The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (145 page)

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from Warsaw, 426–33

Deutsche Bank, 308

de Wolff, Leo, 408–9

diamonds, 498


Willy Cohn, 96–97
Wilhelm Cornides, 399–400
Joseph Goebbels as, xxii

see also
Goebbels, Joseph)

Jean Guéhenno, 174
Franz Halder, 27
Jewish (
diarists, Jewish)
Iryna Khoroshunova, 197
Jochen Klepper, 51, 64
Nazi opposition members, 54–55
non-Jewish individual reactions, xxii–xxiii
in Poland, 29–30
William Shirer, 95
Hermann Voss, 236–37

diarists, Jewish.
See also diarists by name

anonymous, in Lodz, 629–31

awareness of

exterminations by, 326–28, 438–47
on deportations and executions, 318–28
fate of, 440, 662–63 in France, 119–20
in Holland, 182–84 in Kovno, 241–42
Lodz ghetto chroniclers, vii, 146, 245–46, 388–89, 433–35, 585–86, 632, 662
on Nazi Eastern Front assault on Soviet Union, 197–202, 268–69
on Nazi occupation of Europe, 77–79
personal stories of, xxiv–xxvi
in Poland, 3–6, 29–30, 63–64, 106
of special commandos, 580–82
in Stanislawow, 282–83
Warsaw ghetto (Oneg Shabat) chroniclers, 106, 146, 150, 394, 445, 528

on Warsaw uprising, 527–28

Diaspora Month, 597–98

Dietrich, Otto, 17, 22–23, 204, 252, 268

Dietze, Konstantin von, 512

Diewerge, Wolfgang, 206

Diner, Dan, 557

discrimination by Jews.
solidarity, Jewish

diseases, 147, 150, 157–58, 243.
See also
tuberculosis; typhus

Dmowski, Roman, 26

Dobroszycki, Lucjan, vii

Dodds, Harold W., 595

Donati, Angelo, 553

Dönitz, Karl, 660–61

Dora-Mittelbau, 646

Douvan, Serge von, 588

Drancy concentration camp, 257, 415–18, 469–70, 551–52, 601–2

Dresden, 3, 644, 653

Dresdner Bank, 179–80

Dreyfus affair, 114

Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre, 380

Drohobycz, 246–47

Dubnow, Simon, 247, 262, 590

Duckwitz, Georg F., 546

Durcansky, Ferdinand, 80

Dürkefälden, Karl, 334

Dutch Nazi Party, 122–24, 178–80, 375–76

Dutch Protestant Churches, 125

Eastern Europe, 6–8, 11–14, 71, 126–27.
See also


Eastern Front Nazi assault on Soviet Union, 129–38, 197–202, 267–69, 327–28, 331, 400–402, 470–71, 540–41, 628

Eastern Orthodox Church.
See also
Catholic Church

Bulgarian, 485
Romanian, 167–68, 226
Serbian, 228–30

East Prussia, 14

Eberl, Irmfried, 432

Eckart, Dietrich, 133, 273, 278

Ecole Libre des Sciences

Politiques, 118

economic goals, Nazi, xvi–xvii.
See also

expropriation campaign

economic status, Jewish, 6–8, 24–25

Edelman, Marek, 148 Edelstein, Jakob, 351–53, 636

Eden, Anthony, 462, 623, 627

Edinger, Georges, 552, 611 education, ghetto, 150–53 Edvardson, Cordelia, 299, 577, 651–52

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 249, 645 Eichmann, Adolf, 35, 81, 82, 88, 92–93, 266–67, 284, 339, 344, 345, 351–52, 372, 374, 426, 450, 486, 479–80, 579–80, 592, 613, 620–25, 637–38

Eichmann in Jerusalem
, xxiii–xxiv

Eicke, Theodor, 13

Eimann, Kurt, 15

Einsatzgruppen (operational groups), 13–14, 26–27, 30, 135–36, 187, 207.
See also
RSHA (Reich Security) office

elderly camp.

Theresienstadt transit camp

Eliade, Mircea, 77


Elkes, Elchanan, 242, 323–24, 584

Ellenbogen, Marianne, 355

Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC), 84, 127



Endeks, 26, 71

Endre, Laszlo, 614

Great Britain Engzell, Gösta, 449

Entress, Friedrich, 505, 544 Eppstein, Paul, 55, 578, 636–37

Epting, Karl, 118

Eretz Israel.

(Eretz Israel); Yishuv

Erlich, Henryk, 250–51

Ernest, Stefan, vii

Espinosa, Eugenio, 203

Estonia, 223, 449, 632–33

Eternal Jew, The
(film), 19–22, 99–102, 189, 593

Etter, Philippe, 461

Ettinger, Adam, 243

eugenics, 15–16.
See also

euthanasia campaign


antiliberalism and anti-Semitism in, xvii–xviii attitudes and reactions of populations in, xxi–xxiii (
see also

Catholic attitudes in, 184–87 (
see also
Catholic Church) diversity of Jewry in, 4–10 (
see also

Nazi occupation of, 75–77

euthanasia campaign.
See also
extermination campaign

gas vans and, 234
German Catholic protests against, 185–86, 202 in Lodz ghetto, 245–46 in Poland, 14–16, 364

Pius XII and, 568

deportations; migration, Jewish

Evangelical Churches,

German, 300–301

Evangelical Lutheran

Church, German, 56–57

Ewige Jude, Der
See Eternal Jew, The

exchange Jews, 582–84, 594, 620–25, 638, 647–48

See also
euthanasia campaign; extermination campaign; starvation campaign

in Belorussia, 364–65
during camp evacuations, 649–52
in Croatia, 487
of Dutch rebels, 181–82
in Estonian labor camps, 633
of Herbert Baum group, 348–49
of Hungarian slave laborers, 642–43
of Jewish traitors (by Jews), 522–23, 494
of Lidice population, 349–50
of Lwov Jews, 435–36
Nazi move toward mass, 208 (
see also
mass executions)
of Nazi opposition leaders
of Hitler assassination attempt, 634
of Polish elite and Jews, 13–14, 26–30
of Romanian Jews, 166–69
of Soviet POWs and civilians, 236–37

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