Thoughtless Sacrifice (4 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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A few seconds later......
Shopping? Let's go and get pissed birthday girl X

A massive smile appeared on my
face. Surely Maxwell couldn't deny me having fun on my birthday. I
ran over to the intercom and hit the button for Jay.

“Mrs Thomas?” Jay's voice
boomed over.

Jay, could
you drive me to Riley's apartment please?”

Be with you
in five.”

I released the button. I had to
go and get ready for my birthday celebrations. I clapped my hands
in glee, I was glad I no longer had to spend the day alone.

Where are we
going, baby girl?” Riley asked while checking out his reflection in
his mirror. He ruffled up his dark hair and pulled on his leather
jacket. I had to admit he was a handsome man. Tall, lean, sculpted
face and dark sexy grey eyes. However, no man even compared to my
Mr Golden Rule.

He spun round and gave a little
pose. “Good, isn't it?” I blushed, realizing I was still staring.
“Miss him?” I was glad he knew I was thinking about my husband. I
gave a little nod. “Never fear Riley is here,” he gave a little bow
and I returned it with a little laugh.

He raised an eyebrow. “I can't
replace your man, but I am excellent company.” He held out his hand
and I took it. I couldn't imagine not having Riley as a friend.
Shame Maxwell never got on with him.

Riley was kind, friendly and
really easy to talk to. Although, I did feel guilty I had stolen
Blake's best friend. However, when the whole kidnapping episode
came to light no one wanted to know Blake. Well, except Amy and
even that didn't last.

I know a
cocktail bar. Also, you could help me?”

I folded my arms and raised an
eyebrow. “How?”

There is a
barmaid there and she keeps turning me down. Maybe you could put in
a good word. Please....” He begged.

I see,” I
smiled in a Maxwell fashion. “I should have guessed there'd be a
hidden agenda.”

Georgina.” He
tutted and placed his hands on his chest. “Would I do a thing like

I think you
do and can... Always!”

The cocktail bar was amazing.
It looked like it had never left the eighties. All neon lights,
black and white checked floor, old fashion disco and complete with
a vintage dance floor. I was getting my groove on to Michael
Jackson's-Billy Jean. Riley was dancing with a brunette he had just
picked up. Sadly for Riley it had been the barmaid's day off.
Thankfully for me, I didn't have to play cupid.

I'd had a few cocktails and was
fully aware I looked like a loner. Dancing in the middle of the
dance floor, with only my glass for company.

It felt like we had been here
for hours and I was really enjoying myself. A few men had tried
their luck, but my best friend had scared them away. I closed my
eyes and swayed to the music.

Why didn't I do this when I was
younger? All that fun I had missed out on in University. I could
have been partying, but I choose two degrees and a job! I took
another swig of my cocktail and raised my glass back into the air.
The song changed to Wham- I'm your man. I started to sing along and
got lost in my own intoxicated enjoyment.

I felt hands grab hold of my
waist and I froze on the spot. “It's okay,” said a friendly voice,
I spun round and there was Riley. I gave a breath of relief. “We
are all going to go back to mine and continue the party.”

We?” I

Yes,” he
pointed over to a group of people, the brunette he was dancing with
was with them.

I shook my head. “You don't
want a married thirty year old mother spoiling your fun. I'll ring
Jay and head home.”

Shut the fuck
up,” he spat grabbing hold of my wrist. “You're coming, end of.
Down the drink.” I did as I was told. I guess it wouldn't hurt
going to a party. In fact, I hadn't been to many parties and after
all it was my birthday. Fuck it! I was having fun and I really
didn't want it to end.





I had arrived in New York over
an hour ago and was escorted to some hotel. I hadn't caught the
name, not like I cared anyway. I just wanted the fucker to sign and
get back to my wife.

The hotel receptionist had
escorted me to this function room. I looked around. It was full of
young people who looked like they didn't know their arse from their
elbow. I grabbed a glass of wine from one of the waiters that were
walking about.

Thomas?” Yelled a voice. I turned to see who was screaming my name.
My eyes fell on a woman with brown hair, curvy and wearing the
lowest cut dress I had ever seen. My eyes widened.

Stella?” I
said, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

She wrapped her arms around me
and gave me a big hug. “Some flashy LA business man is trying to
buy my agency and I'm not giving in without a fight. You?”

I stood back and cocked my head
to the side. “I'm the flashy LA business man.”

She burst out laughing. “I
know... I was kidding. Shell we?” She pointed over to a quiet
table. I nodded and followed her over.





My favourite song Kings of
Leon- I want you were playing in the background. Everyone was sat
around chatting and having a good time. I on the other hand was
still feeling like a loner; Sat alone with only a bottle of vodka
for company.

I was missing Maxwell. It
didn't feel right spending a birthday without him. I checked my
phone. There was still no word from him. He must have still been in

I looked round the room. A few
people had spoken to me, when they learned I was Riley's boss it
was uncool to be seen with me. I downed the rest of my drink. It
was a trip to the bathroom and then a call Jay to pick me up. I
couldn't bare the loneliness any longer, I wasn't a party person
and I never had been. I just wanted to go home, see Bailey and go
to bed.

I stumbled to my feet and made
my way to the bathroom. I was making my way up the hall when Riley
appeared from his bedroom. The brunette woman followed behind. You
didn't need to use imagination to know what they had been getting
up to.

Hey,” he
said, a cheesy grin permanently stuck on his face. “Having

No, not
really. I'm going to call Jay and head home.”

Riley tilted his head to the
side. “The night is still young.”

Maybe for
you, but I really need to get home.” Someone exited the bathroom
and I stepped in. I was just about to close the door when Riley
followed me in. What was he doing?

