Tickle His Pickle: Your Hands-On Guide to Penis Pleasing (25 page)

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Authors: Sadie Allison

Tags: #Sexual Instruction, #Urology, #Foreplay, #Medical, #Sex Instruction for Women, #General, #Self-Help, #Oral Sex

BOOK: Tickle His Pickle: Your Hands-On Guide to Penis Pleasing
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Sadie Sez:


Vacuum it up.
Try a penis pump as a safe, fun alternative to pill popping (but never do them at the same time!)


Before trying this quick fix, your guy would be wise to find out if his situation is really a symptom of an underlying medical or psychological issue that these pills will only mask. Rule out any hidden conditions by talking to the appropriate doctor or therapist first.


NEVER mix erectile dysfunction pills with any other drugs without
doctor’s approval.

Mr. Hair-Trigger


Since the sex techniques in this book are about penis pleasing and not intercourse, you’ll never be left unsatisfied if he comes too quickly. Still, I’ll bet you’d like him to enjoy more of your handiwork before the fireworks.


If it’s all over too quickly, the solution may be helping him get more familiar with his point-of-no-return. This way, you can both learn to back off it slightly before it’s too late, especially if he’s young and still mastering his body. Try these techniques to put more time in his meter:


Green Light. Red Light.
Stroke him until he tells you he’s about to come—then stop—and wait till the feeling subsides. Now start again, stopping when he says he’s getting close. Repeat several times. This will help him become more aware of his point-of-no-return, and know when to pause before it’s too late.


The Headlock.
When he’s close to coming, place your thumb on his V-spot, and wrap your fingers around the other side of his shaft. Now squeeze gently and hold for a few seconds. This will help him suppress his orgasm. If he should come anyway, be sure to release your headlock and stroke him the way he likes—then try again next time.


Mind Game.
Suggest that when he’s about to come, to think about something stupendously non-sexual such as programming a VCR, finding a bug in a burrito, or the ever-popular baseball!


Taint Lock.
When he feels like he’s close to coming, place three fingers into the center of his taint and press firmly. It may take you a little practice to find the right spot, but you’re trying to crimp the tube that carries the fluid from his prostate. Keep trying and don’t give up!


To give you and your guy more stroke-to-orgasm time:

As he approaches orgasm, ask him to slow down his rate of breathing with long inhales and exhales, and relax his tensing muscles. This can help him delay orgasm.
Master the PC muscle.
Strengthening his PC muscle can give him greater control, too. See page 23 for easy exercises he can do while watching TV.
Avoid alcohol and drugs.
They dull the self-awareness he needs to delay his hair-trigger.
Wrap up.
A condom (or two!) can slow orgasm. So can a penis sleeve.
Be comfortably numb. Try
applying a topical numbing cream designed to desensitize the head of the penis.


The Forever Man


Your wrist is breaking. Your jaw is aching. Your neck is shaking. And still no quake-ing. Why doesn’t he come already?


Even if you’ve tried every rhythm, stroke and caress in the book, some guys just take a long long time.And some may never come at all. Maybe he needs intercourse. Maybe he can’t come in a condom. Maybe he’s more comfortable with his own hand. Or maybe he just needs time to build trust in you.


You shouldn’t take this personally—you are arousing him. He’s just unable to cross the finish line. Try asking him if there’s anything else he’d like you to try. Perhaps he’d like to show you his favorite stroke himself. Maybe he’s over-stimulated and needs a short break to reset. It could be a prescription medication causing the marathon. Or maybe he simply needs to focus his mind on you, and not life’s stresses.


Be patient, talk about it, and work together to find your solution. V


Sadie Sez:


Is he a frequent pickle pumper?
If he masturbates at the drop of a hat, it could be his over-yanking thats desensitizing his penis to your mouth or vagina. Suggest he keep his hands off himself for a week or two, and see if his sensitive sensations return.




Safer, Cleaner, Healthier Sex


ith sex comes risk. No human being on earth is immune to today’s menu of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)—including you. You
protect yourself.


To practice safe sex means to keep the bodily fluids that can transmit STDs totally separate (blood, semen and vaginal juices). Being prepared shows that you are considerate and that you care about yourself.


Your safest path is to stay totally monogamous—and to get tested to be sure both you and your guy are free of any hidden STDs. But you’ll still need to practice birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancies.


The good news is that many of the erotic techniques in this book are designed to keep sex about as safe as sex can get. You’re pretty safe kissing, licking, nibbling, sucking and massaging your guy everywhere but his private parts. You’re pretty safe giving him the wildest skin-on-skin handjobs you can dream up. And when he rolls on a latex condom, you’re pretty safe giving him the world’s most orgasmic blowjobs.

Practice Safe Condom Use


Roll a latex condom on him.
For all vaginal, anal—and yes, oral activities—insist he wear a condom.

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