The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (150 page)

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survivors, xiii (
see also

Jews Unmasked
(film), 20

Jew Süss
(film), 19–20, 96, 99–102, 173–74, 259, 443, 593

Jezler, Robert, 447–48

Jodl, Alfred, 131, 134–35

Johnson, Eric, 254–55

Johst, Hanns, 138

Jood, Jude, Juif
(terms), xiii–xiv

Jordan, Fritz, 242

Jorga, Nicolae, 167

See also

Christianity vs., 574–77 (
see also
Christian churches; Christianity
de-Judaization, 32–33, 161
religious Jews, 5, 6, 24–25, 27–28, 444–47
synagogues, 21–22, 257, 259, 514–15, 318, 444, 514–15, 524–25

Juden ohne Maske. See Jews Unmasked

Jewish Councils

Jud Süss
See Jew Süss

Jünger, Ernst, 381

Kaczerginski, Shmerke, 590

Kafka, Ottla, 579

Kaganowitsch, Lazar, 275

Kahle, Paul E., 588

Kahlich, Dora Maria, 297–98

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 505

Kallay, Miklós, 232–33, 451–52, 483–84

Kalmanovitch, Zelig, 437–38, 532–33, 588–91, 632, 663

Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 350, 483, 497, 526, 542, 561

“Kaltenbrunner Reports, The,” 635

Kammler, Hans, 359, 502

Kaplan, Chaim, 3–4, 10, 41, 44–45, 63–64, 77–78, 105, 148–49, 154, 159–60, 268, 322–23, 333, 429, 662

Kaplan, Marion, 96

Kappers, C. U. Ariens, xiii

Kappler, Herbert, 559–61

Karaites research, 587–89

Karski, Jan, 46–47, 455–56, 598

Kaspi, André, 414

Kastner, Rudolf, 621, 624–25

Katag A.G., 423–24

Katyn Forest massacre, 475, 477–78

Katzenberger, Leo Israel, 365–67

Katzmann, Friedrich, 282

Kaufering, 646

Kaufman, Theodor N., 205–6, 337

Kaufmann, Karl, 264

Kautsky, Benedikt, 509

Keitel, Wilhelm, 13, 165, 471–72

Kennedy, Joseph P., 73

Khoroshunova, Iryna, 197

Kielce, 17, 64, 107, 320–21 Kiev, 197, 201, 215–19, 259–60, 293–94, 470

Killinger, Manfred von, 80, 450–51

Kirk, Alexander, 51

Kladovo episode, 88–89

Kleinbaum, Moshe, 44, 106

Klemperer, Victor, 1, 3–4, 54, 60–61, 63–64, 78–79, 96, 126–27, 140, 199, 252–53, 268, 319–20, 327, 337, 367–70, 402–3, 440–41, 444, 474, 477–78, 518–19, 527, 609, 653, 661–62

Klepper, Jochen, 51, 64, 79, 91–92, 144, 301–2, 426, 662

Klieforth, Alfred W., 73

Klonicki, Aryeh and Malwina, 214, 535–36, 663

Klooga labor camp, 632–33

Kluger, Ruth, 255, 354, 494, 504–5, 577–78, 651–52

Klukowski, Zygmunt, xxiii, 29–30, 159, 242–43, 328, 358, 628

Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe, 329

Knochen, Helmut, 115, 175

Knoll, Roman, 48

awareness, public

Koch, Erich, 76, 200, 361–62, 650

Koch, Pietro, 612

Kochanowski, Erich, 97–98

Koenekamp, Eduard, 39

Kogon, Eugen, 181

Köhler, Hermann, 53–54 Kolb, Eberhard, 583

Komoly, Otto, 621

Königsberg, 650

Koppe, Wilhelm, 263, 266

Korczak, Janusz, 393, 429–30, 663

Koretz, Zwi, 488, 489, 555

Korherr, Richard, 480–82

Körner, Thodor, 473

Korsemann, Gert, 200

Kos, 613

Kossak-Szezucka, Zofia, 537–38

Kot, Stanislaw, 456–57

Kovner, Abba, 325–26, 328, 532

Kovno, 193–94, 219, 222–25

Kovno ghetto, 241–42, 267, 283, 323–24, 384, 445–46, 584, 632–33

Kraków, 12, 14, 35–36, 38, 357, 523, 529

Kramer, Joseph, 592

Krauss, Clemens, 369

Kremer, Johann Paul, 506–7

Krengiel, Ziula, 152

Kritzinger, Friedrich Wilhelm, 300

Krombach, Ernst, 355–56, 662

Krüger, Friedrich Wilhelm, 37, 266, 347–48, 497, 522

Krüger, Hans, 282

Kruk, Hermann, 198, 241, 327, 382–83, 437–38, 446, 527–28, 530–33, 550, 590, 632–33, 663

Krumey, Hermann, 647

Krymchaks, 589

Kube, Wilhelm, 362–63

Kubowitzki, Leon, 627

Küchler, Georg von, 27

Kulturbund, 97–98, 255–56

Kvaternik, Slavko, 203

labor camps.
See also
concentration camps

Belzec, 154
Dutch, 375–76, 413
Estonian, 632
Polish, 154–55
slave labor and, 582 (
see also
slave labor, Jewish)

