Thoughtless Sacrifice (10 page)

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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She didn’t reply, just kept
blinking. I gripped hold of her face and pulled it down to mine. “I
want to kiss you, but only if you want me to...” Slowly she started
to bite down on her lip and a faint smile appeared on her face. I
think that was my approval. “I love you” I moaned longingly as our
lips met.

My hands began to explore her
curves, starting on hips and working there way up to her perfect
round breasts. My tongue invaded her mouth and was instantly hard.
I wanted her, deeply and now.

I broke away from the kiss and
stood up. With out any warning I pulled her up from the chair,
spinning her round and laying her on the desk.

You’re still
my wife, Georgina” I growled, as I undid my belt and pulled it free
from my trousers. I looked at the belt and then looked at my wife
lying before me. Her panting, her eyes wide and that lip locked
between her teeth. “Shell we play?”

Yes,” her
voice breathless.

Put your
hands above your head.”

She raised her hands above her
head. I felt that smile creep across my face. Knowing I was going
to dominate her only added to my arousal. I leaned over and wrapped
my belt tightly around her wrists. She was bounded and completely
at my mercy.

My finger traced her down her
arm, over her breast and down to her thighs. She was amazing sight
to behold and she was all mine. This woman had the power to bring
me to my knees and she knew it. That was why she behaved like this.
She liked to get a reaction from me. Looking at her right now, she
was still that woman who walked into my office and captured my

This is going
to be quick” I growled, my erection ridged and pressing against the
stem of my pants. I quickly undid my trousers and set myself free.
I watched Georgina’s eyes glaze over and her tongue gliding across
her lips.

I pushed her skirt up to her
waist and slide her panties to the side. With my index finger I
began to play with her sweet spot, she was already for me and I
couldn’t deny myself any longer.

Locking her legs around my
waist, I plunged deep inside of her. Air leaving my lips as I felt
her muscles contract around me. I was right this was going to be
quick. How many days had it been?

My fingers dug in to her waist
as I slammed into her repeatedly. My head dropped back and growls
left my mouth. I was in heaven. Georgina screams were just as loud
as mine. I didn’t care about the noise or wife others heard. I was
scoring my fix and nothing got in the way of that.

I felt Georgina climax beneath,
her whole body shaking with her orgasm. I exploded, spilling myself
deep within her. My heart thumped against my chest, my legs went
like jelly. My whole body collapsed on top her.


We lay there, both trying to
get our breath back. Her fingers playing in my hair. I couldn’t
move. I was spent. Yet my mind was still working overtime. I needed
her back, I needed her at home with me. Hopefully now everything
was back to normal and I had my wife back.

We both sorted ourselves out
and exchanged smirks. I had been craving her for ages and I got my
fix which was well and truly worth waiting for.

Are you
moving back in?” I asked, straightening out my tie.

She rolled her eyes and did up
her last button. “How does this change anything?” She said in
annoyance. “The minute I move in, all the same problems will still
be waiting for us.”

Then I move
out” I suggested, I just wanted her back and was willing to do
anything to get her. “I can't lose you.” I walked over and wrapped
my arms round her. She fell into my hug and rested her head against
my chest. “Please George... You're my life and I can't imagine
living without you. The last few days have been a living

I know” she
stood back and looked away. Her eyes began to do that rapid
movement thing from side to side. “I've been sharing a bed with
Riley the last couple of days.” She placed her hands over her

Have you had

NO!” She
yelled, removing her hands. “Why do you always assume that's what
adults get up to when alone?”

A little smirk appeared on my
face. “Because I know what we get up to alone...” I shrugged my
shoulders. “Like today.”

She rolled her eyes and began
to get her things together. “When thinking about it, we've had more
sex here than we ever have had in our bedroom.”

I screwed my nose up. “What can
I say we are adventurous... just take that rest room a few weeks

She stopped what she was doing
and looked at me. Her mouth was tight and her eyes wide. Then she
looked mortified. I couldn't understand her reaction... Had I said
something wrong?

The only rest
room we have been in is one in McDonalds and that was years

I froze and felt all the blood
drain from my face. I loosened my tie as I was beginning to feel it
was strangling me.

Georgina had gone pale and her
eyes were filling back up with tears. “You had sex with someone
else?” She slowly asked. I looked down at my feet and just nodded.
“In New York?”

She slowly walked over to me
and stood in directly in front of me. I nodded in response to her
question. I felt her fist slam into my face and I just remained
standing still. I knew I deserved it.

She started pacing up and down.
“I actually felt guilty just sleeping in Riley's bed. There you
were off in New York having sex in rest rooms on MY birthday.” She
walked over to her stuff and picked it up. “We are still getting
divorce. I can't stay married to a cheating, controlling, lying
prick like you.”

Georgina!” I
called after, her but it was too late she stormed off without even
giving me another glance. I fell to my knees and placed my hands
over my face. History was repeating its self and everything was now
out of my hands.

Why was I such a failure when
it came to be a father or partner? How could I even confuse her
with Stella? Stella was nothing compared to Georgina. In fact, it
had been the worse experience of my whole entire life. Why? Why did
I do it? Because deep down, I was still that selfish, controlling
screw up I had always been. Once again Maxwell Thomas was




I was bored out of my head...
Me and Riley were sat in some club Georgina had insisted we went
to. She had her party hat on and was dressed to impress. She was
obviously out to show Maxwell what he was missing out on. Shame he
was no where to be seen!

Riley typically jumped at the
invitation and I was dragged along.

