You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (38 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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the lights in office and commercial buildings

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Those on the other side may be responsible for coffee makers that

spontaneously turn off and on, kitchen gadgets that burn out, mi-

crowave buzzers that sound without being turned on and refrigera-

tor lights that blink or go out.


Another favorite sign from the beyond is stopping clocks or chang-

ing time. Spirits can also ring the chimes on grandfather clocks,

stop or interfere with the time on your wristband watch or play

with your car or cellphone clock


I have a friend whose television turned on every night around mid-

night. This started soon after her father died. When it woke her,

she would get out of bed, sit and watch it for a few minutes, say

good night to her father and go back to bed. They may also change

channels or give you an intuitive message to turn on the television or change channels. If you listen to this inner prompting you will

likely discover that one of your or their favorite shows or sports

team is playing.


Those on the other side love phones. Land line or cell phones it

doesn’t matter. Using a phone as a means to get our attention is the perfect metaphor for illustrating their desire to communicate with

us. They can actually call us, speak through the phone and send us

messages. Although it often appears to simply be random technol-

ogy glitches, or a garbled and incoherent message, many of myste-

rious phone activities that you experience may be coming from the


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At the exact time of my mother’s passing over, the speaker phone in my bedroom turned on at 4:04 am. The dial tone was so startling

it sounded like it was amplified. Spirits can also ring door bells, sound the car alarm and ring the bell of a timer.

Birds and Feathers

One the most common ways that the spirit realm likes to get my

attention is by dropping blue jay feathers on my path. I become

more aware and alert if I find one on my doorstep or one crosses

my path. I client of mine recently commented that there seemed to

be an abundance of blue jays in my back yard. Your loved ones may

try and get your attention through birds and feathers. Pay attention to the winged creatures around your home. Birds are often the go

between mediators between the spirit and physical realms.

Stray animals

Have you ever discovered a stray cat or dog outside of your door?

Or has one ever wandered up to you and you knew that there was

something special about it. The spirit realm works through the an-

imals and nature. Take in and love those lost animals that make

their way to you. They bring with them a special message of love.

Even if you cannot keep them, open your heart and accept their

love. Then find them a good home.


Finding coins and money is another common way that loved ones

like to get our attention. If you repeatedly find the same denomi-

nation of coin, it is likely a loved one is sending them to you. Everyone loves to find money and the spirit realm loves to send it to us. I recently found a ten dollar bill on my morning walk. It was a cosmic assurance of abundance just when I needed it.

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Have you ever looked up into the sky and noticed clouds in the

shape of a heart or some other meaningful formation? Angels and

loved ones in the light want you to know that they are with you, in the light of the sky. Listen when your intuition tells you to look up.

There might be a confirming sign looking down on you.


The spirit realm loves butterflies. With their vibrant and delicate wings, they are almost spirit. I had a friend who was going through some difficulties. She so much missed and wanted the advice and

support of her father who had passed over a few years prior. One

day while driving in her convertible she felt her father’s presence beside her. A moment later a butterfly landed on the side of her

forehead. It stayed seated there for the entire drive of over twenty miles. She took several pictures of it with her cell phone sure that no one would believe her.

Missing jewelry

Have you ever misplaced a ring, an earring or necklace, yet you

know exactly where you put it? Then several days later it is back

where you thought you had placed it. Has a crystal, key ring or

small object disappeared or appeared out of nowhere? Not all of

those on the other side are capable of moving, materializing and

dematerializing objects. But, some are. Your loved ones on the other side are learning, often right along with you, how to better communicate and connect with the physical realm. In advanced stages

many are capable of affecting solid matter in astounding ways.


Those on the other side experience music differently that we do.

While we hear with our external senses, they feel it as vibration.

Music can be soothing, exciting, stimulating and enjoyable in both

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realms. Have you ever heard a favorite song of your loved ones, at

a time when you had been thinking of them? Have you been intui-

tively prompted to turn on the radio and one of your favorite songs was playing? This is another way that our loved ones communicate

and connect with us.


Since the beginning of time, traditions throughout the world have

honored the rites of passing through various rituals and ceremo-

nies. Depending on your beliefs and spiritual practices you may

have a particular way of commemorating a loved one’s passing.

Whatever your tradition, there are a few actions that you can take

that help the spirit of your loved one to release negativity and ascend quickly into the heavenly realm.

Creating a shrine for your loved one can serve as a vessel for

continued blessings for him or her. You have most likely seen

shrines erected along highways or streets where people have passed

over through accidents. These shrines help both those in the physi-

cal and spiritual realms. They purify the energy of a place of passing and help the loved one’s spirit to leave the earth in love and

peace. They also allow loved ones a focus for their grief.

In your home or yard an altar can serve as a potent location

where you and your loved one on the other side can meet and be

in one another’s presence. Those in spirit are uplifted and helped

by these gestures. They experience and feel shrines as love and an

honoring of their most positive qualities. You can place photos of

your loved ones, flowers, crystals, some of their favorite personal objects and even their favorite foods. You can also place any items that you consider holy or pictures of spiritual masters and teachers.

