Your Orgasmic Pregnancy (17 page)

Read Your Orgasmic Pregnancy Online

Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright Danielle Cavallucci

BOOK: Your Orgasmic Pregnancy
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How You Can Help Her
Your oh-so-pregnant partner may fear being incapable of satisfy- ing you sexually. Know that both of you can achieve plenty of satisfaction during this awkward stage of pregnancy with a little patience and communication. Please, partners, if you are not al- ready in the habit of doing so, let your preggie know how amazing it feels to be with her, to be pleasured by and to please her, and how much you love her. Terms of endearment and tender nothings murmured in vulnerable moments are wonderful lead-ins to all the pleasures we’ve been describing.
for partners


wear anymore, if only for five minutes and on your back, with the heels pointed upward! True, you may not be in the mood to im- personate the hottest porn stars or nude models, but take advan- tage of this unique time in your life to snap some erotic photos of yourself in all your pregnant sexy. Nude black-and-whites of you are classics you’ll treasure forever. Hey, if they turn out awful or too racy for your tastes, you can always delete, burn, or let your snooping child destroy them later. Here’s Allison: “I remember once, as akid, I foundthispictureofmymotherloungingbackon a couch—naked and pregnant. I was horrified and ripped it up. I couldn’tbelieve shedidthat. Now, as anadultandpreggie, Iwish I hadn’tdonethat. Shelooked beautifulanditwassuchawonderful

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imageofapregnantwo good about herself. An on other things she’s sh with me about that time her life, I think my par- ents really enjoyed the pregnancy phase, and that picture wasanice reminder of that.”
One of the most tan-
talizing things about dressing up in lingerie and other sexy attire is that it canallowyou to ta on different identities a play out fantasies. Fant
role-playworkwell, bothinandout of pregnancy, to transport lovers out of their mundane reality and


Figure 4.8
Dressing up can be a fun way to involve fantasy
into a lusty mindset. They can also serve as a powerful impetus to propel you out of a sexual rut.
If you think dress-up and role-play may be too extreme for you, know that there is a wide range of options to explore, from the tame to the hardcore (see Figure 4.8). We can pretty much
guarantee that you’ll find a comfort zone. If your fantasies seem too far “out there” or potentially offensive, use the trademark “I’m pregnant” excuse, and toss the blame on your hormones. Enjoy this opportunity to lay the foundation for an unbridled sex life after your pregnancy is over, especially if you’ve been appre- hensive in thepast about telling yourpartneryourmostunabash- edly scandalousfantasies. Freedbythefactthat you’re “crazy” with child, any scenario goes. Let your lover see how “dirty,” “freaky,” or “kinky,” you can be, then blame your hormones for your tri- ple-X desires. Explore forbidden territory while you can get away with it!
Used properly, fantasy can arouse lovers to climax with sur- prising intensity and speed. It can help them to overcome anxi- eties and hesitations, explore new sexual outlets, and gain sexual confidence. Just think—no matter how you’re feeling or what your pregnant body looks like, fantasy can make you utterly at- tractive, sexy, powerful, andmaddeninglydesirable. Theelement of imagination in fantasy can do wonders for boosting your self- image; the efficiency with which fantasy does the trick can spare your energy.
We came up with some fantasy scenarios to fire your and your lover’s imaginations. Peruse the list by yourself or together. Ex- pand on or alter our suggestions to suit your own tastes and proclivities. With the application of a little creative energy, we guaranteethat you’ll bedreamingupsaucyscenesofyourownbe- fore long!
  1. Pretend that you’re sexually inexperienced, and that you have no idea how you became pregnant. Tell your partner you know that you must’ve been a “bad girl,” then ask your lover to show you how this might have happened to you. Let your partner act out the whole scenario, step-by-step and hands-on, to show you exactly how bad girls get knocked up. Play dumb the whole time, repeating that you just don’t quitegetit. Couldyourolder, wiserteachershowyouagain? Playshockedandinnocent, butmoaninpleasurebecauseit feels so good.
  2. Pretend you’re a pregnant prostitute with a ravenous sexual appetite. Demand that your partner satisfy your insatia- ble sexual desire, telling him or her how and where you like it, and what you’d like to do to them. Even though you’re the one being paid, how can a client refuse the needs of a preggie? Care to shakethingsupabitmore? Pretendyou’re a knocked-up nun and your partner’s paying you retribu- tion for having broken your vows. Spankings, anyone?
  3. Imagine that you’re Mrs. Robinson and your partner is a hottie of barely legal age whom you can’t resist. Show your lover the way a real sex pro does the deed. Give samples of yourmostadvancedtricks, teasingandtitillating untilyour partnerbegsforrelief. Then, demand to besatisfied. Show your partner different techniques and positions as though they’ve never seen or heard anything of the sort before.
    Flauntthefactthat you’re alreadyknockedupasevidenceof your expertise.
  4. Be the preggie porn star we mentioned earlier. Talk dirty the whole time. Say, “Mommy can’t wait to have your dick,” or“Mmmm,thispreggieprincessiscravingyourcream,”or “Give my hot pussy your stiff cock,” or “I’m totally strapped up and stuffed—can’t wait to fill you,” or “Now that you’ve knocked me up, you need to tie me down,” or “Ooooh, this preggie plaything needs to be punished.” As you can see, the possibilities are endless—
    you surrender to your in- nerpornstar. You maywant to rougeyournipplesandwear more makeup than usual. Paint your nails a racy shade of red or black and really vamp it up. Wear a garter belt (no panties) under a lacy baby-doll top, and don your slutty sti- lettos. Try taking your partner’s penis between your feet or fingers with their dark, enameled nails, “threatening” his member (playfully, of course) with those painted talons. Your red, lipsticked mouth around his cock has the same effect. And don’t forget to swallow! You are a porn star, af- ter all.
Speaking of porn, even if it’s typically not your thing, tons of print, online, and video pornography showcases the babe with baby. When
magazine was in production, practically ev- ery second issue featured a pinup of a hot, ripe mama shaving her swollen vulva, tied up like a sex slave, practicing discipline
dominatrix style, or getting down with a vibrator, daddy, or les- bian lover. Although the images of them are computer-enhanced (as is thecasewithanycenterfoldmodel), theseplaymates ofpreg- nancy are great examples of positive portrayals of

