You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (39 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

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mind that your guide or angel may send you a message or sign

days later and when you least expect it.

The Light is Where You Are

The light is not so much a location as it is a vibration of all love, strength and peace. It is the source of energy where angels, guides, archangels and spiritual beings reside. When we pass over this is

our home. We think of reality as a place within time and space.

However in the unseen realm, reality is made up of energy vibra-

tion. It is within you and surrounding you.

Whenever you engage in medium work or other spiritual ac-

tivity it is important to invoke the energy of the light to protect and guide you. When you do this you surround yourself with an

impenetrable coat of love and safety. This will repel any lost or confused entities or negative thought forms and keep them from inter-

fering or intruding in your practice.

Here is a simple prayer of protection.

Invocation of Light

Divine source of all of life; surround me with the

white light of love and protection.

I invoke the highest love of all of

creation to be above me

within me, by my side, within my heart,

mind, body and soul protecting and guiding me.

Helping an Earth bound Spirit into the Light

It is likely that at some point you will encounter a lost or wandering spirit or ghost. These earthbound spirits are still focused in

the physical realm. Even though they can ascend into the higher

vibrations of light and love at any time, they often feel confusingly
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bound here. They do not always recognize that they have passed

over, they may not feel good enough to go into the light or they

may be stubbornly holding on to their home or property. Whatever

their reason for clinging to the physical world they need our help to find their way to the freedom of the light.

One of the most common ways to recognize the presence of an

earthbound spirit is through unusual feelings or a strange phenom-

enon that often accompanies their presence. You may hear them

walking through a house, shutting doors or tapping on walls, see

them as a fleeting images or streaks of color, feel their presence as cold spots of air or hear them speak as strange noises and sounds.

You might also intuit their presence as an uncomfortable sense

of heaviness or dread, smell them as a distasteful odor or wake at

night with the sense that you are not alone. They may try to get

your attention in an attempt to feel less lonely or they may try to contact you to ask for your help. More stubborn spirits may try to

scare you, hoping that you will leave what they consider to be their home or property.

If you sense that there is an earthbound spirit present I encour-

age you to go through the process of helping it into the light. Your efforts are never wasted. Even if there is not a spirit present you may unknowingly help an undetected spirit miles away.

There is a difference between helping a loved one into the light

and helping an unfamiliar spirit. When you have a personal con-

nection to a loved one, they accept your influence and trust your

guidance. You will not have this kind of personal connection to a

ghost, wanderer or lost spirit. In the case of an earthbound spirit is not necessary or even advised that you personally connect with

whoever you are helping over. Because earthbound spirits are al-

ready focused in the physical realm, a personal connection with

them only further confuses and keeps them bound here.

Your job in helping a ghost or lost spirit over to the light is to

act as a medium between the realms. It is important that you do

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not get personally involved with the spirit. Instead, focus your efforts in invoking the presence of an angel, guide or a spirit in the light who knows and can influence the earth bound spirit. Even

though these divine helpers are always present, an earthbound

spirit is usually not able to recognize them.

If you are new to working with the spiritual realms, I recom-

mend that you only work with earthbound spirits who reside in a

physical location that you can visit. As you become more confident

and adept with crossing spirits over, you can do this in a meditative state from your own home.

• Go to the location where the earthbound spirit has been felt

to reside. Do not ask for signs or phenomena to confirm their

presence. This only creates vibrational disharmony and makes

crossing over more difficult. It is enough confirmation that

you or another has felt or sensed a presence. There is never

any harm with this process. Who or whatever earthbound

spirit that is present (and even those who are not) benefit.

• Inwardly repeat your prayer of protection several times. As

you do this, imagine that you are surrounded by white light.

Ask that your gate keeper angel or guide be present to assist

you and the earthbound spirit.

• Ask for the assistance of a divine being. I ask for Mother Mary or Archangel Michael and their angels. However, ask for the

presence of whatever divine being you feel most connected

to. Ask for their presence and imagine the earthbound spirit

surrounded by their love.

• Send a thought message to the earthbound spirit telling him

or her that you are here to help. You can do this by projecting

a thought either aloud or silently. Tell him or her that there is

a place that they can go where they will feel loved and better

than they have in a long time. Tell them that there is a loving

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spirit close. Ask that they become aware of the presence of this

divine being. Ask them to let this being touch them or send

them love. Repeat these suggestions.

• Send the spirit the thought message that the physical realm

is no longer their home. They cannot stay here any longer. Be

firm but loving. Assure them that there is a place of love and

peace waiting for him or her.