I hadn't told anyone about my
night at the bar with Maxwell and if I did mention his name I was
pretty sure Georgina would bite my head off. She had told us all
about Maxwell in New York. I actually giggled to myself. I guess
that was what you called Karma.

Really... What did she expect?
Surely the way they met would have given her some idea of what sort
of man he was. I bet she thought she would change him, but men like
Maxwell Thomas never change.

What is your
problem?” Riley asked. I looked up from my glass which I hand been
studying forever. His eyes were wide and he looked pretty pissed
off. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my glass again. Just
because I wasn't falling under Georgina's spell something was wrong
with me. What a joke, I had been there, done that and had the
police reports to prove it.

Nothing” I
yawned, so much for a holiday?

You're not
fooling anyone” he scrawled. “We are meant to be cheering Georgina
up and you look like you’re at a funeral!”

I turned my nose up at him,
when did he become HER lap dog? He was really beginning to get on
my nerves.

Riley,” I
said sternly. “This is not your problem... How many times do I have
to say this” I paused and sat back in my seat. “I ran into Maxwell
a few nights ago and he looked a mess. He is missing his wife and
you need to talk to her seriously.”

So, you’re on
his side?”

I narrowed my eyes, what was he
6? “This isn't about taking sides. They have children and they need
their parents. The only reason you're so happy about this is
because you think she will fall in love with you.”

Grow up!” He
spat at me. “Yes, I do like her...”

Wouldn’t of never of guessed!” I sarcastically added.

At the end of
the day she is my friend” he added, blanking my comment. We both
went silent.

Georgina finally returned to
table carrying a tray of drinks. “What are you boys talking about?”
She asked in a rather flirty manner.

You as
always” I groaned, as she gracefully placed the tray on to the
table and sat down.

Really,” she
smiled in her Georgina way. I had to look away, that was the smile
you had to avoid. “What about me?”

ridiculous this all is...” I blurted out, Riley scowled at me
again. Now I couldn't care less about her feelings or upsetting
her. Someone had to tell it how it was. “Instead of pouring drinks
down your neck, you need to get home and sort your marriage

She began to clap her hands in
a sarcastic manner. “Impressive speech... Instead of you being
here, shouldn't you be in Oxford sorting your marriage out?”

Cheap shot,
George” I huffed.

She glared at me with her rose
bud lips tight. “Don't judge me, Blake. I've just found out my
husband cheated and now I want to get drunk and forget about

Stop being
childish... You have a child!”

She folded her arms and sat
back in her seat. “I KNOW!” She tilted her head. “Well, in fact you
knew before I did.”

It was pointless even talking
to her. She was in defence mode and nothing I was going to say
would even sink in. I was defeated... Maybe Maxwell and their child
were better off with her. She had changed into a rich spoilt

Can you just
stop all of this” Riley calmly said looking at me and then
Georgina. “Lets just enjoy ourselves.”

Suppose so”
Georgina mumbled still giving me the death look. I gave a little
laugh she wasn't threatening at all.

I held my hands up in defeat,
but it wasn't for her it was Riley. He couldn't help being besotted
with her and I knew she was just using him. I was here to keep an
eye on my best friend.

I call truce”
I said, looking in Georgina's direction. She screwed her nose up.
She was such a child even at 30.

Riley sang, trying to win her over.

Fine!” She
huffed while she grabbed a hot glass and downed it in one. “If he
mentions Maxwell again, I will not be responsible for my



I watched as he parched around
the dance floor with some LA blonde airhead. Who did he think he
was telling me what to do? The nerve of that man. Just walking back
into my life and talking to me like I was a child. I knew I was a
mother, but I could hardly do anything if Maxwell wasn't even
allowing me access to Bailey.

Everyday I was away from him
was heart breaking and the fact that Maxwell was calling all the
shots was frustrating. Here was alone, the two most precious people
in my life were removed from me. Finding out today what Maxwell had
done today had finally killed me off. I was empty and I wasn't sure
who I was anymore. Everything I knew was gone and that dick, Blake,
kept reminding me of what I should be doing.

My husband was a cheat, what
was I meant to do? Go running back to Maxwell and beg HIM to take
ME back? I don't think so. He was a lying dirty cheat!

He had called a few times and
each time I cut him off. I had nothing to say to him and what made
the pain worse was what happened in the broad room today.

Why did I
submit myself to him today? I gave a little laugh, I 'I'd had the
same thought the day we met. In fact, why did I always allow him to
control me? He was just a man! A man I was madly in love with and
would do anything for. What he had said kept circling in around in
my mind. '
Please George... You’re my life
and I can't imagine living without you. The last few days have been
a living hell'

I bet he never actually meant
any of that, it was just some cheap shot at getting me to come
back! I wiped away a single tear, he was the only reason I came to
LA anyway and now I was alone. Well, except for Riley, he was being
a perfect friend in spite of the company he kept. I was very
tempted to ring Amy and dish some dirt and throw it in his

I felt my phone vibrate in my
bag again. No, I wasn't going to give in and listen to his endless
excuses. He could ring all night if he wanted too, I was here to
have fun and not be reminded of him and his whore!

Come on, baby
girl” Riley smiled while holding out his hand. “We are all having
fun and your here feeling sorry for yourself.”

I took hold of his hand and he
led me over to the dance floor, his strong arms wrapped round me
and I fell into his hold. We began to sway to the music and I
rested my head against his chest. Just being close to someone. His
strong arms holding me tight, I moved my arms and placed them round
his neck taking in his scent. He didn't smell as good as Maxwell
but it wasn't exactly unpleasant.

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