He closed the door behind him
and leaned up against it. He began nervously shifting from one foot
to the other. His fingers ran through his hair and he took in a
deep breath. I folded my arms and just watched. I hoped he would
get on with it as I really needed to pee.

I need to
tell you something,” he hesitated. My eyes began to do the rapid
moving thing. Painful scenarios all containing Maxwell filled my
mind. He held up his hand and shook his head. “It is nothing to do
with Maxwell.” He stepped forward and placed a hand on my bare

Now I really didn't know what
was going on. “Riley, what is it?” I said my voice full of concern
for my friend. “You can tell me anything.”

I watched as his eyes moved to
my mouth and then back to my lips. “I think I'm in love with you”
he exclaimed. His hand moved round to the back of my neck and his
lips locked with mine.

For a split second I some how
managed to fall into his kiss. His tongue slowly playing with mine.
Then everything hit me at once and I pushed him away from me.

I'm married!”
I cried. “I am married woman with kids.” I wasn't sure if I was
trying to remind him or myself. Guilt washed over, I had allowed
another man to invade my mouth. I had cheated on my

Riley stepped closer and I
moved out of his reach. “You're not happy with him, George!” My
eyes widened and I felt my mouth tighten. “It's your birthday and
where is your husband? He’s more concerned about money than
spending time with his gorgeous wife.”

You don't
know anything” I pointed my finger at him. “He loves me and I love
him.” Riley reached out and grabbed my wrist. He tried to pull him
into him.


With my free hand I punched him
in the face. I pushed him out of my way and managed to escape from
the bathroom. I could feel the tears pouring by now. I reached into
my jeans pocket and pulled out my phone. I hit Jay's number.

Jay” I sobbed
as soon as he answered. I was now hysterical and wanted to leave

Mrs Thomas,
are you okay?”

No!” I felt
stupid. I had betrayed my husband and my children. I wanted to get
back to the safety of my home. How was I ever going to look Maxwell
in the eyes again?

I froze........I had been here

I suddenly woke up and reached
out for Maxwell. He still wasn't back. I looked over at the clock
it was 4.30 AM. Thanks to the cocktails and vodka I had been able
to get some sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. A dark shadow was
sat at the far end of the room crouched in the corner. I blinked
thinking it was my imagination but when I focused my eyes it was
still there.

Maxwell?” I
called out into the darkness. The shadow nodded and relief filled
me. He slowly stood up and made his way over to me. I switched on
the bedside light and noticed he was still wearing the same clothes
from the other day.

What are you
doing here?” I asked stunned.

He was giving me the cold stare
and swirling a drop of Brandy in a glass. His lips remained tight.
He sat down opposite me, just staring and not saying a word.

Well...” I
urged him.

You.” He
snapped. “Jay called me and said you were in a state. I jumped on
the plane and came straight back. In fact, I've just got

I rolled my eyes... Of course
Jay would have rang him. No doubt he was under strict instructions
to keep an eye on me. I couldn't hold on to this guilt any more. I
had to tell him. I could never keep anything from my Mr Golden

Riley kissed
me” I confessed. I watched his hand clench into a fist and he threw
the glass against the wall. It smashed and made me jump. I reached
out to touch him. “It's okay, I dealt with it.”

He jumped off the bed and began
pacing. “It's okay? Okay? Now do you understand?” He screamed, it
looked like he was about to explode.


He stopped moving and his eyes
were on fire with anger. “Why I’m the way I am with you? I need to
control and protect you. Another fucker has laid a finger on my
wife and she says its okay.” He let out a little air and ran his
hands through his hair.

Maxwell” I

He held up his hand. “I can't
deal with this.” He hissed and stormed out slamming the door behind





I hadn't spoken to Georgina all
day yesterday. I had locked myself away in my office and blocked
out the whole world. The 21 missed calls on my phone showed she
must have been worried about me. I just didn't want to talk to her
until I had done something.

There was a knock on the door,
finally the person I had been waiting for. “Come in,” I ordered and
that prick walked in. He looked uncomfortable and I took pleasure
watching his discomfort. “Take a seat.”

He sat down in front of me
without even attempting to make eye contact with me. On the side of
his face was a perfect imprint of Georgina's engagement ring. A
little smile came to my lips, she was right, she had dealt with it.
I got up and walked round behind him. I placed my hands on the back
of his chair and he instantly tensed up. He was afraid of me... I
still had it.

My wife
informs me that you kissed her” I hissed.

Yes” he
mumbled, he swallowed hard and shifted in his seat. “With all due
respect Georgina didn't oblige to any of my advances.”

I can see
that by the mark on your face.” I leaned over right next to his ear
and he tensed up more. He was pathetic and I was enjoying
tormenting him. “You see I have this obsessive compulsion where my
wife is concerned. I don't like other men placing there dirty hands
over what is mine.” I quickly stood up and placed a hand on his
shoulder. He froze and I wanted to laugh.


“Normally, I of beaten the shit
out you, but looks like Georgina got to you before I did. Guess
you're lucky this time.”

I'm sorry, Mr
Thomas” he said looking down at his hands.

Glad to hear
it... I would fire you but that would be too easy. Instead I have
decided that from now on you’re my client and you are to have
nothing to do with my wife.” He nodded. “I own you now, Riley, do
you understand?” He nodded again. “I can't hear you.”

Yes” he
quickly replied.


“Good you’re free to go.” Riley
jumped out of the seat and raced to the door. “Oh, one more thing,”
I turned round to face him. “Ever do it again and I will chop your
fingers off and send them to you.” I changed the tone of my voice
to a more cheery and upbeat tone.

Have a good
day” and I gave him my smile. His eyes widened and he ran out the

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