Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (36 page)

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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“Okay, well Lukas is heading over with a unit and he wants us out of here and at his place, so go pack a bag and then we’ll go.” Nodding Mollie got up and swiftly walked across the room and upstairs.

“Mommy, now can you tell me where we’re going?” Finn asked coming back into the living room with his bag on his back.

“We’re going to stay at Lukas’ for the night,” I said, smiling, trying to hide my fear.

“Why?” he asked

“Because...” I trailed off not sure what to tell him. “Because he’s got a really big television and he invited us over to watch that new movie you’ve wanted to see so badly, how’s that sound?” Glad Finn couldn’t tell I was lying.

“Awesome!” Finn exclaimed, his eyes growing wide and bright. “It looks so cool, with the Lizard and
has a new suit in this one.”

I couldn’t help but smile at Finn’s excitement. “Sounds good, get your coat on and we’ll wait for auntie, then go.”

Finn dashed off to the back door to grab his coat then ran back, rushing to put it on along with his shoes. “I’m so excited Mommy. Are we sleeping at Lukas’ too?”

I bent down to help him with his shoes, “I think so bud, is that okay? I packed your pajamas and your favorite stuffy.”

“Booyah, I love sleepovers,” he shouted, pumping his fist in the air.

“You’ve never had one silly,” I laughed as I finished the last shoe. “And when did you start saying booyah?”

“They sound fun.” He walked to the door grabbing one of his bags just as Mollie ran down the stairs. “Auntie, we’re going to Lukas’ cause he wants to watch the new
movie, and we’re having a sleepover there too, cool huh?”

“Super cool bud,” she said, her smile tight and I could see the worry in her eyes.

“Let’s go shall we.” I grabbed my bag and made sure Finn had everything he needed then opened the door and heading back to Lukas’.



“You’re staying with me until this shit is over,” Lukas whispered grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

Lukas was still worked up since he got home just before dinner. There had been no sign of forced entry, so no one knew how whoever broke in had got in, especially with Mollie and Finn asleep right across the hall. He explained that everything, my bedding and the perfume included, had been bagged and taken in to be dusted for prints and searched for any traces of left behind DNA but he had a feeling they wouldn’t find anything.

“Lukas, we can stay at the hotel instead of imposing on you,” I said looking around the corner into the living room, seeing Finn asleep on the couch.

“You’re staying here,” he said firmly. “I have the space and I want you guys here. And I want this shit sorted so you guys can fuckin’ breathe again,” he said taking a pull of his beer.

“Any leads?” I asked hopping up on the counter sitting across from him.

“No, but we’ll get him.” Lukas sipped his beer, his eyes on me. I ran my hands through my hair gathering it into a messy bun on top of my head.

I’d been going over it all day in my head. It didn’t make sense for Dex to be behind everything that was going on, and taking everything into consideration it just didn’t fit. He may see the chase of getting to Finn and me a game but taking his time and putting all the effort was not his forte.

Lukas walked over to me and moved between my legs. “What’s got your mind spinning like an out of control carrousel?” He brushed his lips across my forehead softly.

“I was just...” I wrapped my legs loosely around his waist. “I was wondering if the two were connected, the attacker and whoever is leaving things and who broke into the house.”

Lukas ran his hands up and down the sides of my thighs, “It’s possible, we’re looking into it but I don’t think so.”

“Why? Wouldn’t it make sense?”

“Yes and no. Yes, because you got away and have been the only one we know about whose done so. No, because the gifts are too personal Lex, whoever is doing it knows you and he’s using it to get to you.” Lukas’ hands slid to the small of my back and pushed me closer into him.

“You think it’s Dex.” I said wrapping my hands around his forearms.

“Or,” his eyes narrowed slightly, his brows knitted together.

“Or...” I urged.


“Erik?” I laughed.

Lukas’ jaw clenched, the muscle on the side twitching. “Lex, I’m serious. What do you know about the guy, other than he has a thing for you.” My laugh subsided as I looked at him.

He was serious, nothing about his features said he was kidding, instead they said he’s not fucking around.

“Lukas, you
be serious. Erik? Erik who’s dating Mollie, you think he’s the one sending everything and broke into the house and
in my bed.” I looked at him like he was insane, ‘cause it was the most outrageous thing I’d ever heard and looked at him like he was crazy.

“Not a crazy assumption, you don’t know the guy very well. Plus we both know he’s into you, he doesn’t hide the fact very well.” Lukas did have a point, there were times I’d find Erik looking at me in a certain way or his hand would somehow end up touching me, whether it being one of my arms or the small of my back but I never thought anything of it other than being friendly.

“I know you don’t like him Lukas but there’s no way Erik could be behind this, there’s just
way,” I told him shaking my head, not believing any of it.

“Who are you trying to convince more Lex, me or you?”

“You, I know it’s not him,” I said confidently. “He’s really into Mollie and she’s
into him, so can we just drop this now. It’s either Dex with whatever he’s playing at or it’s someone else, who
Erik.” I was getting annoyed. “What about Colt?”

