The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (154 page)

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Romanian offer and, 594
in Slovakia, 374
in Sweden, 546–47

research on Jews, German, 160–64, 206–7, 237, 296–98, 505, 586–93, 655–56

See also
protests; uprisings

absence of, 330–31, 478–79 (
see also
in Belgium, 423
Bialystok group, 529–30
in Bulgaria, 484–85
Christian, 574
in Finland, 449
in France, 257–58
French Catholic, 551
French Resistance, 418–19, 610–11
German Catholic, 58, 185–86, 202, 303, 515–16, 576–77
German Confessing Church, 56, 516–17
ghetto youth movements, 153
in Greece, 487–90, 613
in Hungary, 451–52, 483–84, 617–20
in Italy, 452–54
Jewish armed, xxiv, 250–51, 348–50, 364–65, 520–29, 556–59
Jewish resistance organization in Vilna, 325–26, 531–33
Jewish resistance organization in Warsaw, 390–93, 520–29
Pius XI (pope), 58
Polish Catholic, 537–38
in Romania, 450–51, 483
in Slovakia, 485–86
White Rose resistance group, 513

Reuband, Karl-Heinz, 254–55

Reynaud, Paul, 67

Rhodes, 613

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 76, 80, 116, 165, 206, 270, 450, 485–86, 546, 552–53, 621–24, 641

Richert, Arvid, 254

Richter, Gustav, 450–51

Riedl, Colonel, 215–17

Riegner, Gerhart, 460–61, 463

Riga ghetto, 247, 261–63, 267, 252, 309

rights, Jewish, 7, 289 Ringelblum, Emanuel, 42–43, 63, 64, 106, 148, 150, 158, 160, 318, 389–90, 431, 524, 629, 662

Rivesaltes concentration camp, 109, 417

RKFDV agency, 31, 34–35, 37, 96, 100, 134–35, 179, 346, 509–10, 542–45, 624–25.
See also
Himmler, Heinrich

Rodal, Leon, 524

Rodriguez-Pimental, Henriette, 411

Roey, Joseph-Ernest van, 184 Rogers, Will, 596


awareness in, about exterminations, 319
Catholic Church in, 71 emigration of Jews from, 88–89
Hitler’s relations with, 70, 80, 606–7, 636
Jewish policy in, 449–50, 483–84, 636
Jewry of, 6–7
literary scene, 77
mass executions in, 166–69, 225–27
release offer, 594
resistance in, to deportations, 483
Soviet invasion of, 67, 628–29
Soviet pact and, 11
ship sinking, 329–30

Romanian Orthodox Church, 167–68

Rome, 559–74.
See also

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 67, 131, 201, 203–6, 264–65, 270, 279, 462, 618, 655, 657

Rosenberg, Alfred, 11, 22–23, 76, 102–3, 136, 137, 162–66, 200, 286, 481–82, 499, 589–91

Rosenberg, Walter, 614 Rosenfeld, Oskar, 310–11, 314–15, 446–47, 493, 527, 630–32, 662

Rosenheim, Jacob, 462–63

Rosenman, Samuel, 205

Rosenthal, Herta, 307

Rosenthal, Margot, 372

Rosenthal-Porzellan business, 140–41

Rosh Hashanah, 116

Rosin, Arnost, 615

Roskies, David, 528

Rossel, Maurice, 580, 582

Rossino, Alexander B., 45

Rothaug, Oswald, 365–67

Rothfels, Hans, 32

Röthke, Heinz, 551, 601

Rothmund, Heinrich, 447–49, 625

Rothschild family, 118, 165

Rothschilds: Aktien auf Waterloo, Die
The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo
film), 19–20, 99

Rotsztat, Bronislawa, 152

Rotta, Angelo, 620

Rovno, 360

Rowecki, Stefan, 523

Rozenblat, Evgeny, 45

RSHA (Reich Security Main Office), 13, 34–35, 103–4, 289–91, 349–50.
See also
Einsatzgruppen (operational groups); Heydrich, Reinhard

