Thoughtless Sacrifice (8 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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I waited till the door had
closed and turned to look at Riley. “What are you playing at?” I
hissed. “Maxwell will beat the living hell out of you.”

If there was thing I had
learnt, it was not to cross Maxwell. He was a very dominating man
and could serious damage your life.

What about
your job?” I hissed. He not being bothered was starting to get to
me. “Please tell me nothing happened?”

Riley rolled his eyes. “It's
not like that” he shrugged. “She’s my friend and I was just giving
her some support.”

I narrowed my eyes. “She has a
husband to give her support!”

He doesn't
deserve her” he spat.

I gave a little chuckle. “And
what, you do?”


I shook my
head at his stupidity. I was right. Georgina Dawson or Thomas or
whatever she was calling herself now, hadn't changed one tiny bit.
Although, this time it was different. She had a husband and
children. I couldn't approve of her or Riley's behaviour.
Why was I taking Maxwell's side?

Well, I knew only too well what
it was like to be cheated on, especially by Georgina. “You’re a
dumb twat” I said, leaving him standing alone in the room.




I stood outside her office
trying to prepare myself for what I had planned. I took in a deep
breath, but my anger was beginning to build intensely. I wanted to
explode and I'd been holding it in all day. I rubbed my lip.

The woman I had married would
of never of lied to be before. No! I had to do this, I was Maxwell
Thomas and no one made a joke out of me. Even if they did give
birth to my child and taken my name.

I banged my
fist against the door and waited a few seconds before I entered. My
heart spilt apart as her mesmerizing face looked up at me.
My Wife... My true love....My Life!!

Fuck, this was not the time to
start getting sentimental. In spite of all the love I had for her,
this had to be done. She had betrayed me and I couldn't let her get
away with it.

Maybe she had fooled me all
long. I always had a funny feeling she would do to me what she did
to that shit brick!

Had to admit she was a good
actress, especially in the bedroom. All of a sudden I felt trapped
and used. It was a whole new experience for me. Normally, this
would’ve been the other way round.

Maxwell,” she
smiled sweetly and innocently. I slammed the door and walked a
little further towards her. She stood up from her desk and made her
way towards me.

I had to hide my despair.
“Georgina,” I replied coldly.

Is something
wrong?” She asked, tilting her head and pretending she cared. I
felt a little smirk appear on my face.


I slowly began to walk around
her office and I could feel her eyes watching me. “Where did you
stay last night?” I asked casually.

“A hotel just liked I had told

I stopped in my tracks and spun
round to face her. I tilted my head back and gave a little laugh.

Yes” she

She really did think I was a
fool. I watched as she folded her arms and gave a cold stare at me.
I could tell she was beginning to feel uncomfortable and

Slowly I
walked back over to her, not once taking my eyes away from hers.
“Then how come Jay followed your taxi and
ended up at that
place?” My mouth
twitched a little and I scooped down to her eye-level. “Busted,
sweet heart.”

Her eyes darted away and her
mouth opened and then closed. There was no point in her even
denying it. I moved a little closer and now she couldn't refuse eye
contact with me. I could smell her sweet perfume, but for the first
time ever I had to deny my arousal for her.

This in fuelled me more. I
grabbed hold of her face and pushed her back up against the wall.
Her big blue eyes looking up at me full of fear and shock.

You left me
for him?” I said through gritted teeth. She shook her head and
still no words left her mouth. “And you stayed there all night.” My
grip of her face got tighter and I towered over her. “I hope he was
worth it. You know me by now and I don't like looking stupid.
That's why I’m filing for DIVORCE” I yelled.

Her face fell apart and the
water works began. “No,” She cried and her hands gripped hold of my
wrists. “You can't, Maxwell... I'm sorry...”

I pushed her away and she fell
to the floor in hemp. I couldn't bear to look at her. She had
broken my heart and destroyed me. I began to walk to the door with
my back still facing her. I stopped and shook my head.

You know,
Georgina” I began. I could hear her muffled cries in the
background. “I love you to death and I know I always will.” I ran
my hands through my hair and let out an agonizing sigh. “I would do
anything for you and always have done. It’s just a pity that even
after everything.... You're still the same
who I fucked during her

With that I left her office and
walked down the corridor. Once safely out of sight I leaned up
against a wall. I thought I was going to pass out as my whole body
was shaking. I could feel tears building up in my own eyes. This
was it. Miss Dawson and Mr Golden rule were over... Finished –

I closed my
eyes and a single tear fell down my cheek.
How? When? Why?
I reopened them and
quickly wiped the tear away. I still had work to do and I didn't
have time to stand around moping after her.

She deserved everything to be
taken away from her. From now on I was fighting to keep everything
I had worked for; my business, my home and my children.

If she wanted him that badly,
well, she was on her own. The love I had once felt for her was now
long gone. It had been replaced with pure utter hatred. I just had
to keep telling myself that.




How long has
she been in there?” Riley asked pressing his ear against the

Since she got
back from work.” I watched as Riley turned concerned for her. I
rolled my eyes, this was
holiday and here I was stood outside a door
waiting for the woman I once lived with to emerge. “She’s not your
problem” I hissed, lowering my voice. “Do you remember her

Shut up,
Blake” he hissed back. “Something has obviously happened.” He gave
me a dirty look and returned his ear to the door. “When did you
become such a knob?”

He was really beginning to
annoy me. “This is not your problem” I said again. “You need to
send her home back to her husband and kids.”

