A Mother's Love (10 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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              Yeah I was definitely going to shake my ass tonight. Jr. had me high and cracking up. My brother had too many problems with his ladies. He just hadn’t met that woman to tame him. The weed had me hungry as hell.

“Bro go make me something to eat.” I said playing.

“Shit sis you better get your ass in there and hook some shit up. You know my hoes cook for me.”

“You old lazy ass nigga.” I said as I got up.

I went to the kitchen and took out some salad lettuce I was going to make a salad and Jr. lazy ass would just be mad. I made a big ass salad with lettuce, bacon bits, tomatoes, cucumbers, left over chicken breast, and carrots. To my surprise Jr. didn’t complain, shit he usually do, must have been hungry.

“So Daphne I was wondering can I stay with you for awhile?”

“Of course no need to wonder I got you.”I said.

I didn’t mind Jr. staying with me. He was a clean person as long as he didn’t have no baby mamas move in, we was cool. He must have gotten into it with Esha. That was the one with the most kids and she was ugly as all hell though. She was nice and kept my nieces and nephews up. Shit honestly Jr. had so many damn kids I didn’t even remember they names. But they were some cute kids.

“Aight Esha found out about Monique and little Malik.”

I looked in confusion, “Who and who?”

“Damn Daph you don’t know my kids name?”

“Shit you got too many,” I laughed. He laughed too.

“Ay look at it this way yall ain’t got to have none.”

“You damn right you got enough for all of us. I bet you Mama mad as hell probably shaking her head looking at all them damn kids.” We were laughing. My phone rang and interrupted us.

I looked at the phone and saw that it was my Granny Nancy I ignored it. She was probably drunk trying to apologize to me again. I don’t know why she apologized for what my Dad did to me it wasn’t her fault. Yep after my Mom died I moved with my Grandmother. My dad lived with his wife Amanda and my little sister Diamond. He would come over and see me and at first it was okay. But as I got older and started looking more and more like my mother my dad got an anger streak in him. I knew he whooped on Amanda but who have thought he would put his hands on his child.

              I had just come home from my first day in high school. I had my long hair in a ponytail. It was hot so I had on pair of jeans and a little tank top. Camron who is Shamar’s best friend went to school with me. He looked out for me and walked me home. There were boys all day trying to talk to me and trying to get my number. My dad was in the house and must of saw Cam walk me to the door. When I got in there he didn’t ask no questions he just got to beating on me. He beat me up a couple of times before Granny called the police. He cleaned himself up and never hit me again but I was still scared around him.

              I knew he beat on me because I looked so much like my Mom. While he was in jail she got pregnant with Jr., but he was beating my Mom too. That was why we were in that shelter. I never went to family gatherings when I know he is coming. My Granny still drank and every time she got drunk she apologized to me over and over again. 

              Jr. put his clothes away in one of my spare bedrooms. And I guess he was tired he took a nap.  I decided to call my little sister Violet to see if she wanted to party.

“Sissy.” I cooed into the phone.

“Aaagh! Hey big sis.” Violet screamed in the phone. She was so dramatic.

“Calm down, what you on tonight?” I said.

“Chilling with my baby tonight.” Aw shit I didn’t know which nigga she was talking about so I acted like I did. “Why what’s up?”

“Aw I was depressed I wanted to go out.” I sounded sad.

“Aw shit fuck that we going. Baby can we hit the club tonight? You know my sissy Daphne? She wanna go out and you know her ass don’t ever wanna go.”

There was a pause. “Boy shut up don’t be talking about my sister, you shouldn’t even be looking at how fine she is. Okay sis we gone go. Cash gone get us in, come get me from my house at about ten.” I heard a voice. “Naw nigga I’m entering with my sister. I’m gone call you later.”

“Okay.” I said and hung up. I guess I was going out with my sister.













Chapter Fifteen

Shane Jr.

Daphne was getting ready to go out with Violet and I had to give my big sis some pointers on how to dress. This damn girl had on a damn summer dress to go out. No wrong move. I looked in her closet and I really didn’t see anything. But I found a cute black dress that she could wear. She kept saying it’s a cocktail dress. Like what the fuck is that suppose to mean. I don’t know but when I got through with her somebody would be taking her home.

              Growing up around women I started to know what women wanted. And I know I never did what they liked but I did give them what they wanted. My sister was just too classy, she got that from Mama, but she needed to pull out all the stops if she wanted somebody to look at her it was too many thirsty hoes that would be out tonight. I know because I always caught the thirsty ones. I called my little brother Shamar and asked him did he wanna kick it tonight. He told me yeah I didn’t know where we were going but I had to look good. My next baby mama might be in that muthafucka.

              Daphne had left to go get Violet and I was still getting dressed. My phone kept ringing from Esha. She was tripping she kept leaving me messages talking shit. I wish she would just leave me alone. The only reason I came back was because I knew I could. Shit all the kids I had on her. I jumped into my Lexus and headed to my bro’s spot. Brittany had bought this Lexus for me. She didn’t even know how to drive. She was still paying the car note on this muthafucka. I really didn’t like Brittany and I treated her as such. She was just another bitch in my game. The bitch wasn’t suppose to get pregnant; she did the shit on purpose.

              Following behind my Daddy words of wisdom, “get you a white woman they will take care of you.” So that’s what I did and she does take care of me but I wish she would have never got pregnant. I bet my Mama was rolling in her grave like father like son.

              I pulled up behind Shamar’s girl Brittany white Camry. I checked the mirror and got out the car. I knocked on the door and Brittany came to the door. Bro had definitely caught. Brittany was hella fine with a lot of ass.

“Hey Brit,” I said giving her a hug.

