A Mother's Love (11 page)

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Authors: Miss Dee

BOOK: A Mother's Love
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My spirit rose into the thick club. There were wall to wall people just like I remember. The club was different and the music was different but things never changed. There was still the VIP section where I saw Violet with some guy who looked too old for her to be dating. She was breathtaking. Her micro braids were curled around her face and her makeup was flawless.

Daphne was there too she looked so beautiful she looked just like me at that age. The age that I was murdered the young age of twenty-four it brought tears to my eyes. I had to let it go my life was over but theirs wasn’t.











Chapter Sixteen


Damn I wanted to go over there and talk to my big brothers. But I didn’t wanna start any trouble with Shamar and Cash. I was glad my sister Daphne wanted to come out with me. She never did anything and she was getting loose. She was on the dance floor doing her thang. I didn’t even know my sister could dance like that. She was shaking her ass all over the club.

              I was drinking on some Ciroc and sitting next to Cash. I really wanted to dance but I wasn’t about to. Shit not only was Shamar in the club but so was Jr. Both my brothers were there I would usually demand attention but I wasn’t that bold not in front of my brothers at least. I didn’t know they came to this club.  After a while sitting there watching Daphne dancing, I decided to go down there and dance with her. But I knew I had to behave myself.

              I looked towards Shamar and he was watching his little Mexican date. So I decided to let loose. What was I thinking? Shamar knew that I was fucking, knew I stole, and he smoked with me so why would he care if I was dancing especially with my sister. I was tripping. I was dancing with Sissy and we were having fun. Sissy was definitely attracting all the attention with her moves. I mean damn Sissy really knew how to dance. I was cheering her on, and I seen Shamar and Jr. come out of VIP to see who all the attention was on. They came next to me. Shamar screamed over the music,

“I see Sissy getting loose.” I started laughing.

We were laughing looking at Sissy get loose. Daphne came up to me and pulled me with her. Oh shit she had pulled me in the spotlight I couldn’t be shy no matter who was looking. I started shaking my ass with her. I looked over at Shamar and Jr. They were laughing. Thank God. I thought they were going to be mad. Some dudes tried to dance on us and Shamar pushed them out the way. I don’t know what he was telling them but the dudes got the hint. Daphne wanted another drink so we went to bro table to get some more free drinks. The little Mexican girl that was with Shamar looked mad, she probably thought that we were some females he was fucking.

              He introduced us and the anger look turned into a smile. We sat next to her and I was chatting with her messing with her about Shamar. Daphne was too busy drinking. Jr. got up and started dancing and bugging with the music. He must have been drunk and feeling himself. We were laughing and having a good time. I never got to kick it with my siblings like this. I knew Cash was pissed because I had left him and came over here with them. But oh well this was my family.

              After about twenty minutes I got up and went back to where Cash was at. He had some little chick in his face. I didn’t give a fuck though. I sat next to him and grabbed a bottle. He tried to ignore me. I texted Sissy to make sure she knew where I was. She told me she would be over there in a minute she was trying to game on Jr. and Shamar’s friend Mike. Hell I had to give it to her he was fine.

              Cash was still ignoring me and him and the bitch was being real disrespectful. She was now sitting in his lap like I was not his date and he was rubbing on her leg. I had had enough. I got up and started dancing to the music. I looked at my phone and seen a text from Shamar “u gone take that disrespect?”

I looked at him to let him know I had this. I kept dancing to the music and started dancing in front of Cash and the chick.  I had my drink in my hand.  I did a little swivel with my hips. Cash was loving the way I was dancing I guess he thought I was suggesting a threesome but no not I. I threw my drink right in his face. He jumped up and knocked the girl off his lap. I walked right on over to where my brothers were at. Yeah nigga try something. I sat next to the Mexican girl that was with Shamar and she slapped me five. And I finished partying with my family fuck Cash. I already put up with his main bitch Mahogany but disrespect in front of my face that was not going to be tolerated.


I was drunk! And I know that one thing Mike was fine. I mean I had seen him before with Jr., but now that I was drunk and horny I needed to make a move. Shit and once I came over there he did it for me. We were just sitting there we had already exchanged numbers and he was telling me how fine I was. I don’t know what Violet was on but one minute she was with her man and then the next she was back with us. All I know was she was gone have to drive me home. She could stay with me.

              We left the club when it let out. Mike and Jr. walked us to my car and I had Violet drive.  I couldn’t I was too drunk. We hopped in and she sped off.

“I’m hungry Violet.” I was hungry as hell. All that drinking made me hungry and we had smoked a blunt on our way to the club.

“Where you wanna go?” she said sparking a blunt. Now the smell of the haze was making me more hungry.

“It don’t matter just get me some food!” I screamed. Violet started laughing.

“Sissy you drunk” we pulled up at the restaurant. We sat in the booth and Violet ordered me some coffee. She was on point because I needed to drive myself home.

“Drink the coffee Sissy then you should be okay.” We ordered our food and she told me about the nigga Cash. She told me about the shit he tried to pull.

“So do you really think he think you fucking Mar?”

“Bitch the nigga asks me that shit every time I’m with bro. The nigga is sick.”

We continued to converse and I had to admit that my sister had an interesting life. She was definitely wild. I knew she was but I really never knew how wild. We never really had girl to girl talk I had been in school and the only one who really came to visit me was Jr. I learned very quickly that Violet was a go getter and she would do whatever. I had to give her props I was just too damn scary to be so bold like her. We hopped back in my car so I could take her home. Her phone rung for the hundredth time Cash was definitely pissed about her throwing that drink in his face.