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spiration for

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ve and active preggies—and in- you to stay in full swing! ugh we warned you in Chapter 2 any sadomasochistic (S&M) ac- s, you and your lover are in the r when it comes to bondage and mination (B&D), S&M’s tamer ounterpart. We encourage the adventurous among you to in- dulge such fantasies! Whether or not you and your lover have everdabbledinerotic-restraint play, such activities are perfect for preggies and their part- ners. Theyarered-hotnaughty enough to get both lovers off, often without intercourse. In ct, many people surprise them-
selves by finding that they can get off
Figure 4.9
A preggie tied up with bondage tape
solely on naughty acts of playful aggres- sion, including biting, being tied up (see Figure 4.9), orbeing“forced” to satisfy a dominant lover’s sexual desires.


What’s Going on with Your Partner
Your honey is also experiencing libido changes. He or she may be more turned on or totally turned off by your pregnancy. In the case of the former, part of your partner’s excitement has to do with the fact that he or she is having sex with a “different” woman. The newness of the experience, whether it’s because of how you feel or how you look, can really get your partner off. Join in by playing up the mystery. Lose yourself in the fantasy of naughty seductress or dirty little housewife, and get free of the “But I’m a mama” mentality. Pretend your partner really is making love to another woman, one who’s a bit Lolita “bad.” Cut loose, have an out-of-body experience, and let your imagination run wild.
for hot mamas
Carpe Diem
Massagesandcuddlingcanprovideaheightenedsenseofintimacy during T3. Use touch techniques to stimulate your senses, keep you connected with your partner, and increase waning desire. Stoke the flames of passion with scented candles and other ambi- ance enhancers. Aromatherapy oils infused with rose, lavender, geranium, chamomile, or spicy scents are wonderful additions to late-pregnancy massages. A good massage not only relieves ten- sion, stress, fatigue, and pain, but also can help the growing fetus by eliminating toxins from the mother’s lymphatic system.
Regardless of how you choose to spend it, savor this precious last bit of time alone with your partner. It will be at least eighteen years until your full autonomy as a couple returns! Sabine says, “Throughout the rest of our life, finding time for lovemaking will be a challenge, so we need to cherish the time we have with no other things going on.”
Obviously, you should never have sex if you really don’t want to. Bowoutwithapolite“Nothanks” or“Notthisevening,” with- out guilt. And know that your partner has as much right to refuse as you do. Raleigh handled her husband’s opting-out gracefully. “Ever since the thirty-six-week mark, when the doc could feel the baby’s head with his fingers, Pirro Cy said he wasn’t coming near me. It’s now a nonissue. Sex doesn’t happen. Yet we’re closer than we’ve ever been, intimate through touch, cuddling, petting, kiss- ing. He’ll sit there in my arms and I’ll caress him or kiss him.”
Inyoursexlife, as ineverything, honoryourtrueselfandyour heart’s desires. However, don’t forget to entertain the possibility of using sex to expedite delivery. Research indicates that sex may actually make D-day happen much more quickly and smoothly. Read on.

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