• Ask for a loved one in the light who knows the earthbound

spirit to be present. Spirit loved ones can be very clever and

convince even the most confused souls to go with them. Ask

for the presence of the divine being to guide the earthbound

spirit and their loved one on the other side who is helping

them over, into the light. Imagine in your mind’s eye the spirit

going into the light with their loved one.

• When you feel the energy begin to fade or if you receive an intuitive confirming sign, begin to withdraw your energy. Imag-

ine yourself surrounded by light. Ask your angels and guides

to clear your energy field of anything that is not in your high-

est good. Thank all those who helped your guides, angels, di-

vine beings and those from the other side.

Some people like burning sage, sprinkling sea salt or placing

crystals in a location that has held earthbound spirits. This ensures that any negative thought form or residual energy will be cleared

and transmuted.

You can do this process whenever and wherever you sense an

unsettled and earthbound spirit. You will be liberating and freeing unfortunate lost spirits into perfect love and peace and contributing to the ascension of the planet.

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The Enlightened Medium

As you come to the end of this book, my hope is that I leave

you inspired to further explore and develop your relationship

with those on the other side. Experiencing a tangible connection

with the spirit realm can be healing, comforting, reassuring and enlightening. It shifts your perspective and heralds the beginning of a new understanding of yourself and the universe. If you have been

grieving the loss of a loved one, establishing a new means of com-

munication and connection with them will ease the pain. Whatever

your desire may be in developing your natural medium abilities,

you now know that you play a meaningful role in helping those on

the other side.

While reading through the client stories you may have identi-

fied with some of their challenges and unexpected life lessons. Even when you struggle through life’s ups and downs your efforts create

a positive flow of energy here and in the hereafter. The small acts that no one seems to notice influences and benefits your highest

purpose and your loved ones on the other side. My wish is that you

now more fully understand the importance of your daily choices,

decisions and actions. You are never alone. Your loved ones on the


other side, your spirit guides and angels are with you. There is an underlying soul plan at work in all that you experience.

Medium Types

As you continue to develop your medium abilities there are a few

things to be aware of. One of the most frequently asked question

that I receive from people who have read,
Discover Your Psychic

has to do with the scores they receive after taking the intuitive type quiz. Once you take the medium type quiz you may have similar questions. Your scores for each type may be close to one another or there might be a significant gap between your strongest medium

type and the other types. Whatever your scores are, the optimum is

to be balanced in all four types. To fully cultivate medium abilities it is necessary to be familiar with and develop intuitive ability with all four types. The exercises and meditations in chapter 13 were

created to help you to do this.

While it is important to develop all four medium types, your

strongest type will be your most reliable compass and guide. Take

time on a daily basis to listen within. Become aware of what you

may be intuitively receiving through your thoughts, feelings, body

sensations and energy field. Allow the messages that those in spirit are sending your way to unfold and guide you.

Trust Your Process

As you practice the exercises and meditations, do not become dis-

couraged if you do not immediately receive the kind of tangible

interaction and communication with your loved ones on the other

side that you expect. It often takes time to align your inner intuitive receptors with your conscious awareness. At other times you

may hear, see, feel and receive messages from the other side, only

to suddenly feel distant and unable to connect. If you have been

experiencing positive medium communication, you might also go

through a period of doubt. Your logical mind may interfere and

276 ~ Conclusion

you begin to distrust your intuitive capability and even at times,

your sanity. It is also possible that you suddenly become fearful of working with the spirit realm.

Even though it seems that the opposite is true, these are actually

signs that you are making progress. These kinds of experiences are

a normal part of integrating the flow of spiritual energy into the

more ego based aspect of your consciousness. I encourage you to

continue to practice and refine your abilities. When your determi-

nation and devotion feels tested remember it is often darkest be-

fore the dawn. Quite often, a breakthrough into a higher level of

medium receptivity and self-trust follows a period of distrust and


Reading this book is just the beginning. Continually putting

what you have learned into practice is the next step. Those in the

spirit realm will respond. As you continue to devote yourself to

communicating and connecting to your loved ones, spirit guides

and angels, it will become second nature to receive their direction and guidance.

Whatever your interest in exploring the other side may be, your

innate medium abilities should no longer be in question. You may

decide to become further refine your skills in order to help and give messages to others. Your interest might instead be to feel closer and better able to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. However

you desire to use your medium abilities, the spirit realm supports

you in your efforts.

Cosmic Revolution

We need the love of the heavens. Your loved ones, spirit guides and angels send comfort, wisdom, compassion and healing your way.

Accept it and share it. Assist those in the physical world who are

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