She walked in front of me and I watched as that ass swayed. Mar was stupid I would have been put a baby in that ass. I followed her to the back room where Shamar, his boy Cam, and Mike was smoking. Those niggas just wanted to go to the club smelling like that loud pack. They the type of niggas that want to smell like the loud and since I was going with them shit I might as well too.

              We smoked about three loud blunts and then headed on out. I followed Shamar since he was taking us out. Mike got in the car with me. We didn’t want to be too deep police be quick to pull a car full of niggas over. We pulled up at the club and there was a long ass line. We walked right to the front where Shamar had us in VIP. I didn’t know bro had pull like this we had to kick it more often. We had us a little booth in the back with a bottle on the table. There was another VIP section that was in the back.

              The club was definitely packed and going down. I saw all the potential hoes up in there. They were shaking their ass and looking good too. I didn’t give a fuck how a bitch looked as long as she had a pussy as long as she was a real woman.

“Ay bro quit staring so hard act like you ain’t neva seen no ass.”

Shamar said over the music. Damn I must have been looking thirsty. I needed to chill out. I did need some new pussy though. My baby mamas were headaches. We were grooving when some bad ass Mexican chicks walked up to our table. The one must have knew Shamar cause she walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the mouth. Shamar introduced us and we allowed the ladies to choose who they felt they would like. I guess the Mexican chick with the red hair liked me. But I noticed while I was talking to her the one who Shamar introduced as his lady Lorina was checking me out. The red head was drunk. Her name was Lula. She was wasted she had a short dress and she was dancing in front of me shaking her ass but her panties was showing. I knew I was going to pull her tonigh


I know Jr. was over there suffocating with all that ass Lorina’s friend was throwing at him. All I know though one of these bitches stunk. I know it wasn’t Lorina cause I was too close to her. I looked at Jr.’s face to see if bro was having an unlucky fish smell. Nope he was good I looked at Cam and the chick he was talking to was sitting on his lap so he was good. I looked at Mike and how he kept turning his head. Bingo it was that bitch. I whispered in Lorina’s ear.

“You gone have to tell your girl to go, she funky” I pointed to the chick.

I didn’t give a fuck. Wasn’t nobody about to say they seen me and my niggas in the club with some funky hoes. Lorina got up and pulled her friend outside. I don’t know what she told her but she came back alone.

              I had been fucking with Lorina for about four months now. She was pretty as hell but I really wasn’t into her like that. She was too ghetto, too gangsta. I liked my good girl Brittany. But she was cool to kick it with. And as long as she kept giving us that weight from her Pops she would be on my arm. Speaking of that weight I had to text Problem to see how it was moving. Cam must of was thinking the same shit because I received a text no less than five minutes later saying he checked on everything. My nigga. Now all I had to do was relax because history was in the making. I let Lorina swivel her big ass around for me.

              I was looking into the crowd when I spotted my little sister Violet. She was with Daphne our big sister. I was surprised to see Daphne out. But Jr. had told me about the shit that the nigga Terance was saying to her. Yeah I was gone have to catch that nigga; talking to Sissy like that we were going to have a problem. I looked in the direction and I saw that they were headed to the VIP on the other side. That’s when I seen the nigga Cash. Fuck! I hated that my sister fucked with that nigga. He was my enemy. That nigga was getting cash money. That was only because of the legacy that his Daddy Tyler left when he left the game. I don’t think that nigga Cash put in no work.              

              And the old ass nigga should been ashamed fucking on my sister. And she was like his sister too. Cash was my sister’s Violet, daddy ex wife’s husband son. So now they weren’t technically related but he still was old as fuck. He was twenty nine years old fucking on my nineteen year old sister. I didn’t like the nigga and she knew it. I remember the first time I met him.

              Violet was sixteen and I came over her house. I knew Aunt Tesha was going to be gone so I wanted to smoke with my little sister.  I was riding down the street when I noticed this nice ass Beamer in the drive way. I called Violet’s phone to see if she would answer. I knew she was at home because she didn’t ask me for a ride to school. I rang the doorbell.

“Who is it?” I heard her saying through the door.

“This your big bro open up.” I said mad because she wasn’t answering my phone calls. She opened up. She only had on a long tee shirt.

“Put on some clothes. I been calling you why you not answering?” before she could respond Cash emerged from the back.

“What up shawty who the fuck is this?” he said walked up to Violet.

“That’s my brother.” She said looking at me. I know she could tell I was mad. My trigger finger was itching.

“Well why the fuck he talking to you like you his bitch.” This nigga had crossed the line.

“Hold up nigga she ain’t nobody bitch. And stop talking to her address me I’m in your face.” I was ready to body this nigga.

“Look calm down Mar, look yall got off on the wrong foot. Cash this is my brother Shamar, Shamar this Cash my man.”

Oh so this was the nigga that the streets were talking about. I had never seen him but he was getting money. He was Tyler’s son, Tyler was an OG.

“Look fam no hard feelings?” Cash tried to squash the beef.

“When your old ass stop fucking my sixteen year old sister that’s when this beef will be squashed.” I said as I walked out the door and I wish that nigga would try something when my back was turned.

We had finally talked things out but it was only about money. I still never liked that nigga. He had a bitch that he was with, so yeah my little sister was his side piece. Young meat while they were out. The nigga didn’t even buy her a car. Had my little sister catching rides or catching the cab, but his bitch Mahogany was straight living well, with her new Challenger. Yeah my sister was stupid but she had to learn on her own.

              Violet looked my way and I raised my bottle to my little sister. My love for Violet was unconditional. Yeah I and my brother struggled together and I loved him like no other we had that brotherly love. And Daphne was too damn emotional. She was the big sis we needed. Level headed and that’s what we needed. And Violet she was the little sister and she played her part. She was cute, innocent, and someone you just wanted to protect.

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