Rebatet, Lucien, 111, 174, 380

Reche, Otto, 33

Red Army, 66, 249–50, 401–2, 628.
See also
Soviet Union

Red Cross, 461, 489, 582, 579–80, 582, 625, 637, 642, 648

redemptive anti-Semitism, Hitler’s, xviii–xix

Redlich, Egon (Gonda), 352–55, 439–40, 445, 579, 638–39, 662

Reeder, Eggert, 422

Reformed Churches, Dutch, 125

refugees, Jewish.
See also
migration, Jewish

in France, 109
ship, 329–30
in Sweden, 449
in Switzerland, 447–49
in United States, 596
in western Europe, 7–9

Regenstein, Annelies, 510


Belgian Jews, 259
Dutch Jews, 123
French Jews, 116–17, 172, 256
German Jews, 370–71
Polish Jews, 41

Nazi Germany Reichenau, Walter von, 210, 216–19

Reich-Ranicki, Marcel, 151, 428, 534–35

Reichsbank, 498–99

Reichsvereinigung (German Jewish organization), 16, 59–61, 97–98, 103–4, 290, 425–26

Reinhardt, Rolf, 161

Reizer, Franciszka, 535

Christian churches; Judaism

Rémond, Paul, 421

Renteln, Adrian von, 588

Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, 545

rescue operations

Allied rejection of, 602, 625–28
in Belgium, 421–23
Christian, 576–77
discussions of, in United States, 594–96
in France, 84, 420–21
in France by Italy, 552–54
in Germany, 372
in Greece, 489
in Holland, 410–12
in Hungary, 620–28, 642 by
individuals, 193–94
in Italy, 453–54, 561, 572, 612–13
in Palestine, 597–98
in Poland, 534–38

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