Thoughtless Sacrifice (7 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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Yes” he
couldn't look at me and now I knew I wasn't going crazy.

What could I say? I guess the
whole thing about gut feelings was true. My legs felt like they
were going to buckle underneath me. I had been so forthcoming about
what Riley did and he had to hide his dirty little secret. I wanted
to cry again and never stop. He wasn't the same man I had married
all those years ago. Right now, he felt like a stranger.

You never did
rush back for me, did you?” I began to blink back the tears. “You
came home because of you own guilt.”

No,” He cried
finally looking up at me. “Jay called me and explained what a mess
you were in.” He reached out for me but I backed away. He tilted
his head to the side and some emotion filled his face. “I had to
come back and see you.”

I shook my head and gave a
little laugh. “You made out it was because of me you hid away in
your office.”

I know and
I’m really sorry, Georgina.”

You lied to
me, Maxwell and marriages can't survive on lies. I don't think I
can get past this.”

What are you
trying to say?” The fear spread across his face and this time he
reached out and grabbed me, but I refused to move. His grip of my
wrist got tighter. “Say it for fuck sake.”

We need
space” I slowly replied. “I need space. I need to think and I can't
do that while around you. I’m moving out.”

He fell to his knees and
wrapped his arms around my legs preventing me from going any where.
“You’re leaving me?” He cried. “You can't do that. It was a stupid
mistake and I have regretted it ever since. Don't leave me. I love

I’m not
leaving you” I hissed, finally he moved away from me and looked up
at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I had to get out of here before
I changed my mind. It was his turn to be punished and I didn't want
to back out. “I really can't deal with any more dramas. I am sorry,
Maxwell” with that I left the room without looking back.





I ran into the house and
straight into the kitchen. I looked around she was no where to be
seen. Maddy was cleaning and both the children were sat up at the
table eating. Maddy turned round and looked at me stunned. I guess
it was a rare occasions me being home at this time of day.

Mr Thomas,
are you okay?” She asked in her Spanish accent.

Is Georgina

Yes, she is
upstairs. She came home early in tears. I don't like seeing her

I agreed watching the woman I
loved cry was heart breaking. I dropped my brief case to the floor.
“Make sure the kids stay down here” I ordered and disappeared
upstairs to try and talk some sense into my wife. Hopefully now she
had calmed down and forgot all about this stupid moving out

I stood in the doorway of our
room and watched her pack things into a case. My heart shattered
into a thousand pieces, she hadn't forgotten and she was going
through with it.

What are you
doing?” I asked, not actually sure how I found the strength to
speak. I walked into the bedroom and her tear stained face looked
up at me.

I told you”
she huffed, carrying on picking things up and placing them in her
case. “I’m moving out.”

I sat down on the edge of the
bed and placed my hands over my face. “Please...” I cried the pain
was getting worse. “Stop being stupid. You can't seriously walk out
on me over some stupid fucking kiss.” I finally looked over at her
beautiful face and her eyes glared at me.

fucking kiss?” She laughed and shook her head. “Must of meant
something to you, after all, you gave the stupid fucking kisser
your telephone number.”

I couldn't argue with her, she
was right and now I felt even more stupid and unworthy of her. I
loved my wife and kids, why had I done it? I had really messed up
this time.

George,” I
sighed. “Please don't leave. I am truly sorry and I should have
told you. I really don't know what got into me.” I let out an
agonizing sigh and my eyes pleaded with her.

It is too
late” she sighed, her own agony filling her voice. “I can't live
like this anymore. You’ve changed into this controlling, cold
business man. You always put me last and now this whole double
standard shit.” She looked up at me with her loving face. My
beautiful Miss Dawson. I had changed again. My heart skipped a beat
as her love for me filled the room.

I just need
to think” she smiled sweetly. She closed her case and picked it up.
“I'll book into a hotel for tonight and as soon as I'm settled I'll
collect Bailey.”

She walked pass me and I
grabbed her free hand. “Does this mean you don't love me any

She stepped closer to me and
leaned over. Her intoxicating scent filled my body with need for
her. “No, it means that I love you too much…” she moved some of
hair away from my face. “That I'm willing to do anything to hold on
to my husband.” Her lips briefly touched mine and then she was

I lay down on
the bed and realized I had allowed the best thing to ever happen to
me walk away. I punched the mattress...
What sort of dickhead was I? I
had destroyed another family with my constant need to control, work
and selfishness.

No, I wasn't going to allow
history to repeat it’s self. I was going to get my wife back and
turn this family around. What ever she wanted I was going to give
into. She was mine and she was always going to be mine. She was the
drug I couldn't live without.




I don't know what I was
thinking, I should of gone straight to the hotel, but for some
unknown reason I had given the taxi driver Riley's address. I sat
in his room and looked around, I knew deep down I should just go
home to Maxwell.

Yet, the constant feeling of
betrayal was unbearable and I couldn't face being in the same room
as him. My lips still tingled from our departing kiss. God, I loved
that man, but what he did to me was unforgivable.

Riley had
insisted we sat in his room, he said he had a guest staying with
him insisting it was a male.
Like I would
care if it was a female

Maxwell would freak if he found
out I was here. Did I care? Not really, I no longer cared what he
thought about me, just like he didn't give a toss about me.

Yelled the voice in my

It was true... Why should I
care for him? He had gone to New York on my birthday and had some
cheap frill with some whore he once fucked. He had changed. The man
I married would have never given a glance at another woman.

