Thoughtless Sacrifice (12 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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Are you okay,
Mr Thomas?” Jay asked no doubt noticing the sad expression on my
face. I just nodded, I was unable to talk. I pulled out my phone
and began to mess around with it. Anything to distract me from what
was going on. I ended up in the photo album, hundreds and hundreds
of pictures of Georgina.

This was not a good
distraction; I started to stroll through them, some of them she was
posing and others she is playing with Bailey. My favourite ones
were taken when she had no idea. Her natural beauty just shown
through and she lit up the screen.

I placed the phone down and
stared out the window. I never thought things were end up this way.
I had believed we would be together forever. Why didn't I listen to
her warnings??? Why did always allow work to distract me from the
real world... Had I finally become obsessed with making money??

My head was beginning to hurt
and very moment I longed for Georgina. I guess the old saying was
true... She didn't know what you have till it’s gone! Right now, I
had nothing... The life I had was now over. Was this a new chapter
or was this just history repeating its self??? I didn't want to
turn back into that lonely stupid excuse for a man I was before

Thomas....” Jay interrupted my thoughts. “Did you want a cigarette
before your flight??”

please...” The stress I was feeling, I doubted very a cigarette
would relieve me. I just wanted HER back.





I don’t know how long I stared
out that window and watched Maxwell drive away. I had sent him off
to spend a whole weekend with another woman.

My heart smashed, this was it
now. I looked over at Bailey sitting on the sofa playing with a toy
car. He was the product of my love for Maxwell and was the only
thing I had left of my marriage. I could hear Maxwell’s voice in my
head, saying things that woman that drove my body crazy.

He was no longer mine. He was
free to do what ever he wanted. Just like me. I heard Riley’s door
open and felt him come behind me. His arms wrapping around my waist
and his head resting on my shoulder.

Why you
staring at the window?”

I sniffed back my tears, the
anger replaced the sadness. This whole mess was down to Maxwell.
Well, he could do what he liked so could I. he longer had control
over me. I wasn’t his and he had proved that I meant nothing to
him. He could to New York and have a dirty weekend with his

I slowly turned in Riley’s arms
and wrapped mine around his neck. He was a wonderful man and he
wanted me. He had gone to so many lengths to prove he cared and I
deserved to be happy. I slowly looked up and met his grey eyes.

Tonight” I
whispered. “I want you tonight.”




I didn’t want to be here,
sitting in a meeting room discussing the final details of the deal.
It didn't seem to matter now, like this deal was going to make me
feel any better.

My attention turned to the
window and I stared out at the skyline of New York. My mind
instantly drifted off to Georgina and Bailey. I hope she was
keeping her promise. The thought of her sharing Bailey with another
man made me feel sick.

okay, Maxwell” said a voice, bringing back to earth with a thud. My
eyes turned to see Stella standing before me. That was all I
needed, the reminder of what destroyed my marriage.

A quick fuck in a toilet had
wrecked my life. She pulled out the seat next to me and sat down.
It was then I realized the room was empty, great this was getting
fucking better.

She seductively crossed her
legs, exposing her thigh. She pushed her breasts and licked her
lips. I rolled my eyes; I know it was my entire fault. I had had a
moment of weakness, although all the alcohol I consumed that night
didn’t help.

What was I even doing here?
Returning to the scene of the crime. I didn’t actually need this
deal, my business was doing well. I was greedy and selfish. Deep
down I was still the same man I was five years ago.

I ran my hand through my hair
and sat up. I had to tell her straight, I never wanted her. “Look

She leaned forward giving me a
good view down her top. “Yes” her voice slightly breathless. Her
hand began to rub up and down my arm.

I quickly stood up. I didn’t
want her touching me. I didn’t want any other woman to touch me. I
belonged to my wife, who was shacked up with another man. My life
was car crash and I had done it.

I’m sorry but
I should have told you last time I was here.” I placed my hands in
my pockets and looked down at the floor. “I’m married. So, what
happened between was a mistake and it will never be happening

There was a few seconds of
silence and she burst out laughing. “I know you’re married,
Maxwell.” She stood up and walked over to me. “I’m not stupid, I
did my research before we met...” she winked and pouted. “Again.”
Her hands moved up my chest and she pressed her body up against
mine. “It was like the good old days. Don’t you think?”

Something inside of me snapped
and I pushed her away. “Don’t touch me, Stella.” The shock filled
her face, her mouth opened and closed. “I don’t want some quick
fuck. I have a wife, who I love and have already hurt.” I pointed
my finger at her, anger penetrated through my body. “I don’t want

She narrowed her eyes. “You
can’t treat me like this.”

I tilted my head back and
laughed, that was the funniest thing I had heard in a while. I
restored myself and my jaw clenched. “Look, darling” my voice
stern. “You were nothing but a quick fuck. Get it through your
thick head…”

Without warning the palm of her
hand slapped me across the face. I pushed myself off my chair and
pinned her against the wall.

I’ll let you
have that one” I growled. “If you ever lay a finger on me again,
I’ll make sure you never walk again.” I raised an eyebrow. “Got

You’re a
prick” she spat, pushing me away from her. I just shrugged, finally
she had got it. She took a deep breath and marched over to the
door. “The deal is off.”

Suits me
fine” I snapped back as I sat back down. I could help but give her
my special knicker combustion smile. “It was nice seeing you again,

Fuck you,
Thomas!” She yelled as she walked out of the room.

My eyes looked back out at the
view of New York. I had to get my wife back, but how? I bowed my
head; my life was shit without her.



I felt like a nervous teenager
about to lose her virginity. Why was I so nervous, it wasn’t like I
hadn’t had sex before? I turned on the tap and splashed cold water
on my face. Why was this bothering me so much, it was only sex? It
was sex with my good friend, who I cared about deeply.