Rubinowicz, Dawid, 64, 106–7, 144, 197, 320–21, 385–86, 663

Rudashevski, Itzhok, 64, 221, 241, 324–25, 437, 439, 446, 531, 533, 663

rue Amelot, 176

rule of law, 10, 191

Rumkowski, Mordechai

Chaim, 61, 62–63, 145–46, 245–46, 311–12, 314, 387, 434, 555–56, 631–32

Rundstedt, Gerd von, 211

Soviet Union

Ryder, Theodor, 152

Saar-Palatinate, 65, 93–94

Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 14, 60, 104, 349

Safran, Alexander, 226

Sagalowitz, Benjamin, 460

Sajmiste concentration camp, 363–64

Saliège, Jules-Gérard, 420–21

Salonika, 487–90

Salus, Greta, 505

Sankt Raphaelsverein, 58, 86, 92

Sauckel, Fritz, 76, 272–73, 346, 424

Scavenius, Eric, 546

Scavizzi, Piero, 463

Schächter, Raphael, 638 Schäfer, Emanuel, 363–64 Schäfer, Ernst, 592

Schall, Jacob, 589

Schellenberg, Walter, 647 Scher, Mira, 222

Schieder, Theodor, 32–34, 297–98

Schipper, Yitzhak, 588

Schirach, Baldur von, 139

Schlegelberger, Franz, 344

Schleier, Rudolf, 285

Schlesinger, Kurt, 548

Schmelt, Albrecht, 34

Schmidt, Fritz, 179

Schmidt, Rita, 339, 517

Schneidemühl, 35, 94

scholarly institutions.
academic institutions

Scholem, Gershom, 127

Schöngarth, Karl Eberhard, 282

Schuckburgh, John, 89

Schulman, Jakob, 317

Schulte, Eduard, 460–61

Schultz, B. K., 587

Schulz, Bruno, 246–47, 436

Schwartz, Isaie, 118, 120

Schwartzschild, Leopold, 654

Schwarzbart, Ignacy, 456, 598

Schwerin, Jürgen von, 141

scientists, xxi–xxii, 50.
See also
research on Jews, German

SD reports, xxii, 653

Sebastian, Mihail, 77, 166–67, 198, 227, 269, 319, 327, 330, 402, 444, 474, 662

secular Jews, 6–7

security risks,

slave labor, 81, 345–51, 495

Seidl, Siegfried, 578

Seiler, Irene, 365–67

Seligsohn, Julius, 104

Sephardic Jews, 6, 285

Seraphim, Heinz-Peter, 162–63

Serbia, 227–28

Serbs, Christian Orthodox, 228–30

Seredi, Justinian, 619–20

Sereny, Gitta, 357, 432, 558

serial numbers, 505–6

sexual relations, Aryan-Jew, 50–51, 141, 365–67

Seydoux, Roger, 118

Seyss-Inquart, Arthur, 76, 122, 179, 547

Sézille, Paul, 173, 257

Shanghai, 86–87

Shapiro, Abraham, 324, 445–46

Shavli ghetto, 632

Sheptyskyi, Andrei, 464

Shertok, Moshe, 622–23, 627

Shirer, William, 95

Shoah, 397–663

Sierakowiak, Dawid, 4, 5, 28–29, 64, 146, 152, 198, 268, 312–13, 347, 387–88, 433–34, 533, 662

Sievers, Wolfram, 592

Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 48, 457, 598

Sima, Horia, 70, 166, 169

Simon, Gustav, 142

Simon, Hugo, 84

Simonides, Vassilis, 487

Sinclair, Archibald, 627

Six, Franz Alfred, 589–90

skeletons, Jewish, 592

skull collection, 166, 591–92

slave labor, Jewish

armed resistance and, xxiv
Auschwitz, 235–36
demands for, 481, 495–97, 646–48
exchange Jews and, 582–84
extermination plan and, 340–43

in Germany, 59, 424–25

in labor camps, 154–55, 358–59, 529 (
labor camps)
Nazi Party and, 76
in Poland, 34, 42–43
security risks, 81, 345–51, 495
selections for, 340, 501, 505–6, 577–78
in Soviet territories, 137, 209–10, 215, 233

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