Riley came back into the room
carrying two glasses. He handed me one and sat down next to me on
the bed. “Where are you going to stay?” He asked, as I began to
drink the wine. It tasted refreshing and was well needed. “You can
stay here if you want? I can always crash on the sofa.”

I should
really head to a hotel” I insisted.

Georgina, you
shouldn't be alone right now.”

Are you
sure?” I asked. Something deep within me actually wanted to stay. I
looked over at Riley, his dark hair and stunning grey eyes. A
little smile sprung to his lips as he took a sip of his drink. He
was my best friend and I couldn't think of being anywhere else
right now but here. “Okay” I agreed.

Good, because
I do feel I’m sort to blame” his eyes remained firmly on his

I raised an eyebrow. “How?”

He shook his head and gave a
little laugh. “The whole kiss in the bathroom... I’m really
embarrassed about that, George. Your my friend and have been good
to me.” His hand waved around the room. “Without you I wouldn't
have this.”

I felt a wave of happiness
overwhelm me, as least one person appreciated me. Shame it wasn't
the man who had agreed to spend his life with me.

It’s not your
fault” I placed a hand on his knee and gave it a reassuring
squeeze. “I guess no one can change. Maxwell will always be Maxwell
Thomas the business man and womaniser.”

I realized I was still holding
on to his knee, quickly I took my hand away and played around
swirling the wine in my glass. A silence fell upon us and I
actually felt comfortable with it.

How is
Maxwell dealing with it?”

I gave a little laugh. “In the
good old Maxwell Thomas fashion” the pain in my stomach began
again. “I do love him” I cried. “It's just...” I cringed at the
thought. “Makes me wonder what else has he done behind my

Riley placed a protective arm
around me and pulled me into him. I rested my head on his shoulder
and closed my eyes. Right now for some unknown reason I started to
feel homesick for Caitlyn, Dee and my Dad.

Don't upset
yourself any more. Let him stew for a while and before long he'll
be begging you to go home and admitting exactly how sorry is

Do you think
so?” I asked not feeling very optimistic, as after all it was me
who had walked out on him. What if suddenly he realized we were
better off apart?

I suddenly became filled with
dread. Maybe I had actually gone about it the wrong way. My head
was now pounding and I really needed sleep. I downed the rest of my
drink and handed the glass back to Riley.


No, I think I
should just go to bed.”

Okay” he
smiled, he began to stand up and I tugged at his arm. He turned to
face me with wide eyes.

Could you
stay with me?” It just came out and I couldn't face being alone,
especially in a strange place.

Sure” he
smiled, placing the glasses down. He lay down next to me and pulled
me into him. His arms wrapped round me tightly. For the first time
in a while I felt cared for, I had missed that feeling. I closed my
eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I knew my baby was safe with
Maddy, there were no worries there. The aching feeling for Maxwell
still remained. Maybe one day the Maxwell I had married would
return to me. I needed my Mr Golden Rule back.


The next morning I woke up
startled, I looked around the room and finally it hit me what had
happened. I ran my hands through my hair and turned to face Riley.
He was still tucked up against me, I began to study him. He was a
very handsome man, he should have had his own girlfriend and not be
worrying about me.

Morning” he
yawned, opening his eyes and looking straight at me. I felt my
cheeks blush at the fact he must have worked out I was staring at
him. Riley sat up and roughed up his hair, his t-shirt rose a
little and gave me a little peek of his toned stomach. I quickly
diverted my eyes to the other side of the room.

You want some
breakfast?” He asked, jumping off the bed. I shook my head.
“Coffee?” I nodded in response and he quickly left the room. I
wondered how Maxwell was feeling this morning. How was

Maybe I should ring... And then
what would happen if he refused to speak to me. I lay back down and
closed my eyes. This was a huge mess.





Riley emerged from his bedroom
and ran straight into the kitchen. He had be hauled up in his
bedroom all night, no doubt he had a lady friend stay over, as I
heard her voice as I had walked passed last night.

The bedroom door opened and
someone else stepped out. Everything went in slow motion as I
realized who it was. She hadn't changed one single bit. She was
still as beautiful as when I had met her in the café. Were her and
Riley an item? Her blue eyes widened as they focused on me. I gave
a little awkward smile and she returned it surprisingly.

Blake?” She
laughed slowly coming towards me and plunked herself down on the
sofa next to me. “What are you doing here?”

Just on
holiday” I sat back to admire her more. Her boobs looked a lot
bigger, but everything else was exactly how I remembered; perfect
curves in all the right places. Long legs and that perfect blonde
hair that enhanced her sparkling blue eyes.

You haven't
changed” I blurted out.

Lucky I
guess... Look at you” she beamed. I had to admit I had changed a
lot. No longer did I have my early Brad Pitt look. I worn my hair
shaved now, stubble was my favourite accessory and I had bulked up
a lot from my regular visits to the gym.

How come you
stayed over?” I asked out of curiosity.

she replied looking down at her hands. I watched as her rose bud
lips began to tremble and she began to blink rapidly.

Your here”
Riley said sounding shocked as he entered the living area. He
handed Georgina a cup of coffee and I watched as the pair exchanged
meaningful looks. “What you doing?”

Just catching
up” she smiled in my direction and then back at Riley. Her eyes
went dreamy, I knew that look too well. That’s how she once looked
at me. “I better sort myself out” she stood up and smiled at me
once more. “Good seeing you, Blake.” She walked over to the

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