Labor Law for Jews, 289

La Communauté Française, 173

Lagedi labor camp, 633

Lages, Willi, 179

Lambert, Raymond-Raoul, 119–20, 256, 258, 318, 382, 416–17, 440, 554–56, 662

Lammers, Hans-Heinrich, 139, 141, 291–92, 471–72, 517

Landau, Felix, 246–47, 436

Landau, Leib, 589

Landesberg, Henryk, 435

Lange, Herbert, 284

Langfus, Leyb, 580

Langgässer, Elisabeth and Cordelia, 519–20

Laqueur, Walter, xxv

Latin America, 86, 87, 270, 583–84

Latvia, 223

Laval, Pierre, 377–78, 416, 551

law, Jewish belief in, 10, 191

Law, Richard, 329


execution of Polish, 13–14, 40
German opposition, 54–55, 74, 511–13, 526, 634
Hitler’s charismatic, xx, 656–59
Jewish (
leadership, Jewish)
passivity of European, xv, xxi–xxiii, 68
resistance by Nazi, 17

leadership, Jewish.
See also
Jewish Councils

compliance of, 555–57
Jewish Central Museum and, 592–93
in France, 118–21, 176–78, 416–18, 550–57
in Germany, 59–61, 97–98, 103–4, 425–26
in Holland, 180–82
in Poland, 61–63
reaction of, in Palestine, 305–6, 596–98
responsibility of, xxiii–xxiv, 191–92
at Theresienstadt, 578

Lecca, Radu, 594

Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter von, 210–11

Leers, Johann von, 477

legal rights, Jewish, 289

Lehndorff, Heinrich von, 460

Leibbrandt, Georg, 587–89

Lejkin, Jacob, 522

Lemgo, 514

Lend-Lease Bill, U.S., 201, 265

Leningrad, 470

Lentz, Jacob, 123

Les Milles concentration camp, 109

letters, German soldiers’.
See also
soldiers, German

anti-Semitism of, 107–8, 121, 159, 211–12, 634, 643–44
awareness of Jewish exterminations by, xxii, 214, 293–94, 399–400, 426, 430–31, 528–29
on slave labor, 209–10

Leventhal, Zalman, 580

Le Vernet concentration camp, 109

Levi, Primo, 493–94, 504, 616–17, 651

Levin, Dov, 45

Lewandowski, Jozef, 460

Lewin, Abraham, 195, 394, 430, 441–42, 445, 521–22, 662

Ley, Robert, 17, 23–24, 337

liberalism, 5, 8, 9, 67–69

libraries, 150–51, 438, 590–91

Lichtenbaum, Marc, 523 Lichtenberg, Bernhard, 303,


Lichtheim, Richard, 306, 463

Lidice, 349–50

Liebehenschel, Arthur, 509

Liénart, Achille, 419

Lifar, Serge, 117

Lifton, Robert Jay, 507

Lindbergh, Charles A., 270–71, 304–5

Lippman-Rosenthal bank, 180


Lischka, Kurt, 171–72

Lithuania, 7, 44, 86–87, 193–94, 219–25, 241–42, 303, 632–33

Lithuanian Activists’ Front, 220

Litzmannstadt ghetto, 263, 584–86.
See also
Lodz ghetto

Lodz, 4, 21–22, 24

Lodz ghetto

awareness of exterminations in, 441
Chelmno extermination site and, 284, 441
chroniclers of, vii, 146, 245–46, 388–89, 433–35, 585–86, 632, 662
creation of, 38, 104, 245–46
cultural life in, 149–53, 446–47, 584–86
deportations to and from, 266–67, 310–14, 387–89, 433–35, 629–32
euthanasia in, 245–46
extermination of, 314–18, 337, 629–32
leadership in, 61, 62
reaction in, to Eastern Front war, 197–99
slave labor and, 347
starvation in, 144

Logothetopoulos, Constantine, 489

Lohse, Hinrich, 76, 200, 261, 361–62

Long, Breckinridge, 85, 596 looting, 28–29, 164–66, 22.

See also
expropriation campaign

Lorentz, Werner, 138

Losacker, Ludwig, 526

Lospinoso, Guido, 553

Lowenstein, Karl, 578

Lubetkin, Zivia, 126

Lublin, 12, 16

Lublin ghetto

Belzec extermination site for, 283–84
colonization plans and, 233–34
concentration camp, 584–86
creation of, 38
deportations to, 30–37
executions at, 431
euthanasia hospital, 16
gassing of Jews of, 356–57, 521
Jewish perceptions in, 322–23
slave labor, 154–55

Lublin-Majdanek labor camp, 233

Ludin, Hans, 373–74, 485–86

Luftgas, Markus, 273

Lustig, Walter, 520

Luther, Martin, 81, 340–41, 450–52

Lutheran Church

in Germany, 56
in Holland, 125
in Hungary, 619–20
in Slovakia, 373

Lutz, Carl, 642

Lutze, Viktor, 475

Luxembourg, 75

Lwov, 213, 215, 356–36, 435–36, 458, 464

Macedonia, 452, 484–85, 487–88

Mach, Alexander, 80

Mach, Sano, 162, 231

Mackensen, Hans Georg von, 453

MacQueen, Michael, 498

Madagascar deportation plan, 81–82, 93, 103–4, 136, 203, 265

Magill, Franz, 208

Maglione, Luigi, 229, 373, 464–65, 562–63, 566

Majdanek extermination site, 359, 421, 559, 628

Mandel, Georges, 611

Mandel, Maria, 577

Manfred Weiss industrial empire, 625

Mann, Thomas, 334

Manstein, Erich von, 210

Mapai party, 305–6, 457–58


concentration camp evacuation, 648–52
Hungarian, 640–43

Marcone, Giuseppe Ramiro, 229

Marian, Ferdinand, 99

Marie-Benoît, Pierre, 553

Maritain, Jacques, 113

Marothy, Karoly, 641

mixed marriages

Marsonas, Georg, 224–25

Martel, C., 115

Marti, Roland, 579–80

Bolshevism; communism

Masse, Pierre, 116

mass executions

awareness of, 426 of Dutch Jews, 405–10, 608
of French Jews, 415–16, 469–70
of German Jews, 262–63
of Hungarian Jews, 232–33

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