“Damn what Cash.” I could only hear him yelling. “So fucking what nigga don’t disrespect me like that.”

She was smiling at me. “Nigga please I was talking to my brothers duh. You so damn silly you need to get your mind right nigga.”

He said something else. “Hell no! Don’t come to my house! I’m not about to argue with you.” She hung up. “I think I’m gone have to call Shamar or something this nigga tripping.”

              We pulled up in front of Aunt Tesha’s house and we saw Cash’s silver Jaguar in front. Violet looked pissed, but she also looked scared. I don’t know if Cash hit her before but she was looking like she knew what to expect.

“Call Shamar tell him to come over here now.” She said handing me her phone.

She sat in my car and stared at Cash’s car. At that moment I knew he had been hitting on her. I started dialing Shamar’s number. Cash got out his car and came towards my car. Violet got out and met him in the grass. Shamar answered.

“This Sissy I think Cash gone hit Violet.” They had started arguing. He was screaming at her and she wasn’t backing down. She had her finger in his face.

“Where yall at?” he urgently said.

“Aunt Tesha.” Just then he started choking my little sister. “Hurry up.” I hung up the phone.

I don’t know what kind of bitch he thought I was to just let him choke my sister. I grabbed my club for my steering wheel and got out of my car.

He had thrown her to the ground by now.

“Bitch you ain’t shit.” He was saying to her.

She saw me sneaking up on him and got to her feet. I cracked him over his back with the club. It must have hurt because he fell instantly. We didn’t give him time to get up.  I kept hitting him with the club and Violet was kicking him in his head. We were whooping him up real good. I was hitting him with the club but not in the head. I didn’t want to kill him just hurt him. We didn’t want him to have any strength to get us back.

              Just then Shamar pulled up with Cam. He saw us whooping on Cash and broke it up. Shamar picked Cash up and choked him to his car. He opened the door and threw him in. “Nigga I would whoop your ass but my sisters already did.” Cash drove away but we knew this wasn’t going to be last we heard from him.

Now that’s what I am talking about fuck him up girls. My girls don’t play Denesha thought as she watched her daughter beat on Cash. I’m glad they stick together. Look at my Shamar coming to the rescue. He was too late they done wore that boy out. Denesha had been looking over her kids the whole day and she was disappointed, joy, and scared all at the same time. All the things she would of felt if she was alive. She didn’t like the fact that Shamar was selling drugs but he still was a stand up guy when it came to his sisters. Jr. was too much with all his damn kids. He needed to get himself together. Daphne was definitely like Denesha she was strong yet still so weak. She needed to find her inner strength. And Violet was lost she needed to find herself.








Chapter Seventeen


I hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. And although we had to beat Cash’s ass I still had fun with my sister and brothers. Living with my Grandmother had really kept me sheltered. I loved her but she babied me a lot. And although my Dad beat me on me I still lived a pretty good life. I just really missed my Mom. I remember the day before she died. She was doing me and Violet’s hair for her wedding. She was curling our hair. I always had long hair like my Mom.

I remember she looked at me and said “Daphne you gone be a heart breaker girl. But don’t let your looks make you into a person that would destroy lives. Use your beauty in a good way.”

              I really missed her a lot. When we had to be split up I remember I protested. Here I was ten years old and the social workers came when the police came to get Quincy.

I stood with the door open and asked them, “What do yall want?”

But I knew because Quincy had explained it to us even before they came. They split us up and I cried, kicked, and screamed. I was so happy that nothing tore us apart especially since Aunt Tesha made sure we got along and saw each other.  I was so emotional every time it was time to leave. I would hold Violet and cry. But as we got older we still maintained contact.

              Especially Jr. and I. Shane the boys daddy was a rolling stone. So they just followed. But that was where they wanted to be. But sometimes when Jr. got tired of sleeping on the floor he would sneak over my house and sleep in the bed with me. I remember Grandma thought he was a random boy. But I explained it to her that he was my little brother. Jr. would want me to stay up all night and tell him about Mama. I guess because I was the oldest I knew more.

              I would tell him about all the things we did. How Mama would take us places and she always wanted to take pictures. And he would fall asleep agreeing with me. I really didn’t have a relationship with Shamar. I really didn’t know what my little brother thought of me. He never called me or he never really reached out to me. I know sometimes he felt like the eldest. He was strong for him to have been a premature baby. He was a strong man I just didn’t like the way he chose to live.

              And of course my baby sister Violet was my prize possession. I loved her with all my heart. That was how Mama would have wanted it for us to treat her like the baby. She was pretty too just a little wild. But she was young she would calm down one day. She was just lost. I think she kind of felt bad because her Dad being gay and lying to Mama is the reason why we lost Mama. But none of us blamed her we blame Ricky and Vincent her Dad.

              I had been talking to Mike every since the night at the club. He was a real cool dude too. I had known him since we were little because he was Jr.’s friend. He was a funny looking little boy but he turned out to be a handsome young man. Today I had half a day at the hospital I worked 12 hour shifts except Wednesdays that was a five hour shift. So Mike was going to take me out to lunch. I had gotten off of work and was heading home when I got the text from Mike “I’m ready whenever you are.” I responded back and told him I just needed a quick shower and then we could go. I got dressed and waited for Mike to come get me.

He came around five and I got in the car.

“Damn ma you look good.” He said looking at me in my sundress. He looked good himself. He had dreads just like Shamar but his was down to his back, he was brown skinned with a sexy goatee.

“Thanks you look good too.”

He was going to say something when his phone rang. He answered. I could only hear his side of the conversation but I could tell he was talking to Shamar. He looked at me with uneasiness. Oh wow I bet something came up. He got off the phone.

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