Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (34 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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Lukas’ hands slid down my sides until he reached the hem of my shirt and in one swift motion it was over my head, landing somewhere around us. He followed suit by undoing my pants letting them fall down my legs and pooling around my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them to the side then carried on leaving a trail of kisses down Lukas’ chest until I was on my knees in front of him at the top of his boxers watching them fall.

My hand wrapped around his hard cock as it throbbed in my hand. I slid my hand over his length a few times before I rolled my tongue over the tip before slowly taking him in my mouth. I could feel him throbbing against my lips as my mouth slid down, flicking the tip a few times, tasting him. Lukas’ hand dove into my hair as I picked up the pace taking him in and out of my mouth, releasing him and running my tongue up his length them swirling my tongue over the tip before taking every last inch of him again.

His hand let my hair go then reached down and pulled me to my feet and ripped my panties off then tossed them aside. His hungry mouth found mine and our tongues tangled together as he picked me up into his arms; my legs wrapping around his waist. He started walking towards his bedroom and I could feel his cock rubbing against my opening, teasing my clit. I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me, buried so deep, that I could feel it in my stomach as he slammed into me until I came undone around him.

I moaned at the thought and ripped my mouth from his. “Lukas, I need you inside me, now,” I said as I started to rock my body into his, rubbing my pussy over his cock coating it with my warm wetness. “Oh God,” I moaned loudly as my clit began to throb and my insides tightened ready to release. “I can’t hold it much longer,” I breathed out, my breath hitching at the end.

Lukas slammed my back against the wall then dove inside me, just how I wanted him; deep. Quickening his pace as he rocked in and out of me I felt my walls tighten around him, my hands grabbing onto the back of his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh. My head fell back against the wall and I let go blissfully around him and my body trembled as my orgasm continued to roll through me. Lukas walked a couple steps to his room where he dropped us on the bed and continued until he drove into me a final time, releasing himself inside me.

After a few minutes Lukas pulled out of me and we crawled under the covers where we laid in one another’s arms catching our breaths. I thought when Lukas and I had made love last night it was for the last time, and that I’d never be in his arms again or feel his lips on mine again.

Lukas’ hand then slid down my back till he reached the top of my ass then slowly slid his hand down it, grabbing it and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Lukas,” I said whispering softly, biting my lip to hide my smile.

Lukas rolled his body so his was covering mine, one arm holding him up and the other sliding from my ass and down over the back of my thigh. My hands gripped his biceps as I focused on the way he touched me and I was mesmerized by the way he looked down at me.

“You’re perfect Lex, how that asshole could do what he did to you for so fuckin’ long is a mystery.” He shifted moving between my legs.

I lifted my hand up and ran it tenderly over the side of him face, brushing my thumb over his cheek. “It’s over now baby,” I whispered, wanting to feel nothing except for him.

“Never have to worry about him again, you’re with me Lex and I won’t let anything happen to you or Finn,” he promised his eyes blazing with a soft flame that made the grey dance.

“Lukas, it’s not something you need to–”

“I lost someone close to me a few years ago Lexie,” he paused searching my eyes and I knew he was talking about Aimee. “She was like a sister, someone I cared about and I lost her in a matter of seconds.”

“Lukas,” I said looking at him affectionately. “You don’t have–”

“I lost Aimee suddenly and couldn’t do anything to stop it. One minute she’s at my place laughing over beers then,” he paused looking away from me, his eyes unlike I’d ever seen them before, “I’m arriving on scene to this fuckin’ car crash. Car meets cement block then explodes. She died instantly and I couldn’t save her.”

I hadn’t seen Lukas look so vulnerable before. His eyes sad and full of sorrow, something I wasn’t used to. I was used to strong, thick headed, caveman Lukas who’d just pick me up and go.


But lying beside him, I was witnessing a different side of him, a side so heartbreaking yet beautiful; it took my breath away.

“Baby,” I said softly as I brushed a piece of his hair that fell into his face off to the side. “It’s not your fault, it was a terrible accident.”

“It wasn’t.”

It wasn’t? I thought Teri said it was an accident.

“What do you mean, it wasn’t?

“Reports came back saying speed was a factor. I knew her, one of the safest and slowest fuckin’ drivers you’d ever meet. There’s no way she was going as fast as they said.” He looked down at me. “No fuckin’ way Lex.”

“You think it was something else?”


“Someone?” I asked my brows pulling together.

Lukas brushed the piece of hair that had fallen on my cheek aside. “Someone killed Aimee and I couldn’t stop it, I’m not going to let something happen to someone else I love,” he said deeply.


I heard Lukas right when he said it; there was no mistaking it and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what I felt for Lukas, I knew I cared about him, more than I thought was humanly possible and I knew there was something between us; I knew all along just refused to deal with. But love? I didn’t know what it meant to be in love or what love felt like, all I knew was that my emotions and feelings were all over the place.