I find that writing small notes to your loved one and placing it on an altar is a good way to send them a message. You might also want

to light a candle and place it on an altar at the same time every day for seven consecutive days after a loved one’s passing. This small act
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sends them positive energy for their journey into the light. In readings loved ones on the other side often describe the altars, shrines, small gardens or bird feeders, erected in their honor. Their spirit is close and at peace.

In Service to the Spirit Realm

The physical realm is just one aspect of a vast, multidimensional,

living, evolving reality. You are part of this unseen celestial mas-terpiece. It is within you, surrounding you and it is you. We tend

to operate from just a sliver of what is possible. As you harness the power of your spirit, your world expands and new realities become


One of the most important contributions that mediums pro-

vide is a glimpse of the other side that is so different than what our fears may generate and have us believe. Popular media has magnified our uncertainties and suspicions of what may lie beyond the

known. Vengeful ghosts, extra-terrestrials who want to destroy our

world, dark creatures from the pits of evil that prey on the innocent are just some of the images that films, books and video games have

planted in our consciousness. Although these kinds of negative and

evil beings can be entertaining, a part of us may wonder if they are more than just a fantasy. The unseen realm, some fear, might be a

reflection of the human world, a threatening and scary place.

In the physical world we may sometimes live in fear of being

hurt, robbed and destroyed by an unexpected catastrophe or de-

ranged person, but there is nothing to lose in the spirit realm. The spirit body never dies. When love is the strongest force and power, false threats fall away. While there are negative thought forms and confused and dark entities in the lower vibrations of the spirit

realm, they only have power if you allow them to. Once in the spirit realm fears dissolve like mosquitoes against a flame. It is this simple. This is the great awakening that awaits you in the change called death. Our loved ones on the other side want us to know this truth.

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The light is a realm of love, service and support. This is the way of the beyond.

I encourage you to experience the power of your spirit in the

here and now. As you engage in medium work you are in service to

the divine realm of love. Leagues of angels and guides travel with

you and guide your step. You become an important link in the con-

nection between the worlds.

Invitation to Your Gate Keeper

As you become more comfortable with your natural connection

with the other side, I encourage you to further explore and com-

municate with your spirit guides.
You can request the assistance of an angel or guide who can serve as a gate keeper between the

physical and spiritual realms. A gate keeper is a spirit guide or angel who guides and protects you during your interaction with the spirit world. They ensure that no spirit entity or influence that is not in your highest good enters or attaches to your energy field or your

physical body. They also help your loved ones on the other side to

better communicate with you by untangling energy information so

that it is understandable. They can amplify your communication

with your loved ones by providing an increase in psychic energy.

That you are reading this book is an indication that you likely al-

ready have a guide who is helping you as a gate keeper.


The following meditation allows you to become more familiar

with your guides and angels and better communicate with your

gate keeper. If you do not receive the kind of clear connection and communication that you would like, this does not mean that you

do not have a spiritual being guiding and protecting you. Practice

this meditation often and ask your guide or angel to send you a

sign or signal of their presence. Remember to tune into your stron-

gest medium type during the meditation.

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Meditation for Connecting to Your Gate Keeper

• Settle into a comfortable position. You may want to lay down

for this exercise. Close your eyes and take a long, deep breath

then exhale. Continue to breathe and send the warm energy of

the breath to any part of your body that is sore or tense or tight.

Then breathe out all of the tension or stress. Continue with this

cleansing breathing, each time you breathe, draw in warm, re-

laxing white light and exhale any tension from the body.

• Continue to breathe and imagine a place in nature that is

tranquil and inviting. The sun is shining down on you helping

you to feel warm and relaxed. The warm sunshine stands for

all that is positive in life, like love, kindness, and compassion.

You feel and sense trees, flower and vegetation gently swaying

in a slight breeze. You may hear water from a stream, river or

waterfall flowing in the distance. Perhaps you can also hear

the sound of birds chirping overhead.

• Everything in this environment is an expression of love and

goodness. The flowers, the gentle breeze and the soft sounds of

water in the background are all vibrating in the essence of love.

• Imagine the white light of protection completely surround-

ing you. Send a thought message to your angels and spirit

guides and ask for the presence of your gate keeper. Breathe

and relax. Continue to open your heart and feel love move

through you.

• You may sense their presence as warmth and love. You may

hear a message or receive instantaneous images, feelings,

thoughts or bodily sensations. Keep breathing and relaxing.

• Stay in this energy for as long as possible. Listen, feel, see and accept whatever comes to you. Do not become concerned or

stressed if you do not immediately experience anything.

• When you feel the energy recede, thank your angel and guide

for their help. Open your eyes and write down any thoughts,

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feelings, images or messages that you experienced. Keep in

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