I looked up and looked at
myself in the mirror. No it was more than that. It was Maxwell. I
would be cheating on Maxwell if I slept with Riley. He cheated on
you, the voice in my head said.

I stood up straight, he did
cheat on me. He had sex with some slag in a public restroom and
didn’t care about me. I stood up straight, no, from now on I wasn’t
going to think about him. We were over and I deserved to move

I turned on my heel and walked
into Riley’s room. He was already lying on the bed waiting for me.
Do it! I froze on the spot, I couldn’t. In spite of everything I
loved Maxwell and I couldn’t be that person again.

Riley sat up and his grey eyes
locked with mine. “What’s wrong?”

I felt the tears in my eyes, my
legs went weak and I fall to the floor. “I can’t” I cried. “I can’t
do this.”

Within a second Riley was by my
side, his arms wrapping round me and holding me close. “That’s
okay, George” he softly said. “I knew it was too soon.”

That man is
still controlling my life” I sobbed. “He cheated on me and I’m the
one who feels guilty.”

Shh” his
voice soothing me. “You have nothing to feel guilty about. He hurt
you and you just need time to heal. I’ll wait for as long as you

I lifted my head and looked him
straight in the eye. “You’re too good for me.”

A little smile danced upon his
lips. “Maybe. I care for Georgina and I want to look after you. I
want to be everything you need. You’re my best friend and I love

I wrapped my arms around his
neck and hugged him hard. “Thank you, Riley. Thank you for
understanding me. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

You never
need to find out. I’m here, always.” His lips brushed against my
forehead. “And forever.”



I was exhausted from just one
day in New York. I got out of the car and entered the house. I
could hear the children chatting away. I wanted into the kitchen
Olivia, Bailey and Maddy were all sat playing cards.

I walked over and kissed Olivia
on the cheek and turned my attention on to my little man. “Was the
hotel nice?”

Maddy looked up from the cards
in her hands and turned pale. Fear was spread all over her face and
I inhaled sharply. “Bailey says he stayed with his Mummy's

It felt like a knife had been
plunged into my heart. “Did you?” Why was I even asking, of course
he did. Everything went in slow motion. The bitch! She had lied to
me... again! All my worst fears were playing out. She had promised
and broken it, who was she?

Maddy, I'll
be back in a moment” I started backing away from the room. This
couldn't wait, I had to confront her and give her a piece of my
mind. I grabbed a set of car keys and dashed out of the house. She
was not getting away with this. Georgina Dawson had gone too far
this time.




Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

It sounded like someone was
trying to break down the door. “Coming” I yelled, as I put my
laptop down on the coffee table. I ran to the front door and was
surprised to see Maxwell. His eyes were cold and his mouth was in a
straight line. This didn't look good! His hand rested on the door
frame in a fist.

Hi” I said
softly, he was in one of those unpredictable moods. I could tell
just by his body language. His perfect toned body stiff and
standing straight. His eyes glaring at me and his face showing no
expression. Fear slowly crept through my body.

Are you
alone?” He snarled.

No, Blake is
in his room.” I folded my arms. I was not going to let him
intimidate me. Why should I? Even though he as making me feels
uneasy, I was not going to let him know that. I leaned against the
door frame and met his gaze. “What is this about?”

He gave his sarcastic laugh and
leaned closer towards me. His scent took my breath away and I
stepped back a little. “Get out here and close the door.”
Everything screamed danger and now I was afraid. “It’s an order,
baby, not a request.” he said in a low aggressive tone, his teeth
gritted together.

I did what he asked. Maxwell
looked like he was about to explode. I didn't like this Maxwell.
Fear was running through my body and I could feel myself shaking.
What was wrong with him? Where was my Mr Golden Rule? Had I
destroyed him? Was there nothing left of that man who swept me off
my feet and would make sweet love to me. I shook my head, he wasn't
mine anymore and we were getting a divorce.

He turned his back on me and
placed his hands on the back of his head. I heard him take in a
large gasp of air. He spun round, eyes narrowed and his beautiful
mouth still tight.

You lied to
me, Georgina” he finally said.

Bailey. I looked down at my
bare feet, I should have known. I had been stupid. Of course Bailey
would have told. He was only four and had no idea what was going

You have
nothing to say?” he hissed slowly moving towards me. I could feel
the heat coming off his body and the smell of his aftershave was
enlightening my body. “Don't bite your lip” his thumb moving my lip
from the clutch of my teeth. “I’m not here for a booty call!” He
stopped moving and ran his hands through his red hair. I wished I
could do that, I wished he was still mine.

Did Bailey
see you with him?” he spat.

He saw me
give Riley a hug” I confessed.

Maxwell began pacing like a
wild animal, his fingers gripped in his hair. “So, you hugged
another man in front of my son?” His voice was getting louder.
“I’ll ask you this once and I want a truthful answer.” He stood
suddenly, he brought his hands up in to a pray position. His eyes
were crazy with a hint of sadness. A silence fell between us and my
heart was beating hard.

Have you had
sex with Riley?” He cried. I looked away and felt scared. “Tell
me!” He screamed.

A door clicked open. He grabbed
hold of my wrist and dragged me into the stairwell. “Tell me” he
begged, as he pushed me into the corner. I was trapped and he was
scaring me. His hips were keeping me in place. His fingers gripped
hold of my chin, I tried to free myself but the grip got tighter,
and I had no choice but to look at him. My eyes began to fill with
tears, I didn't want to be here and I couldn't bear to see Maxwell
like this.

Don't cry” he
bellowed. “You don't deserve any pity. Save your cries for Riley. I
will ask again...Have you had sex with him?”

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