So I did the only thing I could think of. I lifted my head and crashed my mouth on to his.

Minutes later Lukas was back inside me and I knew he was going to stay true to his word and we’d be spending the night making love; something I was perfectly fine with.




Standing outside his window I watched Lukas and Lexie as they stumbled into his room, both naked, and her legs wrapped around him as they fell onto his bed then continued to fuck.

That bitch.


I watched as Lexie crawled up the bed, getting a perfect view of her naked body from where I stood outside the window. Closing my eyes I saw her, with me, naked, tits bouncing as she crawled the length of the bed up to
then hovering over my hard, waiting cock. Her mouth pulled into that fucking smirk of hers before she lowered herself over me, covering my cock with her pussy as she started to rock her hips back and forth; my hands cupping her tits and squeezing.

The vision of Lexie, naked, fucking me vanished as I felt my cell phone vibrate from inside my jeans pocket.

“Fuck,” I hissed reaching inside; my cock hard as rock pushing against the inside of my jeans.

I looked at the screen and silently cursed. I stepped away from Lukas’ window before flipping it open. “Yeah,” I said in a low growl, not happy about being disrupted.

“I’m a day out,” the voice on the line said.


“Change of plans, call me when you get to town,” I said.


“I thought we were–”

For fuck sakes.

“We have a problem, and I need your help removing it first.”

“I’ll be there tomorrow night, Thursday morning the latest.” Then the line went dead.

I snapped my phone shut then shoved it into my pocket as I walked back to the window to see them going back at it under the covers.

“Couple more days bitch, just a couple more days until you’re
. Enjoy him while you still can,” I said to myself watching them a few more seconds before I turned and walked away.




“Baby,” Lukas’ soft voice whispered in my ear. I snuggled deeper into the comfort of his bed pulling the blankets tighter. “Know you’re awake,” he teased in my ear, “I have to get to work.”

“Mmm-kay,” I mumbled into the pillow, my eyes still closed and my body surprisingly relaxed and content for being up half the night with Lukas.

He was a man of his word on many things.

Lukas kissed the side of my head. “Made you breakfast if you’re hungry. Fresh fruit with that vanilla yogurt you like. It’s in the fridge, with orange juice.” My eyes opened half way through what he was saying. I didn’t remember ever telling him what I liked for breakfast or what yogurt I preferred. “With lots of pulp,” He smirked down at me.

The man really did pay attention.

“Lukas,” I said softly looking up at him. It was only breakfast to him, but it felt so much bigger than that to me, no one had ever done anything like it for me before. I was always the one making breakfast for everyone and taking care of them before I looked after myself.

Lukas was the first man to ever take care of me and not just for breakfast.

It felt nice.

Before I could say more Lukas bent down and pressed his lips against mine, silencing me. “Get used to it Peaches. Can’t tell the future but I plan on taking care of you for a long time.” His lips kissed mine again quickly. “Have to get to the station; I’ll be by later on.” His hand smoothed over my hair then he was up and walking out of the room leaving me, naked and in his bed.

Shortly after he left, I laid in his bed for awhile thinking of last night’s events. He knew everything, about Dex, about leaving, the packages, he knew all of it and it felt completely right. There wasn’t a single feeling of despair or remorse, no more feeling like the weight of the world was resting on my shoulders, nothing other than fear; fear for Lukas now being involved.

Climbing out of bed I jumped into the shower quickly before getting ready to head back to Mollie and Finn. Putting on my jeans and bra I started looking through Lukas’ drawers for a shirt, knowing he wouldn’t mind. I pulled one from the bottom of the pile and heard something hit the bottom. Hesitating closing the drawer I pulled the baggy
shirt over my head, contemplating on whether to look or not.

Oh hell.

I reached in feeling around until my hand gripped around something cool and heavy. I could tell from the feel that it was a picture frame. As I pulled it out, I turned it over in my hands and saw Lukas looking back at me. He looked different then now, clean shaven and shorter hair; a completely different person. His eyes were full of laugher and happiness as he had his arm wrapped around a beautiful blonde girl almost half his height.

Her sun kissed blonde hair hung down in soft curls past her shoulders. Her honey eyes glimmered back while her smile was bright and happy. Her head was resting against Lukas’ chest, her arms wrapping around his waist and they looked happy, not in love, just simply happy and in the moment. Then it dawned on me. I knew the girl in the picture.


I studied the photo a few more minutes, thinking about what Lukas had told me last night. He believed someone killed Aimee, that it wasn’t an accident. I hadn’t stop thinking about it, even as I looked down at her, wondering who would want to hurt her but also curious as to why Lukas was so convinced. I didn’t fully believe it was just the speed factor, I had a feeling it was more, that there was something he wasn’t telling me; something he knew.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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