The lock on the door clicked
and I realized I had said everything too loudly. Well, someone had
to tell her straight. Georgina appeared before us with make-up
running down her face. I instantly felt bad, she looked a mess.

I can't go
home” she snapped at me. I watched Riley wrap his arms around her
and hug her tightly. God, he had it bad!

Why?” I
quickly asked.

pulled away from Riley and glared at me. “I don't want to talk
about it... Especially with
” She stepped back into the
bedroom leaving me stunned.

I looked at Riley with my mouth
wide open. “What did I do?” Riley just shook his head. “You know
what” I raised my hands up in defeat. “This is my holiday and I
can't be bothered with her marriage problems.” I walked back into
the living area and grabbed my wallet and jacket.

Where are you
going?” Riley called after me.

To enjoy
myself.” With that I stormed out slamming the door behind me. I was
no longer Georgina's lap dog and the thought of getting on
Maxwell's wrong side filled me with dread. I just wanted a nice
quiet holiday and I was not getting involved in other people's





I sat down on the edge of
Riley's bed. The pain in the bottom of my stomach wouldn't go. I
had replayed the whole thing in the office over and over in my
head. The coldness from him.

The feeling of his hand
gripping my face and that blank expression on his face. I saw in
his eyes pure hatred. He has never looked at me like that before.
My tears began to fall again. My Mr Golden Rule didn't want me any
more. He had never even let me explain, I had never seen him like
that before. He showed no love for me and the hurt deeply.

He had never said anything as harsh as that before
and now he wanted a divorce. He wanted me gone and out of his life.
Any love he had for me was gone and it was my entire fault. Me and
my stupid ideas, what was I thinking?

happened?” Riley asked, standing in the doorway. “Blake's gone off
in a hissy fit” he laughed. “So, we can talk now.”

I shook my head. I couldn't
bear to even say it out loud. If I did, it would make everything
official and I couldn't bare that. I had fought with my stupid self
for hours. Why didn't I go to the hotel? Why did he get Jay to
follow me?

Come on
Georgina,” Riley said, with concern filling his voice.

I looked down at my hands and
my whole body began to shake. “He knows I stayed here” I looked up
at Riley and panic filled his face.

You told

No, he got
Jay to follow me.” I placed my hands over my face and had to brace
myself for what I was about to do. “He wants a divorce” my voice
trailed off and my tears took over.

Riley walked over and sat down
next to me. “Shh” his voice sounded comforting. “He probably
doesn't mean it.”

I wiped my eyes again and now
they were feeling really sore. My heart had never felt this broken.
I couldn't give up without a fight.

He was my husband and he
belonged to me. Everything we had been through and done together.
He was a good man and I couldn't allow any other woman having him.
I had to speak to him... I had to see him..... I had to make him
seem sense!!




I slammed down the phone.
Georgina had gone crazy. I had just spoken to Maddy and had been
informed Georgina had been there asking to see Bailey and me. I had
told security not to let her inside the premises. She had called my
mobile none stop and I had refused to answer any calls from

I sat back in my chair and ran
my hand through her hair. This was what she deserved, right? She
walked out on me and Bailey. Why should we give her any time of

You can't go
in there” I heard my assistant yell. The door swung open and
Georgina stormed in.
So much for my hiding
She threw her phone and I had to
duck. It crashed into the wall leaving an imprint.

My assistant ran in after her.
“I told her she couldn't see you, Mr Thomas.” I nodded in response
and she took it as her clue to leave, closing the door behind

You can’t do
this to me” she screamed.

I shrugged and carried on going
through my paperwork. “I have no idea what you mean, Georgina.”

Why are you
ignoring my calls and stopping me from going into our

My eye sprung
up to look at her. “Our home?” I gave a little laugh while shaking
my head. She couldn't wait to leave the other day and now she was
calling it
our home
. I began to carry on working. I wasn't going to let her think
she was getting to me.

Maxwell!” She
screamed in frustration. She snatched the paperwork off me and
threw it across the room. “TALK!!” She demanded. “I at least
deserve that much.”

You don’t
deserve anything” I hissed. “You walked out on me, Georgina. You
left me to shank up with someone prick. I did speak to you earlier
and I told you everything I had to say.”

I didn't walk
out, Maxwell.”

I sat back in my chair and
folded my arms. I could feel an amused smile appearing on my lips.
Why did I always find fighting with her erotic? I mentally wiped
that idea out of my head. I was no longer allowed to think of her
in that manner again.

You packed a
bag and you got into a taxi. What would you say that was?” I
replied, trying to compose myself.

Why?” She
cried. Her eyes were beginning to do that rapid moving

Why exactly”
I shrugged, as I began to twirl my pen in my fingers. Why did I
always get enjoyment from playing with people? Maybe it was my way
of staying in control of a situation.

Why are you
doing this to me?”

I'm not doing
anything to you, Georgina. You did all this to yourself. Now, if
you don't mind I have work to do.” I looked over at the scattered
paperwork lying on the floor. “Well, as soon as I clean your mess

For fucksake
Maxwell! I know exactly why your doing all of this. Me leaving you
was just an excuse for you to end things.” Her hands landed on my
desk with a thud. “You want her...” She hesitated and I watched as
she finally fell apart.

I swallowed hard and the pain
in my heart started again. How could she seriously think something
like that? I didn't reply, hoping she knew me well enough now to
answer her own question.

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