“From what you told me about Dex, he doesn’t fit. He beat the shit outta you for how long and what, now he’s sending you gifts like he’s trying to win your heart or some kind of bullshit like that? It just doesn’t fit or make sense.” He paused, thinking about my last question. “Colt Fisher isn’t smart enough to run his own damn bar let alone break into your house, I mean he’s a douche but he’s a dumb douche.”

Again, he had another point. Because, unless Dex suddenly cleaned his act up and was now finally sober and came to the realization of what happened and everything he lost, then that didn’t sound like Dex, that just sounded like a huge sick joke. It would never happen, Dex wasn’t one to change.

Not ever.

“Dex could –”

Lukas shook his head. “He’s not, if he was anywhere near you I’d know.”

I reeled back. “How?”

“Babe, I’ve told ya already.”


He nodded once then tilted forward, his lips brushing against my forehead and I knew the conversation was over and the questions I had about Kane would again be left hanging, unanswered.

“Lexie?” Mollie’s voice sounded from behind Lukas.

Lukas grabbed his beer that was next to me and stepped out from between my legs and Mollie came into view. “Yeah Moll?”

“I’m gonna go stay with Erik tonight,” she said grinning brightly.

“Are you sure?”

“Definitely,” she chuckled, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

“Okay, you still able to watch Finn in the morning for me?”

“Yep, I’ll come early and bring breakfast.”

“Deal,” I said as I hopped off the counter.

“Okay, bye.” She bounced turning to leave only to stop. “Oh, Finn passed out on the couch. I wasn’t sure where he was sleeping so I just covered him with the blanket and let him sleep.” I nodded and watched her turn and leave.

I moved towards the living room but stopped when Lukas’ hand captured my wrist. “I got him.” He kissed my lips then stepped around me, his long legs striding across the living room swiftly.

I stood back watching as Lukas gently peeled the blanket off Finn then lifted him in his arms, Finn’s head resting on his shoulder and his small arms dangling as they made their way down the hall and into the spare room. I walked over to the couch and picked up the blanket, folded it and placed it back in its place at the end of the couch.

“He’s completely crashed, not a movement when I put him down, just rolled over,” Lukas said amused as he stood behind me. His hands slid down the length of my arms until he entwined our fingers and pulled our hands to rest on my stomach. His head bent forward so his chin rested on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath over my skin making my body tingle for his touch.


Nothing ceased to exist around him. When it was the two of us it was like the world stopped.

“Yeah...” I trailed off as Lukas’ lips went to work at the crook of my neck, slowly trailing up leaving a path of wet kisses behind. My eyes fluttered shut as my head fell back against his chest. “He’s a sound sleeper,” I was able to breathe out.

“Like his mom,” he muffled against my skin.

I mumbled, “I am?”

“Mmm,” I felt him smile against my neck. “He just doesn’t snore like you.”

“I do not,” I exclaimed and spun around in his arms, “If anyone snores it’s you.”

“Nice try baby.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Whatever, I’m going to take a shower before bed.” I stood up on my toes and gave him a lingering kiss on his jaw. I walked around him smirking, leaving him in his place.

Climbing into the shower, I let the hot water trickle over my body, washing away the remains of the day and putting me at ease and in a state of relaxation. I stood there for what seemed like hours when Lukas’ strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, causing me to jump. His hands flattened against my stomach then pulled me back against his rock-solid chest.

“Baby,” I murmured.

His lips trailed up my neck to the bottom of my ear and softly nibbled the lobe with his teeth. The water ran over both of our bodies as his hands made their way up to my breasts, rolling his thumbs over each nipple causing my breath to hitch as heat rolled between my legs.

“I know you don’t understand something you’ve never had or felt before, so therefore, I’m gonna be the one who shows you Lexie. Show you what it’s really supposed to be like when someone loves and takes care of you until it’s all you ever know, because baby, it’s all you deserve.” My head fell back against his shoulder and water lightly splashed my face. “I know you’ve been hurt in the past Lex, more than anyone deserves. I’ve seen the pain and darkness that haunts your eyes but I’ve noticed it slowly begin to fade away and turn into this incredible light that brightens your eyes, making them even more beautiful than they are and I won’t stop ‘til that light is all I see.”

My heart skipped a beat.

And again.

His words sunk into my head and into my heart, penetrating so deeply there was no end in sight. My body illuminated with a flame, so intense it was unlike anything I’d felt, my lips curled into a smile. It was like everything suddenly clicked into place and where I was standing was right where I was meant to be, that Mollie finding the house and bringing us to Camden finally had significance, just like she said it did.

Lukas Gunn.

He was saving me from the darkest depths of my past that were beginning to creep back into mine and Finn’s lives. And I felt foolish for only wanting and trying to push him away and keep him at an arms length. It was now very clear, that the new and profound feeling I began to feel the other day was the emptiness I’d always felt.

It was closing up completely and it was because of Lukas Gunn.

He was all I wanted, where I wanted to be and everything I could ever imagine for the rest of my life. Without him, I couldn’t exist.

It was Lukas.

With him nothing else mattered.

He was the one for me.

He was the one for Finn.

He was the one for us.

He was...
the one

And there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind. I knew right then that I was falling in love with him.


I was
madly and irrevocably in love with him.

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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